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Please Help! Nephew has converted to Islam... :'(

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I hope you can help us here. We found out four months ago that my 19 year old nephew has been practicing Islam for the last two years. We are Gujarati Hindus in the UK, and are distraught. We have tried talking to him, but its as if we are talking to a cold hard stone wall. He keeps saying that all he is doing is praying to God, and we should accept this. This is very difficult for all of us. We live with my parents (his grandparents), who are very 'dharmic' people.


His father says that he will disown his son and throw him out. The mother wants to keep him under the same roof. He has two younger siblings, a younger brother and sister.


What can we do? Any suggestions would be welcome to help us out in this. I have been searching the internet all evening, in the hope that I can find something. Please, please help us. There are tears, arguments and heartache in our house everyday, for the last four months.





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this is sad that a hindu family failed to raise a boy in hindu culure. he does not know what hinduism is and what islam is.


if he could agree to come to this forum and discuss - which cannot hurt him at all - then perhaps we could help him know the truth about hinduism and about islam.


please find out and share here how he got attracted into islam. this will help others to not fall in the same trap.


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May I know what is the age limit for a major in UK? If it is above 21 than he is still a minor and the parents have the right to force him to denounce Islam otherwise under the law he is free to chose his own. Anyway try talking to him through some learned Hindus like speakers from the school of vedanta. Tell him he need not become a Muslim to pray to God. Tell him the Koran teaches to hate non Muslims. Tell him why Islam is feared by non Muslims and tell him in what manner Islam was spread in India.


I know how it is to lose someone to the other side and I sympathize with your family members but it is happening all over the world. They are thought that when one becomes a Muslim he is liberated from sins and have power over non Muslims. You have to be patient in dealing with this matter. Do not use any force or harsh words which would only aggravate the situation. He has been mislead and to bring him to his senses you need to use psycology. Ask him questions abut Islam which he finds difficult to answer and tell him why Hinduism is the way of life and what benefit one attains being a true Hindu. I'm sure he wil come to his senses and realize his mistake.

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The lord loves all his sons and daughters equally, and I implore you to do the same. Please, do not make this difficult on the boy. I too am nineteen years old, and it is natural and common to become introspective like this. To have such pressure on him, such as threats of disownment, will hurt him more.


Life is a journey. The laws of karma and reincarnation exist to help us grow, advance and become better people, and to understand the true nature of our souls, and our duty as eternal children of the lord. Please, just support him and be with him. He is your own blood, and part of your family. Does his denomination really make him a worse person?


Compassion and understanding are the two greatest virtues of the human soul. Support the boy, and offer him guidance. It is his decision whether to accept the guidance or not, as his life is his own journey.


Please remember. Under the smiling gaze of Shri Hari, all are equal, and all His children are loved by Him. Your nephew is good enough for the Lord, and so he should be good enough for you.



I humbly ask you to forgive my didactic tone. I only hope to help


-Nityanandaram Das Poddar, Florida

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either you are saying this out of total ignoracen of islam and what it has done to the hindus for 1000 years,


or you are a muslim but in disguise of an HK,


or you think Hk's would earn friendship of the muslims by you post.


any way, here is my response below your lines:


<< The lord loves all his sons and daughters equally, >>


islam does not.


<< Please, do not make this difficult on the boy. >>


difficult or not, every effort needs to be made to get him on the right dharma.


<< I too am nineteen years old, and it is natural and common to become introspective like this. >>


like in a wrong way?

if so, then it does not help.


<< To have such pressure on him, such as threats of disownment, will hurt him more. >>


he needs to uderstand who loves him more, who sacrificed for him more; the mullas or his parents? so he needs to listen to those who love him and cared him most.


<< Life is a journey. >>


yes, you took a good turn and became an HK, he did not.

he took a wrong turn.


<< The laws of karma and reincarnation exist to help us grow, advance and become better people, >>


when one goes on wrong way, the laws of karma will make him suffer, and it could make others suffer as well, like his parents are already suffering.


<< and to understand the true nature of our souls, >>


krishna says in gita what is true nature of our souls.

koran does not say it.


<< and our duty as eternal children of the lord. >>


the duty is to make people krishna conscious.

that is what prabhupada did.

what you are advising here is not an efffort in that directuon.


<< Please, just support him and be with him. >>


sure, but to a point. beyond that point

i do not recomemd supporting one who follows an asuric ideology.


<< He is your own blood, and part of your family. >>


bhishma and kauravas were arjun's own family blood.

still arjun killed them.

hinduism does not give importance to blood relation.

importance is given to dharma.


<< Does his denomination really make him a worse person? >>


he demonstrated that he really does not know what hindism is and what islam is; or that he does not know what is good or bad. when one accpets a wrong ideology, one can harm others any time, we just do not know when.


<< Compassion and understanding are the two greatest virtues of the human soul. >>


islam does not care for it.

history of islam proves it.


<< Support the boy, and offer him guidance. >>


till some point only.


<< It is his decision whether to accept the guidance or not, as his life is his own journey. >>


yes, he has freedom like duryodhan had.

arjuns have their own freedom how to handle asuric ideology followers.


<< Please remember. Under the smiling gaze of Shri Hari, all are equal, and all His children are loved by Him. >>


koran does not say so.


<< Your nephew is good enough for the Lord, and so he should be good enough for you.>>


if that is so, then the hippies had no reason to become HKs.


are you willing to become a muslim?

if not, then why encourage others to follow islam?


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First, Madhav, you are a senior poster and my elder, and hence I respect your opinion. However, I feel I must rectify a few things, and clarify my point of view, in order to bring my idea to light.


(either you are saying this out of total ignorance of islam and what it has done to hindus for 1000 years)


I understand the bloody and violent struggle between hindus and muslims. However, conversion to Islam does not mean the boy is going to become violent towards hindus. Furthermore, it is unfair to say that every muslim is violent towards hindus. I personally have quite a few muslim friends, and they are my friends because I respect their souls, and because I do not discriminate based on such material identities such as denomination.


(or you are a muslim but in disguise of an HK)

No, sir. I do not practice the teachings of the Qu'ran. I admit I am but an ignorant neophyte and rather poor excuse for a scholar, and am attempting to find some measure of peace and enlightenment in the necterean verses of the Gita.


(Islam does not)

Islam, sir, is not the Lord. Islam is an organization.


(Difficult or not, every effort needs to be made to get him on the right dharma)


In the Gita, Shri Krishna says "He for whom no one is put into misery is very dear to me." When Shri Krishna preaches tolerance, softness and compassion, how can we as part and parcel of the divine lord go against this?


(Like in a wrong way?)

Sir, we exist to take birth again and again until we ourselves understand the right dharma, and find our own path to Vaikuntha. Sir, to live in this material world is to live in the 'wrong way'. And, furthermore, I am not saying we should be complacent to this boy. But I *am* saying it would be wise for his family to be by his side, and gently guide him, the same way a blind man is gently guided across a busy road. With compassion.


(he needs to uderstand who loves him more, who sacrificed for him more; the mullas or his parents? so he needs to listen to those who love him and cared him most.)


How do we learn to speak? To breathe? To walk? These are things we learn through time. Time teaches the greatest lessons. The family should give the boy time and support, and be by his side, and he will eventually realize that their love for him is strong and pure.


(yes, you took a good turn and became an HK, he did not.

he took a wrong turn.)

He is a child. A child cannot be beaten for taking a wrong turn. A child will constantly take wrong turns until through trial, error, and attachment to his parents, he will return. A mother may tell her child "fire burns you" but the child will touch the fire to find out for himself. When the fire burns the child, he will run back and cling to his mother. Thus, Shri Krishna instructs us with the teachings of the Gita, but as we are his children, we touch the fire anyway. But our supersoul, the faith in our souls, can guide us back to the lotus feet of shri hari.


(when one goes on wrong way, the laws of karma will make him suffer, and it could make others suffer as well, like his parents are already suffering.)


Then why add to the suffering? I quote the very same verse from the gita. "He for whom no one is put into misery is very dear to me"


(krishna says in gita what is true nature of our souls.

koran does not say it)


Indeed. Let the boy find out by his own volition. And let the family be by his side, and offer him love and guidance, as always.


(the duty is to make people krishna conscious.

that is what prabhupada did.

what you are advising here is not an efffort in that directuon.)

I cannot compare myself to Shrila Prabhupada, and I will never be able to. However, what I am advising is compassion and understanding. Srila Prabhupada was the most compassionate of souls. To scream and pressure a child is not compassion. It will only confuse and hurt him. It is not the path to enlightenment.


(sure, but to a point. beyond that point

i do not recomemd supporting one who follows an asuric ideology)


Is there ever a point where the mother stops loving her son? How is that possible? No, love does not mean complacency. Love means steady, gentle, nurturing support. It is the same love that Krishna shows to us, and it is such a love we are to show to our children. To threaten to denounce a child is asuric.


(bhishma and kauravas were arjun's own family blood.

still arjun killed them.

hinduism does not give importance to blood relation.

importance is given to dharma.)


Arjun's slaying of the Kauravas was all part of Krishna's great play. Everyone's earthly dharma is different, but every soul on earth has one dharma: To seek shelter at the lotus feet of Shri Krishna, and to chant the holy name. There is no "dharma" in denouncing a child.


(he demonstrated that he really does not know what hindism is and what islam is; or that he does not know what is good or bad. when one accpets a wrong ideology, one can harm others any time, we just do not know when.)


How can a nineteen year old boy understand this? It is not an easy thing to understand and accept. Teachings are not transferred through a beating stick. Once the parents and son decide to sit down and communicate maturely, then teaching can be done.


(islam does not care for it.

history of islam proves it.)


You continually say Islam. I am not judging this boy by his denomination. There have been Hindus that have committed terrible sins and Muslims who have done wonderful piety.


(yes, he has freedom like duryodhan had.

arjuns have their own freedom how to handle asuric ideology followers)


Please, do not compare the boy to Duryodhan. That is not at all fair. At heart, sir, we are all sinners, and we all need proper guidance.


(if that is so, then the hippies had no reason to become HKs)


This makes no sense. Srila prabhupada's message is for every heart and soul.


(are you willing to become a muslim?

if not, then why encourage others to follow islam?)


When did I say follow Islam? When did I say follow any particular religion? I merely said support, love, and care for the child. That is all.

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<< First, Madhav, you are a senior poster and my elder, and hence I respect your opinion. >>


thanks. you have shown your good hindu/vedic qualities.




<< I understand the bloody and violent struggle between hindus and muslims. >>


probably you do not know enough how much the hindus have suffered due to islam.


<< However, conversion to Islam does not mean the boy is going to become violent towards hindus. >>


he sure has failed to see value in hinduism compared to islam (but that is not entirely his fault.)


<< Furthermore, it is unfair to say that every muslim is violent towards hindus. >>


hindu experiecne of centureis tells to never trust a muslim.


<< I personally have quite a few muslim friends, and they are my friends because I respect their souls, >>


if you know krishna conscious ness is better than islam, then why not tell them to give up islam?


<< I do not discriminate based on such material identities such as denomination. >>


it is not material identity.

you cannot disect a muslim and find some material from the body to prove he is a muslim. if you find him cirscumsided, he sue is not a hindu. that is not the point.

the problem is that he accepted an ideology that is totally barbaric. and that is a problem. this is like (or worse than) a monkey having a gun in hand. you never know when he will kill some one. he has not chosen islam for a fashion. he is serious because he is not willing to give it up even when his parents are telling him to give up.




<< No, sir. I do not practice the teachings of the Qu'ran. >>


good. now if you know it is not worth practice islam, you also need to help others understand it.


<< I admit I am but an ignorant neophyte and rather poor excuse for a scholar, and am attempting to find some measure of peace and enlightenment in the necterean verses of the Gita. >>


but that is applying/interpreting gita incorrctly.




<< Islam, sir, is not the Lord. Islam is an organization. >>


no. not an org.

it is a religion, an ideology, that generates ruthless and brutal barbaric meat eater terrorists.




<< In the Gita, Shri Krishna says "He for whom no one is put into misery is very dear to me." >>


so arjun sinned when he killed bhishma?


<< When Shri Krishna preaches tolerance, softness and compassion, how can we as part and parcel of the divine lord go against this? >>


because krishna also says to kill aatataayis.

staying alive against the terrorist is higher priority work than the above because, we need this body to realize krishna.




<< Sir, we exist to take birth again and again until we ourselves understand the right dharma, and find our own path to Vaikuntha. >>


and we need to help others to realize krishna also.


<< Sir, to live in this material world is to live in the 'wrong way'. >>


no. prabhupada showed right way to the hippies.

there alwasy is a better way per dharma in any condition at any time or place for any one.


<< And, furthermore, I am not saying we should be complacent to this boy. But I *am* saying it would be wise for his family to be by his side, and gently guide him, the same way a blind man is gently guided across a busy road. With compassion. >>


i agree. no need to be harsh or violent, but he need help to realise he is wrong and needs to come back to hinduism.




<< How do we learn to speak? To breathe? To walk? These are things we learn through time. >>


this is not a right example to compare with teh problem at hand.


<< Time teaches the greatest lessons. >>


and we hindu should not ignore gita's message telling us how to deal with the matter.


<< The family should give the boy time and support,>>


living support, yes up to a point,

encouragement for his acceptance to islam, no.


<< and be by his side, >>


same response as above.


<< and he will eventually realize that their love for him is strong and pure. >>


he should know it already,

but he thinks islam is more important,

defying his parents is more important,

and listening to the mullas is more important.


he took a wrong turn.


<< He is a child. A child cannot be beaten for taking a wrong turn. A child will constantly take wrong turns >>


this "child," if not made to understand his mistake, is able to operate ak-47 per koran if he sinks more in islam.


<< until through trial, error, and attachment to his parents, he will return. >>


and parents need to do effort.

we can help if he comes on the forum.


<< A mother may tell her child "fire burns you" but the child will touch the fire to find out for himself. When the fire burns the child, he will run back and cling to his mother. >>


a crazy mind does not come to sanity so easily.

koran produces crazies. no muslim has regretted salughtering of the hindus by teh muslims.

they actually celebrte it.


<< Thus, Shri Krishna instructs us with the teachings of the Gita, but as we are his children, we touch the fire anyway. But our supersoul, the faith in our souls, can guide us back to the lotus feet of shri hari. >>


and he has given up gita/ hinduism.

he thinks koran is best.




Then why add to the suffering? I quote the very same verse from the gita. "He for whom no one is put into misery is very dear to me"


<< this is cop out of krishna's message to confront islam - the asuric ideology. >>


koran does not say it


<< Indeed. Let the boy find out by his own volition. And let the family be by his side, and offer him love and guidance, as always. >>


as long as there is hope he will give up islam.


that is what prabhupada did.

what you are advising here is not an efffort in that directuon.


<< I cannot compare myself to Shrila Prabhupada, and I will never be able to. >>


but you follow him, your name suggests.


<< However, what I am advising is compassion and understanding. >>


it is good, but not to the asuric ideology.


<< To scream and pressure a child is not compassion. It will only confuse and hurt him. It is not the path to enlightenment. >>


agree. i never recommended it.


i do not recomemd supporting one who follows an asuric ideology


<< Is there ever a point where the mother stops loving her son? How is that possible? No, love does not mean complacency. Love means steady, gentle, nurturing support. It is the same love that Krishna shows to us, and it is such a love we are to show to our children.


krishna loved bhishma, but told arjun to kill him too.


<< To threaten to denounce a child is asuric. >>


when a child goes on the path to become an asura, or joins asura camp, then the game changes.


<< Arjun's slaying of the Kauravas was all part of Krishna's great play. Everyone's earthly dharma is different, >>


this is a foolish way to imply gita has no practical use.

its message was good for arjun only and is not good for us.


note: gita's message is as valid today to any one

as it was valid to arjun.


<< but every soul on earth has one dharma: To seek shelter at the lotus feet of Shri Krishna, and to chant the holy name. >>


now you need to take the challange to teach this to the boy.


<< There is no "dharma" in denouncing a child. >>


ther is dharma in denouncing one in the asura camp.




<< How can a nineteen year old boy understand this? >>


at what age this undersanding comes?

19 is not enough?


<< It is not an easy thing to understand and accept. Teachings are not transferred through a beating stick. >>




<< Once the parents and son decide to sit down and communicate maturely, then teaching can be done. >>


yes, and you please help too.


<history of islam proves it.>>


<< You continually say Islam. I am not judging this boy by his denomination. There have been Hindus that have committed terrible sins and Muslims who have done wonderful piety. >>


going in enemy camp is a seriou thing.


<arjuns have their own freedom how to handle asuric ideology followers>>


<< Please, do not compare the boy to Duryodhan. That is not at all fair. >>


he has left sura camp, and is adamant so far to stay there.


<< At heart, sir, we are all sinners, >>


are you an HK or a xian?

this web site is "divine india" and the residents in india, teh hindus, are all sinners? i think you need some help also.




<< This makes no sense. Srila prabhupada's message is for every heart and soul.>>


and for the boy too.


<if not, then why encourage others to follow islam?>>


<< When did I say follow Islam? When did I say follow any particular religion? I merely said support, love, and care for the child. That is all. >>


okay, but to a poin only, i say.

however the parents would do as they think is best.

i would have no problem about it.


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...I see. I am afraid I cannot further pursue this debate, for to do so would cause me to risk accidentally disrespecting you or another reader.


I can see your point of view, and I understand it, academically. I must admit I do not have enough knowledge or wisdom to properly debate this topic, but I am honored to have the chance to offer my voice.


Still, to the original poster of this thread, I give the following humble and naive advice:


Remember compassion.

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Hare Krishna!


All glories to Srila Prabhupada! I offer my humble obeisances unto Him!


Nitapoddar Prabhu, It is nice to see you trying to help by giving advice. I accept that we should help the nephew with strong advice as to what is correct and what is wrong.


Unfortunatly in this age of Kali, no one understands what is correct and what is wrong. People from the Hindu sect say Hindu is correct and from the Muslim community say Muslim correct. In the meantime, they have forgotten to talk about service to God.


Srila Prabhuapda has said in a leacture that no matter what religion one follows, a religion which teaches to serve and love God is the right religion. So, in essence we should teach that nephew to love God and serve Him instead of arguing about Hindu or Muslim. Just because we are all Hindus doesnt automatically mean we serve God and just because we are muslims we hate other people. I lived in a Middle Eastern Muslim country for 10 years and I have seen nice muslim people and I personally have good muslim friends.

Srila Haridas Takura- Nama Acharya was from a Muslim background. There are many godbrothers in ISKCON who were muslim. Just because one is a muslim we should not hate him.


But, unfortuntaly this whole debate comes into play because Muslim faith is not the right path to Bhakti for God and it does not outwardly teach that ideals. Though there might be subtle connotations, in this age of Kali, Muslim is not the right pathway for Bhakti.


The parents of the nephew should educate the nephew about God Consciousness and about the science of Bhakti and how Bhakti Yoga is different from Muslim faith. The boy should undesrtand the science in a deeper sense about God and devotion and how it is important to conduct devototional service and ultimatly drive the point that Muslim faith is not cut out for all that.


Bringing him back to Hindusim is one thing but bringing him back just for the sake of it will not cut it. We have to explain the reasons behind one following Vedic Injunctions and its impact on day to day life.


So, parent of the nephew, please educate the boy on God and His greatness and then as a human being what we should do and then how Muslim will not help and following Vedic Injunctions will leaad us to the path of Bhakti to God.









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<< I can see your point of view, and I understand it, academically. I must admit I do not have enough knowledge or wisdom to properly debate this topic, >>



i am glad you know what you know, and know what you do not know, and say so honestly.

that quality makes one eligible to quickly secure blessing of great souls. feel good about it.


my issue is with islam, the ideology

and what it has done to the hindus and hidustan.

unfortunately most HKs do not know it.



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I'm from the UK and live in an area dominated by Gujarati's but I must say I've never heard of a gujarati hindu male converting to Islam - it's usually girls with muslim boyfriends who do that.


I personally would throw out anyone for converting if I didn't know better. I think Islam can be defeated by rationality and just by asking questions and looking at the absurd answers it gives. It really needs to be exposed as there are numerous websites doing so. But if your nephew refuses to see sense, then there is no helping him, he's been brainwashed & indoctrinated already. I find some people convert to islam for the community support they would get from other muslims which is clearly lacking in other religions. Maybe your nephew did it for that reason or maybe he has a muslim girlfriend who made him convert.


I think you may already know that Islam accepts no other religions as true and would call people like hindus "kafirs" who will go to hell forever. It preaches the killing of non-belivers, so your nephew is one day gonna take on those views himself. I would say your family needs to learn about Hinduism first before you can teach him about it because if you all had known and taught him I'm sure this would've never happened. There are young Hindus who are confident in their religion because they've been brought up well byt their familes. But the families whose kids convert to Islam, obviously didn't do a good job in raising them.

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I'm from the UK and live in an area dominated by Gujarati's but I must say I've never heard of a gujarati hindu male converting to Islam - it's usually girls with muslim boyfriends who do that.


I personally would throw out anyone for converting if I didn't know better. I think Islam can be defeated by rationality and just by asking questions and looking at the absurd answers it gives. It really needs to be exposed as there are numerous websites doing so. But if your nephew refuses to see sense, then there is no helping him, he's been brainwashed & indoctrinated already. I find some people convert to islam for the community support they would get from other muslims which is clearly lacking in other religions. Maybe your nephew did it for that reason or maybe he has a muslim girlfriend who made him convert.


I think you may already know that Islam accepts no other religions as true and would call people like hindus "kafirs" who will go to hell forever. It preaches the killing of non-belivers, so your nephew is one day gonna take on those views himself. I would say your family needs to learn about Hinduism first before you can teach him about it because if you all had known and taught him I'm sure this would've never happened. There are young Hindus who are confident in their religion because they've been brought up well byt their familes. But the families whose kids convert to Islam, obviously didn't do a good job in raising them.

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Guys don't dare view the avi that was posted in the subject line above!!! It's truly disgusting! Some anonymous person sent a fwd mail to a list that included to me. That avi link was on it and I only now saw what it was. I had no idea of what it was before viewing it and accidentally posted it in the subject line (as it was in the url before). I am sorry if it offended any one. For others who didn't see it, DO NOT download. I don't know if it has a virus on it so treat it as suspiscious.


Can the moderator's DELETE it please!

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my issue is with islam, the ideology

and what it has done to the hindus and hidustan.

unfortunately most HKs do not know it.


maadhav, i sure hope your "issues" are formed after a thorough study of the religion's doctrines and scriptures. Just as I wouldnt want a muslim to define hinduism based on a bunch of confused hindus, i wouldnt want to define islam based on a bunch of confused muslims.

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<< I must say I've never heard of a gujarati hindu male converting to Islam - it's usually girls with muslim boyfriends who do that. >>


muslims girls, in muslim families, are treated as private property of their husband and as a means to satisfy sex. they have no rights or freedom or play in society except produce children like pigs. therefore, muslim girls have no agenda to convert their boy friends. in contrast, muslims boys are active under the direction of the mullas to purposely entice hindu girls and convert the or exploit them as prostitutes. all the hindu parents should make their girls aware of this fact and advise them be careful:

do not befriend a muslim.


<< I think Islam can be defeated by rationality and just by asking questions and looking at the absurd answers it gives. It really needs to be exposed as there are numerous websites doing so. >>


correct. thanks.

unless one knows what one's owm dharma really hinduism is, one cannot understand how barbaric othre religion is.

so, read gita every day, talk about it, discuss it with other hindus.


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Then i have a question for you. Im assuming your indian both ethnicly and religiously ie hindu. But what id like to know is why dont you call yourself indian. Why call yourself Asian? One, Asians come from the orient and secondly why lump yourself together with all the pakistanis and bangladeshis who are rightly thought of as scum in Britain?

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I just dont believe this posting. May be just to draw the attention, someone has posted this story. I dont think any hindu would ever get converted to islam. This is nonsense. All you people like fools are wasting your time responding to this post.


I think this site is providing the platform for all of us to spread and discuss hinduism, so lets do that instead of responding to such unauthentic stories.

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Dear friends,


Haribol! I apologise for not replying sooner, but there have been times, where I go to reply, and someone walks into the room, so I have to just close my window.


For those who have shown compassion - a big heartfelt thank-you. It is a very difficult situation right now, and the last user who posted "Guest" on 12/05/04 05:22 AM", I would just like to tell him/her, that this is no hoax.


I know a few of you have commented that the family have not taught the boy about Hinduism, but from where I am, you do not know the full story and circumstances. What can one do with a very quiet child from a young age? There are places like HSS youth groups which children can go to, but this boy went a few times, then decided not too. I do realise that maybe we should have pushed him more - so let this not happen again to anyone. Also, the fact that the boy has had many Muslim friends from a young age, and not many (Gujarati-)Hindu friends is also a fact as to why he has converted or has been converted. The final brick in this is that I believe that there is a Muslim girl involved in this...


Do you believe in astrology? I asked an astrologer as to whats going to happen. He said that this young boy is going through his "Satte-Satti" (is this spelt correctly), and that after a few months the boy will return back. However, we cannot hold our breaths until this happens, and must and are trying to do something ourselves.


Once again, thank you to all. I shall continue coming here to read the discussions. And I do apologise for not responding earlier.






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How do you know which dharma is rite.. ?

Aren't you doing the same thing like any fanatics in any religion .. lets say islam which you are citing..!

Have you read Quran or Bible or Guru Granth Sahib?

Do you know Meaning of Word "Hindu"!

WE shoudn't be Calling ourselves Hindu! if you know what I mean!

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when you say "dharmic people" do you mean that only your grand parents who pray in certain way are only dharmic.. then aren't you saying the same things which mulsim fanatics say.. that except Islam everyone is "hindu" or kafir.. (hindu word comes from pharsee meaning Chor kameena )

If you got some depth then you can sit across and talk to him.. He is right.. if you force him ..then you are doing what other fanatics are doing..!

To win him the only thing you can do is ask why he converted?

then give him answers if you have.. Which I doubt coz then he wouldn't have converted..! isn't it!

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And what did your krishna say..!

My dharma is to kick ass of your kinda idiots who are misguiding people.. How many god you have... one right.. so say the muslims ..and others.. so if in ones language and area if you call him krishna and others call him ram or jesus or allah .. thats mere notation. you idiot..!! I don't think war is good for you. .coz hinduz have lost every war.. even to correct themselves from being called Hindu ( which was given by mughals.. ) what do you say about that.. you call yourself hindu.. today rite.. that means its like living in mughal era and some mughal calling you.. chor or kameena.. coz that what it means!

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  • 4 weeks later...



I applaud you. You have shown humility and compassion - two wonderful attributes for a person to have.




You sir get a "F". You are arrogant and selfserving, refusing to see the viewpoint of others unless it nicely folds in with your own. You will never be understanding or compassionate with that attitude - I assume you never want to be.


I know nothing about being a Hindu, and I have an equal share of Muslim and Hindi friends. Based on the conversation though, I would have converted to Islam just to spite you, maadhav. I would then convert to hinduism at the first opportunity that nitaipoddar gave me. He speaks of a compassionate and loving religion - not one of fear and reprisals.


Thank you for the opportunity to read your comments and thoughts, nitaipoddar. I enjoyed every moment.



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