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Religion is love for God and humanity

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I am amazed by questions put forward by some of the participants and the answers given by the so-called experts. In the first instance one must remember how religion came to be. When there was disorder and chaos in the land of inhabitants thousands of years ago, some wise men mediated in order to find solution to their predicament. They received divine instruction or messages through their mind and transmitted them to the people and that was how religion was born. But one must remember that the time and situation of such period the messages were given was not as we are today. Although these messages were made compulsory for man to follow there were those who refused to abide and they were made the outcast or the untouchables. In that period or era there were no macadamize roads, no motor vehicles, no telephones or cell phones, no computers or Internet, no airplanes or jets, no ships or submarines, no theaters or VCD, no cameras or video cameras and nothing of any modern gadgets that a house wife uses today. Minus all this you must imagine how people would have lived their life in that period of time.


Many restrictions were made that may not fit into societies today but at that period it was appropriate and was a necessity during the time to educate and control people with these divine messages. Many other nations later on began to have such laws according to their life style. For the Arabs and people in Africa covering the whole body from head to toe was a necessity for every man and women because of the temperature and the type of climate they had to endure. Circumcision was necessary because in the desert during the sand storm the sand dust would get under your skin and so in order to keep it clean at all times one has to circumcise. And later it became compulsory for the clan to do form than on. But would an Eskimo or the red Indians need to do the same? Do you know what the Arabs would do to clean after passing motion? Stone, yes they would keep stones with them at all time because there was no water in the desert and the only solution they found was the stone. But are the Arabs doing the same today? Surely not, because they now have the technology to convert seawater to drinking water and this has solved the problems their past generation could not. But may be the nomads of the desert are still sticking to the same old method. And so did the Jews who had changed certain practice, which they considered outdated. Every race and religion has rigid laws and the orthodox refuse to change according to time. In religion we take what is practical and leave what we cannot cope.






In verdic period people of same clan and belief live together in a nation and was suitable to accept such beliefs but in later period people began to migrate and some spread their belief to other nations and people began to intermingle and there were intermarriages between different clans of different beliefs. Thousands of years later you find Muslims living in a country along with non-Muslims and so were the Christians and and Jews. They learn to understand each other’s belief and sensitivity and by doing so multi racial and multi religious nations were formed. But yet we find that in every religion there are orthodox who become fanatics in their belief and create unrest among the peace loving nations. There are Hindu fanatics who still belief in cast system, there Muslims who still believe that the Hadis are the true words of their prophet and all non-Muslims are their enemies and while the Christians believe that only through Jesus one can enter paradise. For instance there are fools who believe having too much sex with your wife is a sin. I do not know from where he got this idea but today scientist say that those who have less sex are prone to heart attack. Having much sex with your wife is no sin provided the wife too enjoys such but forcing her or having sex with women other than your wife is not proper because you too do not wish your wife to do the same. So it is considered wrong if you commit adultery and you must also think of the consequences what if your partner is a carrier of HIV and other STD. It is because of this that religions say it is a sin. But on the other hand if both are willing partners and they have a clean bill of health I don’t see why you should not. There are limits to everything and that is why religions came to be. If not we would all be barbarians and behave like animals by having sex in the open. But some religions went overboard by compelling others to follow their faith strictly and failing to do so will be punished according to their religious law.


Religion should be left to individual liking so that if one does not follow the commandments it is between God and him but one must follow the laws formulated by Government of nations to suit each and every race irrespective of your religious belief. Religious laws were given when the world was in dark but times have changed and we live in modern society with IT and other technologies advancing in every nation and to live out of it is like refusing to use the train just because prophet Mohammed did not use the train during his time or that Krishna was not a computer programmer and so I refuse to be one. Or that Jesus wore the crown of thorn and so I too wish to wear it daily on my head. People are not using their God given brain to think but just follow some fools who claim to be masters of scriptures. I am not against any religion because I am a believer too but I wish to be rational in my thinking and not blindly follow the scriptures. As far as I know and many too realize that no scripture is final and that is why in this modern days we still have Godly men or spiritualist like Swami Vivekannda, Sri Ramakrishna Parmamsa, Amma, Swami Shivananda and many others who have come to teach love for mankind. Love is the only medicine for peace. Not following rigidly all that is said in the scriptures. What does a householder needs to live a righteous live on earth is clearly stated in the Dharma sastras. If you are a soldier follow what the sastras say and you will not sin against God. In war no civilian, specially women and children should not be harmed. If you are a businessman do not make profit more than what you need and never cheat by selling expired items or poisoned food to consumers. If you are the government, serve the people well by not being corrupt and greedy for wealth. If all follow according to the dharma sastras no harm will come to any body and we can all live in peace till end of our time.


8th.Feb. 2004


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Hi Barney



You bring up very good points. But you also have to take in mind the current states of the world,especially thos epost-colonized nations who are finding down right impossible to compete with the west or just to have a stable country,and so many people return to religion and fundamentalism for the answers.


And there are religious authorities ready and waiting to take advantage of the masses.These authorites,even in anciet times were paid or accepting money and bribes from conquerors as is the case today.The world has not changed in some arenas really.

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<< Thousands of years later you find Muslims living in a country along with non-Muslims and so were the Christians and and Jews. They learn to understand each other’s belief >>


not true.

please preach to the muslims and xians of india.


muslims/islam has invaded in india and has done forcible conversions. even now after 1000 years of living with the hindus, the muslims, even when a minority, are not appreaciative of the vedic culture of the land. they want all the world to be converted to islam. xians wlaso want the same. pope wants to "harvest" the souls from india.

your greatest threat is islam. so please focus attention there. you seem to have more affinity with abrahmic religions that with the truth.


you can also preach to pope how to produce

good pastors in the churches.

till you succceed in it, please do not come to preach the vedic people of india.



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barney.. religion is love for god and humanity if well studied and learned.. if not it is simply love for our concocted speculation and another expression of our own egocentrism


if you go on giving simplicistic and not competent judices on traditions so old and widely practiced you will not give any service to god and humanity


study, then give opinions.. this is the way to give benefit to the father and the brothErs

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" What does a householder needs to live a righteous live on earth is clearly stated in the Dharma sastras. If you are a soldier follow what the sastras say and you will not sin against God. In war no civilian, specially women and children should not be harmed. If you are a businessman do not make profit more than what you need and never cheat by selling expired items or poisoned food to consumers. If you are the government, serve the people well by not being corrupt and greedy for wealth."




this is not religion... if one does not do like this he's not even human


religion, spirituality is much more

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Please do not blame only the Muslims and Christians. What about the Hindus who still dwell in the cast system and treat the harijan like slaves. Is this what you call Hindu dharma? Hindu masters now are worst than the colonial masters of the past. They treat the poor like dirt. Although I am not from India but I do read the papers. Look at the cases where a harijan girl was raped by a group of Hindu high class morons just because her brother had ran offf with a gril from an high class Hndu family. Is this what you call Hndu dharma? Every religion has its weakness and there are people out there to use their religion as an excuse to commit henious crimes. Come look at my country and learn from it what religious tolorance is all about. We are a peaceful country with multiracial and multireligious nation of people. Although Islam is the official religion the non Muslims like me had never faced any serious problems and we have a good secular government with ministers from varius races and religious background. I know what the radical Hindus are doing to the dalits n India. Read the Human Rights Commission report and you will know the real truth.

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I do not know your capicity. May be you have a phd in theology and more important verdic scripture. Whereas I am a simple soul and only understand what I see, experience, understand and practice. That is how I go about. Hinduism is a way of life and I am trying to live by it.

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Just joking....no offence please. I am a Hindu by birth and have learned to leave with people of other faith. Married to a Christian of Eurasian origin who is now a practicing Hindu. My name is pronounced Thandayuthabarney[another name of Lord Murugan]. Do you need any more info? Please feel free to ask and I am at your service.

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This post basically outlined religious evolution through time. I still think the basic struggle is to humble one's self to take the commandments seriously and admit that a person is not perfect in God's eyes and sins and the only way to return to grace is to follow faithfully. When there is indulgence in sex, material gratification and no renunciation of wicked ways, then no growth takes place. The first step is despite all the knowledge of this world, devotion to the supreme personality of Godhead is the only road to true recognition of opulence. A person may not know the difference between divine and demoniac and without knowledge of the absolute will continue to dwell on a lower plane. The spread of knowledge of devotion is a divine calling and teaching the sound vibration chant is what will really allow those who find Krsna to break the chains on material bondage.

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Material bondage is part of life in this fast moving life. You talk about sex, which without it there would be no population and sex without any feelings will be like rubbing yourself on dead wood and the offsprings too would be dead wood wothout any feelings for others. Life cannot be what you discribe it to be. God knows best and he wanted a change he would have done during the toime of Krishna. Mahabaratha will tell you why. It is all predestined and we do whatever is best we can. If all follow the path you say is right than this world will end right now. We need not have to wait another 415,000 years more. We try to follow the Dhama sastra and it is doing pretty well for most and you must remember it takes all kind to form ths world. Do not be too hasty in your fanatism. Let nature take its cause. You cannot ask the meat eaters to give up overnight. Let them eat and let them suffer from dieases that are brought be animals like the bird flue and so one and finally one day they will realize what meat eating can do to your body. Till than you partice what you think is right and let others be what they are.

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