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how to defeat Islam?

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islam is not a true religion. it is arab culture. borrowed philosophies from jewish christian religions and pieced together them with their own culture.


islam has entered india and we face problems because of it. violence can never solve this issue, as RSS thugs justifies, only can be solved through ahimsa. there should be debates again between bramhins and their mullahs. why not?

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we don't try to defeat other religions, why do that ? you think you will be successful ?


We don't defeat, we try to point out the universal message we find in all the traditions:

Love God

love others like yourself

this Earth is not your real home

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<< islam is not a true religion. it is arab culture. borrowed philosophies from jewish christian religions and pieced together them with their own culture. >>




<< islam has entered india and we face problems because of it. >>




<< violence can never solve this issue, as RSS thugs justifies, only can be solved through ahimsa. there should be debates again between bramhins and their mullahs. why not? >>


why then the iraqis could solve the saddam's problem by non violence?


so far i have not seen a muslim that debates rationally.

they know brute force only and believe in exercising it.

they honor brute force only.


a muslim born in iran was a rational person,

and so he quit islam.

his name is ali sina. his web page is



i have not visited it lately.


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i meant we, as in hindus, have to take action. of course i don't rely on muslims to take up nonviolence nowadays (Badshah Khan did back then, follower of gandhiji). we use power of nonviolence to affect the muslims throughout india, that is the only way we succeed. who cares about iraqis, there are no indians there.

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<< of course i don't rely on muslims to take up nonviolence nowadays (Badshah Khan did back then, follower of gandhiji). >>


true, and so it is very easy for them to wipe out all of us the hindus if we remain non violent against their adharma.



<< we use power of nonviolence to affect the muslims throughout india, >>


that has proven totally ineffective since the independence.

even gandhi failed to make the muslims non viooent.

why you think any one else can make them non violent?


you see, they live by koran and hadith that teach violence and conversion. they follow koran, not gandhi, buddha or krishna.


<< that is the only way we succeed. >>


not it is sure way to fail uterly.

we need to live by the vedas.

and per the vedas, non violence is not an absolute principle. even probahuapda points it out very clearly in his gita translation.


<< who cares about iraqis, there are no indians there. >>


iraqis are muslims, and these muslims have not produced a gandhi or gandhi like person so far. why? because koran and haduth can only pruduce barbaric violent people.


yes, khan abdul gaphar khan of afghanistan was like gandhi, but that is becuse of the neighboring hindu culture's influence. osama and saudi arabia would never recognize him as a muslim. however his life failed to bring any major change in the lives of afghans. no one stopped the destruction of buddha bamian statue.



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The point is that we must not seek to "defeat" Islam like a few people here are saying. You claim that Islam (actually only some Muslims, not an entire religion) tried to destroy Hinduism so it is justified to destroy Islam. That brand of thinking does not belong to Hindus. How are you any better than the Moguls and Islamic militants that attack India? You are encouraging the same behavior that you condemn at the same time. In the Bhaghavad Gita, Arjuna fights and slays enemies he loves, only because all other methods failed him. You neither love Islam nor have tried using other ways to solve the situation, so that comparison cannot be used. We need to seek to destroy the animosities between Hindus and Muslims. That is the true enemy that faces both religions today. Any Hindu who hates Islam and believes that it must be destroyed is unfortunately confused or misled. Befriend your kin, never unnecessarily aggravate aggression.

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The first king to try love with moguls was prithvi raj chauhan.He pardoned mohammed gauri and you know what happened afterwards.


Next were the people of somanth.They pleaded,begged and cried to mohammed ghaznavi.You know what happened.


Vijayanagar empire tried self defense.For 3 centuries it defeated bhamini sultans and always gave back the captured land.It lost just 1 war in 1565.YOu can see the results in hampii still.


Gandhi tried love and affection.He got kicked in the back and back stabbed.


See how israel is proactive.I dont speak against the religion.Peaceful coexistence of all religions without conversions and violence is my wish.Plus equal rights to hindus and not to treat hindus as second class citizens in India is another wish.


That's all.


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Hindus need to look at things logically and learn from all the mistakes made in the past and take necessary measures to ensure they don't happen again. 1000 years is a very long time and an incredible amount of damage was done. But this damage is also being done today with anti-hindu propaganda be peddled by muslims, christians and western, leftists organisations which have high places in academic institution. Because they have a powerful influence they have managed to get away with much of their anti-hindu progaganda.


Of course Hindus need to learn more about their religion and how to apply it in life as many don't know. Too often the people targetted for conversions are the ones who don't know (or have a warped idea) of their own religion.

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Jai Ganesh



(See how israel is proactive.I dont speak against the religion.Peaceful coexistence of all religions without conversions and violence is my wish)



Your wish is not unreasonable,

unfortunately just as the nature of scorpion is to sting so is the nature of Islam is to convert, peaceful coexistence in this context is difficult if not imposable, if the intention of Islam was peaceful as they claim, then they would have as any reasonable person would do is to un do the past mistakes and give back our places of worships.

We get branded as fanatics simply wishing those eyesores be removed from our holy places.



(Plus equal rights to Hindus and not to treat hindus as second class citizens in India is another wish.

That's all.)


Bring in uniform civil code for all the citizens, do we know of any other country which has different laws for its citizen?

We can only blame our own politicians for this sorry situation, even the Hindu Muslim unrest is largely attributed to our corrupt politicians; this is the biggest hindrance in our spiritual and material progress.

Jai Shree Krishna


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<< Any Hindu who hates Islam and believes that it must be destroyed is unfortunately confused or misled. Befriend your kin, never unnecessarily aggravate aggression. >>


you really do not know the history how much the hindus have suffered from islam for 1000 years, and still are trying to preach to the victims.


first you preach to the muslims of bharat successfully, that what they (islam) did (invasions and conversions) was wrong, and they need to give up islam if they want to live in bharat.


never come here to prech the hindus till you succeed with the muslims.





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what you mean is that they would agree with you when you win over them. but they would not give up fighting or killing kafirs. prithviraj chauhan won ghauri 17 times. each time ghauri said to him, "i am your cow, please have mercy upon me." and prithviraj let him go unhurt. 18th time he lost, and ghauri thrust hot iron rods in his eyes. THAT IS ISLAM.


Lesson: never give a second chance to cancer cells and cobras. and it is dharma to do so.


why should not the koran be buried on the vedic land?

i see no good reason.


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  • 2 weeks later...

The question should not be how to defeat islam, but how to revive hinduism. If all the hindus knew what their religion was and what it really meant, the threat from islam and conversion to xniaty would be greatly reduced. Most hindus laugh and their own religion is that islams or xniaty's fault..NO..its the hindus own fault and unless we realize this I am sorry to say hinduism is on the decline. Defeating extremism is islam and xniaty is good, BUT it will IN NO WAY bring back the so called hindus to hinduism. That is a more important problem than defeating islam; once we revive the interest in hinduism among todays hindus then you will see that defeating islam and xniaty will automatically become easier, because hindus would not be attracted to other religions.

Never forget the decline of hinduism began way before islam or xniaty came to india and none of those religions were responsible for that decline....but we hindus were.

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The main reason for whatever bad happened to hinduism is becasue of bhramins.They are supposed to be in temples teaching dharma and vedas for the society.But instead they go to usa,government jobs and get spoilt.They have thrown away the lamp of dharma given to them by our rishis.


They are supposed to live only by unjavirudhi(begging)But they go in cars and even eat meat,drink and call themselves as devotional.They even say "Only since i worshipped krishna he gave me this government job".What is more foolish than this?


They have betrayed and back stabbed all our rishis and gods.They deviated from varnashrama dharma.All other castes have done so,but bhramins should never have done that.They are supposed to guide the entire society.But bhramin went for material riches after british.He thought that by dressing like british he can be cultured.


The one and only job of a bhramin is to chant vedas.Nothing else.He should not even earn his livelihood.If he doesnt get food, he and his family should starve and chant vedas.That was his dharma.


All other castes were told that "bhrammana sambroshanam" was their main duty.Every king,every rich vaisya gave gold,silk,food,rice to bhramins.In those days no village let a bhramin starve.In our culture feeding bhramins was the highest dharma.On those days people never ate without giving food first to a bhramin.


Other castes did their job perfectly.Bhramins were good even during prosecution of muslims and sultans.But once british came,bhramins saw their wealth and became desirious.They left their dharma and went to government jobs.Seeing this all other varnas followed him.This is the root cause of destruction of values and dharma.


Bhramins getting spoilt is the root casue of all evils prevailing today.They can say 1000 reasons.But they should have said "veda samrakshana is our dharma.If none feeds us we are prepared to die".Any other caste can deviate,society will survive.But if bhramins deviate,the entire dharma will be destroyed.


The mouths that chanted vedas are chanting java and c++ today.The hands that grew yagnas are editing third rated hollywood films in computer labs.Deities are waiting in temples in their native places.He is eating meat and getting destroyed.Many bhramins in usa eat eggs.When i asked why,they say egg is vegetarian.


Rather than a bhramin earning millions in usa, the lower caste poojari in my native village is 10000 times better.Shame on all of them.

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is this a religious site or what talking a load of rubbish seems to be all i've read so far.

We are all spirit souls all in the same boat to speak and we should have all empathy for our brothers. This time of Kali is certaintly the age of Hipocracy and Quarral. Maybe we should take a leaf out of our spiritual master book and be more tolerant than the tree and humbler than the grass.

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No one can defeat ISLAM........


I head lot more news in this place. Some body is claiming that the HINDUS suffered a lot with ISLAM for 1000 years. If the MUSLIM emprors intention was to establish ISLAM in this COUNTRY then now U couldnt able to find a SINGLE TEMPLE.


And forget not,


"Indeed we sent QURAN and surely we gaurd it"





A Muslim


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- varna by birth is malpractice of dharma.


- ahimsa is no an absolut principle in hinduism, but many think it it tht is incorrect interpretation of hinduis.


- most hindus do not know or read gita.

- many have not read any purana or other vedic scripture.


- once the vedic brahmans were able to bless or curse effectively (what they say would happen). none have that power. consequently no one is afraid of a brahmana.


- the inader muslims and brits, and also teh congress of gandhi have rendered many hindus as anti-hindus.


- corruption is adharma, and is increased a lot in last 57 years.


- etc.



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Well you being a muslim is already biased. It's only one or two people here who talk of 'defeating' Islam, most Hindu's just want to survive, without being constantly harrassed by muslims. Looking at the bloody history of Islam in India, it's easy to see why. It's up to you if you don't want to believe that Hindus suffered alot under Muslim emperors, we know the truth and history bears witness to the facts (go read about your Aurangzeb, Babur, Mahmud of Ghazni, Mohd of Gaur, etc).


{If the MUSLIM emprors intention was to establish ISLAM in this COUNTRY then now U couldnt able to find a SINGLE TEMPLE.}


Of course it was their intention, they talk about it in their recorded words. In case too you're short-sighted, the part of India that is now Pakistan was indeed converted and the majority made muslims. They wern't muslims before then, they were either Hindu or Buddhist. The muslims emperors were not successful with the rest of India as they won parts then lost, esp when the British came. The mughals started doing silly things like killing their own family members, imprisoning them, etc. Because Hinduism had come from an ancient tradition based on spiritual experience, even with their greatest efforts the muslim emperors couldn't destroy it. If you didn't know they did meet with fierce resistance, esp by the Marathas and Sikhs and as the muslims had the bad habit of destroying other peoples places of worship, they as well as their religion, became even more hated by the Hindus.


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time will tell. wait and see.


but not this historical fact:


islam barbarians tried for 1000 years to kill hinduism in india, and they have failed. hinduism is still alive despite some foolish attitudes and acts of the hindus towards islam.


now we hindus need to get very serious to make bharat free from the invaded barbaric and aggresive ideologies.




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  • 1 year later...

islam is not a true religion. it is arab culture. borrowed philosophies from jewish christian religions and pieced together them with their own culture.


Islam has NOTHING to do with Jewish religion. Jews has the 10 Commandments - Christianity broke 9 of them (except maybe Honor your Parents) while Islam broke half of them.


Before Islam comes to Arab, many Arabians follow the religions of the Ancient Egyptians - which has similarities to how they wrap dead bodies, why they bury them and such. Many of this culture, plus Christians culture, and even some from jewish culture, taken without authority is added together as Islam. YET, Muslims will say Islam is new, never to exists before.


So, do not add Jews into Islamic culture without proper understanding on what is what.


Also, do I have to remind you that Jews are been attacked by Muslims worldwide as much as they do Hindus? Read the newspaper, please.

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All you have to do is have 12 kids per marriage and allow polygamy. The reason why islam is the fastest growing religion is largly due to having more kids per family. I really could careless if they eventually became the majority in the west. If by conversion or more kids per family. As long as they don't become majority in Bharat, which is home to Sanatana Dharma. Bharat is a place were all Hindus, whether born there or not, should pay homage to./images/graemlins/grin.gif

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