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Swaminarayan Mantra?

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Gunatitanand Swami



Clarion call of Aksharbrahman in Satsang:



It was around this time that Gopalanand Swami was on his way to Junagadh. He made a brief stay at Gadhada. Here, during the course of his discourses in the assembly he said, "Maharaj appointed Mahants for different temples, but it must be said that the Mahant of Junagadh, Gunatitanand Swami, has stolen a march over others for the reason that he completed the work of the temple despite obstacles from Nagars; streamlined the temple administration and spread the satsang in the whole of Sorath. He made sadhus observe the rules properly, pleased Acharya Raghuvirji Maharaj and above all, he has never forgotten even for a moment the form of Maharaj, and remained constantly busy with holy stories. So there is no sadguru like him in the entire satsang. He is omniscient, omnipotent and is like dhanvantar vaidya." After some time Gopalanand Swami reached Junagadh. Here he broke the fast of Harinavami and addressed an assembly of saints and devotees and said, "All of you have not known the true identity of Swami. Maharaj Himself has told me about his glory and has said, "Gunatitanand Swam is real Akshar." After saying so he made the devotees of Bhadra such as Dosabhai, Ratnabhai and Vashram Suthar relate the incident when Maharaj Himself had for the first time, in Bhadra, talked about the glory of Swami. In this way Gopalanand Swami used to spread the infinite glory of Swami.

After the departure of Maharaj to His own abode, Naja Jogia had become a sadhu and had assumed the name Ghanshyamdas. He was impressed by Swami's talks at Vadtal so he used to come to Junagadh for samagam with Swami. But so far he had not been able to realise the true glory of Swami. Once Ghanshyamdas was meditating in the auditorium, Swami was sitting nearby. After sometime Swami told him, "Are you meditating or just bungling ?"

"Swami, it is an unfair allegation," said Ghanshyamdas when he woke from meditation. Swami smiled in reply and said, "Were you meditating or stroking the buffalo with a white mole at Gadhada ?" Ghanshyamdas was stunned when he heard this. During the meditation he really had reached Gadhada; so he stood up suddenly and touched Swami's feet and said in an overwhelming tone, "Swami! In the inner recesses of my heart I was under the impression that you were like a feudal chief but today I have realised that you are an emperor and Maharaj incarnated. You are really Akshar." Swami smiled and blessed him.

Swami had arrived at Vadtal on the occasion of samaiya of Chaitri Poonam. Acharyas of both the regions had also come there. In the assembly Gopalanand Swami and other senior sadgurus garlanded Swami. Swami was loaded with garlands. Seeing this Mulji Soni of Bhoyka asked his Guru Gopalanand Swami, "Who is this sadguru ?" Gopalanand Swami then replied, "I had told you that I'll show you Akshardham. This Gunatitanand Swami is Akshardham incarnated. So recognize him properly." On hearing this Malji Soni was convinced about the identity of Swami. (Shastriji Maharaj had met this Malji Soni and had heard the above incident from him. After that Shastriji Maharaj took many aspirants to Malji Soni at Bhoyka and made them listen to this incident.)



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“Having said this, though, the gravest of all sins is perceiving faults in God and His devotees, because due to that fault-finding attitude, animosity is created towards them…”


[Gadhadã III-22]

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“If a person has the company of the devotees of God and also has earned God’s pleasure, then even though he is in Mrutyulok, he is still in the abode of God. Why? Because one who serves the Sant and earns God’s favour will certainly stay near God. Conversely, even if a devotee is in the abode of God, if he has not earned God’s favour and is jealous of devotees of God, then that devotee will certainly fall from that abode.”


[Gadhadã II-28]


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“Thus, even after attaining this satsang – which is rare for even Brahmã and others – affection for objects other than God still remains because the person has not developed as firm a conviction for the manifest form of God as he has for the non-manifest form of God. That is why the Shrutis state: ‘If a person develops conviction in the guru – who is the manifest form of God – in the same way that he has conviction in the non-manifest demigods, then, as a result, he attains all of the arthas which are described as attainable.’ In fact, when he attains the company of such a Sant, he has, while still alive, attained He who was to be attained after death. That is to say, he has attained that which is called the highest state of enlightenment, or liberation, while being alive.


“What I have just explained to you may appear to be simple, but in reality, it is extremely subtle. One who is currently behaving in this manner will understand that this is extremely subtle; but others will not even be able understand it. That is how subtle it is.”


[Gadhadã III-2]


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|| Two Unforgivable Sins ||


Thereupon Somlã Khãchar asked, "God forgives all of the mistakes of His devotees, but which one mistake does God not forgive?"


Shriji Mahãrãj replied, "God forgives all other mistakes, but He does not forgive the mistake of spiting a devotee of God. Therefore, one should never harm a devotee of God in any way whatsoever. Furthermore, of all mistakes made against God, to denounce the form of God is a very grave mistake. One should never make this mistake. One who does do so commits a sin more serious than the five grave sins…"




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Thereafter Muktãnand Swãmi asked, "Is the cause of such a nãstik attitude one's past karmas or the influence of evil company?"


Shriji Mahãrãj explained, "The sole cause of the development of such a nãstik attitude is listening to the scriptures of nãstiks and keeping the company of one who has faith in those scriptures. Furthermore, lust, anger, avarice, arrogance, egotism and jealousy also cause such a nãstik attitude to develop. Why? Because if a person possesses any one of those swabhãvs, then he will not be able to believe the talks of even sãdhus such as Nãrad and the Sanakãdik.


"When is such a nãstik attitude overcome? Well, when one listens to talks of the divine actions and incidents of God, such as the creation, sustenance and dissolution of the cosmos as described in ãstik scriptures like the Shrimad Bhãgwat, and also understands the greatness of God and the Sant, such a nãstik attitude is overcome and an ãstik attitude develops."



[Gadhadã I-68]


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"The murtis which God has given for worship by His command are of eight types. God Himself personally enters those murtis and resides within them. A devotee of God who worships those murtis should maintain the same respect for them as he does for the manifest form of God. In the same way, God also resides in the heart of the Sant. Therefore, the Sant should also be respected…"



[Gadhadã I-68]


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Get me the references for where mahraj Says that Gunatitanand swami is akshardham avtaar!!!Wether it be Harililamrut or what. I want reference.


Also mahraj says no dhyann should be done of those who are human and even if they are samadhinishth.


Only God and his avtaars can be meditated upon! You say Pramukh Swami is God himself????


MAhraj Himself stated that Gopalanand Swami is Akshar in the orado of Kariyani and Nishkulanand Swmai heard so.


Swaminarayan Mahaprabhu - Su thay che aa satsang ne? Daya KArjo Mahraj!

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  • 3 months later...

Skanda purana predicts swaminarayan. BAPS is true not vadtal sect, after what is happenind with there sadhus. You are misguided as the shikshapatri says clearly worship krishna as parmatma. As you will be confused lemme explain. When he was named he had more than 1 name. Two of his senior names were ghanshyam and krishna. So in the shikshapatri he is reffering to himself. There is no 'achaya' only the true satpurush guru Pramukh Swami Maharaj. He is truly parmatma. Look up these two other swaminarayan books. The Vachnamurut and The Bhaktichimantini. They may ive some answers i hope. Those who call swaminarayan and its movement bogus, well i hope you get the sense to not call god bogus. Swaminarayan WAS DEFINETLY NOT THE INCARNATION OF KRISHNA, krishna was the incarnation of vishnu, and there is are two gods above the trinity and and parmatma (the higher god above the trinity) came down as swaminarayan.

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SwamiNarayanan Worships Krishna. Why must anybody worship SwamiNarayanan ?? Instead one should worship Krishna himself.






I do not agree with what the above says, but i'll pretend that i do..."serving a devotee of God is the same as serving God himself". so If Krishna is the true God, and i worship Bhagwan Swaminarayan, it would make no difference. so what is the point of this arguing? Pramukh Swami Maharaj + Bhagwan Swaminarayan has told us to respect all religions, so can the constant bantering cease?

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Skanda purana predicts swaminarayan. BAPS is true not vadtal sect, after what is happenind with there sadhus. You are misguided as the shikshapatri says clearly worship krishna as parmatma. As you will be confused lemme explain. When he was named he had more than 1 name. Two of his senior names were ghanshyam and krishna. So in the shikshapatri he is reffering to himself. There is no 'achaya' only the true satpurush guru Pramukh Swami Maharaj. He is truly parmatma. Look up these two other swaminarayan books. The Vachnamurut and The Bhaktichimantini. They may ive some answers i hope. Those who call swaminarayan and its movement bogus, well i hope you get the sense to not call god bogus. Swaminarayan WAS DEFINETLY NOT THE INCARNATION OF KRISHNA, krishna was the incarnation of vishnu, and there is are two gods above the trinity and and parmatma (the higher god above the trinity) came down as swaminarayan.


Maharaj has stated many times in the Vachnamrut about "Bhagwan and his Sant". BAPS has its God-realised saint (P. Pramukh Swami Maharaj), but i am not sure about the other 'sectors' of Swaminarayan. if the non-BAPS Swaminarayans have a guru, do they teach the same holy teachings, does the guru folllow each and every niyam that the Shikshapatri teaches? Has the Guru never asked for anything to benefit him? Has the guru tied off all his family connections? has the guru cared about everyone, no matter which 'caste', how developed they are in their religion, or even how much money that devotee has? i wont continue


just a fact that one santo told us in our sabha...did you know P. Pramukh Swami Maharaj's brother earns his living by driving a riksa in india?


BAPS is not money-hungry, but to feed, for example, the whole of the people who come to the mandir for a Saturday Sabha, food, each and every one does not just fall out of the sky. when the devotees put food on a plate, they do not ask for money, they humbly give the food and say Jai Swaminarayan - whether your a satsangi, or a person just viewing the mandir.

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  • 3 months later...

Comment by BAPS devotee - Maharaj has stated many times in the Vachnamrut about "Bhagwan and his Sant".


And your point is? Has Maharaj ever said to worship them? if so find me a quote!


Comment by BAPS devotee - BAPS has its God-realised saint (P. Pramukh Swami Maharaj), but i am not sure about the other 'sectors' of Swaminarayan.


How is he God-Realised? A mere opinion and not fact according to Vachanamrut or Shikshapatri. By other Sects would you mean the original sampradaya set up by shreeji maharaj himself(uddhav sampradaya?)



Comment by BAPS devotee - if the non-BAPS Swaminarayans have a guru, do they teach the same holy teachings, does the guru folllow each and every niyam that the Shikshapatri teaches? Has the Guru never asked for anything to benefit him? Has the guru tied off all his family connections? has the guru cared about everyone, no matter which 'caste', how developed they are in their religion, or even how much money that devotee has? i wont continue


Yes they do, the Acharyas(the original spiritual succession as per shikshapatri slokh 3) They teach the true philosophy. To my knowledge yes, im assuming you are saying this as if you can guarantee Pramukh swami does? Has the Guru never asked for anything to benefit him - i think you have got a bit tongue tied there, try to rephrase. The original Acharyas(Gurus) of Uddhav Sampradaya(Known and referred to as Swaminarayan Sampradaya) are actually Householders, you would know that if you read the Shikshapatri and also understood aswell as adhere to it! Last question is silly as no one is going to say no my guru does not do that.


Comment by BAPS devotee - just a fact that one santo told us in our sabha...did you know P. Pramukh Swami Maharaj's brother earns his living by driving a riksa in india?


Wow, are we supposed to be amazed by this fact?


Comment by Akshar - BAPS is true not vadtal sect, after what is happenind with there sadhus. There is no 'achaya' only the true satpurush guru Pramukh Swami Maharaj. He is truly parmatma. Look up these two other swaminarayan books. The Vachnamurut and The Bhaktichimantini. They may ive some answers i hope.


BAPS is true yet it is not mentioned in any Swaminarayan authenticated scripture, now that is strange?? Yet the uddhav Sampradaya(set up by shreeji maharaj himself - made up of two gadis Amdavad and Vadtal) is mentioned! So you here of a few sadhus being ex-communicated and you call it false? What about the Aagnas of your ishtadev shreeji maharaj? are they worthless? ISKCON was hit with scandals does this mean they are fake? There is no acharya yet nearly all scriptures of Swaminarayan bhagwan mention them and never mention a succession of these so called realised saints? You say Pramukh swami is truly Parmatma...you really have lost it! You yourself need to read Vachanamrut and Bhaktchintamani and perhaps they will guide you to some answers.


I challenge all BAPS devotees to debate with me and prove the authenticity of BAPS

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Comment by BAPS devotee - The philosophical position of Lord Swaminarayan may be described as Navya Vishishtadvaita, i.e. ‘Neo Qualified Non Dualism’. It holds that Jiva, Ishwar, Maya, Aksharbrahman and Parabrahman are the five fundamental realities distinct from one another.


Guess what? Shikshapatri Shlokh 121 does not agree with what you describe as Navya Vishistadvait(Just to accomadate for your worship of Akshar Purushottam - which might i mention is nowhere to be found in Vachanamrut or Shikshapatri!)


The slokh states - My philosophy rests in the theory of Vishishtadvaita. Goloka Dhaama is my beloved abode. I believe Mukti (salvation) as being able to serve Lord Krishna as Brahmanrupa, in Goloka Dhaama.


Please read the Arthadeepika written by Shatanand Muni it will give a more clearer insight(that is if you accept his work)

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  • 3 weeks later...

i was so impressed to read about the potency of the word swaaminaaraaya,na

Please inform me on these questions:

is "swaaminaaraaya,na" more efficient than "om namo naaraaya,naaya"? does it give quicker or stronger results, in terms of health, protection, and all the rest?

should we place OM before each "swaaminaaraaya,na"?

what is the metre of the mantra "swaaminaaraaya,na"?

Although i m somewhat confused about this mantra, it has all noble sounds, no L and no P which are not noble sounds.

Do Shaaivaas or Shaaktaas chant this mantra? of Vaai,snavaas, do they all use "swaaminaaraaya,na"?

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Jealousy gets you nowhere.

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