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Agenda of an invaded ideoogy in Bharat

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Here I quote from the book - Searching For Vedic India - by Devamrita Swami, a recent BBT publication


(Max) "Muller was recruited by the British colonial regime in India. The chairman of the Education Board arranged that Muller would receive funds from the British East India Company to translate the Vedic texts in a way that would destroy the Indians' reverence for them."


who hindu could say - after reading hsi this book - that he is not a hindu?


is it no time the HK's realize they are hindus?

if they cannot agree, fine. no argument.

just carry on.


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I hope not at the cost of some innocent lives. Fanatical approach is dangerous and if that is the goal than we are no different from the Muslim fanatics. Hinduism had survived some ten thousand years and still going strong because of our faith and liberal approach. Christians and Muslims ahd tried to wipe it out but God is great and our religion is still here and will be here for the next ten thousand years and more. Our religion is born out of love and respect for all living beings and so be proud of it.

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Hare Krishna!

All glories to Srila PRabhupada!I offer my humble obeisances unto Him!


Designation of Hindu is only to the body and not to the soul.This is the basic tenet of Hindu religion.

Aham Brahmasmi


Then why you are so HINDU oriented. You have to defeat the Muslim concept and not be against people as people are in ingnorance. Might sound very ideological, but if one proclaims to follow Vediac scriptures, he has to teach in accordance to Vedic scriptures and not be too attached to this HINDU thing which again is only material. If you think the Hindus are so fanatical and will kill any Hindu, then one has to defend him/herself.But at the same time, we should also follow Vedic scriptures and treat everyone equally and only fight against people who causes harm not because he is just a Christian or Muslim.





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"If you think the Hindus are so fanatical and will kill any Hindu, then one has to defend him/herself.But at the same time"


iam sorry it should have been MUSLIM and not HINDU in the sentence. So it goes


"if you think the muslims are so fanatical and will kill any Hindu,then one has to defend him/herself.But at the same time"





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Our religion is here after 1000 years of foreign invasion, not because of its open mindedness and "kill me and i chant ram,ram" approach.


Its still there only because of valiant warriors who fought and defended it like satrapathi shivaji maharaj,vijayanagara empire,valiant rajputs,gallant sikh gurus etc.


had not vijayanagar defended south for 300 years we all would have been goners.had not rajputs protested,we all would have been taken for granted and would have gone the egyptian religions way.


krishna said "fight adharma,do your duty as a ksathriya.NOt doing so is equal to cowardice.its your duty to fight.why do you cry like a female?"


Are you against krishna's words?

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Jai Ganesh

Hare Krishna!



(Designation of Hindu is only to the body and not to the soul.This is the basic tenet of Hindu religion.

Aham Brahmasmi)


You have contradicted your self, basic tenets you mention is well understood by any practicing Hindu, no hindu is thinking I am this body.(actual realization is another thing)



(Then why you are so HINDU oriented. You have to defeat the Muslim concept and not be against people as people are in ingnorance.)


It is hard not to have an identity, no matter what you call it, is still a designation.

How do you propose to defeat the Muslim concept without involving the people?



(If you think the Muslims are so fanatical and will kill any Hindu, then one has to defend him/herself)


yes this is the fact in Bharat and the silent muslims are supporting them by default.



(But at the same time, we should also follow Vedic scriptures and treat everyone equally and only fight against people who causes harm not because he is just a Christian or Muslim.)


Quite right and we do it all the time, but this ideology of theirs which is purely based on bodily concept are exploiting our good nature. Their sole aim is to turn this Vedic land in their camp. To them we are Kafirs or heathens and they are using all the dirty trick in the book to achieve their aim.



Jai Shree Krishna

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I hope maadhav does not mind my commenting upon his article, but I found his allogation that Max Muller brought out faulty translations of Indian scriptures in order to destroy the reverence of Indians in them very funny - the Buddhist and Jain translations are as bad as the Hindu, but I think that the scholars of the time, like some contemporary scholars, were not up to the job. Western scholars fear to loose their "objectivity", but these scriptures can only be translated and commentated upon by scholars who have the practical experience of having practiced an Indian religion. It should be noted that the Hon. East India Company opened India up not only to Christian missionaries, but also to Buddhist missionaries, and one could hardly accuse the Brtish authorities of ever having been pro-Buddhist. Many of the English enterprises were quite whimsical, Calcutta was founded by an Englishman who eloped with a Brahmin widow, and Madras was founded by an Englishman as an excuse to continue his love affair with a Portuguese lady at San Tome, and so on. I doubt very much that there were any Machiavelli policies or Byzantine politics practiced either by the Hon. East India Company or the Raj. There were probably a lot of bungling British idiots, which is probably the reason why patriotic Indians decided to get rid of them.

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<< but I found his allogation that Max Muller brought out faulty translations of Indian scriptures in order to destroy the reverence of Indians in them very funny >>


Below is a quote from teh Vedas

translated by Swami Satyaprakash saraswati,

Veda Prathisthan, New Delhi.



Max Muller and other scholars of the west laboured hard on the Vedic texts, not only as pure academicians, but they were also sure, that if they could show to Indian people how meaningless and debasing the concept of their own Vedic scholiasts were, their future generations, more enlightened on account of the advances of modern philosophy and sciences, would refuse to accept the Vedas and the Vedic theology as their solace. *


· Max Muller, as a true Christian, was convinced of the fact, that his translations of the Vedic hymns based on the interpretations of Sayana and other scholiasts, would take away the faith of Indians from the Vedas, and in consequence, Indians would also become Christians in due course. We are told that he wrote a letter to his wife in 1968, in which he remarked thus, whilst he was busy in editing the Rgveda:


“I hope I shall finish that work and I feel convinced, though I shall not live to see it, yet this edition of mine (of the Rgveda) and the translations of the Vedas will hereafter tell to a great extent on the fate of India and on the growth of millions of souls in that country. It is the root of their religion, and to show them what the root is, is, I feel sure, the only way of uprooting all that has been sprung from it during the last three thousand years.”


Of course, the result has been otherwise. Due to Dayananda and people who have shared his view, the Vedas are much more popular in Indian society today than in Max Muller’s days, and their teachings have started revitalizing human mind, and now again they have started exercising a dynamic impact on our society.

- Rgveda Samhita Vol. 1, Pg. 116



is it funny?


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