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misconceptions about hinduism, buddhism, jainism...

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some say that jainism and buddhism are offshoots of hinduism. this is not true. vedic religion is ancestor to all three listed here and hinduism itself was influenced by buddhism. vyasa wrote gita to repudiate buddhism by saying action without passion...


do not believe maadav when he says, "yeah, all these religions are really hindu religions."


he even contradicts himself by saying all these people are hindus. look what he wrote before:


a non hindu is:


- one who eats cow

- one who does not belive in re-incarnation.

- one who does not consider ginga, yamuna, kailask etc. holy.


- one who hates vedic gods.

- one who has no reverance for gita and the vedas.

- one who thinks animals have no soul.

- one who thinks there is eternal hell for some one.

- one who forcibly converts others.

- one who has no interest in austerity, charity, and yajna.

- one who thinks there is devil.


and buddhism was chased off of its homeland by brahmins who were afraid of its influence. it was never defeated by debates. the gita is a allegory on how to act, it is not based on real events. prove to me otherwise.


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" the gita is a allegory on how to act, it is not based on real events. prove to me otherwise. "


are you prepared for a life of study and devotional practice?


there's no other way for me to demonstrate the truth of the gita.. there's no other way for you to demonstrate that gita is false


are you serious?


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Whils't i agree 100% with unreg guest, i like to tell others that its only one liftime of acting/behaving as if your some lusty/depraved form of lower specics to achive such benifit.

there are such relics (even the Drama in it's gorly and soon to be deities) to prove how and when the Gita was spoken.


Said atihits(sic) continue to be made fools of it's going to happen again as well

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vedas are the mother of every field in the world including physics,astronomy,medicine,mathematics and philosophy.Every religion in the world,every language in the world came from hindu vedas.The hindu god of parabhramman is the god worshipped by all religions.Every religion in the world worship lord krishna only.Because krishna is the only god who said "whomever you worship you only worship me"


So many westerners all over the world admire hinduism and say "there isnt a better way of life than this.There isnt better culture and civilization than this".And yet we have unfortunate souls within our religion who dont understand a superior philosophy like ours.


First read geetha and understand it.Then you wont have any questions.Before reading geetha dont ask questions on it.If you read it fully you will have all your doubts cleared.Do that first.question next.he who knows nothing wont understand any explanations.

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vedas are the mother of every field in the world including physics,astronomy,medicine,mathematics and philosophy.Every religion in the world,every language in the world came from hindu vedas.The hindu god of parabhramman is the god worshipped by all religions.Every religion in the world worship lord krishna only.Because krishna is the only god who said "whomever you worship you only worship me"



proove it. you cannot. you are no better than a muslim who says read the koran to know it is the truth or a christian who says read it to know it is the truth.
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<< proove it. you cannot. >>


we do not have to, because we haveno interest to cinvert you.


<< you are no better than a muslim who says read the koran to know it is the truth or a christian who says read it to know it is the truth. >>


no, there is.


they want to convert the whole world, even by sword (or by political or ecomomic means), and we don't have interest to convert. that, however, does not mean we will tolerate them in bharat if they bother us the hindus.


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So zero did not come from vedas.I need to prove the universal truth that zero came from vedas?If you read vedas you will read the concept of sunyavada where maya is equated to zero and parabhramman mentioned as ekam(one)


And in mahabharatha vyasa rishi has mentioned about so many star positions,many stars which were discovered later.Hindu vedas called the earth as "bookol" which means spherical shaped earth.THis was thousands of years before people found out the shape of earth was spherical and not even round.


Vedas called universe as andam, which means egg shaped.And alas now scientists find that universe is indeed elliptical in nature.


The field of geomentry originated from vedas.It was used by vedas to measure the measurements of yagna sala and it went to west later.


Ayurveda which is superior to any other medicine was given in adharvaveda.


So I ned not prove that my book is the best.Ask western scientists.They will tell.



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You wrote,


proove it. you cannot. you are no better than a muslim who says read the koran to know it is the truth or a christian who says read it to know it is the truth.


You are enjoying only the fun (discussion). If you understand the ZERO You will give up the fun. 0 &#8211; 1, bit &#8211; byte, pulsation system are not the funny things. Nowadays western scientists are researching about the ZERO ENERGY. There is a Power (energy) which bonds the planets and galaxies with the Universe. You will say, Prove it. You follow deeply with complete surrender, you will prove yourself. How can I prove my ancestors were in this world thousand years ago ? Only the human history, the scriptures ? Is not a logic ?


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<< There are Muslims who dislike what the Taliban has done..>>


and they enjoy the result the talibanis achieve.

none of them did anything to earadict taliban or islamists.




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Guest wrote,


and they enjoy the result the talibanis achieve.

none of them did anything to eradicate taliban or islamists.



Any group or any of their leader has not said yet for the

eradication. Actually, they are rejoicing the destructions.


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Buddha was not a buddhist

Mahavira was not a jain

Jesus was not a christian

Mohammad was not a muslim


But all the people who are in the path towards God thro' whatever means: Devotion (Bhakti), Knowledge (Jnana), Self-enquiry (Atma-Vicharana), Meditation (Dhyana), Selfless-Service (Karma yoga), etc are Hindus. Hinduism speaks of all these paths and much more aeons before these people were born. In fact, Hinduism speaks of even atheism (read Charvaka).


Hinduism is a way of life. It is not a religion.


One humble request: Please do not give irresponsible comments just because some people you hate happen to be Hindus.


The fact that Hinduism is dominant in India even after repeated invasions by kings of various religions for centuries goes to prove that it is great.


People from other religions have gained immensely from the riches of Hinduism. Look at the followers of great Hindu saints like Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Ramana Maharishi, Swami Vivekananda, Chinmayananda, Maharishi Maheshyogi, etc worldwide. They have gained a lot from Hinduism. None of them have been forced to change to Hindu customs. For other religions, you have to change everything right from your name.


Hinduism just gives, gives, gives....... Does not demand anything at all.

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Hi there.

Why do some people attach the word Vedic to every scientifical contribution made by Indians in the past?!

There is no such thing as vedic science ! Just like there is no such thing as christian science ! Science is science and totally independent of any religion or god !


The vedas itself are not scientifical books. At best we can say that some parts and myths REFLECT the partial knowledge of the people of those days. Well...with a few things they were right but more often they were wrong. Very wrong !! Surely the scriptures are NOT "acyuta ", infallible!!


Just check the Bhagvatam and other purans for some scientifical" stuff :


- Moon is larger than earth !

- Moon is EVEN larger than the sun ( twice as large !! )

- The moon is also a star !( also to be read in de gita )

- The moon is eaten by and spitted out by demons when eclipses occur !

- Sun is only appr. 800.000 miles distant from earth

- Moon is appr. 1.600.000 miles away from earth !!


and the list goes on and on....but I 'll stop quoting here. Some facts speak for themselves.


Greetings, Tony

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Have you heard about ayurvedha?Its medicine.Its from vedas.Is medicine a science or not?

Have you read mahabharatha which clearly points out many planets which were discovered in 19th and 20th centuries?Is astronomy science or not?

Have you read the book vedic mathematics?Is maths a science or not?

Have you read how trignomentry originated?It was from vedas.Algebra came from vedas.Zero came from vedas.Are these things science or not?


And our scriptures talk about sungod and moon god and not actual sun and moon.Like how our books said boomadevi is ruler of earth,sun god and moon god are rulers of the planets sun and moon.


which scripture quotes moon as twice larger than earth?Sun was held as lord narayana himself.How will moon be quoted high?


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- Moon is larger than earth !

- Moon is EVEN larger than the sun ( twice as large !! )

- The moon is also a star !( also to be read in de gita )

- The moon is eaten by and spitted out by demons when eclipses occur !

- Sun is only appr. 800.000 miles distant from earth

- Moon is appr. 1.600.000 miles away from earth !!



Have you considered that these could be speaking of the spiritual rhealm and not our material rhealm? Why only accept what our limited perception tells us of this "real world", which we are so convinced is the end all be all of existance? Who is to say how things are, and how we would understand them with spiritual vision?


I keep an open mind.


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Hello PV (and others),


You still dont distuinguish between INDIAN science/tists and the so-called thing Vedic science! The zero comes from some smart Indians who invented it some centurys AD, nothing Vedic about it( a mathematical book written in sanskrit DOES NOT MEAN its vedic, remember? Just like a book written in Latin doesnt mean its Biblical or Christian)


Besides, Aztecs/ Mayas didnt use our system. They had a different calculation system (and in some aspects actually superior one )and were in use of zero also. Centuries before it was in use in India.


But the question was were you can find the the nonsense about the moon ?


Well ....go to the 5 th canto of the "flawless" Bhagvat Puran ( I guess you can find the Iskcon translation somewhere online )


Check this :


Bhag. Purana canto 5, chapter 24, verse 2 :


[....The sun globe, which is a source of heat, extends for 10,000 yojanas [80,000 miles]. The moon extends for 20,000 yojanas [160,000 miles], and Râhu extends for 30,000 yojanas [240,000 miles]. Formerly, when nectar was being distributed, Râhu tried to create dissension between the sun and moon ....]


Chapter 22 verse 8:


Above the rays of the sunshine by a distance of 100,000 yojanas [800,000 miles] is the moon, which travels at a speed faster than that of the sun....


So far the "flawless " Bhagvat Puran. I wont go into details about the parts that are saying that earth and other planets are settled on giant snakes and turtles and are surrounded by oceans of crane-juice, milk, butter, yoghurt and liquor (!!! )


Ready for real scientifical facts ?? Here they are :

Sun/ Earth distance

scientifical fact : 100.000.000 mls/150.000.000 km

veda says : 800.000 mls (100.000 yojans )

( 1 yojan = 8 mls )

earth/Moon distance

scientifically proven : 240.000 mls/ 385.000 km

veda says : 1.600.000 mls (200.000 yojans )


Facts, my friend !! These are just a few of the scientifically proven facts wich are mentioned wrong in vedas.


Im actually not even impressed by the few descriptions about sun ,earth or other things in vedas wich are RIGHT. Nothing divine or supra-human about it. Every cat knows that the sun gives warmth ! Every ancient observer will sooner or later find out that it takes a year for the sun to return to the same spot, not to mention the astronomical progress that can be made in ages! Everybody who wil cut dead bodys can have an insight on how the body works. Its all a matter of observing. We dont need any god for that.


I gotta stop now, to be continued..





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Tony learn to distinguish between bhagavatha purana and vedas.Both are not the same.Puranas are not vedas.We dont have the original puranas written by veda vyasa with us.Much tampering has been done in the guptas period and british period.For hindus vedas is the holiest book.So far vedas have not been tampered with.So if you quote any such thing from vedas it would have weight.In some puranas even jesus is mentioned refer( www.tombofjesus.com )


And I had earlier before 6 months posted a thread in this forum saying mayans and aztecs were hindus.It was titled as

advaitha as the religion of chinese,greeks,romans and arabs.In that I had given some proof about how native indians were hindus.So if they knew zero its no surprise.


and zero wasnt mentioned in any mathemamatics book.it was mentioned in vedas.And outlook magazine recently published an article saying krishnas time must have been 3000 bc.Rama was thounsands of years before krishna.Vedas were even older than ramas period.So you can calculate before how many thousand years these concepts were given.


And is medicine as simple as cutting a body and analyzing?I did not talk about anatomy.I spoke about medicine and complex operations.How did they know it all?Even today ayurvedha is effective than english medicine.How?


And you must be the first person to claim that mayan civilization was few hundred years older than indian civilization.


If you are really interested I can write about quantum science mentioned in vedas.I will do so in christmas vacations.


Hinduism is great.As old as hills.It has seen so many tony's.It has weathered Buddha, mahaveera, aurangazeb, alexander and the mighty british empire.You are free to join this list.welcome.




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Hai PV. thx for replying. Do you also have a name?


I wont discuss the maya /aztecs/ egyptian/greek subject right now. I'll get back to you later on this. You 've might fooled Indians and Pro-Indians on this but not everybody. You might find it very interesting to know that a few of my friends are actually promoted on some of these subjects so ...to be continued. We were not finished with the vedas yet.


Vedas are shruti and ithasa are smrti. I'm familair with that, tnx! But according to most hindus they are both called vedic. Im sure you know that the Iskcon founder calls puranas vedic litarature also and that he is actually emphasizing the value of the purans, especially this socalled "flawless " Bhagavat Puran. Clearly you dont give the same value to the Bhagavat puran otherwise you would have defended the nonsense that these Puran has written about moon /sun/earth distances etc. You did not defended it. So you must agree that the puranas contain a lot of scientifical mistakes. Why else change the subject from purans to vedas ? Hm?


So.. diminishing the value of purans in favour of the VEDAS ( RS, Sama, Yajur, Atharva )says enough for me. As far as these vedas concern..most of it are ( the samhitas ) are just vague praising hyms and of minimum scientifical value. Most of these hyms are so vague that you and everybody can twist the verses so that it appears they have a certain meaning..just as you can do with the verses of Nostradamus , psalms and the Apocalyps ! How can you discuss vague things like Apocalypsverses, rigvedaverses or Nostradamusverses ? There so vague and sanskritwords can have diffrent meanings so you can twist the meaning of the sanskritverses and interpretate them anyway you like till it suits you and it looks like there is some hidden scientifical stuff in it hahaha. Please dont make me quote humorous and animistic verses from Rig or Atharva. Hahaha.


But ...in case you havent noticed... I m not arguing the facts that Indians invented the zero or that they contributed to science. It would be strange if they haven't. They form/ed 1/5 of the total population!!!


Compared to us europeans, the Indians, Chinese and Arabs were technologically once more advanced ( in medicine, astronomy and other things ), at least in the middle ages. Until we reached the 16/17 th century !! From that moment on WE were the INNOVATORS AND INVENTORS !Tell me...did Indians or Arabs invented the use of electricity? Did you invented the PC ? Who invented the car that is used all around the world? or the aeroplane ? Who invented X rays ? the electric light ? The Television or radio ? Even the simplest BIKE is invented by europeans and Americans!!! Why did not the Indians or Arabs come up with the telephone, refrigarator, photography, washingmachine etc. although they were once better in mathematics, right? How come we were the first with all these inventions ?


Some Hindus are saying : "we once knew aeroplanes. Read our books! There are full of vimans, chariots with wings "etc etc haha! Get real guys ! Havent you heard of imagination or fantasies? Western movies and comics are filled with Martians, Startrekkers and Vulcans in strange vehicles wich are crossing to other planets. Have you ever seen them planes or any of the Vulcans? Leonardo da Vinci actually made a scientifical attempt to construct an aeroplane. Was there any in his time? Are you not familair with all medieval literature where woman are flying on brooms? hahaha. Maybe they were familair with some one-woman-aeroplane hahahahahaha !!


Besides...having fantasies or thoughts about a thing is not enough. You have to come up with the thing!Show me some real Vimana. Not some picture or drawing. Show me the real thing!!!


The only things you can show me are socalled secret meanings in verses and even if its scienctifical it will always just echo something wich has already been done. Its always afterwards. Show me something new !


Some Hindus and even some moslims in lesser degree are claiming that all science is hidden in secret Vedaverses or Qoranverses. Why then...isnt the car or the telephone etc etc. invented by these devout moslims or Hindus, why then...is it that europeans (incl. Russians) and americans invented allmost all these things I mentioned. Because we became Hindus or Moslims or better Christians? Hahaha.. far from that ! Religion has nothing to do with science.






PS : Hinduisme might be as old as hills , are you sure that at least some parts of hinduism doesn't belong there?









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Im not defending puranas,since we dont have the original versions with us.If we have the original puranas written by vyasa maharishi we would have not seen such errors in it.He also wrote mahabharatha where he accurately gave planetary and star positions,which I will post in some other thread.So he wouldnt have written like you mentioned.


And vedic verses have meaning which have a correct interpretation which was done by saints of those days.Even today some pundits know the meaning of those verses.But due to 1000 year islamic invasion we lost many holy books,holy saints and lost much of our sciences.


You listed out the invention of the west and asked why India did not invent all that.I will tell you what India invented.This is much more useful than the things you listed.


we invented a system which said mother is god.Our children worship their parents and father,mother,son and daughterinlaw live in the same house with the grand children.THis system reduces divorces,brings up children more ethically and has negated all the cultural evils which faces the western world.THis is our first achievement.


Next our wives consider husband as god and even if husband errs forgive him.THis prevents breakdown of the family and children dont see 3 step fathers in their life.Our children grow up with the same father and mother.They dont have multiple fathers and mothers.THis is achievement number two.


Third we are the nation that taught non-violence to the world.Jesus said "If somebody slaps you,show him your other cheek".Only India did that to british.When british shot us,we stood undaunted without taking up arms.martin luther king and nelson mandela learnt ahimsa from us.THis is achievement number 3.


Fourth millions of indian women and men lose their virginity only after marriage to their spouses. we dont have live togethers and dating.we dont have teenage pregnancies,dating at age 12, and homosexuality.we built a model society,one which the west can never ever build.THis society and culture is our major invention.


Now tell me are the cars and planes better achievement than this society?we created a model society.


in west you have churches.But none comes there.Churches have to resort to shows and events to drag in people.In our temples millions throng during festivals.we are more devotional than you.


whatever model men jesus wanted to create western world hasnt become one.He asked his disciples to leave money.But they run after money.Had jesus been alive today he would have been proud of hindus.


WE ARE THE BEST and we are proud of it.





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