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Ghost at my home...Please Help !!

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Only Narayan Kavach and Hanuman Stotra works the greates tin this Yug of Kali.


Ohm Namo Hanumante

Bhaya bhanjanaya

Sukham kuru

faht Svaha


Thats the Hnauman stotra.


Narayan kavach is long and starts like this:


Ohm Hareer Vidhya Dhyaan mama rakshhaam

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  • 2 weeks later...
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there are many ways for that. you should purchase durga saptsati book of durga mata of geeta press gorakhapur.in that book three main strots are there namely






before reading this you have to read shapoddhar from three rishies namely brahm,vashisht,vishwamitra.


after doing this read above three stotras & don,nt use it in doing bad things.this is effective only you r using it for right sense.

remember if you are doing this you should not eat non - veg ,can'nt do any vyasan.


other than this gaytri jap or mantra :


om bhurbhuvah svah tatsaviturvarenyam bhargodhimasya dheemahi dhiyo yonah prochodayat.


at least for 108 times & do this for twice in a day

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  • 5 months later...

Can any body Help me


Since a long time i have being a victim of black magic. I have did all possible remedies what ever has being prescribed by Tantriks and astrologers. But of no use.


mine is a different life compared to 600 million population in the world. from past ten years there is no progress in my life Academic/financial/personal. People will get Solution to their problems within six months or one year but we did not get any solution to our problem since ten years.


I have visited few of the famous astrolgers in hyderabad . they prescribed some POOJAS and GEM RINGS but of no use.There was no change in any way.


WE DID ALL the possibilities



1.Hanuman MANDALA DEEKSHA for 45 days

2.SANI pooja every saturdays

3.SHIVA pooja on every monday

4.LAXMI pooja on every friday

5.HANUMAN pooja on saturdays and tuesdays

6.CHANTED hanuman chalisa around 10,000 times.

7.GANESHA ABHISEKHAM every day with cow milk (PAGADAM GANESH)


9.we also did HOMAM and

10.Chamundi mantra for 6 lakhs times


we want to lead normal life like others.


We have





5.Sudarsana Yantra




Even these did not help.


Even we have Consulted Psychiatrist . I could undersatnd his psychology but he could not understand us. he used to prescribe Sleeping pills a lot and memory tonics. These could nothelp us.


very few people know about the tantrik activites.


This has ruined my family life.


GOwardhan sanga

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People are still so readily believing in black magic and ghosts in the 21st century?!!! How did you guys know it is the work of a ghost? There could be so many explanations for all strange occurrances.


I am not saying ghosts dont exist or that they do not haunt people. But I am also saying that lots of tantriks and others cheat people like this. Even when no ghost is involved the cause is diagnosed like that and thousands of rupees looted for performing some rituals. Be wary of all imposters. TIG - Trust in God, instead of the trust in such tantriks.

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From Garuda Purana:


II.29.31, p. 867


"Salt is a favorite with the manes [ghosts, pretas, pisacas]. The gift of salt leads them to heaven. It is said that salt originated from Visnu's body."


Almost every indigenous culture I have visited, read about, or studied uses salt to dispel ghosts. For example, in Japan people place salt in beautiful little piles [in a mini inverted cone shape] at the exterior corners of their homes to ward off evil.


In the indigenous pre-Christian European tradition, salt is used to ward off evil. In Hawaii, salt is used by the kahuna [priestly brahmana class] to purify a home and ward off ghosts; it is thrown to the four corners of the room.


My son was disturbed by ghosts on vacation with his wife. First he observed that some presence in their vacation home kept on moving his fiance's pillow to the other side of the room. Then they BOTH saw the pillow move without either one of them touching it.


They started screaming and he called me long distance in the middle of the

night my time: "Mom, mom, there are ghosts in our room. Do you

know how to get rid of them?"


I advised him to go to the hotel restaurant or gift shop and procure some salt, then scatter the salt around the room, in each and every corner.


Upon following these instructions, he could perceive some entity greedily grasp the salt and then fly out the window. He felt that the salt satisfied

the ghost's craving.


Garuda Purana has a very large section on ghosts. Chapter 21 "Ghosts and Their Release", Chapt 22 "On attaining ghosthood", Chapt 23 "On Ghosthood",

Chap 28 "Gifts for the Ghost". The Chapter which I quoted from above is from Chapter 29 "Rites After Death". It is a very interesting book.


In addition to the salt remedy, I personally enjoy creating a tape loop or burn a CD of your favorite sacred mantras. Then play it constantly til you can hear the mantras in your head day and night. This attracts the devas to

bless your home and any ghosts are liberated. Also try to be asleep by 1am.


In addition, keep your room or house very clean, get rid of clutter, and keep yourself as pure as possible, because the ghosts "feed" off of sinful activities [all documented in the Garuda Purana]:


Chapter 22:

II.22.55-58, p. 837


55. "Oh brahmana, our diet is extremely loathsome...mucus, secretions, feces, urine...filth as well as leavings of food comprise our diet...


56. "We eat, drink, and revel in the house where people do not pay attention to cleanliness and where they scatter litter carelessly....


57. "We reside and enjoy in the house where there is no purity and where people do not observe truthfulness and restraint...


58. "We take delight in haunting the houses where no mantras are recited..."


The nice thing is that salt is a very inexpensive and affordable remedy, anyone can very readily obtain it and use it, and the ghosts attain heaven from something so simple as salt, which sprang from Visnu's body:


"Hence, yogins praise a gift of salt...it opens the doorway to heaven."

--Garuda Purana II.29.32-33.

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Dear Freupsyche,


I am also facing a similar problem of black magic since last 15 years. In my case, more than 1 tantrik is involved and the number of ghosts is also more than 5. Myself and people around me can hear the sound of ghosts constantly. It is difficult to explain what ghosts do in the little space of this forum. Any remedies of salt, mantra, tantra, etc. does not work on these ghosts who were forcibly employed by their masters (tantriks). These ghosts obey their masters till the death.


If anybody knows a genuine tantrik, please please give the contact deatils so that people like me and Frepsyche can get rid of our problem.




Can any body Help me


Since a long time i have being a victim of black magic. I have did all possible remedies what ever has being prescribed by Tantriks and astrologers. But of no use.


mine is a different life compared to 600 million population in the world. from past ten years there is no progress in my life Academic/financial/personal. People will get Solution to their problems within six months or one year but we did not get any solution to our problem since ten years.


I have visited few of the famous astrolgers in hyderabad . they prescribed some POOJAS and GEM RINGS but of no use.There was no change in any way.


WE DID ALL the possibilities



1.Hanuman MANDALA DEEKSHA for 45 days

2.SANI pooja every saturdays

3.SHIVA pooja on every monday

4.LAXMI pooja on every friday

5.HANUMAN pooja on saturdays and tuesdays

6.CHANTED hanuman chalisa around 10,000 times.

7.GANESHA ABHISEKHAM every day with cow milk (PAGADAM GANESH)


9.we also did HOMAM and

10.Chamundi mantra for 6 lakhs times


we want to lead normal life like others.


We have





5.Sudarsana Yantra




Even these did not help.


Even we have Consulted Psychiatrist . I could undersatnd his psychology but he could not understand us. he used to prescribe Sleeping pills a lot and memory tonics. These could nothelp us.


very few people know about the tantrik activites.


This has ruined my family life.


GOwardhan sanga

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I am a victim of black magic and would like to request to those who have similar problem to come together and get rid of this problem once for all. There are many tantriks in India who are doing florishing business of black magic even by giving advertisements in News papers. Some are genuine who help the victims to get rid of ghost trouble but some are cheating the innocent people with their siddhis of contacting ghosts. It should be stopped somewhere, otherwise everybody will take undue advantage of these tantriks for their materialistic goals.

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Dear gramo,


Danabat pranam,


According to Srimad Bhagavatam, three fourths of the universe is comprised of beings who are Pure Love Personified. I feel that you can call upon those beings for protection at any time, directly, without the intervention of others.


"Love and dedication and the outpouring from the highest chakras of spiritual energies of the lay deveotee are often greater than any professional priest could summon within himself. Devotees of this calibre have come up through

Hindu society throughout the ages with natural powers to invoke the Gods and manifest...many wondrous miracles." -- Shivaya Subramuniyaswami


One quarter of the universe is a school for the jeevs who have sprung from

the Tatastha. Tatastha means a boundary, from the word "tata". It is the line of demarcation between the world of matter and spirit.


In this world of matter that we live in, school for the tatastha jeevs, all sorts of children [children of The Divine Nectar for which our heart is always anxious, visve-amrtasya putrah] are all lumped in together.


Some of the souls are old souls, medium, and young souls according to reincarnation. I wish you luck with educating young souls about dangerous situations. Such a desire shows you have a noble and good heart, the fact that you wish to keep others from suffering and being exploited.


If I may say so, my feeling is that you need not view yourself as a victim. If you feel that I am wrong I hope you will please forgive me and disregard this. I feel that there is only one thing that God cannot do: He cannot take Himself out of you.


I feel that God is in your heart. Different traditions call it different things: Paramatma, Parasiva, Holy Spirit. So if God cannot separate Himself from you, then how can you, the real you, your essence, ever be contaminated? Your essence is not, nor will ever be, a victim of black magic.


However, our external sariras that cover the soul body can go through many

many painful and traumatic experiences. I agree with you completely there.


Some rsis believe that to help others become free of victimization is one way that we can purify ourselves. Working selflessly to help others develops the soul body. "Our karma is our Dharma" is another way of stating that.


I am so happy to hear that you want to help others. If it is a comfort to you, please remember that the real you, your essence, is never contaminated, for

who you really are is a spark of the Divine comprised of sat-cit-ananda.


That you wish to help educate and protect others is a very noble pursuit. I wish you all the best and all success in your endeavor. This is an affirmation that I have found to be very helpful: "I am a wonderful being with a special misson to fulfill."


This world is full of cheaters wherever you look; it is true everywhere I have ever been or any place I have ever read about. It is even described in great detail in the Twelfth Canto of the Srimad Bhagavatam just how many cheaters and concommitant woes there will be.


However if you can "shine a light on your corner of the world": become as pure as you can, develop as many good qualities and you can, educate yourself as much as you can, then that is wonderful blessing to both yourself and others!


"Be the change that you want to see in the world" --Gandhi

Om tat sat and Namaste!

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Dear Guest,


The life of man in this sense-universe is a life of temptation. Man is born for Self-realisation. He is born for leading a religious life. But he is led astray by the temptations of his environments. He is spoiled by society. He has not got the strength of will to resist the temptations.


The desire to attain knowledge of the Self will dawn in these proud, egoistic people only when they meet some adversities, calamities, troubles and disappointments. The desire to attain the knowledge of the Self dawns in a person who is free from desires for sense-objects. Such a man, with a pure mind alone, is competent to tread the spiritual path.


Your heart is filled with joy to see those persons who are filled with spiritual Samskaras and who are attempting for Self-realisation. Even in this iron age (Kali Yuga), when the vast majority of persons run after women and money, there are earnest and sincere young men who want God and God alone.


The greatest victory is the victory over the turbulent mind. The greatest battle is the inner Adhyatmic battle. The greatest hero is one who has conquered the mind.It is the mind that has given shape, colour and taste to an orange.It is only the mind that creates a world. If you slay this mind which creates the illusion, there will be no world for you. Through the trick of the mind one furlong appears to be a great distance and three miles appear as a very short distance. You ought to have noted this in your daily life. In Samadhi or superconscious state wherein there is annihilation of the mind, there is no world. Just as the snake in the rope vanishes when a lamp is brought, so also this world which is mere appearance or superimposition does not exist when one attains illumination, when the sun of knowledge dawns. But without the control of mind this is impossible.


Now coming back to the topic of the black magic, when your mind is captured by evil ghosts, how you can even expect to think in righteous manner. These ghosts can force you to think what they want. Even you may not think about god when you are possesed. Without experience, it is difficult to know what ghosts do in their own world besides possessing.


Now you will take shelter of Karma and find the reasoning that because of past karma, we are suffering in the hands of ghosts. To some extent it can be true but it is not always. Your suffering can be an eye opening or push towards god realization. But at the same time, you can not grow spiritually on the death bed where you have constant threat to your life. A sick man will always think of his sickness and pray god to get rid of his sickness.


The mind, being very subtle, is in close apposition or contact with other minds, though the human skull intervenes between them. If A is a friend of B, A's mind is connected with B's mind. The minds of friends, relatives, brothers of A are attached to A's mind. Several minds are similarly linked to B's mind also. The minds of those who are attached to A's mind are, therefore, connected, in turn, with the minds of those who are hanging on B's mind. In this manner, one mind is in touch with all minds in the whole world. This is the Vibhu theory of mind of Raja Yoga.


With regards to black magic that created by handful of ill minded tantriks on this planet, we do not need the help from universe if the help can be obtained on this planet itself. In other words, are we trying to say that in this materialistic world, those who create the problems do not know the solutions.

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Dear Gramo,




Eventhough 3/4th of God's creation is pure love, it can get contaminated with the remaining 1/4th with availability of evil forces working on this planet. What ghosts do today is not important than to stop this black magic.


I have seen few possessed persons when I had gone to India last year and it was a terrible scene. People still have illusion that there is no ghosts but by denying it, indirectly they support the black magic. When a group of community with similar thinking is formed, they should see to it that they are not doing anything wrong, otherwise they can not believe themselves later. For example, recently at some coastal places, people found the water of sea to be sweet and everybody collected/drank the water only to realize later that the water was not even potable due to mixing up of gutter water.


There are also Lamhas in Tibet who have the of power to stop the black magic but to find them is very difficult task because they are not after money/fame.

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My apologies in advance, as I have no knowledge of people who have been "possesed"


Do bad people actually to this kind of "black magic" on inoccent people? does this really exist?


I was thinking maybe that this is done by "ghosts" entering ones body...


I hope people with this, can free themselves from the negative forces...


once again, sorry for not having the knowledge in this...

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I have been through that stage..........where an entity sits on you and believe me it is not a nice thing.........Yes you need a priest to do their stuff to sprinkle water etc and dismiss it from the house .........it has attached itself to someone.........so that person need to be exorcised before sanctifying the home...............


As time goes by it will get stronger especially if you fear it but once you keep lord shiva in your mind it will not be able to harm the physical body.....just pass through you.........leave the hanuman chalisa playing over and over again..............and surrender yourself to god with love and be good


An offering to Ma kali with prasadamn is also a good idea.........Keep spiritual company like attending temple and so forth and you would realize that this thing just influence the mind and you are the one to mediate and control................



Yes I know it is not easy............24/7 jaap and the gayatri mantra will assist you greatly.............it has worked miracles for me..................



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  • 2 weeks later...


Can any body Help me


Since a long time i have being a victim of black magic. I have did all possible remedies what ever has being prescribed by Tantriks and astrologers. But of no use.


mine is a different life compared to 600 million population in the world. from past ten years there is no progress in my life Academic/financial/personal. People will get Solution to their problems within six months or one year but we did not get any solution to our problem since ten years.


I have visited few of the famous astrolgers in hyderabad . they prescribed some POOJAS and GEM RINGS but of no use.There was no change in any way.


WE DID ALL the possibilities



1.Hanuman MANDALA DEEKSHA for 45 days

2.SANI pooja every saturdays

3.SHIVA pooja on every monday

4.LAXMI pooja on every friday

5.HANUMAN pooja on saturdays and tuesdays

6.CHANTED hanuman chalisa around 10,000 times.

7.GANESHA ABHISEKHAM every day with cow milk (PAGADAM GANESH)


9.we also did HOMAM and

10.Chamundi mantra for 6 lakhs times


we want to lead normal life like others.


We have





5.Sudarsana Yantra




Even these did not help.


Even we have Consulted Psychiatrist . I could undersatnd his psychology but he could not understand us. he used to prescribe Sleeping pills a lot and memory tonics. These could nothelp us.


very few people know about the tantrik activites.


This has ruined my family life.


GOwardhan sanga

just chant








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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

In Chinese society,

the ghost/spirit of the recent passed away family member will come back to his/her home on the seventh day's night


why only once, and not twice or more times ?


Is this also the same for Indians society ??

or any other countries ?



Any differences?



Any exception that the ghost/spirit will not comeback on 7th's night to visit his/her home at all ?

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Chanting Kanda Sashti Kavacham is the surest way of driving away all these things.

It has been time tested fact that worshippers of lord Muruga cannot be harmed by the evil spirits.

Before the Kanda sashti Kavacham, these are driven away.

And it endows overall well being and cures all planetary ill effects.

The mantras that praise lord muruga are used to cure the snake bites, scorpion bites, poisons, evil eye on the family and the self, protection against evil beasts etc..

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi There all of u,


Interesting thread. Though I do not know if anyone is reading but I will still reply.


Harinam is the best cure for everything and sankirtan is the best and sure method to deliver even ghosts.


But for one who is skeptical about the glory of Lords holy names, I will list what you can do to erase the ghosts and also destro all black magic spells :


1) Firstly, approach a brahmana who is linked with either the Ramanuja, Madhavacarya, Nimbaditya or Visnusvami paramparas and request the to perform a Maha-Sudarshana Yagyam at your home. Tell them your problem and they will select a very good date to perform the homam. Sudarshana Homam is good to releief you from future dangers, destroy black magic, destroy evil sprits and sudarshana grants you all material and spiritual desires. I would prefer that you approach the brahmanas of the Ramanuja Sampradaya as they are very expert in yagya performances. I too had experience of spirits in my mothers house as one had actually pushed me a little bit as I was approaching my room. After the yagya was performed, the spirits were no more and so much wonderful vibrations were felt.


2) For thos effected by black magic, Its not easy to remove the spells. It takes time. Hence one must everyday worship Sri Sudarshana and rsinghadev and do parikrama of sudarshana Chakra at a visnu temple 24 times and offer ghee lamp to him. This should be done for at least 1 month. Beg the lord to free you from the black spell. Then chant "Sri Sudarshana Jay Sudarshana Jay Jay Sudarshana" many times a day. Chant the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra at least 16 rounds on a tulasi beads consisting of 108 rosaries. I have personal experince. I once left my aprtment to a Indian lady and when she left it was empty for many months. One day I decided to visit, then when I sat to watch TV, some airy vibration entered my body and made me feel very very sick. I was vomitting air and had a massive headache I couldnt walk. When I struggled to stand and walk, I felt that something was pressuring my shoulders and my legs bent. It was painful. The pain only increased. Quickly I remembered the lotus feet of my Srila Gurudev (Om Visnupad Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaj), and chanted his pranam mantra and took my beads and chanted a few round of Hare Krishna Mahamantra. The i recited some prayers to Lord Nrsinghadev and Sudarshana Chakra. Then I begged Chakrathalvar to protect me and Gurudev's mercy. All of a sudden (Within half hour), the airy vibration left my body coming out from my body to my head and out of my head. I felt immediate relief and the pains and everything left. :)


3) One can also perform the Krtya-Pariharana Yagya, Chandi Homam and sudarshana homam to destroy these spirits.


I hope the above helps. If I can help further do mail me at beast_savage@.


Radhe Radhe !

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  • 5 months later...
Guest guest

I am a victim of black magic for last 10 years and will be visiting India in June 2007.


If you know any genuine Tantrik, please give his address. It would be a great help.

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Guest guest

You are not a victom of black magic. It is your own self importance that makes you think other people are interested so much in you that they would take the trouble of affecting you through black magic.


Wake up....this is 2007. Stop fooling yourself and putting money into tantrik's pockets.

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Go to Sarnagpur Gujarat Hanumanji mandir. The spirit will talk through your body if your are poseesed and will be sent to Badrik Ashram for penance. If its black magic then it will leave your body. The person who has carried it out on you will suffer.


Trust me even poeple from Saudi Arabia muslims and the western worlds have flocked there.

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Guest guest


Go to Sarnagpur Gujarat Hanumanji mandir. The spirit will talk through your body if your are poseesed and will be sent to Badrik Ashram for penance. If its black magic then it will leave your body. The person who has carried it out on you will suffer.


Trust me even poeple from Saudi Arabia muslims and the western worlds have flocked there.


Thank you daas_ka_daas.


Please provide the address. I could not find on net.

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