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Stop talking about Jagdguru Adi Shankara

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Vedas says Vishnu and Shiva are one and the same. Lord Vishnu makes remarks " Those who blame Lord Shiva are equally unfavourable to me". Stop this discussions and live together as "Hindus". I advise to all my dear highely educated, but totally illeterate friends, is that Vishnu and Shiva are one the same at Dwaitham, same at Advaitham.

Pls stop discusson through website, orelse, Hindu religion at risk with many people converting into other religions such Christianity/ Islam. This happens due to our internal foolishness to discuss who is great or which is great.


One of the devotee of all Hindu gods.10th sep04


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I didnt realise but Sanatan Dharma is becoming so diverse that individual sects are starting to "hate" each other. For example, there are 5 or 6 sects of the swaminrayan faith who are in disagreement with each other.

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YES i totally agree with you... people should agree that Lord siva and LORD Vishnu are at the same ..IF THEY HAVE to SAVE "HINDU RELEGION ".


BUT IF YOU HAVE TO COME OUT OF SAMASRA ( BIRTH AND DEATH ), away from the political issues of living entities AND GO BACK TO THE PLACE YOU ACTULLY BELONG TO Vakunthloka then you need to understand .. That they are two separate Personality .... no one is same...Vishnu is the supreme personality of Godhead ...




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Yoga means relationship with the supreme lord. Visnu and siva have unique relationship, therefore, are a demonstration to hindus, as well all all beings, of yoga.


How can one please visnu and curse siva at the same time?


Lord Siva is as good as god because his relationship with visnu is firm, and visnu's relationship with siva is firm. Fools have no access into the relationship between these distinct personalities, therefore, make offense to yoga itself.


The definition of God means that the jiva has no ability to be equal or greater than Him. Both Visnu and Lord Siva have this quality, neither can be considered to be on a par with jiva atma.


hare krsna. ys, mahaksadasa

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This is the bit I don't undertstand. If Vishnu and Shiva are really the same One God in different forms, then how come in the Puranas they are presented as different and seperate from each other? This would imply that the stories of the Puranas are false and the negative criticism of them is justified? Is this the reason Puranas are referred to as mythology?

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In quality, there is no difference, in quantity there is. Visnu and Shiva are one when consideration is given to the transcendental relationship of yoga. The purpose of the two distinct beings is fully the same.


However, Visnu is Visnu, and Lord Shiva Is Lord Siva. Lord Brahma goes to the ocean of Milk to see Visnu, not Shiva. Shiva Visits Lord Brahma when the personality of Death is created for the Human beings, it is not Visnu who visits Lord brahma on this occasion. Lord Siva is the husband of Parvati, Visnu is the Husband of Laxmi.


Visnu maintains the universe, lord Siva destroys when the time comes.


Acintya bheda bheda tattwa is simultaneous oneness and difference, and Acintya means inconceivable. Maybe the human mind cannot conceive of two beings being distinct, yet singular is purpose.


haribol, ys, mahaksadasa

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{Acintya bheda bheda tattwa is simultaneous oneness and difference, and Acintya means inconceivable. Maybe the human mind cannot conceive of two beings being distinct, yet singular is purpose.}


That sounds interesting. Where can I find out more about Achintya Bheda Bheda and how it relates to other systems?


Wasn't that the philosophy Chaitanya developed or did it exist before him. From a historical basis, I think that the Visistadvaita system of sage Bodhayana 400BC (before Ramanuja) is probably the oldest that is known about.

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  • 5 years later...

God is One,Vishnu and Shiva are two of his beautifull personalities or incarnations.Both have different qualities but remain from the same Divine Source.Isnt this the beauty of Hinduism that God can have so many different forms and attributes?I believe that people argue about this matter because of Kali Yuga,this is age of seperation and qaurrel.But perhaps this has been all part of Gods leela and now we may be able to enter a new age of light and Unity in Diversity?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi friends

It is to make clear about our hindusm ( prachina vaidika sampradaya) there many people came and called them self as acharyas ,in fact every one came as acharya did the same mistake, misinterpreting holly vedas , starting from sankaracharya... after that jagad guru srimad anada theertha bagavad paadacharya( sri MADHWACHARYA) came to provide real kowledge about the holly scriptures ,i am not telling just like that he is the incornation of mukhya praan vaayu its mentioned in veda its self that in rig veda pavamana mandala vaaya deva is the guru for whole universe(thrilokyacharya) and will lead all devagana and other jeevathmas to paramathama(lord vishnu)in their moksha,there jeevathmas will feel the eternal bliss ( swroopananda) ,because it is mentioned his name also there that is "madhwa"

The key point to be noted and remembered is that Acharya Madhva did not discover or invent anything new. All the major concepts enunciated by him were part of the timeless, eternal vedic religion (sanAtana dharma). He brought back these forgotten concepts into the conciousness of humanity, providing appropriate references. The school of philosophy associated with him has different names. Its ancient name is tattvavAda, but it is more popularly known as Dvaita (the dualistic school).

There is a very popular verse, attributed to Sri VyAsa tIrtha, which captures some of the highlights of the Acharya Madhva’s philosophy:

shrIman Madhva Mate harih paratarah

Satyam Jagat

Tattvato bhedah

jeeva ganaah hareh anucharAh,

nichochha bhavam gatAh

Muktih Naija sukhAnubhUti

amalA bhaktishcha tat saadhanam

Haixyaadi tritayam pramaanam

akhilam Amnaayaika vedyo harih

A loose translation of the above would be:

ViShNu is the supreme God,

The world is real,

The five-fold difference between God, living and non-living beings is an eternal fact,

All living beings are dependent upon Hari for their existence

There is a hierarchy amongst living beings, that is eternal (without beginning or end)

Salvation lies in the soul experiencing its intrinsic joy,

Salvation can be attained only through pure and unsullied devotion of God means of knowledge are sensory perception, inference and holy scriptures

Hari is to be perceived in His nature through the holy scriptures and only through them.

In addition to the above points, Acharya made several important contributions to Indian Philosophy. Some of these are:

Bimba-pratibimba: God is the object (bimba) and jIvas are His images (pratibimbas)·

Sarva-shabda vAchatva: every word, every sound is God’s name.

Jeeva traividya: three-fold classification of jIvas into Satvika (fit for liberation), Nitya-samsAri (happiness mixed with sorrow), tAmasika (fit for eternal damnation)

Vishesha: A special characteristic that acts as a distinguishing feature where there is innately no difference.

The concept of “Sakshi” and its importance.

Treating all the Hindu scriptures as an integral entity, unlike others who treat differentiate and discriminate between different portions of scriptures. He showed how seemingly conflicting passages from different scriptures should be interpreted to yield one coherent message.

Providing a spiritual and philosophical interpretation of the Rig Veda. As an example, he interpreted forty sUktas to show how it should be done. WHO EVER THE DEVOTEES OF RAGHAVENDRA THEERTHA GURAGALU has nothing to worry because raghavendra swamy ji , is himself is follower of madhwacharya hence he will take all of us in right way to reach LORD NAARAYANA (pramathma)

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