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In Britain Indians and Pakistanis are both refered to as 'Asians'. I dont think this is appropriate as it means Indians are taking the blame for what Pakistanis do as many ethnic British see them as being both the same.


Its time Indians living in Britian sought to be British Indian and not British Asian.

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Why do you generalise so?? We are all INDIVIDUALS and one Indian is not the same as another indian. Even in one family-a two children are never the same-even though they may share the same family name--do they complain??!!


Do you not realise that each individual ahs NO connection to his neihbour-IN terms of karma. If some are doing bad and the media is tarring them with the same brush what do you get so restless about it for??


GOD is the real watcher of things...pray to God that he doesn't punish you for what someone else is doing.


It is so funny how especially in the ASIAN community, everybody is more worried about what their co people think of them...GOD is the one you should be being truthful to and yourself of course. If you are a good honest, truthful person the other truthful people out there will recognise it too!!


So many dufuses are worried about labels.


Dont be a dufus!

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Indians not only in UK but also in US, Europe, ME and other countries they settle, are highly educated, rich and cultured. They dont indulge in violent acts, fanaticism etc. But pakis and banglas are poor, backward and inferior, and every time they cause trouble, Indians are also blamed or rather lumped in the 'south asian' category. IT is very unfortunate. 30% of Britain's doctors are Indians, 200000 millionaires in USA are of Indian origin. 15% of NASA scientists are Indians, 40% of doctors in USA are also Indians, the list goes on and on and on, if one were to cite their achievements. Yet they are compared to dumb south asians, who are invariably poor and wretched. This must stop, as you've rightly pointed out. Perhaps, you can educate your friends as well in this regard, so they wont make this error.


As for you, Equality nutcase, why dont you shut the heck up? John has made a valid point, so why dont you learn to read and write, and perhaps try to understand???

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It s true is it not that each individual within a community is not the same and cannot be generalised.


'Pakis' as you call them is not a nice referral..they are pakistanis you racist punk.

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the 'guest' reffering to southern indians as dumb sounds like the less intelligent one in this discussion.

you cite lists of doctors lawyers bla bla.

there are INDIAN fanatics, criminals and corrupt ones too-that tar 'pakistanis' with the same brush.

AND there are lerned educated pakistanis who add credit to the indian bunch.


once again we observe materialistic ping pong of 'who is better than' who.

when will you learn what is important in life? NOT what othere think of you or othes..but how you live your life and how it affects others. So why dont you stop playing the 'i am better than you' game...


and see the positive in all??

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The "guest" agreeing with John's point of view has a pathetic argument and a very shallow view point. Fisrt of all, as mentioned by another guest, "paki" is an offensive, racist term and your use of it reflects your fascist, narrow mind. Secondly, your "endless" list of statistics is pointless. What are you trying to prove? There are many successful Pakistani and Bangladeshi people all over the globe. Also, rather than accusing the media of stereotyping all brown-skined peoples as Asians, maybe you should stop stereotyping all south asians as "poor" and "dumb". The fact you forget is we Indians ARE from SOUTH ASIA, like Pakistanis and Bangladeshis. We are not "lumped into this category" by the media.

I agree that the media is wrong to group everyone as "Asian", but cant you see your no better.

Furthermore, i think your missing the point with your list of stats. Its so materialistic, we come into this world with nothing, and leave it with nothing. All that matters is what we as Individuals do and all we should worry about is what God thinks of us. "Guest", you have proved that your not a humble person, you need to wake up and see what actually matters in life. And that " As for you, Equality nutcase, why dont you shut the heck up?" comment, very mature.

Azuric Child.

Om shanti

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<< 'Pakis' as you call them is not a nice referral..they are pakistanis you racist punk. >>



pakis (short for pakistanis, not a derogatory term)

are the muslims whose ancestors some 300-500 years ago were hindus who were forcibly converted to islam.

hardly any of them is of arab race.


by blood, pakis and hindus of india are cousins.


pakis pride in being muslims, not arabs or racists.

their hindu ancestors might be spitting at them.


for the arabs, however, pakis are 3rd class muslims.

and for pakis, the bangladeshi muslims are 3rd class muslims.


racism has no place in hinduism.

this cannot be said of arabs, etc.


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Fantastic summary there Azuric.

Totally agree.


Yes Pakis is a short word for 'pakistani' BUT in the MEDIA it is termed as a racistist term. So since we are arguing about the MEDIA here-let's get our names right shall we???


No newspaper can print anything referring to pakistanis as PAKIS!!




Yes also correct-hinduism has no place for racism--so why is that 'guest'-the one who responded to Equality as a 'nutcase'being racist?


Once again-Azuric's comments about him as spot on.

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<< so stop classifying with India and Pakistan...>>


gandhi and nehru failed to avoid the division of the country in 1947.


you think you would have avaided the partition?


krishna divides the polulation in two groups:

suras and asuras.


did any muslim agree with you on your view about the souls?


even aftre dividing india, gandhi/hindus allowed muslims to live in india.

what you think of this, a hindus' foolishness or wisdom or tolerance of asuras?


why preach tolrance to those who are most tolerant already?


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Why should the Indian community be blamed for problems which the Pakistani community is responsible for? Why should the Pakistani community get credit from the achievements and good nature of the Indian community?


It is the ignorant eye which sees Indians and Pakistanis as the same. In Britain this is not helped by the media which constantly uses the term 'Asian' to describe two very different people. Indians in Britain should stand up and say we are INDIAN not asian not pakistani.

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John i agree wholesomely with your point that we are two very different peoples and the media do need to pick up on this. Yet, the French, Brits and Germans are refered to together as Europeans. Do you hear them complaing?


"It is the ignorant eye which sees Indians and Pakistanis as the same"


John it seems you have the ignorant eye,

"Why should the Indian community be blamed for problems which the Pakistani community is responsible for? Why should the Pakistani community get credit from the achievements and good nature of the Indian community?"


you are forgetting that it works both ways. Indians act negativly too, and Pakistanis have good nature and high achievments also.


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The French, German and British are only referred to as Europeans in World Wide affairs. Internaly in europe we specificaly identified the exact nationality/group involved. This is especialy true when we are identifying a people with the actions they are responsible for. For instance it would be ridiculous to claim Europe invaded Poland and France during the Second World War. We know it was Germany and the Germans who were responsible for this and so we clearly state it.


The events I speak of are in regard to the internal situation in Britain. All I ask is that the people responsible be correctly identified and not identified purely on the basis of their skin colour.

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John I agree with what you say and you do understand the situation. I don't think Azuric is a british indian or pakistani, so is unqualified to talk on the subject.


I know that alot of british Indians DO NOt want to be lumped together with pakistanis under the tag asian and don't want ot be blamed for crime that is committed by pakistanis. I should make it clear that even though some British Indians do commit crime the vast majority is by pakistani/muslims.


Also it is the british muslim community which draws suspcion about loyalites and supporting terrorism, not much the hindu or sikh community. Also for this reason they would prefer to distinguish themselves from the muslim south asians.

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Goodness me -what planet do you come from..I am a Brit Indian and I am young enough to hang out with the crowds of today. ARE YOU?? Do you know stuff that happens behind the scenes? How can you ONCE AGAIN GENRALISE that 'crime etc is mostly due to Pakistanis'?


Terrible nonsense. You're just discriminating without hard core evidence or you're not from UK????

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I was born and raised in a town with a large number of Indians and an even larger number of Pakistanis. Ive also had the good fortune to have traveled widely both within Britain and outside. I know exactly what the situation with the Pakistani community is.

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"I don't think Azuric is a british indian or pakistani, so is unqualified to talk on the subject."


Excuse me 'Guest', but i AM a BRITISH INDIAN. I was born in a city with one of the largest "Asian"(yes i do mean Pakistani/Bangladeshi/Hindu/Sikh....) populations in Britian and have grown up along-side a variety of ethnic groups/cultures. Who are you to say i am unqualified in the subject?

I take a great deal of interest in the politics of Britain and the "Asian" community and i like i said i agree that the media is wrong to 'put us all in the same bag' and we should be individually acknowledged for our achievements. BUT...what does it really matter? Who are you doing such things for? To show the media? Or to obtain good Karma and to serve God?

You need to get your priorities right.


"I should make it clear that even though some British Indians do commit crime the vast majority is by pakistani/muslims."


Can you prove this idiotic statement?



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((I should make it clear that even though some British Indians do commit crime the vast majority is by pakistani/muslims.)


Can you prove this idiotic statement?)


I mean the vast majority of 'asians' in crime are Pakistanis. Too bad if you don't like to hear it.


Well yes, if you're a british asian all you need to do is read any asian paper, listen to sunrise radio, look at Zee news extra and you will soon work out that while some indians DO commit crime, the vast majority are Pakistanis. This is especially true of areas where muslims dominate - Bradford, Manchester, Luton, East London, etc. I suggest you use your head, control your blood pressure and just learn to face facts.


Oh yes and it's common knowledge that Pakistanis and Bangladeshi kids are not doing near as well as their Indian counterparts in Education. Alot of them are underachievers, though not all.


And the reason you have Indians who don't want to be mistaken for pakistanis is perfectly understandable. Why should Indians get the blame and be lumped together with a community that despises Indians and especially Hinduism. Plus we Hindu's arn't for changing Britain to 'Hindu Britain' or 'Indian Britain', we are happy with the way it is, whereas Muslims don't really want to intergrate, they want to DOMINATE! Why should we be associated with them?

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RATHER than running around circles BLAMING NAMING AND SHAMING...why don't we try to IMPROVE, sove and see the ROOTS of the issues.


Crime is a symptom of poverty, and lack of education.


Childre are not born eveil. Nor are they born criminals. It is up to all of us to lobby for better schooling and funding of schhols so that all of OUR children-of whatever race, colour or from whatever council estate/prison cell/stable they come from, ARE TREATeD with LOVE.


we need to nurture our children and encourage others to do so, so that they don't fall victims of crime...


isnt that what would help? rather than segregate the unfortunate from us lucky ones who have good educations and nice houses?

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Azuric, I replied to your post, but someone here (maybe you) didn't like it much, so as they coundn't handle it they deleted it. I'll make it short and simple.


"I should make it clear that even though some British Indians do commit crime the vast majority is by pakistani/muslims."


What I meant is the majority of 'asians' in crime were of Pakistani background. You want proof? read British Asian papers like Eastern Eye, listen to the news on Sunrise radio and asian news programmes like Zee news extra and you'll get the picture.

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It appears that only now did my previous post appear (on my computer anyway) it was not there when I posted above. So ignore the above post.


Anyway as for crime, I think not just education, but people need to be more responsible especially the parents, some parents really coundn't care less what their kids are up to. I think it has alot to do with peer influence and 'getting away with it' that encourages it. Also lets not forget that some sections of society give 'respect' to the bad boys, this sort of attitude only encourages them. I think the best way to tackle it is to find out why people commit crime in the first place and work on that. Only when you can get people to change their thinking will it work.

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No Guest i didnt delete your post.

1 - i wouldnt do that.

2 - the servers of this site were changed, in the process some posts were lost.


anyway...in regards to your comments, i agree. Education is the first step to understanding. But its not just upto the state to educate, the parents should be responsible. I have witnessed some cases where parents have some sort of "barrier" with their children. I think this is where (in some cases) parents still cling heavily to their cultues and live their ways in Britain. They also enforce these traditions and ways of living on their children. What they fail to see is that their children are not growing up in India/Pakistan... but in Britain, with british children. I think this causes some friction and influences the children to act as "rebels" or "bad boys".


It also has been observed that Indian Children do have the highest average educational results, with Pakistani and Bangladeshi children not far behind, but does this make them better people? I think not.


All i am saying is to the people who like to generalise all the Pakistanis and all the Indians...you are wrong. We are all individuals. We all have our own atman. You cant blame one man for the mis-education and actions of his friend.


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<< Crime is a symptom of poverty, and lack of education. >>




we see that the greatest criminals are many millionaries and famous and the chruch pastors, even some scientists, educators, historians, etc.


we also have seen poor but still law abiding people.


crime is a symptom of lust, greed, and anger, insplaced.

only an ignorant can commit crime.


some hungry poors may commit crime.

but we in USA and else where have seem well fed rich criminals.


does it help?


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