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Hi. I am a Catholic and am inlove with a Hindu Indian girl. I strongly believe she feels the same way but is feeling trapped by her religion and how her family might react. Though I am Catholic I really just follow my own religious thinkings which go something like this. God made the world for us to live in and enjoy. I think all he wants for us is to live our lives in a way that doesn't hurt anybody else. I think that's all the proof he needs that we love and respect him. There is no perfect religion and all anybody should do is try to live a good, happy life. I expressed these thoughts to the girl I loved and she agreed with me. I also know for a fact that she is skeptical of the traditional ways in which Indian marriages are arranged but I think she is very uncertain about making such a bold movement as to abandon what she has been told to believe. Could anybody offer any opinions on this? Anything would be helpful. Thanks.

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If She is skeptical of the traditional ways then she is free to leave it But as far as we know there is no skepticism hidden in the traditional way of Indian marriages. If she tells you that she is not comfortable in the traditional Hindu life she never was,is,will be a true Hindu. Its better for her to leave the fold than be in the fold without interest.


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<< There is no perfect religion >>


in my view there is.

we need perfect followers.


but that is besides yoru main point.


such marriages cause social problems.

if you love a hindu girl, then why not love hinduism?

be a hindu, and no problem from girl's side.

she would be happy.

and because you love her, so you will be happy.



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It takes two to tango. A girl should follow the husband's path only than the family will be at peace and likewise if a Christian girl falls in love with a Hindu man than she should follow her husbands path that is Hinduism. Do not be bias. Being a Hindu never give wrong advice just to increase Hindu quota. This goes to all religions. A woman should always follow her husbands path and that is dharma.

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I disagree,


Why not learn about each others religion? Why not let each partner follow their own religion? Just because you marry someone of a different religion/culture, how can you just drop your beliefs and easily adopt another? It just shows how low some people are, who don't have a clue.


Barney, are you sexist? Then why does the girl have to give up her religion just for the husbands sake? It's stupid to just automatically drop a religion and adopt another over marriage.


'guest' Your girlfriend seems skeptikal? Maybe the problems lies with her not knowing enough and being a little negative. If you're catholic, are you indian catholic or from a european background? Because maybe they'll be cultural differences also. Also if your partner is not catholic do you have to convert them, or else they are going to hell?

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I was in your shoes many, many years ago when I first met my lovely missus. She's a devout christian who teaches sunday bible class on a volunteer basis. Whereas I am a buddhist by birth.


A decade later, we are still happily married with three wonderful kids, a lovely home( I stress on "home" & not house) & supportive in-laws.


The crux of the matter I personally feel is your commitment towards each other.With this commitment nothing is impposible, without it nothing is possible.


I believe the almighty is a higher consiousness that defies description, & all religion is but a path to that consiousnes, as such it should not be in the way of two person professing their faith(whichever that may be)in actual action by loving one another.


I've studied many religious teaching & in my finite wisdom I've concluded that the greatest teaching is to love one another, all else is but an addendum.


All the best to you & your girlfriend. May love see you through your lives journey.

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I'm a Hindu by birth and will remain so till death. What gave you the notion that I'm a Catholic? My advice for women is always follow the husbands religion. If a Hindu girl is marrying a Christian man she should follow her husband's religion and so is the Christian girl marrying a Hindu should follow the Hindu ways. The husband is the head of the house and there should be no question about it until and unless the husband to be willingly embraces the girls religion witout any condition. I'm a Hindu and my wife being a catholic followed my religion and we have happy family for the past thirty years. You may not understand this but that is how it should work. Not any other way by staking love for religion. Christian girls have always been brain washed by their priest to use their charm to convert would be Hindu husbands into Christianity which is wrong.

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Barney, I'm not referring to you as a catholic, but our 'guest' is a catholic.


"If a Hindu girl is marrying a Christian man she should follow her husband's religion and so is the Christian girl marrying a Hindu should follow the Hindu ways."


Barney, I still disagree, religion is one big joke if one can give it up so easily and adopt another just because of marriage. What was the point of a girl being of a religion anyway, if she can give it up so easily? How can something like marriage change a person to give up something so personal as religious beliefs?


So lets say a Hindu girl marries a Christian, you're saying she should convert at the drop of a hat. But then you have to realise the 'beliefs' she has to take on can be radically different from what she already believes, so should she not use her brain and decide for herself? For example if she becomes Christian or Muslim she has to take on the belief that her Hindu family & friends are going to burn in Hell for eternity when they die, but she will go to heaven as she converted? So I take it then she has to try to convert them? Isn't that gonna cause even more problems? How absurd!

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Unfortunately I'm not a sexist so I'd have no problem with a girl I was marrying not being a Krishna like I am. Like someone else in here said, why not learn from each others religions? if all religions want to believe in that one true spirit of God then it really makes little difference which path you follow to find God now does it.

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<< I'm a Hindu by birth and will remain so till death. >>


What you are saying is that your parents are hindus.


if so, i wonder why you chose a xian username.


However, hinduism says one is just an animal at birth.

one becomes an arya (hindu) after some samskaras,

perticularly after yajnopavita.



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<A girl should follow the husband's path only than the family will be at peace>


this is not true. one should not convert from their religion because of external pressures. their faith is their faith and that is exactly what it is supposed to be. have faith in it. God has placed u in a situation that u are supposed to be in and this includes one's religion background. if one chooses to change because of their own convictions, then thats a different story. but i dont think the woman should follow the man's religion in mixed-marraiges....they should each follow their beliefs. if the catholic boy feels like he should change to hinduism, do so. if the girl feels she should change to catholic, then do so. find pease and happiness with God through whatever religion you choose. it is there in all of them, you must find it.

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<< they should each follow their beliefs >>


and if they do so then theywoudl begin fighting with each other.



per hinduism one is not a sinner

per xianity we all are sinners.


per hinduism every living being has a soul.

per xianity only humans have soul.


hinduism says never tell about krishna or his messaage of git to any one whois not interested or is envious to krishna. in contrast islam says convert every non muslim (i.e. kafir) even by force. if one does not accept islam, then kill him. (knowing this how you like islam?)


hinduism says you are free to follow or not follow hinduism.

islam says, if you quit islam, then you must be killed.


and so on and on.


inter-religion marrage means trouble some married life.

unless on f the two really does not care for his own religion.


xians spend billions of dollars to convert teh whole world to xianity. they use any possible tactic (good or bad) to convert.


ten percent of the xians'income goes to church.

this money is used to keep xians as xians and to convert teh world. to counter this, we hindus need to donate regularly and educate our folks/genertions in hinduism well.


when a hindu gives up hinduism, then it means he/she does not know what hinduism really is.


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