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Caste discrimination at Mantralayam

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I visited Mantralayam.


" in Mantralayam i was allowed to have darshan of "guru raghavendra" only from a distance because i am a a sourashtra brahmin (not a madhva brahmin)". But Madhva brahmins were allowed to go near the rayarus brindavan. when i asked permission to enter, they gave a staring look at me as though i am a sudra.

Note : Even "Iyengars" were not allowed near the brindavan.Only Madhvas were allowed.


some other caste devotees tried to touch the golden chariot but madhva priests scolded them as telling them as sudras. But i boldly went & touched the chariot by chanting "Om namo bhagavathe vasudevaya". so they couldnt able to scold me.


i dont like this kinda caste discrimination in "Mantralayam" & other "dwaita" mutts.


I have lost all respect i had towards "Dwaitham". Of course, i still respect "Sri madhwacharya". i think these priests are misusing dwaitham. i dont think God Narayana will love these secretarial madhva brahmins.


Hereafter i wont visit any madhwa mutts .


i didnt see any caste discrimination in "Sri Ramanuja's abode - Sri perumbuthur". everyone are allowed to have darshan of Sri Ramanuja.


Hereafter i will visit only Sri Ramanuja shrines & vishnu temples.I will not hereafter support dwaitham.


/images/graemlins/smile.gif Om Namah Sivaya

/images/graemlins/smile.gif Om Namo Venkatesaya

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if you are keen in blindly supporting "madhvas" you should demonstrate the secretarial behaviour of madhvas instead of asking me to shut up.


you may be a madhva brahmin, so that you dont recognise the caste discriminations in madhva mutts.


if you dont believe words in my above post, then go to any madhwa mutt & see for yourself. i am not lying.


if you are asking me to shut up just because you cant handle the truth, then i cant help in saying you as a fanatic.


/images/graemlins/smile.gif Om Namah Shivaya

/images/graemlins/smile.gif Om Namo Venkatesaya

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< --- you have said:

Hereafter i will visit only Sri Ramanuja shrines & vishnu temples.I will not hereafter support dwaitham.


so what you will do? --- >


"Sri Vaishnvas" dont discriminate like madhvas. of course, they have have their rules, but they allow everyone for to have darshan of "Sri Ramanuja". so i feel "Sri vaishnavas" more genuine then secreatarial madhvas.


I will spread the glory of "Shuddhadvaita" & "Vishistadvaita".


But i will not pick a fight with madhvas. i will just stay away from them.


/images/graemlins/smile.gif Om Namah Sivaya

/images/graemlins/smile.gif Om Namo Venkatesaya

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Typical of Hindus in India. They seem to think they know all but in fact they know nothing except talk. They are very egoistic and obnoxious. Who are they to decide who should be allowed and who should not. Ragavendra did not talk about cast but there are those who think they are pure. Are they really?




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Smarthas worship the smrithis. They Worship Shiva, Vishnu, Ganesh, Shakthi ( as Durga, Amman, Mari, Kamakshi, Meenakshi, Vislakshi etc.) and Muruga.


They worship all hindu gods.


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in my experience there's also some smarta brahmins who make that kind of discrimination in allowing people entering their temples.

it is not a thing that happens very often, but sometimes there's and it is often in very important places of worship of any hindu path


i for example feel sad to be not allowed in jagannatha puri temple, of course i consider it caused by my bad karma.... but indeed it is very sad

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Take it easy, Only because of some people do not hate any caste or religion. You spread a religion and its principles because you respect them. So forget people who misuse a custom and religion just be on your own. That is all that matters. we are all equal here in front of god and so the opinion of one person never matters.

Do and believe what you think is right. Thats it.


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  • 3 months later...
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"He looked at me as if I am a sudra....."

Look who is talking about castism here?

Just try to think from a Sudra's perspective gokul, is it ok if they doesn't allow a sudra, But they should allow all bramhins?. I am a frequent visitor of Manthralayam and no body asked me or never cared for my cast there, and nobody scolded or stopped me from touching Gold Chariot at night after the grand Swarna Rathotsava.


And coming to temple inside entry no body will be allowed to touch brindavan except priests there and only a few mutt people will be allowed to enter in to little closer area away from the usual crowds.


Per my experience I felt it's a nice place where there will not be any special treatments for some cast people everybody will be treated similarly except very few mutt people. Please think twice before accusing such great places in future.


when I go to a temple or mutt I will leave all my personal egos and finish darshana and complete the offerings without giving any trouble to others, and I will not expect any special treatment because I am a Brahman.


FYI: I am not a madhwa fanatic but just a devotee of Raghavendra. I happen to see this website when I am searching for some info on Manthralayam. and I am trying to give my view on u r post not trying to open a fight.




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""when i asked permission to enter, they gave a staring look at me as though i am a sudra."""


Hey gokul. i quote this from you. U are a Brahmin who is only concern about the brahmins. Many hindus have no knowledge of their faith and the MAIN cause are the bRAHMINS. I Think u clearly looked down on Other varnas like sudras. I hope Krishna shows some mercy on you.


The 4 major varnas are different parts of the Superme. All working together for God.

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I am a ardent devotee of Guru Raghavendra & JaGADGURU Madhvacharya.


I am not a Madhva brahmin.


I dont care about any varnas. According to me a sudra is a person who doesnt accept Narayana as God.


I just posted wat i saw in mantralayam. Since i follow Madhva doctrines only.


Many Madhva Brahmins were allowed to go around moola brindavan. But non-brahmins not allowed near the brindavan. i saw many madhva brahmins along with their families allowed to have close drashan of Brindavan , whereas non-brahmins from a distance.


Of course you may be a frequent visitor of mantralayam , but i feel you wouldnt have noticed this point.


I expected fair treatment of people irrespective of varnas in Mantralayam - Abode of Guru Raghavendraswamiji.




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"Smarthas worship the smrithis."


Smrithis...is that referring to the books, the 'smrithis', the opposite of srutis?


Are the Smarthas the same as Adi Shankaracharya's sect?


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  • 3 weeks later...

I am from a remote place in Tamil Nadu. In tamil nadu we have lots of raghavendra mutts, the commoner wants to go to raghavendra's mutt but those so called madhava's usually stop the other caste people from not entering the mutt...


These morons dont know what ragavendra taught... He himself doesnt believe in casteism but the so called followers of him in the mutt, were making money on his name and spoiling his name...


a krishna devotee...

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  • 2 months later...

Mr. Gokul,


This is 21st century. It looks like you are still living in the stone age. What is so special about being a brahmin?

Hindu religion never flourished in Europe or the Middle East like Christianity/Islam did. You know why? Because of its weird caste system and people like you who think that being a brahmin alone gives you the authority on Hindu religion. So wake up and face the music. Stop discriminating against other castes and abolish this caste system.



A Sad Hindu.


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  • 4 weeks later...

After many years I am planning a trip back home and wanted to visit mantralayam. When I was searching for shortest reachability to the temple - I came across this link - and this thread especially disturbed me a lot. I fail to grasp the need to 'touch' the chariot... may be I could try and view this in par with my feelings to 'visit' 'Mantralayam' ? instead of just sitting where ever I am and give my prayers?.. Well I will be 40+ next month when I come down to India , and I guess I am guenuinely confused - but STRONGLY - disturbed by the fact that many amongst us are having a strong feelings.

Dear friends - please take a moment and think about all these postings and make your own choice on how to react to situations.

I give my thanks to almighty every day - I am happy to put my feet down from my bed - breath and eat well - I feel so happy just seeing the smiling face of my kids. May be I havent been seeing the hectic day-to-day issues back home - but been seeing so many clutures - so many different colored people - so rich in their own way - so unique in their approaches - good & bad - BUT you know what - they give a SMILE and say HELLO or HI or some form of greeting - irrespective of how the other one looks or talks or whatever.



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  • 11 months later...
  • 1 month later...

it is true that some madhvas,and at time other brahmins also, who are close to the priests there are allowed inside the brindavan to have a close look at the brindavan.

you may note that in Tirupathi also, Iyengars are given special darshan in the morning time.

but true devotees do not actually need these things.

we have to accept these as special privileges to their own community people.

even standing outside the Brindavana premises, u can pray and seek his blessings (For that matter u can do so from any place). God does not extend his blessings only to those who are able to go inside the brindavan premises.

So, please do not get disturbed by what you saw.

if u have real faith in Ragavendra, u need not worry about these things.

Poojyaya Ragavendraya Sathyadharma Radhayasa bajadam

vrutchaya namadaham kamadhenuve.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Can anybody highlight about the accomodation facilities in Mantralayam? It is said that Mutt is for donors and I hear that there are no hotels nearby. Is it true?

If there is any, can anybody give some lead about the hotels.

Thanks in advance.


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!! Harihi Om !!



This is not the case only with MADhvas.

I've experienced a situation, similar to this guy GOkul, in MELkOte.

Non-Brahmins are seldom allowed to carry the pallanquin, during "Vairamudi Uthsav".

The archakas chastise us mercilessly, although we are cleanly dressed in white dhOthi & have thirunAmam(thilak).


I've experienced the same with shrIvaiShNavas also (In 11th Cross Malleswaram Kr^ShNa temple).

Of course, they have provided me other opportunities to serve the Lord. But when it comes to serving prasAdham.....No.

When all my Brahmin friends are serving prasAdham, I stand at some corner watching them, looking for an opportunity to do some service.

(The same in case of MADhvas).

The reason being....I'm not a Brahmin & dont have the "JanivAra"/Sacred thread.


It is well known that, only Brahmin boys are allowed for "ShAthumurai SEva", in thirupathi.

He need not know a single verse to glorify the lord. He just needs ...... a sacred thread, a white thilak on the forehead & he has to be cleanly shaved !

A person from other caste, in a similar fashion, is not allowed !

Brahminical qualities are just guaged by external appearances !


However, these incidents should not be the factors to choose the "so-called dhvaitha" or "VishiShtAdhvaitha".

(I've used "so-called dhvaitha", because MaDhvAchArya termed his philosophy as "thathvAvAdha" & not dhvaitha).

One shouldn't look at these people & decide on their philosophies.

One should directly study the works of AchAryas, to decide which is the most convincing one.


Saying that I'll support VishiShtAdhvaitha, because I hate MADhvas (Or vice versa) is sheer foolishness.

My advice to GOkul.....

1) "Dont judge the philosophy, based on the behavior of these arrogant people".

2) "First know the philosophy, before you support it".


Ever your spiritual pal,


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