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Please Help! Nephew has converted to Islam... :'(

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You foolish punjabi moron. Hindu comes from a mispronounciation of the word Sindhu. Persians couls not pronounce "S" so they pronounced it as "H". It has nothing to do with the meanings attributed by persians. It is an islamic mis-interpretation.


By the way, ythe words sunni, shia are all arabic and not persian.


You Punjabis have been complete idiots before and still are idiots. Your uncouth language proves it. There is not one post where your arrogance is not displayed.

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<<<<<<<<<I applaud you. You have shown humility and compassion - two wonderful attributes for a person to have.




You sir get a "F". You are arrogant and selfserving, refusing to see the viewpoint of others unless it nicely folds in with your own. You will never be understanding or compassionate with that attitude - I assume you never want to be.


I know nothing about being a Hindu, and I have an equal share of Muslim and Hindi friends. Based on the conversation though, I would have converted to Islam just to spite you, maadhav. I would then convert to hinduism at the first opportunity that nitaipoddar gave me. He speaks of a compassionate and loving religion - not one of fear and reprisals.


Thank you for the opportunity to read your comments and thoughts, nitaipoddar. I enjoyed every moment.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Well dear guest you are absltly rite abt "nitaipoddar" & "Madhav"


i know Mr.Madhav very well than anybody here in this forum as far as His REPLIES are concerned ..and i guess even Mr.Madhav knows me very well......


and i totally agree with ur views @GUEST and am realy impressed by NITAIPODAR


people like NITAIPODDAR keeps alive the spirit of our religion...

And i bet DEE PUJA......ask your Nephew to Meet and stay along with NITAIPODAR or guys like him...he'll surely & truely will b able to understand our religion.....

and but if u even thinking of tryin to convince ur Nephew in Mr.Madhav's way....or trying to convince him wih help of Mr.Madhav's like............you are Doing a big blunder.


The more u use the pressure to keep the sand in ur fist the more the sand slips out... remember that



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If he has made up his mind, use of force or threat will not work.. Instead, try to learn more about Islam in true sense and challlange his present Islamic beliefs with the true essense of the Islam which is "peace".

I think Osho ( Rajnees) has written a lot on the subject and you may find some refernces at www.oshoworld.com.


Also Sri Ramkrishna Pramhansa practised Islam ( among practises from with many other relegions/sampradayas) as am experiment to determine if all of them lead to the realization of the " only Supreme Cosmic Lord" or not. I am sure there has to be a lot of writings around it..

I know one book which talkes about this:


Chetanaki Shikhar Yatra( In Hindi) which is avaialbe from www.awgp.org ( or local Gayatri Pariwar Center in London).. This is a biography of Sri Ram Sharma Achrya ( who in his past three lives was Kabir, Samarth Guru Ramdas and Ram Krishna Paramhansa). In once incident in this book, there is a stry about Sri Ramkrishna Paramhansa describing the meaning of the word "Kafir"-- meaning enimy of the relegion but the enimy is internal and not extrenal as interpreted by most. According to him, the real enimies of religion are our own tendencies such as lust, anger, haterate, revangefulness etc.which must be delt with a power equivalant of using a sward.


Once you and your family understand the true essense of Islam, you can challlange him with his interpretations in an intellecual and logical discussions rather than using a force or threat which will only result in increasing the barrier between his beliefs and yours..


hope this is useful..


Vipul.. Patelvipulk[at]indiadivine[dot]com

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My opinion is that Madhav is just speaking the facts.


Most of the people like to simply brush aside the fact that islam has a bloody history. They have been killing non-muslims all through last 1400 years or more since islam's beginings.


It is sad that most people here do not take notice of this and brush it aside as probably randomn events. This is not true.


All this violence and hatred of non-muslims in islam can be very easily traced back to islamic teachings. If anybody, particularly fools like Inder or otherwise, really want to learn about islamic teachings on killing non-muslims(just for being non-muslims) I will be glad to post and start another thread on this issue.


Calling Madhav or me as self-serving will not solve this issue. Because we have read islamic scriptures and known islamic history we know that islam promotes violence against non-muslims simply because they are non-muslims.


Just because a religon espouses one god, we cannot assume with naivete(fools like Inder and co.) that islam is good.


I implore everybody to do a deep study on this.

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<< Also Sri Ramkrishna Pramhansa practised Islam >>


this is becaue the vedic culture traisn one to see good in others.


in contrast, notice that no muslim has praised anything about hinduism. when hindus appreciate some part of islam, the muslims think: "islam is superior, hindus have accepted their superiority and domanance, and that is why they are praising islam. islam has won. i am a proud muslim. allah o akbar."


some hindu gurus like aurobindo, dayananda sarasvati, vivekananda, and swami ramatirtha do have talked about defects in islam.


ramakrishna was born and raised in the vedic culture.

he became realized first practicing hinduism.

once realized he cannot unrealise himself.

so a realized person will practice islam very differently.

note that he did not do jihad, dod not kill hindus, didn not destroy hindu temples, did not keep four wives, and did not slander hinduism. he did not to go to mecca or a mosque to listen to mullas.


so, i welcome any one who can make the muslims of india practice islam just like ramakrishna practiced islam.


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I apologize for the belated response.


I am deeply thankful and humbled by your words. I will continue to offer what small input I can add to the growing discussion. However, after reviewing this thread, I implore the readers and writers to consider politeness in responding. Discussions without courtesy become arguments, and the intrinsic anonymity of the internet makes it easy for one to argue, instead of discuss.


Hare Krishna.

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