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A quote for kshatriyas

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<< Re: Is Tsunami is a curse of god >>


he was a saint, not a kshatriya.


most muslims are mad with love of allah.

and why should we suffer?


what will be the fate of India

if all the 1B hindus (including army and police)

will wear a dhoti only like ramkrishna and be mad with love of god?


readers are welcome share answers.


some fools do misuse or misinterpret saints or scriptures.


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Being fanatical is not the same as loving God and his creatures. Ramakrishna did not ask each and everyone to wear dhoti and be madly in love with God. Instead he advice his followers to love God and his creatures that include we human beings. May be you have not understood what he meant. Every individual irespective of his vocation becomes a kshastriya when it comes to the matter of defending his family or country. So, in short kshatriyas are not born but made in this yuga. When a citizen enrolls in the army no one will question him if he is from the kshatriya or not because there is no space in the enrolment form mentioning only kshatriyas are allowed to join the army.


Karna was not considered to be of Kshatriya origin but the truth is he was from the kshatriya family but Bishma disqualified him from the competetion of archery saying he does not know of his origin. But in the end Bishma did ask Karna to forgive him for humiliating him in the public. Let us not divide the unity of people through caste. In the 21st century anyone can take up any profession of his desire as per qualification. So, the subject of caste does not arise here. I know of non brahmins who from young age had been taken into the school of gurukulam and have now become qualified gurukal and conducting temple rituals as a brahmin priest would do. We are not in the past yuga to decide who must do what. So, I hope you would understand my point and forgive me for bringing this up.


India is a democratic country and let the people decide what kind of rule they want. I know your dreams but that would not work in this yuga. It will only happen after the kali yuga ends and so be it. Let nature take its cause on such matters. You can advice the people of such rules but you cannot compel them to accept your theory.

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<< Being fanatical is not the same as loving God and his creatures. >>


there are those who fight for dharma,

and there are those who encourage others to fight for dharma.

and there are those who show scriputres that tell that fighting like that is dhama.


and there are those who label them as fanatic.

the word fanatic is then totally misused.


krishna never has said he does not love kshatriyas.


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<font color="brown">ggohilji !</font color>

<font color="blue">

No matter of kshatriya, but protection. Should be hard not soft. A piece of sponge is very charming to rub in hands, but a piece of stone ? Nobody will play fool with it. Why Shri Krishna compelled warriors to fight against Kaurabas ? The war was to defeat anti-divinity. So if people will not awake to protect strongly against demolishers, the civilization, the culture, heritages and dharma will be smashed. Then where and with which culture people will show their bhakti ? While you are continuously puzzled by demons and physically unstable also mentally unstable then how it could be possible to be established love with divinity ? Fanaticism is spreading widely on our beautiful blue planet.


Maadhavji's concepts are logically not ignorable. Some people predict something and others understand it after overcome. /images/graemlins/mad.gif


</font color><font color="brown">

Om Namah Shivay ! </font color>

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I understand what you and Maadavji are saying. I must admit, in practice, my reaction to aggressors would be equally aggressive.


But consider this:


1. My future is already designed by my past actions and desires. What is coming to me may not be avoided, simply because I am holding a sword or wearing a dhoti.


2. I believe our job is to follow the Dharma as sincerely as we can. I am not sure if Dharma, like a material entity, requires protection from us. I see Dharma as eternal, same as its creator. No one can take the Dharma out of the Devotees and no amount of protection of Dharma will make a non-devotee follow it. For a non devotee the Dharma is dead at any given time.


3. Sri Krishna encouraged warriors to fight, because I believe the emphases was on duty of the warrior and not on the war. Sri Krishna makes it very clear that the end result of the war is already decided by him, the warrior is only performing his duty and has no control over the end result.


4. The military of any country is only performing the will of the presiding government. The presiding government would have to be the followers of the Dharma, before its military may be considered as the protector of the Dharma.


5. If I was a ture Kshatirya then my duty would be to protect Dharma, and I would.


6. I am a sinner and my first job is to follow the Dharma and leave the protection of Dharma in more capable hands.

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<< If one's Bhakti is true towards God, then I beleive that Bhakti will provide the necessary protection irrespective of wheather he is wearing dhoti or holding a weapon. >>


yes, but how many prahladas you could find in a population?


how many namdevas you could find?


is your bhakti true? this is not a right question.


is your faith unflinching in krishna (or any deva of your choice)?


if yes, then we need to test it by shooting a dart at you, and see if you get hurt or not.


If not, then why preach what you do not have?


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<< 1. My future is already designed by my past actions and desires. What is coming to me may not be avoided, simply because I am holding a sword or wearing a dhoti. >>


dont just hold, use it to check adharma.


<< 2. I believe our job is to follow the Dharma as sincerely as we can. >>


to fight asuras is dharma.


<< No one can take the Dharma out of the Devotees >>


and who took devition out of the followers of mahammed?

can you put devition in their hearts?

how? by chanting in front of the muzzelse in their hands?

and you expect to win?


<< and no amount of protection of Dharma will make a non-devotee follow it. >>


dharma is not a tangible thing you "protect".

what you protect is the freedom (yours and others) to preach and practice; you mainain an environment of the vedic culture where all can progress towards god, even shudras. you protect the territory where the vedic culture can flourish unchecked.


<< For a non devotee the Dharma is dead at any given time. >>


but he can become a devotee in strong vedic environment.

else he has less chance to become a devotee.



<< 3. Sri Krishna encouraged warriors to fight, because I believe the emphases was on duty of the warrior and not on the war. >>


yes, there is time when kshatriya duty has to be performed.

that is the time for war.


<< Sri Krishna makes it very clear that the end result of the war is already decided by him, the warrior is only performing his duty and has no control over the end result. >>


so, this is true for all times, and for all kshatriya karma.

one who dies fighting is never a looser. he and those for whom he fought both gain. asuras loose.


<< 4. The military of any country is only performing the will of the presiding government. The presiding government would have to be the followers of the Dharma, >>


therefore we need ram rajya in bharat.

to get it we need to fight.


<< 5. If I was a ture Kshatirya then my duty would be to protect Dharma, and I would. >>


any one can invoke kshatriya mood if the time is like emergency.


<< 6. I am a sinner and my first job is to follow the Dharma >>


fine as long as you do not keep on sinning.


<< and leave the protection of Dharma in more capable hands. >>


sure. but you could help/support the fighters in different ways too. but never prech them to give up kshatriya dharma.

(i am not saying you did, but some here do.)


without them you would have no freedom to even chant.


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<font color="brown">ggohilji ! </font color>


<font color="blue">

1. I think, my present was designed by my past actions and desires. Which I am acting now in this incarnation, these actions may avoid or change my fate in the future. My present actions may bring a better or cloudy future for my next generations also. If I am a father, mother, brother, husband, wife etc. in this mundane world then I ought to act for their future also and not only for the self.


2. Yes ! But dharma teaches us to act for goodness of everybody, for their present and future, and for the salvation of the self. It requires because I am in material form in this mortality. Yes, it is eternal and same as it's creator but that is beyond this form, after liberation. But one can destroy the devotee physically and conquer the physical living and non-living being of the devotee. Our country, our ancestors had been suffered in the past.


3. The emphases were on their duties but we are not on our duties. Also which are going on nowadays, the consequences of these all are decided by him, because we are not aware about the result. So we should act now for a deferential and bright future of our forthcoming generations.


4. But some presiding governments are looking forward the destiny of nations and dharma and some others are only gaining the present-day selfishness, they are playing the 'vote-bank' gambling.


5. In kurukshetra, the warriors were the emotions, the thoughts, the arms and the parts of Shri Krishna. So any person may become a part (role).


6. Sinner ? I am also, hence have come in this mortal world to act as a part of Shri Krishna. But I am not doing so.

</font color> /images/graemlins/mad.gif<font color="brown">


Om Namah Shivay ! </font color>

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“to fight asuras is dharma”.

Suicide bombers are fighting to save in what they believe is the word of God, but, that does not make right.


As you know, there is more to this.


”and who took devition out of the followers of mahammed?”

They could not have been much of Devotees. The more I learn about other religion, the more Vedic way of life make sense to me.



“dharma is not a tangible thing you "protect".

what you protect is the freedom (yours and others) to preach and practice; you mainain an environment of the vedic culture where all can progress towards god, even shudras. you protect the territory where the vedic culture can flourish unchecked.



”but he can become a devotee in strong vedic environment.

else he has less chance to become a devotee.”




“so, this is true for all times, and for all kshatriya karma.

one who dies fighting is never a looser. he and those for whom he fought both gain. asuras loose”


True, but how many of us can claim to be true Kshatriya. Just because we are will to fight does not make as Kshatriya.


therefore we need ram rajya in bharat.

to get it we need to fight


Yes, makes sense.


any one can invoke kshatriya mood if the time is like emergency.


Kshatriya is not a mood one invokes, but is a strict code one follows through out the life, before and after the war.


“but never prech them to give up kshatriya dharma.

(i am not saying you did, but some here do.)”


Read carefully, I am not perching one way or another, just sounding my understanding on both sides of the discussion.



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“to fight asuras is dharma”.


<< Suicide bombers are fighting to save in what they believe is the word of God, but, that does not make right. >>


- the are not saving god's word, but are following

koran. do you think they truely know what tod is or how god is?


- are they really following god's message in your view?

- are they really as smart as you in really understanding what is dharma? they and you both have different opinion, i assume. and therefore only one side really knows what is god's word.


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