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Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, and Mohammed. Who among them is the true personality of God?

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The Hare Krishna devotees, such as myself, believe that Krishna is the One Supreme God, Buddha is an incarnation of Krishna who advented to stop meat eating in the name of the Vedas, and Mohammed was sent by Krishna to preach to an assigned group of people and elevate them so in time they could come to the level of accepting Krishna consciousness. Jesus too fits in this (last) category.


And that's the short answer. /images/graemlins/smile.gif


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That's what I am talking about. Every community claims that they are the true group and assigned others (such as Jesus and the rest) to be the avatar...But how would you know that your belief is true?


For Christian - Bible, Muslim - Quran, and for Hare Krishna Community - SB which is part of the "epic" Mahabharata.


How would you know that your scriptures are true? And not only based on "Literature"?

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Well, for myself, I did a lot of investigation. I was not born into my religion, I chose it. It had to make sense to me and it could not contradict things that were overall religious. (Things that applied to any religion.) I suggest that you do some research, possibly some comparative religious studies.


I have put up a web page on Jesus and Krishna, which includes info how Jesus traveled and preached in every country, including Iraq and Afganisthan. Moslems believe in Jesus just as strongly as Christians but a little differently as he is not their main prophet. Nevertheless, he is sitll a prophet. I was told this by a Muslim. Anyway, my sites show Christ's teachings having a significant connection to India, and how he ultimately ended up living there.


Personally I find total harmony with all the religions that you mentioned, or basically with all religions. And I KNOW Krishna is God. But I could give you tons of Sanskrit, where someone else could give you plenty of Aramic texts, and someone else, others. And thats fine. But I am getting tired :-) and much of that is all ready on my site. Ultimately its up to you. There generally are not quick answers. We gotta work for it. /images/graemlins/smile.gif


If you want my link, today I posted it under another thread and don't want to be posting it all over the place at one time. :-) But I also forget the title of the thread its under now. If you can't find it, and if you want the url, let me know and I will go get the addy from my files and repost here.

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we have to study in a very accurate way and practice..


if we do not do it , it is very difficult for us who are answering and you who are listening to explain the "non sectarian" nature of the "superiority" of Krsna


we also should have to discuss what is really God, how many kinds of God we have, the concept of a Personal God, and the concept of Supreme Personality of Godhead


if we do not start explaining in a right way, the concept of krsna as the supreme risks to be "taliban" and sectarian exactly as the "preaching" of other fanatics all over the world

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I found where I posted my links, so have copied (even my long descriptions ha), and posted here.




Christ & Krishna #1 Jesus/Guru, Pictures section (which has NO pictures, sorry) is the topic - Did Jesus wear Vaisnava tilaka?, The Lost Years (Jesus went to India in his youth), Bible is mistranslated, vegetarianism/misc in the Bible, Talks between Srila Prabhupada & Father Emmanuel, "In My Name Only" (& other misc misunderstandings like bread to fish story, the cry from the cross (he never did it), Church alterations, the last supper), Perfect Questions/Perfect Answers, Conv w/Cardinal Danielou & Srila Prabhupada, etc.





Christ and Krishna, Part 2 – Aquarian Gospel

Explains the "Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ" that wouldn't be understood without Prabhupada's books. These excerpts better clarify Jesus at the Ratha Yatra festival, Jesus and the Deity of Lord Jagannatha/Krishna, he debunks the (kali yuga) caste system and any unqualified priests who follow it. Reveals how he learned to heal, his travels in India, etc. Additionally, excerpt from a recent letter by a devotee validating Christ was at the Jagannatha Puri temple, India, Reincarnation in the Bible, 2nd Council of Constantinople Bible changes dates back to 553 A.D. Plus, Prabhupada quotes about Jesus.





Christ & Krishna Pt 3 – Shroud, Islam, Purana’s, etc.

Scriptural AND scientific evidence that Jesus survived the crucifixion, evidence that the Shroud belonged to Jesus, Christ preached in many countries and to many religions, location of the "real" Promised Land, various scriptures giving mention of Jesus including the Bhavisya Purana where Christ reveals his secret knowledge and plan for his disciples. Proof that Jesus lived in India and left his body (passed on) in Kashmir. More Prabhupada quotes on the topic. (Discover the connection between Radharani and Mother Mary)



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Hi Angekela,

Good question!. If you find these gods by history you will NEVER find historical Krishna or Rama (The recent Excavation in ayothia was a greater failure!) but you will find Jesus, Mohammad but if you carefully examine the scriptures it was written clearly in bible than how god created the world and how a man became a sinner and what god did to cleanse the sinned man. Also the bible never supports the concept “Reincornation” which is most deceptive and encourages people to sin. All the teachings, which support reincorantion, were from evil. It tells the people that you can do what ever you want if you failed in this birth you will get another chance but bible warns


Matthew 7:13 "Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it.


Moreover there was no God or Goddess who died for the sin of man, As you know we all sinners and need to be cleansed by the blood of holy to became sinless


"If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us. (1 John 1:8)"


John 14:6 "Jesus said unto him, I am the Way, the Truth

and the Life: no man cometh unto the Father,

but by me."


Romans 10:13 "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the

Lord - Jesus Christ shall be saved."


"Therefore, just as through one man (Adam) sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men, because all sinned (Romans 5:12)"


"For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.(Romans 6:23) "


"You know that He appeared in order to take away sins; and in Him there is no sin (1 John 3:5)"



It also warns the false God and Prophets


Matthew 7:15 "Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves"


Basically there is no such religion called 'Hinduism', When Persians invaded India they named people who are all living south of the river "Sindhu' as 'Hindu' this concept was accepted by formar Kanchi Sankarachari (So the word Hindu is not a religion). Moreover Hinduism as a worship of created (Objects) than the creator (like worshipping fire, water, sun, moon. stars) . When an ancient man suffered by flood or,fire they were frightened and thought it would be

stopped if they do some rituals and sacrifices to them that is where they started worshipping Fire, Water(These are all depicted as Gods in Hinduism) and created Idols for each, Satan Used these man made idols to cheat people. To be more clear all the ancient gods are created by man like this, The firts civilization was started in the beds of river Nile (NOT Sindhu) so the culture of Egyptian and Greeks are older than Hindus but today everybody accept the Greek & Egyptian gods as a myth so it applicable for Hindus too. Hope this helps, as i said bible is clear about the beginning of the world it was also clear about the end. I will be able to explain in the next post




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Oh please, let us not use every person who asks such a question to put down Krishna and glorify the Bible. Actually, I am wondering why so many Christians (using term loosly) are allowed to stay here when their goal is to make Vaisnava aparadha (offenses) over and over. Anyway, the Bible has been tampered with repeatedly and that is not hard to prove. Its easy to prove. Very easy. So lets not go there, and I hope some other devotees will respond to Angekela specific question and that fundamental Xtians will not, once again, use a thread on these boards to start more flame wars and offenses to Lord Sri Krishna. To even suggest that this is demigod worsihp shows how little anyone knows about it.

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if you think that everithing is false and demoniac i cannot imagine why you are writing in this forum... maybe you have an exorcist at your disposal!!!


thinking that god has revealed himself only to hebrews and christians you are actually limiting him and closing him in material boundaries


respect the commandments ... do not blasphemy and be respectiful of the christian authorities that all over the world are promoting friendship with all religions

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i do not agree, but i do not need more explanations to consider jesus as the son of god and as my saviour and spiritual master... for me it is enough to see in the bhagavad gita what are the demoniac and the divine qualities


my question is, why are you searching justifications for your faith in a literature that you consider fake and evil?

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I am not considering Geeta but the Veda's does clearly says that Jesus Christ is the "Prajapathy"


Rigveda X:90:7 8220;

Tham yajnam barhishi proukshan

Purusham jaathamagratha

Thena deva ayajantha

Sadhya rushayaschaye



The first born and only born son of the God. His name is "Prajapathy" the son of the God comes to this world at the appropriate time. After coming to this world he travels around advising mankind, what is sin and what is not sin; what is to be done and what is not to be done; what is wrong and what is right. To those human beings, which accept his advises and obey his orders, he offers prosperity and peace in this worldly life and salvation at the time of their death. And being the completion of his venture to redeem mankind from sin, he gets sacrificed at the end his specified period on earth. In verse 7 chapter 90 of the 10th book of the Rigveda, the sacrifice of Prajapathy the Son of God, is well explained. ;At the time of sacrifice, the son of God will be tightly tied to a wooden sacrificial post using iron nails by hands and legs, he will bleed to death and on the third day he will regain his life in a resurrection.


Does any of the Krishna's incarnation is matching these? (or) can you deny that the teachings in Veda's are wrong?

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"Does any of the Krishna's incarnation is matching these?"


for our great luck NOT!! krsna and vishnu are supremely blissful, eternal and conscious and do not suffer these tortures, and do not need these sufferings to be close to the creatures, to relieve us from our pains and to bring us back to godhead


i do not follow you in this christ vs krsna game


have a nice janmastami and merry xmas

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Prajapathi's literal translation :


Praja= people/ beings/ living things/ sparks of life put together/ society.


Pathi= Husband/ leader/ the one who protects/ the one who comforts.


There is also another word that is synonymous to Prajapathi , which is JagatGurum.


Jagat= world, universe, creation.

Gurum= Guru, teacher, leader, Master.


From the scriptures it has been said that this statement is true : Krishnam Vande Jagat Gurum.


Krishna- you know who that guy is.


Vande- I salute you


Jagat Gurum- Prajapathi.


This whole statement literally means "O Krishna, I salute you my dear Prajapathi"


"The first born and only born son of the God. His name is "Prajapathy" the son of the God comes to this world at the appropriate time."


is wrong. Prajapathi can only be Krishna - (God or Jesus's dad)


Please don't offend Jesus by saying he is Prajapathi. Don't mock his dad (you too agree with this) .


If Jesus becomes prajapathi, then you , I and every one becomes prajapathi. If you ask Why? - because we too are the children of God and if he makes one child "Prajapathi" the rest of them are also "Prajapathi" which is ridiculous.


You are not God, so you are not prajapathi.


Jesus is an avatar, he is not prajapathi.


Prajapathi is always krishna and not his messengers.


The Rig veda is not really straight forward, it is usually full of hymns that explain things very abstractly.


Your quote shows great detail from the Rig veda and it is from only 4 lines of sanskrit used.


Are you positive that those four lines say all that you have said in english?




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But krishna never matches to the "Prajapathi" as explained in Vedas, He never died for our sins in Wooden Cross nobody nailed him on the cross, He never resurrected from the death but Vedas refering these are all the qualities of "Prajapathi" , Moreever can you give the refererecne for "Krishnam Vande Jagad-Gurum"?

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"But krishna never matches to the "Prajapathi" as explained in Vedas, He never died for our sins in Wooden Cross nobody nailed him on the cross, He never resurrected from the death but Vedas refering these are all the qualities of "Prajapathi""


/images/graemlins/smile.gif Funny.


The argument by you which is as follows: "He never died for our sins in Wooden Cross nobody nailed him on the cross, He never resurrected from the death but Vedas refering these are all the qualities of "Prajapathi""


This argument is ridiculously on the body level.


If I die on a wooden cross right now for the "saving of the people from the sins of the world" would that make me a prajapathi?


My dear friend, lets not get into such ridiculous arguments here. I thought you grasped what I was saying in the other post but never mind, i will say it again.


You and I cannot become prajapathi, just like that jesus cannot be prajapathi, If I die right now on a wooden cross I will not be Prajapathi(I will be an idiot though, or I would be put into jail for commiting suicide).


One Roman emperor(not sure who) crucified about 10000 gladiators who revolted against his rule and fought him, Do all of them make up Prajapathis?


How many prajapathis exist in this world?




So, Lets use our minds and surrender to the truth, the God of Jesus, who is also Krishna is the prajapathi.


Open your eyes and see the truth.


"Moreever can you give the refererecne for "Krishnam Vande Jagad-Gurum"?"


Yes , it is from a verse from vedas/puranas not sure exactly where but it is a verse read by us Vaishnavas on Krishnasthami (the physical arrival of krishna on to this earth) .


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By Guest:

He never died for our sins.


Oooh where's Priitaji when you need her!








<font color="red"> nitai-gauranga, nitai-gauranga </font color>

<font color="red"> jayasacinandana, gaura-hari </font color>


<font color="blue"> All glories to Lord Nityananda and Lord Caitanya!

</font color> <font color="blue"> the son of Saci-devi, who is Krsna Himself in golden hue.

</font color>


<font color="red"> HARE </font color> <font color="orange"> KRISHNA </font color> <font color="red"> HARE </font color> <font color="orange"> KRISHNA KRISHNA KRISHNA </font color> <font color="red"> HARE HARE

</font color> <font color="red"> HARE </font color> <font color="blue">RAMA </font color> <font color="red"> HARE </font color> <font color="blue"> RAMA RAMA RAMA </font color> <font color="red"> HARE HARE </font color>




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