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the power of the Bhagavad Gita

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to me the power of the Gita is that it shows you God is with you at all times; through the activities of mind, senses, breathing, and emotions; and is constantly doing all the work using you as a mere instrument. please no need to be defensive, i have already described myself as a hindu previously on this board and i think it is quite clear from my messages.

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for me the gita has changed my way of life and thinking. whereas before i accepted myself and my actions to be of 'good' nature, i now realise there is a whole new concept and ideals to reach. if id read the gita many years ago, i would have been able to make decisions much better, and solve problems easier. for me it guards against suffering and provides a highly respectable and acceptable view on who and what God is. it is a question and answer book for me. it has taught me faith and purification. there is no problem in the world that cannot be solved through the gita, in my opinion. imagine the harmony if people everywhere put their mind to

understand and practicing its lessons? and for me most importantly, it conveys a message where the vedas dont have the same impact. i take this book with me to work, and i take it when i have my quiet time, because i can never stop reading its truths.

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  • 7 months later...

your statement that Bhagwatgita is simple is astounding Bhagwatgita is not simple,in fact it is the most complicatied mumbo jumbo ever, giving stuff like Sankhyayog in one chapter & vishwarupdarshan which is pure fantasy in another. all 18 chapters face in 18 directions.

Take one most famous sloka for example:

'Karmanyne wa adhikarste ma faleshu kadachan---'


Which is supposed to mean do your karma & do not expect any fruit .Which is stupid . have you ever come across anyone not expecting something for his effotrts , even a yogi does his tapas etc. for 'moksha' which is a fruit of his tapas.There is nothing wrong in expecting and accepting a just fruit or reward for your actions or efforts.This shloka is pure hypocracy.

You may be a puppet ,I am not .I am a human being who can take action & is responsible for it .Which is the most glorious thing about being a human.



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simply because you are unable to apply any of the knowledge to your life (or because you dont particularly want to), doesn't make an ancient holy book 'stupid'. have a bit of respect, it happens to be something millions of people around the world abide by, as God's word.

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{I am a human being who can take action & is responsible for it .Which is the most glorious thing about being a human.}


You've also proved that your not a very bright human being.

Learn to use your head a little. There are many intelligent scholars both Eastern and Western, including the likes of Einstein who have nothing but praise for the Gita. You just shown that you just don't get it.

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all 18 chapters face in 18 directions.


I disagree. The main direction is Krishna Conciousness and turning from a material way of thinking. As was the case with Arjuna in the very 1st chapter. He was troubled, forgot, and therefore thought as the material wo/man thought. Then he shows us that is we take Krishna as our teacher, let him guide our chariot, then we can be guided.


Arjuna said: My dear Krishna, O infallible one, illusion is now gone, I have regained my memory by Your mercy. I am now firm and free from doubt and am prepared to act according to Your instructions. [bVG 18:73]


Because you doubt the scripture you are sure not to understand it [bVG 4:40].

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The understanding I have of this verse referred to by ajit is the we humans have 'control' of our actions but not the results of our actions, the fruit. So we must just simply focus on ensuring that our actions are good and of the highest quality possible.

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Hari OM


Even though Gita was addressed to Arjun, it does analyaze so many different concepts that every body can have their own interperations, it depends on your view and attitude. Lord does not endorse this or that Path, He says whatever Path you want to take do it perfectly and easiest of all paths is Karma.


The understanding i got after reading Gita is -- we are like small children collecting Peeble stones (like our mind, body, career, wealth, family, etc.,) On understanding Gita we "mature" and throw away the Peeble stones


The child is not acting or cheating that it is attracted towards Peeble stones-- it is really attracted by the stones and ready to defend it with its life.


Also when "matured" it is not acting but really throwing away.


The child, peeble-stones are not changing, the only thing that changes is the knowledge of the child. When we get the same knowledge from Gita, we understand this world is trivial and throw it away.


Regarding Karma-- the ultimate can be done only with this understanding. As long as you are fighting to protect your peeble stones you are child. But when you throw away your peeble stones and fight to protect Others peeble stones from "bad children" (*) then you are a yogi, also you can throw away all the peeble stones and don't care about others peeble stones also then you are called Sannyasi.


The "bad children" are one who tries to take/break other childrens peeble stones either by force, stealth, cheating or begging. The worst type is the fake God-man who tells the peeble stones are trivial and the moment you drop it, takes it away and runs.

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Hare Krishna,


"Even though Gita was addressed to Arjun, it does analyaze so many different concepts that every body can have their own interperations, it depends on your view and attitude."


Yes, it contains different paths - but it also contains an ultimate path.


"Lord does not endorse this or that Path, He says whatever Path you want to take do it perfectly and easiest of all paths is Karma."


That is because if you perfectly follow a path, you will be practicing bhakti. For example, if you dovetail karma with devotional service, it becomes bhakti-yoga.


"The understanding i got after reading Gita is -- we are like small children collecting Peeble stones (like our mind, body, career, wealth, family, etc.,) On understanding Gita we "mature" and throw away the Peeble stones"


Very nice.


"The child is not acting or cheating that it is attracted towards Peeble stones-- it is really attracted by the stones and ready to defend it with its life."




"Also when "matured" it is not acting but really throwing away."


Throwing away the stones? As in throwing away the attachment to those stones.


"When we get the same knowledge from Gita, we understand this world is trivial and throw it away."


Or we can use it in service to God.


"Regarding Karma-- the ultimate can be done only with this understanding."


Understand that you can become free from karma.


"As long as you are fighting to protect your peeble stones you are child. But when you throw away your peeble stones and fight to protect Others peeble stones from "bad children" (*) then you are a yogi, also you can throw away all the peeble stones and don't care about others peeble stones also then you are called Sannyasi."


The true sannyasi renounces his selfish motive. He still cares about everyone - but he cares about their spiritual welfare, not their material welfare.


"The "bad children" are one who tries to take/break other childrens peeble stones either by force, stealth, cheating or begging. The worst type is the fake God-man who tells the peeble stones are trivial and the moment you drop it, takes it away and runs."




The conclusion is that the material world is only bad so long as God is not at the centre of our activities. Once everything is offered to God, it becomes spiritual. That is bhakti.


Your aspiring servant.


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Hari OM (Personal Brahaman ---> Impersonal)


Hare Krishna (only Personal Brahaman)


We have 90% agreement on views.


Our difference are in:


"but he cares about their spiritual welfare, not their material welfare"


but there is no concept of "welfare" in spiritual domain, the soul or spirit by its definition is bliss by itself no need of welfare concepts there.



"Once everything is offered to God, it becomes spiritual. That is bhakti"


May be but a sannyasi says what you are offering to God is also Peeble-stones...


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Hare Krishna,


"but there is no concept of "welfare" in spiritual domain, the soul or spirit by its definition is bliss by itself no need of welfare concepts there."


OK, so the concept is the welfare for everyone to reveal their spiritual identity so that they may realise that bliss.


"May be but a sannyasi says what you are offering to God is also Peeble-stones"


No, most sannyasis are formerly householders. They do not regret their household life. They fulfilled their duty to produce God-conscious family. Then comes the time for explicit renunciation.


Your aspiring servant.

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Hari OM


I don't want to contradict your points, however your views do seem to vary from my views, sorry for that.


"so the concept is the welfare for everyone to reveal their spiritual identity "


In my view , it is like giving more peeble stones to children to make them realise peeble stones are trivial.


In my opinion you can neither do the above , nor anything to make them realise peeble stones are trivial, only When (And IF) they get that knowledge they will realise, and how when they get that knowledge is too complex a subject for me to discuss

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Hare Krishna,


"In my view , it is like giving more peeble stones to children to make them realise peeble stones are trivial."


The self-realised one will not give peeble stones to the non-self-realised. He will give them the advice to associate with devotees of God and chant the holy names of God. This will free the non-self-realised from the peeble stones.


"In my opinion you can neither do the above , nor anything to make them realise peeble stones are trivial, only When (And IF) they get that knowledge they will realise, and how when they get that knowledge is too complex a subject for me to discuss"


With all due respect, everybody's opinions are different, relative and equally valid - so it is useless to debate on the basis of opinions. The only opinion that matters is God's opinion:


SB 7.14.3-4: A householder must associate again and again with saintly persons, and with great respect he must hear the nectar of the activities of the Supreme Lord and His incarnations as these activities are described in Srimad-Bhagavatam and other Puranas. Thus one should gradually become detached from affection for his wife and children, exactly like a man awakening from a dream.



Your aspiring servant.


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Hari OM:


.......The only opinion that matters is God's opinion


Very good and totally accepted.


However even though it is true that Bhakti is the most appropriate and the most effective means for this Yuga. We should keep in mind that other paths are also endorsed by God, so instead of trying to convert Gyanis and Karmis to Bhaktas should try to work together as group without quarelling amongst each other that a Kartha is superior or a Bhakta is superior etc.,


Then probably everybody wasting their time and energy in some trivial arguments may reach the highest good.

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