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What are castes of non-Indians?

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varna mean color? i personally do not take caste as a negative thing, it is simply what you are and what your past lives has made you.

i am not arguing against varnas, only i ask what varnas are those of non-indians, because we are only ones on earth who accept this truth.

what varna would an persian who practices a quality life belong to if he does not believe in karma. egyptian civilization existed before hindu civilization, so would varnas apply to them?

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An egyptian will have no caste.BUt his varna would have been identified by his work.Vedas talk about varnas only adn not caste.Have you ever seen vedas saying "rajputs,paswans,verma...?"no.Caste and varna are different.caste came later after vedic period.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Caste is a very sensitive subject to those who are ignorant of it. Infact what you have said is precise. Gunabahavam is the criterion for caste. Even a lowest in profession and wealthless person who follows the path of Dharma and understands the scripture is considered a brahmin even though he comes from a different race or culture.

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who follows the path of Dharma and understands the scripture is considered a brahmin even though he comes from a different race or culture.





i'm not sure if this is true. this seems to be buddhist philosophy, no? a kshatriya may follow his svadharma and understand scripture, but he would not be considered brahmin.

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If a whole village or a town is domiciled by only brahmins what would they do if their vilage is invaded by enemies? Would they not fight to defend their wife and children? So, what would they become when they take arms to defend themselves. Can they be branded as kshatriyas and break away from their tradition just because they fought to defend themselves? May be you have a better understanding of the concept and would like to share with me. Please open your mind so that I too can learn something.

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it is the karma in acordance with teh strongest guna that determines one's varna.


then the question arises:

how you know which gina is strongest in a person?


the answer is in the result or the quality and effectiveness of karma.


therefore krishna says:


sve sve karna abhirathH

samsiddhi labhate naraH


one should not engage in karma as profession for which one does not have strong gunas.


in violation of this, the gandhians gave the positions of politicians to shudras who never had any gunas for a politican. therefore it was abvious that they cannot make a good gov., and they did not.


as a simple example, if one has strong ability (guna) to swim, then one should not go in the business of flying.


do what you are best at.

then your work determined your varna.


can you switch? sure!

develop strong gunas of a varna first, and then do karma of that varna, then you are that varna, regardless of what the world says.


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