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Is Ashwathama Still Alive?

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I am surprised that you are interested in knowing if Ashwathama is alive. I understand if you are asking about Hanuman, but why Ashwathama. Did he do anything great or good to talk about. In fact he did worst things and for which his life was spared.

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Ive been told by more than one person that thier exists a a very tall man who has a dent in his head he comes once a year to a north indian villiage from the himalayas he is supposed to be aswattama, i was given the village name years ago but will try and find out which one.

please tell the name of the village
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  • 2 weeks later...
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Yes, Chiranjeevi Ashwathama is immortal and self-existent. He is destined to be the Veda Vyas of next Dwapar Yuga of 29th Mahayuga and among the Sapt rishis of the next 8th Savarni mahavantar. Bhishma Pitamah describes him as foremost among yogis who maintain peace and good on earth.

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Pilot Baba is a phony swami. All claims by people who say that they seen Aswathamma ought to be verified as these are more often than not a pack of lies!!!


If he is phony, what MAKES him phony? Either give reasons for such statements or just shut up.

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I am PhD student in University of Pittsburgh. We run a group which aims to explore technical knowledge of ancient hindu scripts and Vedas.


I am sorry to pull this question again. I guess I saw in some of the messages that somebody was planning to visit some village with his team to explore existense of Ashwatama. Any luck?? I guess same person also quoted he has sent to discovery and national geo...


If some body has got problems in exploring Ashwathama as people think he is evil, why not talk about other immortals like HANUMAN and others.


When you move out of your country and you are amidst of foriegners its hard to make people believe what you believe.If they start believing thats the first step towards spreading Hinduism.( I totally trust in hindu myths and Archaeological society of India has proved long back that there was a neuclear war thousands of years ago in India,supposedly mahabhaarata yudha).


It would be very encouraging to see robust proofs.


Best regards


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After watching the great epic by BR Chopra of Mahabharat im intrigued by 1 thing. Near the end of the battle, Lord Krishna condemns Drona's son Ashwathama to roam the earth till the end of time for his grave sin of trying to kill the unborn parikshit. Lord Krishna also states that he will eternally feel pain from the wound created where a gem was cut out his forehead. He will be alone, deprived of compassion and will always be deprived of help.

So, on this note,now Ashwathama would be alive somewhere in modern-day India right?

Have there been any recorded sightings of him? Have people seen a man apparently clutching his head and screaming from pain in the jungles?

Please help answer this nagging question.

Thank you very much!

Loyal Mahabharat fan.


Hey, I appreciate your curiosity towards Aswatama. You should probably try to look around or investigate the places like, his birth place, place where he was cursed or places where history is related to him.

May be it will work.:)

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I cant believe that you saw Aswathamma not once but mny times over.How do you recognize Aswathamma.I think the whole thing

is a big hoax. Why are alll of you lying to each other. How can a man who lived 6000-yrs back be alive even now.Please be logical!!!


Its said that soul is immortal. Lord krishna cursed the Soul of Aswatama. In simple language, he cursed the soul not to leave the body. In our case, our soul leave's the body frequently & takes the new, which is called death & birth. Aswatama is cursed to carry the scars of his past with the same body for a long period. He will be free soon as Draupadi cannot be free until he is cursed.


Can you imagine, your friends, relatives have died 6000 years back & you are still alive, with no one but just the painful memories of the glorious past.

All you can do is walk the forest's & meditate in himalaya's with the painful wound on your forehead.

On the other hand you should think that the person who is the witness of Mahabharat is still among us.

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  • 1 month later...
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Its said that soul is immortal. Lord krishna cursed the Soul of Aswatama. In simple language, he cursed the soul not to leave the body. In our case, our soul leave's the body frequently & takes the new, which is called death & birth. Aswatama is cursed to carry the scars of his past with the same body for a long period. He will be free soon as Draupadi cannot be free until he is cursed.


Can you imagine, your friends, relatives have died 6000 years back & you are still alive, with no one but just the painful memories of the glorious past.

All you can do is walk the forest's & meditate in himalaya's with the painful wound on your forehead.

On the other hand you should think that the person who is the witness of Mahabharat is still among us.



Unless someone seen him in flesh and blood how can you assume he is still alive,if you think someone can live for 6000 years i dont know what to call you.Yea faith is required in religious beliefs,but there is a limit for stupidity,unless you see yourself or someone gets a picture of him now how can you expect anyone with rational thinking to believe.

India a country with a billion population and not one has seen or taken his picture and you are so sure he is alive....

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I cant believe that you saw Aswathamma not once but mny times over.How do you recognize Aswathamma.I think the whole thing

is a big hoax. Why are alll of you lying to each other. How can a man who lived 6000-yrs back be alive even now.Please be logical!!!




Haha so true,if Pilot Baba saw Ashwathama then i saw Jesus Christ walking in a desert in Phoenix Arizona,i took a picture too and it was hazy...lieing to each other is the only way they are going to believe that each of them is a great devotee of so and so god,it makes these liars feel special..its all nonsense and they know it themselves,this is cheating yourself,but its ok we need this kinda beliefs to spend life with hope..so let them enjoy..


Without proof or pictures taken with Ashwathma (6000 yrs old man with a hole in his forehead wow that would be easy to spot isnt it)its not even worth to think these people as Sane.There is limit for blind belief they have exceeded it.

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Unless someone seen him in flesh and blood how can you assume he is still alive,if you think someone can live for 6000 years i dont know what to call you.Yea faith is required in religious beliefs,but there is a limit for stupidity,unless you see yourself or someone gets a picture of him now how can you expect anyone with rational thinking to believe.

India a country with a billion population and not one has seen or taken his picture and you are so sure he is alive....


you're thinking with a limited 3rd dimensional mindset. Most likely Ashwathama is able to only appear when he wants to appear. He is probably able to sheild himself from mortal eyes by some yogic means. Just think of all the great yogis in the Himalayas who are thousands of yrs old, like Babaji, yet the mainstream populace knows nothing about these men. They appear and disappear at will. Ashwathama probably can do the same. Besides, in his shame he would most likely want to hide himself from plain view.

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you're thinking with a limited 3rd dimensional mindset. Most likely Ashwathama is able to only appear when he wants to appear. He is probably able to sheild himself from mortal eyes by some yogic means. Just think of all the great yogis in the Himalayas who are thousands of yrs old, like Babaji, yet the mainstream populace knows nothing about these men. They appear and disappear at will. Ashwathama probably can do the same. Besides, in his shame he would most likely want to hide himself from plain view.



Well if its not 3 dimension then what it is?Do you know the story of Emperors new clothes?If not here it is


There was a tailor who couldnt finish the clothes the emperor asked him to stitch so he tricked everyone by saying he has the clothes in his hand and its visible only to those who are wise and intelligent,so everyone there who didnt want them to be branded as fools said they see it,yours sounds the same,every time proof is asked its easy to say yeah you can understand only if you are a yogi or with yogic powers,i mean if he is alive for 6000 years and someone says he saw him then dont you ever expect proof?


Tomorrow someone will come and say they saw Markandeya wandering near their streets and would you believe that as well?He is supposed to be a Chiranjeevi too.


So Pilot Babaji is what 1000 years old himself?Ask these people to teach how to live that long without getting decayed,this is what mankind has been searching for.There is a limit for stupidity.Yes there might have been Kauravas and Pandavas lived 6000 years,but they wouldve been just like you and me but all these stories are just emperors clothes,understood only by the wise,seen only by the yogis.Pilot Babaji for all i know is not even 70 yrs old,i saw him when he came to USA once,so please stop this 1000s of years old Pilot Babaji story,then you will claim yourself as 200 yrs old and thats why you see Pilot Babaji who is 1000 years old who saw Ashwathama who is 6000 years old

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Well if its not 3 dimension then what it is?Do you know the story of Emperors new clothes?If not here it is


There was a tailor who couldnt finish the clothes the emperor asked him to stitch so he tricked everyone by saying he has the clothes in his hand and its visible only to those who are wise and intelligent,so everyone there who didnt want them to be branded as fools said they see it,yours sounds the same,every time proof is asked its easy to say yeah you can understand only if you are a yogi or with yogic powers,i mean if he is alive for 6000 years and someone says he saw him then dont you ever expect proof?


Tomorrow someone will come and say they saw Markandeya wandering near their streets and would you believe that as well?He is supposed to be a Chiranjeevi too.


So Pilot Babaji is what 1000 years old himself?Ask these people to teach how to live that long without getting decayed,this is what mankind has been searching for.There is a limit for stupidity.Yes there might have been Kauravas and Pandavas lived 6000 years,but they wouldve been just like you and me but all these stories are just emperors clothes,understood only by the wise,seen only by the yogis.Pilot Babaji for all i know is not even 70 yrs old,i saw him when he came to USA once,so please stop this 1000s of years old Pilot Babaji story,then you will claim yourself as 200 yrs old and thats why you see Pilot Babaji who is 1000 years old who saw Ashwathama who is 6000 years old


You're atheistic views are sad to see on this "spiritual" forum. But indeed, this is the Kali Yuga, when blind atheists and materialists speak as if they know something, and those who do speak with spiritual awareness are ridiculed by the so-called learned men.


If you want the darshan of immortal sages, like Babaji, you will have to get their attention. Even if you tried to astral travel to the siddhaloka, you'd need to be allowed entrance.


By the way, the Babaji I am speaking of is the one mentioned in Autobiograpy of a Yogi, by Paramhansa Yogananda.


From Autobiography of a Yogi, by Paramahansa Yogananda:



The northern Himalayan crags near Badrinarayan are still blessed by the living presence of Babaji, guru of Lahiri Mahasaya. The secluded master has retained his physical form for centuries, perhaps for millenniums. The deathless Babaji is an avatara. This Sanskrit word means “descent”; its roots are ava, “down,” and tri, “to pass.” In the Hindu scriptures, avatara signifies the descent of Divinity into flesh.


Babaji's spiritual state is beyond human comprehension," Sri Yukteswar explained to me. "The dwarfed vision of men cannot pierce to his transcendental star. One attempts in vain even to picture the avatar's attainment. It is inconceivable.

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You're atheistic views are sad to see on this "spiritual" forum. But indeed, this is the Kali Yuga, when blind atheists and materialists speak as if they know something, and those who do speak with spiritual awareness are ridiculed by the so-called learned men.


If you want the darshan of immortal sages, like Babaji, you will have to get their attention. Even if you tried to astral travel to the siddhaloka, you'd need to be allowed entrance.


By the way, the Babaji I am speaking of is the one mentioned in Autobiograpy of a Yogi, by Paramhansa Yogananda.


From Autobiography of a Yogi, by Paramahansa Yogananda:



Hahaha keep dreaming,all these fake swamijis will continue to fool you all people over and over and your ego that you know it all compared to a Aethist makes you believe it is true.Lets say i dont get their attention cause i am a Aethist,did you get their attention?Or anyone you know went to heaven and showed themselves from there?

All these yogis look like beggars and dont even have the materialistic pleasures common men do so like sour grapes they say its all useless and just the incompetent people follow them thinking they will bless them with Sidhis,when they themselves die allof a sudden or get old and can hardly walk like Sathya Sai Baba who many feel is GOD.Keep dreaming

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Hahaha keep dreaming,all these fake swamijis will continue to fool you all people over and over and your ego that you know it all compared to a Aethist makes you believe it is true.Lets say i dont get their attention cause i am a Aethist,did you get their attention?Or anyone you know went to heaven and showed themselves from there?

All these yogis look like beggars and dont even have the materialistic pleasures common men do so like sour grapes they say its all useless and just the incompetent people follow them thinking they will bless them with Sidhis,when they themselves die allof a sudden or get old and can hardly walk like Sathya Sai Baba who many feel is GOD.Keep dreaming


No Swamiji is fooling me. I have had my own experiences, with astral travel (out of body experiences). I have seen an ascended master (who shall remain nameless) with my own eyes. So I don't have to listen to other's stories, to gather up faith - I have experienced the spiritual realms directly.


Forget blind faith, start practicing meditation, and study up on astral travel and how to project your consciousness and astral body to the astral plane, then you'll experience the spiritual world directly, and will be a skeptic no longer. :)

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No Swamiji is fooling me. I have had my own experiences, with astral travel (out of body experiences). I have seen an ascended master (who shall remain nameless) with my own eyes. So I don't have to listen to other's stories, to gather up faith - I have experienced the spiritual realms directly.


Forget blind faith, start practicing meditation, and study up on astral travel and how to project your consciousness and astral body to the astral plane, then you'll experience the spiritual world directly, and will be a skeptic no longer. :)



Oh y dont u teach me Astral travel?Y r u not naming whoever u saw in ur dreams with ur own eyes?During nites when one dreams he is having a out of body experience isnt it?

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Oh y dont u teach me Astral travel?


what do you want to know? :)

also you can read up online on this, there are discussion forums and sites which speak about Astral travel extensively. including some Hindu sites.



Y r u not naming whoever u saw in ur dreams with ur own eyes?


it was a personal experience, and I didn't want to speak of it to the atheist guest, who would only mock.



During nites when one dreams he is having a out of body experience isnt it?


yes, at night we experience the subtle planes.

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what do you want to know? :)

also you can read up online on this, there are discussion forums and sites which speak about Astral travel extensively. including some Hindu sites.



Tell me whatever u know about it,and which Hindu sites have info about it.



it was a personal experience, and I didn't want to speak of it to the atheist guest, who would only mock.



Well whats the point in talking about it to people who r going to agree to u,the real task is to explain for non believers and if what u say makes sense i might even believe it,y do u predetermine that i will mock it,if ur confident about ur experiences and if they r real then share it,dont be prejudiced,aethists r lot more interested in GOD and really search for him than Theists who r so stuck on themselves and the benefits they think will be showered on them if they keep chanting whatever the GURU tells them blindly.

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Tell me whatever u know about it,and which Hindu sites have info about it.


Well whats the point in talking about it to people who r going to agree to u,the real task is to explain for non believers and if what u say makes sense i might even believe it,y do u predetermine that i will mock it,if ur confident about ur experiences and if they r real then share it,dont be prejudiced,aethists r lot more interested in GOD and really search for him than Theists who r so stuck on themselves and the benefits they think will be showered on them if they keep chanting whatever the GURU tells them blindly.


If you are generally seeking out answers, than I can respect you. No one should believe in anything with blind faith. You should ask questions, and not be afraid to step on a few toes in your quest for the Truth.


Do not stop seeking out direct experiences with the spiritual world. Forget rhetoric that will only fill your head with beliefs. Seek true spiritual knowledge and experience. If you want to learn about astral projection here are a few sites.






here are a couple Hindu e-books that speak about the astral world.






(on the last link, you can ignore the religious parts of this book, just read the metaphysical sections)

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If you are generally seeking out answers, than I can respect you. No one should believe in anything with blind faith. You should ask questions, and not be afraid to step on a few toes in your quest for the Truth.


Do not stop seeking out direct experiences with the spiritual world. Forget rhetoric that will only fill your head with beliefs. Seek true spiritual knowledge and experience. If you want to learn about astral projection here are a few sites.






here are a couple Hindu e-books that speak about the astral world.






(on the last link, you can ignore the religious parts of this book, just read the metaphysical sections)



Will these astral knowledge help in day today life or its just for out of the world experiences,because the challenge inday to day life is so much as u know that solving it is a must

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Will these astral knowledge help in day today life or its just for out of the world experiences,because the challenge inday to day life is so much as u know that solving it is a must


it will help resolve your doubts about the reality of the spiritual world. Then you can pursue the spiritual path (once you know its real), which will help you in your day to day life.


There is no pill that will make all your problems instantly go away, but living your day to day life with spiritual awareness and following spiritual principles, makes life much easier; and helps you find Inner Peace, even while life's storms rage around you.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Well if its not 3 dimension then what it is?Do you know the story of Emperors new clothes?If not here it is




So Pilot Babaji is what 1000 years old himself?Ask these people to teach how to live that long without getting decayed,this is what mankind has been searching for.There is a limit for stupidity.Yes there might have been Kauravas and Pandavas lived 6000 years,but they wouldve been just like you and me but all these stories are just emperors clothes,understood only by the wise,seen only by the yogis.Pilot Babaji for all i know is not even 70 yrs old,i saw him when he came to USA once,so please stop this 1000s of years old Pilot Babaji story,then you will claim yourself as 200 yrs old and thats why you see Pilot Babaji who is 1000 years old who saw Ashwathama who is 6000 years old


It is necessary for you to know that Pilot Baba and Babaji are two seperate individuals.Babaji also known as deathless saint,first appeared in "Autobiography of a Yogi" by Paramhansa Yogananda.He is more than 1800 years old and keeps on wandering throughout the Himalayas.Only few lucky people have seen him and that also if he wants them to see him. If you want to know more about Babaji then try any search engine and will get ample information about him.

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It is necessary for you to know that Pilot Baba and Babaji are two seperate individuals.Babaji also known as deathless saint,first appeared in "Autobiography of a Yogi" by Paramhansa Yogananda.He is more than 1800 years old and keeps on wandering throughout the Himalayas.Only few lucky people have seen him and that also if he wants them to see him. If you want to know more about Babaji then try any search engine and will get ample information about him.

Look! If a human performs the yoga perfectly and get ontroll over the five winds he can stay alive as much as he practiced ... it may be 200 or 70,000 or till Mahapralay but whats the use he is still trapped under maayaa and still searching for eternal bliss like me and you (ved- anandam brahmo ) may be a little or more powerful then us but both a yogi or an immortal cannot get the eternal bliss from maayaa no matter how much out of body experiences they enjoy.....we are jeev tatwa meaning soul...we are chetan and are therefore searching for the Chaitanya that is Lord Raam Lord Krishna..he is the true eternal bliss (it is not something they posses but what they are) only lord's Kripa Shakti can make maayaa go away for ever.

Goswami tulsidas said this about Yog and Gyaan Marg:

Sunata Kathin, Samjhata Kathin, Sadhana Kathin hooye...

The other guy who has been mocking you is an atheist. I cannot gurantee it though.

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Look! If a human performs the yoga perfectly and get ontroll over the five winds he can stay alive as much as he practiced ... it may be 200 or 70,000 or till Mahapralay but whats the use he is still trapped under maayaa and still searching for eternal bliss like me and you (ved- anandam brahmo ) may be a little or more powerful then us but both a yogi or an immortal cannot get the eternal bliss from maayaa no matter how much out of body experiences they enjoy.....we are jeev tatwa meaning soul...we are chetan and are therefore searching for the Chaitanya that is Lord Raam Lord Krishna..he is the true eternal bliss (it is not something they posses but what they are) only lord's Kripa Shakti can make maayaa go away for ever.

Goswami tulsidas said this about Yog and Gyaan Marg:

Sunata Kathin, Samjhata Kathin, Sadhana Kathin hooye...

The other guy who has been mocking you is an atheist. I cannot gurantee it though.


So first go get ur lords kripa shakti and get urself out of maaya first and then lecture to others,the other guy u mentioned is me and im not aethist,im searching for the truth and god but wouldnt settle for fantasy stories from any religion.U dont judge me,just answer if u know or else move on,dont be opinionated when u urself claim ur taking a path thats useless and tied up in maaya for ever.Practise what u preach,if u think this is all maaya get out of this world and work for ur lords kripa

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So first go get ur lords kripa shakti and get urself out of maaya first and then lecture to others,the other guy u mentioned is me and im not aethist,im searching for the truth and god but wouldnt settle for fantasy stories from any religion.U dont judge me,just answer if u know or else move on,dont be opinionated when u urself claim ur taking a path thats useless and tied up in maaya for ever.Practise what u preach,if u think this is all maaya get out of this world and work for ur lords kripa

I called you an atheist by mistake u moron read the post carefully it says "the other guy mocking you is a (atheist).Although I don't know" ..... I miss typed u moron and did not check.....I said every body is searching for happiness therefore that makes everyone a theist .....because Lord Shri Raam Lord Shri Krishna is the true eternal bliss...for making us realize this is the only purpose of him taking avatars....:eek2:

You are right about the fact that I should not lecture on any topic unless my Lord Raam has given me darshan....but...I had this tattwaa gyaan just thaught of sharing it.......Sorry about calling you a moron in the above lines....I could have removed it..but whats the use.......LISTEN STAY AS LONG AS YOU WANT HERE (MAAYAA) AND NEVER TAKE HARI'S NAME BUT REMEMBER HE IS THE CHAITANYA AND WE ARE CHETAN....OUR TRUE HAPPINESS IS HARI...


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So first go get ur lords kripa shakti and get urself out of maaya first and then lecture to others,the other guy u mentioned is me and im not aethist,im searching for the truth and god but wouldnt settle for fantasy stories from any religion.U dont judge me,just answer if u know or else move on,dont be opinionated when u urself claim ur taking a path thats useless and tied up in maaya for ever.Practise what u preach,if u think this is all maaya get out of this world and work for ur lords kripa





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