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Fear of Christians that the Pope has yield to Lord Shiva

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This proves how much the Christian evangelist hates Hindu religion and yet the Hindus give much freedom to the Christians to preach their belief on Hindus. Christians and Muslims fear Hindu relgion because there are reports in UK the congeragation in churches are getting fewer this days and they fear the more Christians are turning to Hinduism. I'm sure if Muslims have no fatwa they to would revert to Hinduism. The freedom of religion will bring peace to this planet.

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Its plain old ignorance on the part of the christians.. I doubt jesus christ himself would have hated hinduism as much as these so called christians today do. The problem is when chritianity originated it was sorrounded by oppresion and people who wanted to destroy it. Thats why it has such a tone, but hinduism originated in peace and hindus did not have to face persecution for their faith at the time of its evolution.


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do not mix excessively.. the article is written by evangelists, very fanatics and somewhat "mayavadi".. destructive


catholics, anglicans, big protestant groups are relatively open


(this is a little thing found in vatican by archeologists, maybe the pope is remembering his ancient role as sivaite chief brahmin:-)




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