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islam is peace loving?

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recent news is that iran is going ahead defiantly with its nuclear program enabling it to produce nuclear bombs.


the world powers do not like it.


a deadly weapon in wrong hands is a serious threat.


( however, the other point is that developing weapons is no one country's monopoly. any person or a country sooner or later can learn any technology of choice. )


it seems to me that the superpowers who have the nuclear bombs would try deplomacy to persuade iran to give up preparing for making n bombs. if deplomacy does not work, then iran may meet destruction of their nuclear facilities by some suddden unexpected bombing.


the reason for this thought is that if iran gets a nuclear bomb ready to shoot, then after it would be very difficult, almost impossible, to control it. iran can make any county in its missile range a hostage and demand things like, "quit iraq and afghanistan or else." so it is better to disarm it (or any fanatic country) before it gets armed.


any more thoughts on the subject?


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The word Islam is submit to God and it sounds good but the fanatics have submitted to the devil who wants to see blood shed. Taking the life of innocent people is not Islam. As for the disarmmement, it should be applied to all countries. No one country should be armed with long or short range nuclear misslies. Only the leaders of countries want to arm themsleves not the citizen coz the citizens know the consequence of nuclear war. Down with nuclear weapons mucst be the slogan of world citizens irrespective of religion or race. People have seen world war one and two but yet to see the 3rd world war but I'm afraid they would not live to see the result of it if the 3rd world war breaks out. Nuclear was invented for power source not to destroy people and properties of countries. Peace will only prevail if one believes in God otherwise its death to human race.

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irak developed nuclear weapons in 80's.Israel threw bomps on it and destroyed the factory.If we talk of fundamental rights,democracy etc in todays world nothing will work.Imagine n-bomps in hands of fundamentals like komeni?


N=bomps are a very dangerous weapon.So i fully support USA in this aspect.USA at present is the sole guardian of world peace.USA has taught a lesson to many dictators like sadaam,mulla omer,kadapi etc.It is controlling bad people like north korea's kim dae jung,pakistani musharrap etc.


Nbomps should not multiply.USA should snatch them from pakistan also.India and USA should be good friends and partners.USA should teach buisness to india.India should teach religion to usa.

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"The word Islam is submit to God and it sounds good but the fanatics have submitted to the devil who wants to see blood shed. Taking the life of innocent people is not Islam. As for the disarmmement, it should be applied to all countries. No one country should be armed with long or short range nuclear misslies. Only the leaders of countries want to arm themsleves not the citizen coz the citizens know the consequence of nuclear war. Down with nuclear weapons mucst be the slogan of world citizens irrespective of religion or race. People have seen world war one and two but yet to see the 3rd world war but I'm afraid they would not live to see the result of it if the 3rd world war breaks out. Nuclear was invented for power source not to destroy people and properties of countries. Peace will only prevail if one believes in God otherwise its death to human race. "



You do know what the problem is with this idea, right? In fact, there are many. Actually having a nuclear weapon DOES serve as a deterrent in many cases. But in countries like Pakistan and Iran, nuclear weapons are an especially dangerous commodity.


It would be a great thing if all the world citizens could, united, disarm nuclear weapons and agree to never construct them again.


Such a thing would be possible in Satya Yuga. But look around you, there are evil men everywhere, who desire power, death, and destruction. Especially terrorists. And they most certainly will not abstain from nuclear weapons.


Even if a country took the initiative to disarm and show an act of faith and trust, other countries will see that disarmed country as vulnerable, and like a pack of wolves they will pounce on that country. Unfortunately, this is the reality of the situation.

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###Such a thing would be possible in Satya Yuga. But look around you, there are evil men everywhere, who desire power, death, and destruction. Especially terrorists. And they most certainly will not abstain from nuclear weapons.###



Why wait for Satya Yuga, surely if all countries agree unanimously to disarm their NW of all kinds than all countries would be free of it and they need not worry of each other of using NW or threatening each other with it. If all men desire for peace than such an act should be legistated in all nations as well as the UN. Not even the US should have a single nuclear warhead. This can only be initiated if a resolution passed by the world body and oaths taken by leaders of countries and the world citizens body [elected citizens of all countries]is represented in the UN instead of relying on elected leaders of countries in UN. Only peace loving ordinary citizens representing countries of their origin should be elected to the body. Now this will bring something new to the word peace and friendly nations.


Peace can only be acheived if religious leaders of world unite together as one body representing the world if the true meaning of peace is to be realized. Making speeches to each other and talking in the pulpit would not sufice. Initiatives has to be made in order to make a vision into reality. World Christian, Islamic, Jewish, Buddhist and Hindu leaders of the world should make their representation to the world body to legislate such a law so that not a single country in this world should make nuclear war heads of any kind. Upon legislation leaders of nations should take an oath to abide by such a law. After that if any country is found to be secretly working on such project would be isolated from the world body and an embrgo to ban that country from trading with any other countris in the world. An isolation would allow its citizens to realize that their leader is a rascal and should be removed. And such would pave the way to world peace and Satya Yuaga would be born soon as expected.

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Jai Ganesh


Islam is peaceful? Are you kidding?


I have yet to know anything positively peaceful about Islam.

They chant alha hu akbar bhismila rehman

God is great the most merciful and then they slit the poor animal slowly. Even worse they behead humans for political gains.

Can anyone tell me do they not learn compassion from the most merciful?


N bomb in the hands of anyone is bad enough,but with Islam it is dangerous.


Jai Shree Krishna


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<< People have seen world war one and two but yet to see the 3rd world war but I'm afraid they would not live to see the result of it if the 3rd world war breaks out. >>


barney dear,


this war on terrorism is WW3.

unfortunatley it would continue for three generations at least.


i think that unity and coordinated actions of the allies is most important to win this war.

else all will loose.


any technology can be learned and exploited by suras as well as asuras. so, the making and usning of WMD's can only be stopped by making people and countries suras, not asuras.


my prediction is this:


as soon as an asura person or country is about ready to make a WMD ready to use, it would be destroyed suddenly by a supprise precision attack by a sura person or country.


can any one see any other possibility?


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At present the usa has enough nuclear weapons to blow the entire world 200 times over, yet they are developing nuclear weapons at a faster rate than any other country in the world...iran, iraq, n-korea put together... Yet most people don't know about this becaue it is never discussed in the american controlled and biased media. Don't be fooled by the hype..i isn't having weapons to blow the entire planet 200 times over not enough???? why is the us developing n-weapons at such a fast rate..am i the only one that finds this fact alarming..

Secondly yes the US has removed saddam....but did you know that the us and saddam were best friends in the 90's....the us didn't care about saddam then because he was selling them oil at a cheap rate..just like saudi arabia..it is just like iraq if not worse...it has a lot of extreemists but the us won't dare invade saudi because they sell the us oil for a really cheap price. At the end of the day it is about money ..the mighty dollar nothing else..don't be fooled by the hype..the us doesn't care for anyone.


Last but not the least do you know how many innocent civilians died in the invasion of iraq??..thousands of mothers and children who had nothing to do with saddam also died(the estimate is abou 2000)..same in afghanistan...lot of mothers and children who had nothing to do with the taliban also died.....the usa is not a guardian of peace...just an opportunistic country which controls the world media....remember knowledge is power, thats why the us controls the flow of information i.e media.

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Gets the worst of it all. Sooner or later Pakistain will attack. You know how Krishna killed most Asuras 5000 years ago in 1 place. So similar wherever they gathered they will be washed out. Its predicted by Chaitanya Mahaprabhu that Sankirtana Movement will spread in EVERY TOWN AND VILLAGE.


So personally I don't see how it can happen with all Asuras. I am not saying Muslims/Christians/Hindus etc/


5000 years ago there were no muslims on Battlefield. Think about this for a moment.

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<< Last but not the least do you know how many innocent civilians died in the invasion of iraq??..thousands of mothers and children who had nothing to do with saddam also died(the estimate is abou 2000). >>


in general, this is due to sanga dosha.

just see, the the terrorists are attaching all the americans and their allies, civilian or mulitary, whoem or children.



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In war innocents will die.It is inadvertent.That should not be a deterrant for not fighting evil.It is good that USA is building weapons.Because if aliens attack the world who will save us?Someday some aliens will come like in independence day movie.what will you do?So we need to advance in weapons field also.


Saddam is a dictator.He used to torture and kill all his people.He has killed 1 million people in his regime.USA might have attacked Iraq for any reason.But the outcome was benefecial for the world and iraq.


war on iraq might have killed 2000 innocents.But saddam killed a million.And it is good if america fought the war for oil.OIl price is already high.Its already 45 rs a liter.So its good that america is fighting to reduce oil price.


saddam is duriyodana,osamha is duchandana,musharraf is saguni.George bush is yudishtra,tony blair is thristhathyumna,kofi annan is vidhura and sep 11 victims are draupathi.


In war against justice and injustice george bush comes like arnold schwarzanagger and hits all the bad villains and beats them.Police(uno) come in climax when hero has beaten all of them.what is the use?


USA and india are like arjun and krishna.USA has power like arjuna and india has wisdom like krishna.Both will fight and arrest all bad guys

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"saddam is duriyodana,osamha is duchandana,musharraf is saguni.George bush is yudishtra,tony blair is thristhathyumna,kofi annan is vidhura and sep 11 victims are draupathi"


too much fantasy

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<< In war innocents will die.It is inadvertent.That should not be a deterrant for not fighting evil. >>


yes, and it is true for kranti also.


the hindus would try their best to save the innocents in wars and kranti, but no death to innocents is not simply possible. it is due to sangadosha.


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"Saddam is a dictator.He used to torture and kill all his people.He has killed 1 million people in his regime.USA might have attacked Iraq for any reason.But the outcome was benefecial for the world and iraq"


When Saddam was torturing his victims, raping women and killing babies during the 90's the usa did not lift a finger because it was getting oil for cheap.How come no one blamed usa for knowingly let saddam torture his people then?????

What does this tell you about usa's moral values????? If saddam was still selling oil to usa now....he would still be torturing his own people. Yes removing saddam was beneficial, BUT THAT DOES NOT MEAN THAT THE USA CARES ABOUT THE AVERAGE IRAQI CIVILIAN. Thats the most imp thing.

Secondly most iraqi civilians did not want the usa to invade....if the iraqi civilians know best what they want...they are the ones that got tortured by saddam, and yet they did not want the usa to invade.


"George bush is yudishtra".....Yudishtra did not kill 2000 civilians for his personal financial gain...george bush did...his dads and brothers oil companies in iraq are making millions of dollars in profit which are going to the bush family...did yudishtra have such motives??? killing mothers and babies so you can increase your bank account.


Last but not least there are dictators worse than saddam...killed more of their own people than saddam..where is bush(yudishtra) then??????? those countries have no oil to give bush so he lets them die....where is the dharma in this???? bush is not yudishtra...

"USA and india are like arjun and krishna"........arjun would have never been able to see thousands of civilians and done nothing UNLESS there was a financial gain

(leaders in africa have butchered much more of their own poeple than saddam, bush has looked the other way many times...because no oil for him)....arjun just wanted enough land for him and his family...BUsh has millions...still wants more..greediness is not dharma.. bush is in no way like arjun.

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"world needs cheap oil.Thats all.Else indian economy will collapse.And jihadis will enjoy the oil money.I fully support usa."


In that case you support killing thousands of innocent civilians (non jihadis) for oil, and financial benifit.

You cannot consider yourself a real hindu then. Slaughtering babies and children for material benifit is not what hinduism is about. Krishna was against materialism let alone slaughtering thousands for material gain...that is the biggest sin ever.

Treating people like cattle to increase your bank account is what you are supporting.....you can support it if you like, but don't expect krishna to look the other way when its time to decide your karma..


"Those people dont know what is democracy.So let them be colonised.whats wrong? " Thats exactly what the british thought when they came to india...

LAst but not least not all middle easterners are jihadis...there are quite a few jihadis yes, but there are many many people that just wish to live a normal life...raise a family and die in peace. Your decision to support the killing of these people to increase ones bank account shows that you do not follow the hindu principles.

The USA knows that saudi arabia is a breeding ground for terrorists(I am not saying that all saudis are terrorists)

but it still buys oil from saudi..WHY?????? ANyone got an answer for this???....even though the usa knows a lot of the oil money is going to fund terrorists it still buys oil from saudi...Do you support usa's decision to buy oil from saudi??????

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<< The USA knows that saudi arabia is a breeding ground for terrorists(I am not saying that all saudis are terrorists)

but it still buys oil from saudi..WHY?????? >>


a thought is that the west wants to use up all the oil of the world before the west uses its own oil. that is a sure way to win any war when the enemy is without oil and the west has it.


bomber planes need oil to fly.

the last country with oil and bombers and bombs can win any war.


now, the west may not agree to this design,

but in essence that is what is happening.


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<< The USA knows that saudi arabia is a breeding ground for terrorists(I am not saying that all saudis are terrorists)

but it still buys oil from saudi..WHY?????? >>


The saudi monarchy or the the saudi royal family who get most of the oil money...not only support a lot of terrorists, but they also treat their own people with no dignity at all..they cut of peoples hands, and behead poeple.....the usa's oil money is what funds this....SO in other words the USA is indirectly supporting terrorism and a monarchy that beheads its own people......it knowingly buys oil from a country that supports terrorism and beheads its own people...that is indirectly supporting terrorism....


"middle east can be manipulated in anyway as long as you get oil at cheap prices.Those people dont know what is democracy.So let them be colonised.whats wrong? "


there are many saudis that hate their monarchy, they want a democracy they want to overthrow their king, but can't because their king gets the usa's full financial support from the oil...if the usa stopped buying oil from saudi and helped those saudis that wanted a democracy to overthrow their monarchy that would really help reduce the threat of terrorism instead it is buying oil and increasing the financial support for terroists..

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