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Confused about Brahma

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I'm really confused about Brahma and the existence of all these. I remember reading in some posts that (mentioning something about the Breat of Brahma from Vedas) that Brahma was there alone, and it felt bored. Energy and Matter were in the Brahma, they started to move in different direction forming the time to exist. Brahma took forms, such as Eshwara & Eshwari, Vishnu & etc.


And I've also seen in some posts mentioning that Vishnu created Brahman. Brahman came from the naval of the Vishnu.


My question is, is Brahma and Brahman the same? Did Brahma become everything? The gods, me and you??? Is that why some hindus claim that everything, & everyone is god?? Please clear my doubt.

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Brahman is different.

Brahma is called Bramman ( no ha sound in tamil, and some tamil gramatical reason, "an" sound to be added to make him bramman).


Hope this helps.


Brahmins are called Brahman in sanskrit, and brammanan in tamil ( again the same reason as above)

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Brahma & Brahman are different.

The first two Brahma sutras define what is Brahman.


"The word Brahman is seen to derive its meaning from the association of ‘brihattva’, i.e., greatness (with the thing denoted by it); and whatever greatness is by nature as well as by qualities, unsurpassed in excellence, that is its primary and natural meaning.And He (who possesses such greatness) is alone the Lord of All . Hence the word Brahman is primarily used to signify Him alone.”


Once again in the second sutra, another dimension of‘brah’ is discussed.The sutra is‘ Janmaadyasya yatah’(the brahman is that) from whom (proceed) the creation etc., of this (universe)In his Sri bhashya, Sri Ramanuja goes on to establish Brahman on the basis of what he calls accidental characteristics, like the power to create etc. According to him, this is established by nothing other than the very term Brahman itself.In his own words,“ that which is characterized by means of accidental characteristics is Greatness unsurpassed in excellence: and it is Growth also, because the root ‘brih’ (to grow) is capable of that meaning. And the creation, preservation and destruction of the world constitute the accidental characteristics of that.(Brahman thus made out to be Greatness and Growth)”


This Brahman is one and one only, without a second. This means there is no equal to Brahman. Every other god is created by It and is inferior to It. In this context the first created one is Brahma deva who was entrusted with the job of creation of all universes. All the other gods are created ones after the creation of Brahma.


Which god is this Brahman? According to Panini's grammer, the term Brahman is a a common noun signifying certain qualities. Any one possessed with these qualities can be termed as Brahman. And the only God who fulfills this definition is Narayana. Though a number of verses can be quoted from Sruti & smriti texts to substantiate this, the two-fold meaning the term Narayana fulfils the charaterics of the common noun Brahman, making Him the one and only Brahman.

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Hari OM:


Brahamam is the substance which existed and is existing, on which the whole idea of universe rests (and no it does not get "bored" it is called nirguna- one without qualities)


Brahaman is the Personal form of this substance, i.e., the controller of this substance, it can be called Narayana, Paramatama, Krishna, Mahadeva, Ganesha, Para Sakti and whatever name you like and whatever form you like, it is both form and formless, beyond words and imagination, whatever you say about that Person may not be wrong (or may not be correct)


Brahama is a function of that Form which is interested in creation of universe, That single Form does multiple functions, and for each function sages has assigned a name, form and characteristics (but as told in Gita, even though He does so many things, in actuality He is a non-doer)


Brahmin is one of the four Varnas of the Human society.

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