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Swami vivekananda

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"However we may receive blows, and however knocked about we may be, the Soul is there and is never injured. We are that Infinite."

-Swami Vivekananda


A spiritual genius of commanding intellect and power, Vivekananda crammed immense labor and achievement into his short life, 1863-1902. Born in the Datta family of Calcutta, the youthful Vivekananda embraced the agnostic philosophies of the Western mind along with the worship of science.


At the same time, vehement in his desire to know the truth about God, he questioned people of holy reputation, asking them if they had seen God. He found such a person in Sri Ramakrishna, who became his master, allayed his doubts, gave him God vision, and transformed him into sage and prophet with authority to teach.


After Sri Ramakrishna's death, Vivekananda renounced the world and criss-crossed India as a wandering monk. His mounting compassion for India's people drove him to seek their material help from the West. Accepting an opportunity to represent Hinduism at Chicago's Parliament of Religions in 1893, Vivekananda won instant celebrity in America and a ready forum for his spiritual teaching.


For three years he spread the Vedanta philosophy and religion in America and England and then returned to India to found the Ramakrishna Math and Mission. Exhorting his nation to spiritual greatness, he wakened India to a new national consciousness. He died July 4, 1902, after a second, much shorter sojourn in the West. His lectures and writings have been gathered into nine volumes.


Jai Ramakrishna Jai swami vivekanada



Ranjan Bhandari

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Guest guest

the compassion of buddha , the love of christ , the intellect of sankaracharya , the devotion of various vaishnava saints , the strength of kali , the universality of the sky , the beauty of the beyond....all found expression in that great son of india and guide for modern youth...swami vivekananda.


a billion prostrations to the most lovable and respectful visionary of the modern era.


jai sri ramakrishna

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Once more awake!

For sleep it was, not death, to bring thee life

Anew and rest to lotus-eyes visions

Daring yet. The world in need awaits, O Truth!

No death for thee



Resume thy march,

With gentle feet that wouldnot break the

Peaceful rest even of the road-side dust

That lies so low. Yet strong and steady,

Blissful, bold, and free. Awakener, ever

Forward! Speak thy stirring words.



Thy home is gone,

Where loving hearts had brought thee up and

Watched with joy thy growth.

But Fate is striong--

Thsi is the law--

all things come back to the source

They sprung, their strength to renew.



Then start afresh

From the land of thy birth,

Where vast cloud-belted

Snows do bless and

Put their strength in thee,

For working wonders new. The heavenly

River tune thy voice to her own immortal song;

Deoder shades give thee eternal peace.



And all above,

Himala's daughter Uma,gentle, pure

The Mother that resides in all as Power

And life, who works all works and

Makes of One the world, whose mercy

Open the gate of Truth and shows

The One in All, give thee untiring

Strength, which is Infinite Love.



They bless thee all,

The seers great, whom age nor clime

Can claim their own, the father of the

Race, who felt the heart of Truth the same,

And bravely taught to man ill-voiced or

Well. Their servant, thou hast got

The secret-'tis but One.



Then speak,O Love!

Before thy gentle voice serene,behold how

Visions melt and fold on fold of dreams

Departs to void,till Truth and Truth alone

In all its glory shines---



And tell the world----

Awake, arise, and dream no more!

This is the land of dreams, where Karma

Weaves unthreaded garlands with our thoughts

Of flowers sweet or noxious, and none

Has root or stem, being born in naught, which

The softest breath of Truth drives back to

Primal nothingness. Be bold, and face

The Truth! Be one with it ! Let visions cease,

Or, if you cannot, dream but truer dreams,

Which are Eternal Love and Service Free.


-Swami Vivekananda


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Dear Guest,

It is very easy to accuse someone .do not quote Vivekananda without studying him fully; even if you quote him after due study, do not interpret him; even if you interpret him, do not attempt to appropriate him; even if you appropriate him, do not accuse others of appropriating him. For he seems to belong to those who, you charge, have appropriated him. Definitely they seem to have more to do with Swami Vivekananda than you.

If Possible try to study,learn about swami vivekananda,It is a powerhouse...get in to it and feel it!

Even he said if you believe in advaita ,dvaita or anyother concepts about GOD ,Just follow it..There is nothing wrong in following it...after all the AIM of all these is to go towards the supreme God.See, He is a person with great heart, with respect to every one, every religion...so atleast we try to respect others way of thinking ?Guest??,Because If you give Respect, you will Get Respect.


Ranjan Bhandari



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1) Faith and Strength


The history of the world is the history of a few men

who had FAITH IN

THEMSELVES. That FAITH calls out the DIVINITY within.

You can do anything. You

fail only when you do not strive sufficiently to

mainifest infinite power. As

soon as man or a nation loses faith, death comes.



Whatever you THINK,that you WILL BE. If you think

yourselves weak, weak you

will be; if you think yourselves strong, strong you

will be.



BE FREE ; hope for nothing from any one. I am sure if

you look back upon your

lives, you will find that you were always vainly

trying to get help from others

which never came. All the help that has come was from




Never say NO, Never say, "I cannot", for you are

INFINITE. Even time and space

are nothing as compared with your nature. You can do

anything and everything,

you are ALMIGHTY.



The remedy for weakness is not brooding over weakness,

but thinking of strength.

Teach men of the STRENGTH that is already WITHIN them.



3) Powers of the Mind


Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life-think

of it, dream of it,

live on that idea. Let the brain,muscles,nerves,every

part of your body,

be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea

alone. This is the way to

SUCCESS........... If we really want to be BLESSED,

and make others BLESSED,

we must go DEEPER.



All the great Prophets, Saints, and Seers of the

World- what did they do?

In one span of life, they lived the whole life of

humanity, traversed the

whole length of time that it takes ordinary humanity

to come to perfection.

In one life, they PERFECT themselves, they have no

thought for anything else,

never live a moment for any other idea, and thus the

way is shortened for them.

This is what is meant by CONCENTRATION, intensifying

the power of assimilation

thus shortening the time.


The more this power of concentration, the more

knowledge is acquired, because

this is the one and only method of acquiring

knowledge. Even the lowest

shoeblack, if he gives more concentration, will black

shoes better, the cook

with concentration will cook a meal all the better.

In making money, or in

worshipping God, or in doing anything, the stronger


the BETTER will that thing be done. This is the one

call, the one knock, which

opens the gate of nature, and lets out the FLOOD OF



No force can be created; it can only be DIRECTED.

Therefore, we must learn to

control the grand powers that are already in our

hands, and by WILL POWER make

them SPIRITUAL, instead of merely animal. Thus it is

clearly seen that CHASTITY

is the cornerstone of all Morality and all Religion.




Here is the second part of

3) Powers of the Mind:


Ninety percent of thought force is wasted by the

ordinary human being, and

therefore he is constantly committing blunders; the


makes a mistake.



What work do you expect from man of little hearts?

Nothing in the world? You

must have an IRONWILL if you would cross the ocean.

You must be STRONG enough to

pierce mountains.



Good and evil thoughts are each a potent power, and

they fill the Universe. As

vibration continues, so thought remains in the form of

thought until translated

into action. For example, force is latent in the mans

arm until he strikes a

blow, when he translates it into activity. If we make

ourselves PURE and the

INSTRUMENTS of good thoughts, these will enter us.

The GOOD SOUL will not be

receptive to evil thoughts.



Whatever you do, DEVOTE your whole MIND, HEART, and

SOUL to it. I once met a

great sannyasin who cleansed his brass cooking

utensils, making them shine like

gold, with as much care and attention as he bestowed

on his worship and



It is our own MENTAL ATTITUDE which makes the world

what it is for us. Our

thoughts make things beautiful, our thoughts make

things ugly. The whole world





4) Man The Maker Of His Destiny :


We are responsible for what we are, and Whatever we

wish ourselves to be, we

have the power to make ourselves. If what we are now

has been the result of

our own past actions, it certainly follows that

whatever we wish to be in

future can be produced by our present actions; SO WE




Man is man, so long as he is struggling to rise above

nature, and this nature

is both internal and external,........ And if we read

the history of nations

between the lines, we shall always find that the rise

of a nation comes with

an increase in the number of such men, and the fall

begins when this pursuit

after the Infinite, however vain the utilitarians may

call it, has ceased.

That is to say, the mainspring of the strength of

every race lies in its

SPIRITUALITY and the death of that race begins the day

that spirituality wanes

and materialism gains ground.



You have to GROW inside out. None can teach you, none

can make you spritual.

There is no other teacher but YOUR OWN SOUL.



MAKE YOUR OWN FUTURE. "let the dead past bury its


The infinite future is before you, and you must always

remember that each WORD,

THOUGHT and DEED lays up a store for you, and that as

the bad thoughts and bad

works are ready to spring upon you like tigers, so

also there is the inspring

hope that the good thoughts and good deeds are ready

with the power of a

hundred thousand angels to defend you always and



) Man the Maker of his Destiny:



I am sure God will pardon a man who will use his

reason and cannot believe,

rather than a man who believes blindly instead of

using the faculties He has

given him......WE MUST REASON; and when reason proves

to us the truth of these

prophets and great man about whom the ancient books

speak in every country, we

shall believe in them. We shall believe in them when

we see such prophets

among ourselves. We shall then find that they were not

peculiar men, but only

illustrations of certain principles.



Go on doing good, thinking holy thoughts continuously,

that is the only way to

suppress base impressions. Never say any man is

hopeless, because he only

represents a character, a bundle of habits, which can

be checked by new and

better ones. Character is repeated habits; and

repeated habits alone can reform

character...... The chaste brain has TREMENDOUS

energy and GIGANTIC will power



We can overcome the difficulty by CONSTANT PRACTICE.

We must learn that nothing

can happen to us, unless we make ourselves susceptible

to it



`It is the coward and the fool who says," THIS IS FATE

"'- so says the

sanskrit proverb. But it is the strong man who

stands up and says,

" I WILL MAKE MY FATE ". It is the people who are

getting old who talk of

fate. Young men generally do not come to astrology


4) Man the Maker of his Destiny :



Every good deed that we send to the world, without

thinking of any return, will

be stored up there and break one link in the chain,

and make us PURER, until

we become the purest of mortals



If you project hatred and jealousy, they will rebound

on you with compound

Interest. No power can avert them; when once you have

put them in motion, you

will have to bear them. REMEMBERING this will prevent

you from doing wicked




Everything is conscious which rebels against nature:

There, consciousness is

manifested. Just try to kill a little ant, even it

will once resist to save its

life, where there is struggle, where there is

rebellion, there is the SIGN OF




The road to the GOOD is the roughest and steepest in

the Universe. It is a

wonder that so many succeed, no wonder that so many

fall. CHARACTER has to be

established through a thousand stumbles.



Each work has to pass through these stages- RIDICULE,

OPPOSITION, and then

ACCEPTANCE. Each man who thinks ahead of his time is

sure to be misunderstood.

So opposition and persecution are welcome, only I have

to be STEADY and PURE

and must have immense FAITH IN GOD, and all these will




) Education and Society


Education is not the amount of information that is put

into your brain and runs

rot there, undigested all your life. We must have


CHARACTER-MAKING, assimilation of ideas. If you have

ASSIMILATED five ideas

and made them your LIFE and CHARACTER, you have more

education than any man who

has got byheart a whole library.



Every one wants to command, and no one wants to obey;

and this owing to the

absence of that wonderful brahmacharya system of yore.


The command will come by itself. Always first learn to

be a servant, and then

you will be fit to be a master.



Give up the awful disease that is creeping into our

national blood, that idea

of ridiculing everything, that loss of SERIOUSNESS.

Give that up. Be STRONG and

have this SRADDHA, and everything else is bound to




We want that education by which CHARACTER is formed,


INCREASED, the INTELLECT is EXPANDED, and by which one

can STAND on one's


-Swami Vivekananda



Ranjan Bhandari


[moderator's note: edited to keep page from going off screen]


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Guest guest

Even he said if you believe in advaita ,dvaita or anyother concepts about GOD ,Just follow it..There is nothing wrong in following it...after all the AIM of all these is to go towards the supreme God.



and this is the typical demonstration of cheating... everything is the same


so what's the use for these cheaters to speak? if everything is the same do not teach, it is useless

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Guest guest

What do you mean?Guest, yours is a modern way of cheating by saying everything is wrong except what do you believe in.I doubt do you believe in something of your own,it seems like you believe in nothing even not in yourself.

If you are not intrested SHUT UP Your mouth.History is a greatest evidence that if some one tried to do something GOOD to people,They always faced people like you.

If you can't do Good, then just keep quiet.Don't stop someone who is trying to do good to others.Understand?

I don't want to repet it again.



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q:"and this is the typical demonstration of cheating... everything is the same"

A:Hmmmm....Its just that swamiji was a great soul,He was never intrested to hurt others belief and not to confuse others on different sects.He knew it that whatever the concept may be Finaly it has to be ended in one truth.It just like various rivers flowing towords one great ocean..That is GOD.

And he is a person with scientific thinking,he never accepted things blindly.He was a person with great concern about society, he introduced a new concept of seeing God in every poor,illiterate and in every humanbeing because he knew it that the first step towords to GOD is in service of humanbeing and to create Faith in every humanbeing that he is able to remove all weakness in his life by his own power.


His Master Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa in his lifetime (1836-1886) proved many religious doctrines, including beliefs of various Hindu sects, to be true. His practice of Vedanta, Tantra, Vaishnava, Shakta and many more Hindu religious beliefs, and additionally Christian and Muslim faiths, are but a few proofs for such a claim. He distinctly had similar experiences and realizations of Divinity and Truth in each one of them, and therefore, he led great emphasis on spiritual practice for the realization of higher truths. Hence, although Sri Ramakrishna did not 'establish' any new religion in the sense most of us tend to understand that word, his contribution in enabling the modern mind to comprehend the true meaning of religion is immense.


And i admire My masters Swamji and shri ramakrishna paramahansa because they tried to show power of gita,vedas and upanishads in prractical,In welfare of humanbeings.


And Dear Guest,Its true that we have such great religion,great tradition great epics,great vedas and puranans...But, our weakness lies in that we were never united inspite of having such great treasure of knowledge,

That was the reason for our downfall, Thats why the most weakest races like Moughals,British ruled us for centuries.

The need for the hour is to be united,we need to unite all the hindu gurus of different sects under the banner of sanatana dharma to make this great religion much more powerful.


Ranjan Bhandari

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"Each work has to pass through these stages- RIDICULE,

OPPOSITION, and then

ACCEPTANCE. Each man who thinks ahead of his time is

sure to be misunderstood.

So opposition and persecution are welcome, only I have

to be STEADY and PURE

and must have immense FAITH IN GOD, and all these will


-Swami Vivekananda


Ranjan Bhandari


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Guest guest

"so what's the use for these cheaters to speak? if everything is the same do not teach, it is useless "


my dear sir, have u gained all knowledge without hearing any teaching from anybody?


u couldnt...since childhood u have been bombarded like all others about various things...good , bad , right , wrong.


conditoning predisposes to thought and habit and then character....usually one sided and narrow minded in majority of the cases. due to various levels of influence. at various times.


in such a circumstance...a teacher of universality should be hailed for the truth he preaches ... cutting asunder dogmas of caste , creed , religion , faith , etc....such was vivekakananda...a world teacher...the whole world adores him....he is a massive icon for generations of young and old.


such irresponsible and hypocritic statement from u regarding him ( unless backed by sound reasoning or logic ) in a forum such as this will obviously fire tempers.


kindly refrain from such immaturity in the future.


if not argue ur stand. if u cant then sit quiet.



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Guest guest

What do you mean?Guest, yours is a modern way of cheating by saying everything is wrong except what do you believe in.

??if you are objecting to my message it seems that you too have beliefs that you like more than others


Don't stop someone who is trying to do good to others.Understand?

??it is not my opinion... and if everything is the same, why teach?


I don't want to repet it again.

??i agree.. do not waste your preciuos energy




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They convert gulible westerners into believing that Krishna is the ultimate god and all that, where as Krishna is an avtar of lord Vishnu.


Ramakrishna and vivekananda did not brainwash.

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Guest guest

He was never intrested to hurt others belief and not to confuse others on different sects.

??to teach means to change the mind of others


he introduced a new concept of seeing God in every poor,illiterate and in every humanbeing because he knew it that the first step towords to GOD is in service of humanbeing

??actually it is the opposite... if you want to give water to the leafs you have to water the roots


and to create Faith in every humanbeing that he is able to remove all weakness in his life by his own power.

??a power that we have to ask to god, he is our relief, our saviour


But, our weakness lies in that we were never united inspite of having such great treasure of knowledge

???our weakness is not to recognize that we are lost without the help of god


Thats why the most weakest races like Moughals,British ruled us for centuries.

???all this spiritual explanation and you are now speaking of politics?


The need for the hour is to be united,we need to unite all the hindu gurus of different sects under the banner of sanatana dharma

???if one's following sanatana dharma he has to be united and work in collaboration.. who does not follow where's the use of unite with him?


to make this great religion much more powerful.

???if the idea behind is weak and false, there's not any power.. you cannot cheat god




"Each work has to pass through these stages- RIDICULE,

OPPOSITION, and then

ACCEPTANCE. Each man who thinks ahead of his time is

sure to be misunderstood.

So opposition and persecution are welcome, only I have

to be STEADY and PURE

and must have immense FAITH IN GOD, and all these will


???good considerations, the problem is that it is possible to use this to justify ourselves when we say nonsenses and some one makes a little attempt to awaken us from illusion and cheating

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Guest guest

my dear sir, have u gained all knowledge without hearing any teaching from anybody?

... so please be the first to give me good and detailed explanations


u couldnt...since childhood u have been bombarded like all others about various things...good , bad , right , wrong.

..and you conditionated by this, have developed this idea that everything is the same.... idea that you do not follow entirely because when you go at the market you choose good tomatoes and leave bad tomatoes... are you narrow minded because you choose good food and refuse bad food?


cutting asunder dogmas of caste , creed , religion , faith , etc....such was vivekakananda...a world teacher

...a world cutter who is remembered only for this cutting...


such irresponsible and hypocritic statement from u regarding him ( unless backed by sound reasoning or logic )

...yes.. it is backed... i have answered





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Guest guest

..... and not repeating what somebody has told like a parrot or a worn out record plate....

you will know who is brainwashing and who is putting dirt in the brain..

.....only when you start thinking on your own, you will know the truth...

.....only when you keep questioning, the myths will be exploded....

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Guest guest

Thats what I am doing.

I never said I follow Vivekananda.

Just becuase I oppose the Brainwashing of HKs does not make me naturally support Vivekananda.


I dont allow myself to be brainwashed by any single Guru or Cult. That includes Shankara, or Vivekananda or Ramana.

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Guest guest

Thats the only problem.

If you are not HK, you are an advaitin.

If you tell Krishna as an Avtar, You are an advaitin.


If you dont get brainwashed, you get brain dirty.


Cant you think of any other alternative?

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Guest guest

the alternative is to respect differences and to not think that difference is war


another problem is when we believe that going deeper in a belief is in every case a fanaticism (that is a fanaticism.. the dogma that going deeper is bad)


another one is to think that to choose voluntarily to follow (not blindly) someone is to get brainwashed (that it is in itself a following and a brainwashing from the idea that spirit does not really exist so there's no science, training, procedure or school that can teach it)


if you need informations about some group of followers, religion, school or if you want to put them in discussion, theres' nothing bad, but you have to make it in a way that shows that you have a real personal interest to know and learn, not only to destroy


if you are destructive you will get destructive answers


so make a deep study of the schools that you do not like, start separate threads with specific questions and someone will be happy to give you good and constructive answers.. surely me

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