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This Muslim Guy quote me on the Vedas and upanisads. Any answers on these:



Holy Gita 12.3-4)......This Is God without attributes. The Unseen God." So you see, you cannot see God no matter what... no buts and ifs. I'm sure you are sincerely defending your faith while at the same time acquiring knowledge of Islam (I hope)... and its up to yiou to realize those words you said. I will further add these verses as well, and I'm sure you'll agree with me on them:


"There is no likeness of Him." [svetasvatara Upanishad 4:19]


"His form is not to be seen; no one sees Him with the eye." [svetasvatara Upanishad 4:20]


"There is no image of Him." [Yajurveda 32:3]


"He is bodyless and pure." [Yajurveda 40:8]


Quote: ""Those who Fix their minds on My personl form(Krishna) and are always engaged in worshipping Me with great transcendental faith are considered by Me to be most perfect.


(Holy Gita 12-2) " - Its already been agreed that God is beyond the perception of the senses. What people have added hence caused corruption in the scripture. the Quran is being protected by our Master, Our Creator and hence is being preserved word for word. Now, m question to you is: How are you always engaged in worshipping God?



Any answers will be most grateful thanks.

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what sort of answers are you looking for?


He is basically quoting Hindu scriptures on the concept of God as Brahman.


Brahman has 2 aspects Nirguna (beyond qualities) and Saguna (with qualities). Nirguna Brahman is absolutely formless and can only be experienced through deep meditation. Saguna Brahman can be known as Ishwar (personal god) and manifest in any form for the devotee.


So Hindu scriptures have the concept of the One Formless God, way before Islam even existed.


sefroth77, you don't know much about Hinduism do you? I think your muslim friend who keeps asking these questions is taking you for a ride! He knows you don't know much and is using your lack of knowledge to his advantage. Don't let him get away with it!

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This is something your Muslim friend should know. Mohammed's clan were an Arab Sudras[like sudras in India]outcast by the vedic people of Mecca. They had been suppressed and slaved for centuries. It was Mohammed after knowing that there was no way his clan would be accepted in the fold of the vedic people began a crusade. Being a desert idiot and adopted by his uncle who left him in the care of a rich merchant to attend to camels, learned about the Jewish tora and the Christian bible during is journey with traders. Coming to know that these two religion has one thing in comon is their old testament of one God and Christianity being a new religion in the region allowed any one to become a follower. Having that in mind he ploted to destroy the vedic religion and establish a religion of his own where his people would become the leaders after centuries of slavery and suppression. To begin with he assimilated the tora and bible into his preachings in order to win the Jews and Christians. But the Jews and Christians were very smart for his dirty tricks and so Mohammed condemn them and they became his enemies. Now as his father although being a sudra was a arden devotee of Shiva [shivalinga is in the kaaba] and Mohammed did not wish to destroy his fathers faith in Shiva and so he left the Shivalinga alone while he destroyed all other idols in the Kaaba. Ancient Indian texts refer to Caspian Sea as Kashyapa Sagar and the Black Stone at Kaaba, Mecca (revered by Muslims) is referred to as a ‘Sivalinga’ ( a Hindu icon representing Lord Siva) by a Hindu text ‘Bhavisyat Purana’. This could demonstrate that Indian merchants traveled often to these regions for carrying on trade. Ruins of Hindu temples are encountered in Coastal Iran, Baku (Azerbaijan) and Iraq. Historical records mention that fanatical mobs led by St. Gregory massacred the tiny emigrant Hindu merchant community in what is now Iraq, and smashed the temples and the idols therein2.


Please tell you Muslim friend to do some research before questioning our Hindu religion. Ask him why do Muslims fix the cresent moon on the tip of the dome in their mosque. As we all know that cresent moon is always on head of Lord Shiva and we call him Chandrasekara. Mohammed was not a prophet but a reformer who hated the vedic religion.

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he is trying to say koran is good based on gita.

so, tell him to quit islam and become a hindu.


because while koran says to convert all the kafirs even by force or kill them, gita says to not to say anything about krishna to anyone who is not interested.



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he is trying to say koran is good based on gita.

so, tell him to quit islam and become a hindu.


well said ... if he appreciates gita for supporting koran, he has to follow it in full or he's a cheater

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