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Temples shut seeking seer's release

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Temples shut seeking seer's release

Thursday November 18 2004 00:00 IST


LUCKNOW: All Hindu temples here were shut after the morning prayers on Wednesday to protest the arrest in Tamil Nadu of Shankaracharya Jayendra Saraswathi.


In Varanasi, some prominent holy men have threatened to immolate themselves if the seer who has been arrested on murder charges is not released immediately.


In the Hindu holy town of Haridwar, some people have launched hunger strikes in support of their demand.


In Ayodhya, some prominent Islamic leaders have joined the protest, surprising residents of the town where Hindu mobs razed the Babri mosque in 1992.


They include Hashim Ansari, the key Muslim litigant in the mosque-temple row, Mohammed Yunus Siddiqui, convenor of Babri Masjid Action Committee, and Najmul Hasan, the state vice president of the Muslim League.


"The Shankaracharya had played a very positive and constructive role towards finding an amicable and out of court solution to the dispute," Siddiqui told IANS.


"Each time he visited Ayodhya, the Shankaracharya displayed immense concern about maintaining communal harmony at all costs. It is deplorable that the administration has arrested such a person," Siddiqui said.

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{In Varanasi, some prominent holy men have threatened to immolate themselves if the seer who has been arrested on murder charges is not released immediately.}


It is so silly when so-called holy men threaten such things as even if they did immolate themselves nothing will change and they will be laughed at by the anti-hindu brigade as well as causing huge embarassment to other Hindus. Why don't these same 'holy men' put their efforts into relieving some of the pain caused by the anti-hindus? Whey don't they teach their followers to by dymanic and fight for righteosness till the end as Sri Krishna advised Arjuna? No problems will be solved by immolating themselves as a matter of fact it will cause even more problems.


Please, Hindus of India if you want to protest do some mass demonstartion, show the anti-hindus the power of hindu unity, show them of what they're up against, but please don't go on any hunger strikes because you'd be rediculed!


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