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Wasting time without thinking of Vishnu

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Jahnava Nitai Das

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very nice verse indeed! thanks!


time is also wasted when priority of action is chosen incorrectly.


if a house is on fire,

then sitting and chanting does not help.


india (even the whole world at this time) is on fire of attacks from the asuras who do not think india is divine.


jai sri krishna! -madhav


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when the the vedic temples and people and yatris are attakced by the islamists, then it is an emergency like a house on fire. islamists do terror allover the world.

no non-muslim is exempt from their target.


this is like earth on fire of terrorism.

bamian buddha statue was destroyed.

what they will do to living buddhas (non viooent people?)


to ignore them is to encourage them to do more terrorism.


jai sri krishna! -madhav


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I think what is meant by this statement is that one must feel that time has been lost and take that as an opportunity to plan himself better and dedicate to bhagavan.

the puranas usually use analogies to represent a severelty to make ppl change.


it doesn't mean that if one day due to some reason one is unable to worship the lord, bhagavan will punish him.


neither is it meant to be taken literally that one must wail as though robbed

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<< it doesn't mean that if one day due to some reason one is unable to worship the lord, bhagavan will punish him.>>


true, but it has been seen that those who surrend to krishna dn live for him, work for him, find i extremely painful if their mind and actins deviate from or forget krishna. to work for krishna is life, and break in between works is excellent time for chanting.


jai sri krishna! -madhav


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  • 1 year later...

to ignore them is to encourage them to do more terrorism.


But fighting them on equal basis (violent versus violence) is not an option. Muslims are split into two groups - violent ones and the secular ones.


If you attack the violent ones, the secular ones will cry that you are attacking fellow Muslims and Islam in general and if you attack secular ones, violent ones will use that as an excuse to wage more violent war.


So, in a way, Muslims are design as a perfect "machines" to bring forth Armageddon.


I do see some suggestions as a way out of this (which I like to share). Those are :


1. bring your own clans and fellow Hindus together and strengthened ties by preaching Hindusm within this group.


2. Identify weak Hindus who will break the chain. Educate him on history and try to bring him in closer. If cannot, then reject him out.


3. Become a self-sufficient society which do not rely on Muslims for ANYTHING.


4. Encourage Science and Technology just as Hindusm did before Islam come to India.


5. And Importantly - identify people who are traitors among Hindus and Hindusm - people who are willing to mistranslate or misqoute Vedas and Gita just to satisfy Muslims. Such people should be dealt as traitors to God.

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