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"wich order?... where's his order? parampara?"

the order of the monks since the birth of civilization...they who didnt have a caste or creed...the ancient masters of advaita philosophy...from whom we got the vedas , upanishads....

--the birth of civilization does not exist, vedas are not darwinian, civilization is eternal.


To say that someone belongs to an order than at the question "wich order?" to answer like that is a cheat. Order is a well identified monastic organization and tradition


vedas are not from avaita masters, this is your undemonstrated concoction




here the paradox is by identifying himself with that order..swamiji wonderfully negated the possibility of typecasting...

--one says something illogical and wrong and you call it paradox. Vedas teach us to not despise the logic and rationality


as advaita is universal , whole. it accepts dvaita , vishistadvaita and all other paths. peace to all.

--no, wrong.... for a dvaita the advaita tattva is blasphemy. If you say that siva, krsna or vishnu are simply material images made by brahman to make more easy the ignorant's spiritual realization this is not a conciliation, this is the opposite idea of dvaita or gaudya's acynthia beda abeda..


many a time he expressed delight at how new cultures and paths were formed due to the multifaceted mythology and idol worship...

--he's free to think as he wants... but this is a nichilist and destructive approach, to think that the lilas depicted in vedic litetarure is mythology and that the only purpose is to have variety of ideologies and customs. This is actually despise masked as appreciation


here by saying idol worship as a low idea he meant that in the climb to spiritual emancipation dvaita was a step which was NECESSARY but invariably in time lead to the birth of advaita mood in a person.

--this is an idea, a common advaita idea that is not backed up by logic and that cannot be sold as a way to respect other's ideas... for example bhagavd gita teachs the opposite, that advaita is an initial perception and bhakti is the conclusion


who is vyasa...which vyasa?...there are many vyasas listed in mythology...the most famous being the one of mahabharata..

--that is the vyasadeva we are speaking........ again the demonstration that you are selling these cheaters as great hindu, vedic sages but they're actually destroyers of vedic science


right you are!!!!!!!see u too are understanding advaita slowly..

--undestanding dvaita is not so difficult... the problem is to demonstrate that's logical


.in the simile of the lines tooo therefore are the same...jiva and god are the same..i am krishna. u are krishna.

---god does not forget to be god and he does not lose his potency even momentarily.. this is illogic. If you leave for a moment your blind faith and you use your brain please answer to this objection


wonderfull!!! the misconception is in your perception...here not the material body was meant as the individual...

--advaita means "no discrimination"... if you say that the absolute truth is oneness, you negate individuality and you say that individuality is there only in the maya's domain, that is illogic because maya cannot be greater than god


denial is the first step of acceptance...

--so throw your mask and stop to deny the truth that you are accepting blindly from some cheaters cheated by illusory energy


maybe with more conviction than mine.

--yes... my idea is more based on rational convinction than on blind faith



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"god does not forget to be god and he does not lose his potency even momentarily.. this is illogic"


sri rama chandra wept for sita...buddha lived a life of ignorance before the three visions...and whats more he too never found out he was god...it is we who worship him as an avatara of vishnu....jesus felt uncomfortable,scared before the betrayal by judas...the lord sent him an angel for comforting....sri sankaracharya scolded the chandala on the banks of ganga for having touched him overcome by maya....mahavishnu in his incarnation of the sow...lived happily with his sow family after killing the demon...it took mahadeva shiva to kill the sow's body...then mahavishnu went back to vaikuntha laughing....and sri krishna asked draupadi to appease his hunger by feeding him a morsel of food so that the retinue of sages along with agasthay felt that they were appeased of their hunger.


god under maya ...as an incarnation...does whatever a man does...eats, sleeps , and gets emotionally disturbed. he is born and he ages and he does die. there is no wonder in that...nor is there any illogic. in fact it is the most logical.


"maya cannot be greater than god"


yes...becoz both are the same...parvathi is maya...shiva is absolute...a snake which is moving or is at rest are the same snake of course.:)



undestanding dvaita is not so difficult... the problem is to demonstrate that's logical"


u doubting ur own path? dvaita is actaully simple and easy to understand. and very logical. want some lessons?


"yes... my idea is more based on rational convinction than on blind faith"


no...urs is based more on blind faith...u believe in a god u havent seen...u prefer to see him in a lifeless stone rather than a suffering human...u rather give a flower to the stone than a morsel of food for the hungry...how much more blind can u get?


manava seva as daridra narayana on the other hand urges us to forsake selfish mongerings and go out of our way to provide food shelter and love to living narayanas...we see the same lord everywhere in everyone...so there is no distinction in our perception...everyone is krishna...everything is krishna...there are no seperate groups of krishna devotees or jesus devotees etc to us...for us advaitins everywhere it is the same beloved. in everyone. it is a wonderful life that we live serving our krishna with the utmost of love. hare krishna.


p.s. vyasadeva? did vyasa live for thousands of years or did u conk ur head when u got up in the morning? /images/graemlins/smile.gif


chant krishna , serve the daridra narayana and be happy.


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my meditation on swami vivekananda has increased a thousand fold during various day to day activities due to this excellent thread started by you.


thank you very much.


may thakur bless u , anticheater and all others.


chant krishna , serve daridra narayana and be happy.



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sri rama chandra wept for sita...buddha lived a life of ignorance

--it is very easy to see that these are lilas and the things for these personalities go in a completely supernatural ways, so making comparisons with a human life is silly. Again ademonstration that you're atheists trying to say the divinity does not exist. You are attempting to make great damage to hinduism


god under maya ...

..god's never under maya, maya is his subordinate potency... study better the god's lilas


as an incarnation...

...it is a technical denomination, not that god takes human flesh


does whatever a man does...eats, sleeps

..activities are also in the absolute, otherwise how can they be in the relative?


he is born and he ages and he does die

...if you had a little culture you would find easy to understand that these personalities "die" in so strange and unique systems that it is not possible to recognize in it a human death but a trick to go back in vaikunta and to fool atheists like you


yes...becoz both are the same...parvathi is maya...shiva is absolute

...siva or krsna.. there's no problem, one is the master and one is the potency... siva cannot be subjecyed by maya and maya cannot be subjected by maya


undestanding dvaita is not so difficult... the problem is to demonstrate that's logical"

u doubting ur own path? dvaita is actaully simple and easy to understand. and very logical. want some lessons?

...writing mistake... i wanted to write advaita.... the principles of both are very simple to understand, both are incomplete


no...urs is based more on blind faith...u believe in a god u havent seen...

...blind faith is also to attempt to destroy what we have not seen, like you are doing. Blind faith is for one who does not use the logic to sustain his beliefs...


.u prefer to see him in a lifeless stone rather than a suffering human...

...the purpose of ypu and your cheater masters is exposed by this phrase, you are attempting to say that the poors are god with the purpose to say that everyone is god and you are god. Big, immense false ego masked by love for mankind


u rather give a flower to the stone than a morsel of food for the hungry...how much more blind can u get?

...ypur problem is to think that helping poors can be done only blaspheming religion and your inner purpose is to be you offered that flower and considered god


everyone is krishna...

...false... krsna is not suffering... and why you care to see krsna in everyone if you have attempted to say that krsna is not god? choose, are you atheist or religious?


there are no seperate groups of krishna devotees or jesus devotees etc to us..

...distinction is not for make wars, wars are made by people who want that all is the same... all muslim, all american, all communists... all ONE!!


for us advaitins everywhere it is the same beloved

...no... because you are attempting everytome to say that god's and devatas personalities are maya and the brahman is the only reality.. so you do not love everyone, you hate the divine personalities


it is a wonderful life that we live serving our krishna with the utmost of love

....you are not serving one despising him saying that he's a common human subjected to maya


hare krishna.

..this mantra is to ask love for krsna.... how can you love if you despise?


did vyasa live for thousands of years

..of course


or did u conk ur head when u got up in the morning?

...maybe you want to conk in the same place.. it has given to me enough logic to ridicule your atheist beliefs


chant krishna , serve the daridra

...ok.... serving krsna means also do not mistaking him for a poor human, and there's no need to spread atheism to help poors


but your purpose is easy to understand: "poors are god, i am poor, i am god.. worship me!!" bye!


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writing mistake... i wanted to write advaita.... the principles of both are very simple to understand, both are incomplete

-Oh!,So you mean that Both advaita and dvaita are incomplete?,That means you don't believe in both,You are CONFUSED and try to make Other CONFUSED.First get clear your doubt then talk..you are a poor guy so much confused because of maya.


the purpose of ypu and your cheater masters is exposed by this phrase, you are attempting to say that the poors are god with the purpose to say that everyone is god and you are god. Big, immense false ego masked by love for mankind


-If you again call Ramakrishana or swamivivekannada as cheater masters i will throw you in to the that deepest sea from which you will never come again!.See, we know you are a big fool ,still we call you as GOD as others,Because that is the Truth.



...false... krsna is not suffering... and why you care to see krsna in everyone if you have attempted to say that krsna is not god? choose, are you atheist or religious?


We said krishna is not only GOD,Every one is GOD.He understood his trueself and said iam God,so that every one has to find they are GOD in their own.



...no... because you are attempting everytome to say that god's and devatas personalities are maya and the brahman is the only reality.. so you do not love everyone, you hate the divine personalities


-Its just simple that You may be a big tide or i may be the small bubble,but that great ocean is behind us..and we belong to that ocean only.not seperate from that ocean.


....you are not serving one despising him saying that he's a common human subjected to maya

Yes,he was a great humanbeing...but in truth he was just big tide in that ocean.


hare krishna.

..this mantra is to ask love for krsna.... how can you love if you despise?


Krishna means symbolizes divine love and spiritual knowledge. that means knowing your own true self..its not the name of any person.


did vyasa live for thousands of years

..of course

ha,ha,ha...what a illogic answer!!!anticheater you are cheating yourself.


maybe you want to conk in the same place.. it has given to me enough logic to ridicule your atheist beliefs


We are very sure that we will convert you in to Advaitan.


but your purpose is easy to understand: "poors are god, i am poor, i am god.. worship me!!" bye!


-No ,you are excluded!.








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Yes infinite_spark, If he again calls sri ramakrishna or swami vivekananda as cheaters, i will also join you ,while throwing him in to the deepest sea.


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