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Ghost at my home...Please Help !!

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That evil seems to give immediate happiness is the greatest temptation and the greatest obstacle to the cultivation of virtues; and it can be removed only by discrimination and experience. Contemplation over the ultimate and permanent damage done to the very soul of man by the evil actions, and the harm he is causing to the entire society itself by his evil, ought to compel a man to desist from evil action— however pleasant it might appear superficially. There is no short-cut to this really serious problem; the wicked heart will not yield easily. And therefore our ancients have exalted Satsanga. Constant association with the wise and spiritually evolved persons alone can remove these wrong notions from the mind of the wicked one.



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By the mercy of all the Vaishanava's my problem got solved 100%, and from the past 1 month, every thing is working fine...., Courtesy my guru Maharaj & my God brother (Sri-charan prabhu)


I consulted my Guru Maharaj & my God Brother for the same problem, and my Guru maharaj said chanting of Hare Krishna mantra is highly effective, I told my mother & she continued the same.

Apart from this, my God brother said just chant the below shloka 108 times and then pass your mouth air into a glass of water and sprinkle that water in each and every corner of your home, and really it has worked. Miraculous...!!


I am really sorry for the christian friend who advised me to go to a psychiatrist, I think after reading my post he need to go toa psychiatrist.


Anyway friend, you all are very much eager to know that shloka ....?? Can anyone guess ...No ...ok just scroll down







Chapter 11. The Universal Form



arjuna uvaca

sthane hrsikesa tava prakirtya

jagat prahrsyaty anurajyate ca

raksamsi bhitani diso dravanti

sarve namasyanti ca siddha-sanghah




arjunah uvaca--Arjuna said; sthane--rightly; hrsika-isa--O master of all senses; tava--Your; prakirtya--glories; jagat--the entire world; prahrsyati--rejoicing; anurajyate--becoming attached; ca--and; raksamsi--the demons; bhitani--out of fear; disah--directions; dravanti--fleeing; sarve--all; namasyanti--offering respect; ca--also; siddha-sanghah--the perfect human beings.



O Hrsikesa, the world becomes joyful upon hearing Your name, and thus everyone becomes attached to You. Although the perfected beings offer You their respectful homage, the demons are afraid, and they flee here and there. All this is rightly done.




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By the mercy of all the Vaishanava's my problem got solved 100%, and from the past 1 month, every thing is working fine...., Courtesy my guru Maharaj & my God brother (Sri-charan prabhu)


I consulted my Guru Maharaj & my God Brother for the same problem, and my Guru maharaj said chanting of Hare Krishna mantra is highly effective, I told my mother & she continued the same.

Apart from this, my God brother said just chant the below shloka 108 times and then pass your mouth air into a glass of water and sprinkle that water in each and every corner of your home, and really it has worked. Miraculous...!!


I am really sorry for the christian friend who advised me to go to a psychiatrist, I think after reading my post he need to go toa psychiatrist.


Anyway friend, you all are very much eager to know that shloka ....?? Can anyone guess ...No ...ok just scroll down







Chapter 11. The Universal Form



arjuna uvaca

sthane hrsikesa tava prakirtya

jagat prahrsyaty anurajyate ca

raksamsi bhitani diso dravanti

sarve namasyanti ca siddha-sanghah




arjunah uvaca--Arjuna said; sthane--rightly; hrsika-isa--O master of all senses; tava--Your; prakirtya--glories; jagat--the entire world; prahrsyati--rejoicing; anurajyate--becoming attached; ca--and; raksamsi--the demons; bhitani--out of fear; disah--directions; dravanti--fleeing; sarve--all; namasyanti--offering respect; ca--also; siddha-sanghah--the perfect human beings.



O Hrsikesa, the world becomes joyful upon hearing Your name, and thus everyone becomes attached to You. Although the perfected beings offer You their respectful homage, the demons are afraid, and they flee here and there. All this is rightly done.


Hare Krishna,

Sushil Kanoria

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Dear Mr. Guest,


If you don't know science then it doesn't mean that science do not exist, It is fully your ignorance, Pity on you.


I ll suggest you to go through vedic literature which can open your eyes.


If you beleive in movies, then I am extremely sorry to say that still your brain has not been matured, I think you are a toddler of 5-6 years.

In movies we see that a hero jumps from a 50 floor building but still he is not injured, so you mean to say in reality also it works... ??


Come out of your dreams and live in reality, Read Bhagwad Gita & go to ISKCON, I guarranty you, you ll come to know about the truth.


Hari Bol,

Sarveshwar Krishna Das (Sushil)

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Now that the problem is solved for you, it is important to know the ‘WHY’ being the root cause of the problem. Deliberate casting spells by Evil people for personal motive is a subject to study regardless of people support. It is necessary to know why ‘Sidhis’ are misused for destruction of mankind to avoid repetition.


Karma does not compel a man to do wrong actions. Samskara does, to a certain extent. Humans possessed by ghosts are not subject to law of karma since their actions are forced by ghosts by way of thoughts or action. What is fear of thought ? It is up to God to decide what actions were forced by ghosts and what were their own. The earthly laws of nature are not applicable to them since they are not living on human platform.


It is seen that even Priest who engaged in performing puja, rites and rituals etc. are blindly support evil activities. Although today it is a business to be a priest for brahmims to earn huge income, it is a shame to mankind if they support evil activities even if they become priest by birth of Brahmin. Most of these priests are business minded. If the highest position (BRAHMIN) of the Hinduism is lacking the essence of ‘DHARMA’ (humanity), then what is remained ? Their followers may sign to correct them, if they do not let them take to the path of non-recovery.


In the male body, the soul experiences and have the qualities of boldness, strength, logical thinking etc., and patience, mercy, kindness, forgiveness, etc. in the female body. Men are considered wiser than women because they have better understanding of reasoning which makes them independent and right decision maker. Most discoveries of earth are made by men. If men follows the thinking of women blindly, what more worst to expect ?




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  • 2 weeks later...

in christianity there is only one son of God. however each and every single Hindu is by himself a son of God. More than that, we are Divya Atma Swaroopa.

So my dear christian friend please do not misguide us.

As to the query of mr. kanoria, he should remember what the Vedas preach. Each and every one of us is essentially Atman. Atman interacts with Prakriti through the mortal coil. It leaves one mortal coil (body) only at the time of so called death only to enter another body that is getting ready in the womb of mother. There are no ghosts for there is no need for them to exist. There is only God that permeates us all like water permeates soaked sponge. If you have complete faith in this, you will never ever experience ghosts as they are figments of your own imagination.

May Divine Grace be with you.

Aditya Vandematharam.

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Hare Krishna aditya,


I think you have to brush up your knowledge regarding the ghost written in vedas.

Ghost do exists, I ll recommend you to read he book "Gita Mahatamaya" compiled by one ISKCON devotee, easily available at ISKCON Vrindavan.

In that it is clearly written, how ghost can be liberated from there present state If they hear particular chapter from Bhagwad Gita.


This book is also available at "Gita Press Gorakhpur" in hindi, kindly go though it, then all your misconception will be cleared.


Pls. forgive me If you got hurt from any of my sentences.


Hari Bol,




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Hare Krishna dear brother,

"Pls. forgive me If you got hurt from any of my sentences."

This is how you concluded in your previous message. I will not forgive you because you have not given any reason to be offended. You are like my brother to me (though a bit of a superstitious one, in my humble opinion).

You have recommended me to read a book compiled by a devotee of Lord Krishna. However since the book is written by a human being, I cannot accept as a 'Pramana'. I would prefer to read the GITA instead. In it I find no reference to any ghosts or about their existence. Even better, I would refer to the most Holy of all the Hindu scriptures - The Vedas. None of the rchas of the Rk Veda, nor any mantras of the later Vedas refer to the existence of ghosts. I do not believe in any other books or scriptures that are subsequent to the Vedas. I believe only in the Vedas, because they are the original source of all knowledge.

If by chanting mantras you gain any relief, I would suggest you receit the Gayatri mantra. It will make you so strong spiritually that you will be immune to all evil influences.

May the Divine Grace be with you,

Your brother,

Aditya Vandematharam.

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Jai Ganesh



(I would prefer to read the GITA instead. In it I find no reference to any ghosts or about their existence)



will this do


Chapter 9. TEXT 25


yanti deva-vrata devan

pitrn yanti pitr-vratah

bhutani yanti bhutejya

yanti mad-yajino 'pi mam




yanti--achieve; deva-vratah--worshipers of demigods; devan--to demigods; pitrn--to ancestors; yanti--go; pitr-vratah--worshipers of the ancestors; bhutani--to ghosts and spirits; yanti--go; bhuta-ijyah--worshipers of ghosts and spirits; yanti--go; mat--My; yajinah--devotees; api--also; mam--unto Me.


Jai Shree Krishna

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  • 4 months later...

Ask your mother to chant Nine Malas of the Japa, "Shri Gurudeva Datta" sitting at Home in front of the Altar for Deities. doing this for 3 months will permanently solve the problem.


Also ask your mother to Pray to Lord Dattatreya as Follows, translated into your mother tongue,

"Oh Gurudev dattatreya, I surrender myself to you complete may your in-destructible Protective sheath form around me completely protecting me from any negative energy".


Other gross remedies include, Sprinkling of the Gomutra around the house, Lighting "Dhoop" and filling the house with its smoke.


Also chant the name of your Family Deity(Kuladevata) as

"shri (Name of deity + chaturthi pratyay) Namaha"




(Seeker, Sanatan Sanstha)


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Hare Krishna Prabhu. I am in similar position.

We are from South Africa, where there is a serious problem with these things. People sacrifice animals like goats, pigs, snakes, etc. and bury in peoples yards.

My family moved away to a different country hoping it would help, but it didn't, as we still suffer.


we have tried MANY things. Every morning I chant hanuman and durga chalisa. In evenings I chant Nrsimha kavacha and we play continuous cds of maha mrityunjaya and garuda dandakaha. These 2 prayers help very much.


BUT my mother gets very ill every new and full moon. It is like someone comes and puts heavy weights on her chest and back. so she cannot sleep o even breathe properly at times.

Can anyone recommend any mantras to combat this ?

Should we pray to moon god and ask him for protection ?



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A lot of people suffer from a condition known as "night terrors" whereby they experience a sensation of "weights on the chest"...i am not suggesting you eliminate the possibility of a ghost...but also consider the fact that she simply might be suffering from this condition..and try to find out more about it on the internet..., and there may be no ghost...on the other hand, there is the offchance that there really might be a ghost, and do listen to the advice other ppl on the discussion forum offer you...i hope and pray that you find a solution to the problem.

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This is for those who do not want to believe in ghosts and seek the reference in Vedas.

Atharva Veda is the fourth veda. The word veda basically means knowledge but the fourth veda, has magical incantations and spells. These spells are generally about healing. But some of the spells also speak of general black and white magic. For example a spell to obtain a lover. Spell to do away an enemy.

In our civilized societies, there are also people (Tantriks, Ozhas etc.) with criminal tendencies who cast ghost spells, the spells by which the ghosts trouble human beings. For instance, take the famous case of Bombay where one person is being victimized and tortured by the residents with the help of several ghosts without any reason whatsoever. There are many such incidents people come across but still do not want to believe since it contradicts their profession.



Jai Shri Krishna


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Dear Sushil Prabhu,

Hare Krishna, We were in Secunderabad do u remember.

I was very sorry to hear with, whatever is going on with ur mother & brother.

did u try calling devotees and performing Kirtan in ur house, & also installing a small Nrsimha deity in your house, may be this could help. i dont know how to react to these situations but ask ur gurumaharaj or any senior devotee for that matter.


Ur servant

Radha Rasikraj Das

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Dandavat Prabhu,


Very happy to see your message.

So how is life ?? I already came to know through some source that you got initiated from H.H Bhakti Vikas Maharaj.

Regarding my problem.... It already got solved just after three weeks with the help of my god brother (Sri Charan Prabhu), If you read all my messages you ll find in middle.

Anyway, thanks for writing, can you send me an e-mail on kanorias@ mentioning your phone number, I would like to talk you.

Eagerly waiting for your reply.


Your Servant,

Sarveshwar Krishna Das

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As per the theory, ghose is something which is dead or a soul without a body.


If that stupid ghost after dead is so powerful, think of your and ur parents situation, they are not dead. so they are even more powerful. Just kick that ghost ass if its really there.


Just chant anjaneya and everything will be alright.


My guruji, anjaneya swami's name is enough for that ghost.


But if its a good ghost and u had troubled her/he before, then u deserve this.



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