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Swaminarayan Mantra?

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Here is what "SWAMINARAYAN" Maha-Mantra can do to anyone who chants SWAMINARAYAN.


"Swaminarayan" means sarva vishva ma vyapi ne rahenara (He lives everywhere on this earth) and He is the Supreme God (among all 24 Bhagwans' Avtars) in the whole Universe.


24 Bhagwans' Avtars are as following:

Reference: "Bhakta-Chintamani", verse 128, 11-15.


1. Sankadik, 2. Varah, 3. Yagna, 4. Haygreev, 5. Nar-Narayan, 6. Kapil, 7. Dattatrey, 8. Rushabh, 9. Pruthu, 10. Machchha, 11. Kachchha, 12. Dhanvantari, 13. Hari, 14. Nrusiha, 15. Vaman, 16. Hansa, 17. Narayan, 18. Manvantar, 19. Parshuram, 20. Ram, 21. Vyas, 22. Shree Krishna, 23. Budha, 24. Kalki


1. Anyone who says "Swaminarayan", his sins will be forgiven by Supreme Lord Shree Swaminarayan. There are many names of God but this is an Unique name of all.


2. If someone says "Swaminarayan" just once, it is equivalent to 1000 names of other names of God. It gives an unexplainable good result fal.


3. This Maha-Mantra makes you happy and eliminates any hardness of your life and at the end your of life, it gives you the Akshardham.


4. This Maha-Mantra will be chanted all over the world by Satsangis of Shree Swaminarayan and Maha Mukt loko.


5. If someone says "Swaminarayan" at the time that person is about to die, that person will achieve Moksha no matter how many sins he/she had committed during his/her life. This Maha-Mantra also gets rid-of fear of ghosts and gives you good sense (Sad-budhi).


6. By chanting "Swaminarayan", the Jamduts won't even come closer to you and this Maha-Mantra will give you mukti.


7. One should chant "Swaminarayan" all the time (day or night), no matter what you are working on and all 6 seasons of the year. This will enable to survive through the life of sansaar and enable to land your-self across the ocean of struggles.


8. This Maha-Mantra should be chanted by anyone- no matter whether you are pavitra or not and this will keep your mun (thinking power) clean.


9. This Maha-Mantra will give you Mukti even if you had made Brahmins to suffer or you had committed many sins or crimes.


10. It gets rid-of all sins or bad karma and other people gets jealous of this too.


Hear it play in the background:


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  • 4 weeks later...

SWAMINARAYAN, This word has another meaning.If u break the word SWAMI+NARAYAN.Here "SWAMI" is the Brahman and "NARAYAN" is the ParaBrahman.To achieve Parabrahman's Abode u must become like Brahman.Here Brahman is the best devotee of Para-Brahman and we must become like him to Parabrahman.At the moment the present brahman on the earth is "Pramukh Swami Maharaj" the leader of BAPS Organisation.

Remember we cannot become "Brahman(BrahmaSwaroop)" but with the help of Brahman we can become "like Brahman(BrahmaRoop)".

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Sorry Abhishek but you have derived an incorrect meaning. For SWAMINARAYAN to mean SWAMI+NARAYAN as in two nouns it is wrong for sanskrit grammar.

SWAMI acts as an adjective to the noun NARAYAN so that NARAYAN (as in God) the SWAMI (master/lord) of all.

It is not two distinct entities, for if it were then the name would be SWAMINARAYANAU


Your theory is therefore flawed and incorrect.


Kind Regards,


Harivansh Pandit

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  • 5 weeks later...

Swami means prabhu, lord, one higher than the one saying the word. Narayan, is the supreme lord of all. In this case, it means Akshar adi pati, the one from where brahmajyoti emanates, and assumes the Shree Hari Vishnu Narayan form. Swaminarayan simply is a name to refer to the root of all. All forms are one and the same. Think of manifestations as costumes. We call them God. Why? Because God assumes the form, he takes on the form, he "puts on the costume". That's why we don't say that a certain form is the root of all. But it is God none the less.

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Vishnudattas actually come for ALL hari bhaktos, whether it is followers of Ram, Narayan, Swaminarayan, or Krishna. Vishnudattas are servants of Vishnu, a form of Purushottam Narayan whom we in our Uddhav Sampraday call Swaminarayan.

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  • 4 months later...

Guest said...


"Swami means prabhu, lord, one higher than the one saying the word. Narayan, is the supreme lord of all. In this case, it means Akshar adi pati, the one from where brahmajyoti emanates, and assumes the Shree Hari Vishnu Narayan form. Swaminarayan simply is a name to refer to the root of all. All forms are one and the same. Think of manifestations as costumes. We call them God. Why? Because God assumes the form, he takes on the form, he "puts on the costume". That's why we don't say that a certain form is the root of all. But it is God none the less."


Does this mean that you regard Ganshyam Maharaj as a direct incarnation of this lord of Gods?

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i dont think u should say anything about any bhagwan being "bogus" thoughts like these shuld bekept to oneself since it causes anger to those who believe in Swaminarayan as Lord Supreme.


Thank you..

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  • 2 weeks later...

excuse me but i am very offended by that statement....i would never call any of the people that you belive in. you should call something that you don't even know about bogus

you should respect all religions which is what i am taught. i would not go around saying christains,muslims or sikhs were bogus. i mean all this coming out of a 14year old means that even i have more sense then you do

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i think that if you are all just making this sort of discussion just to offend all swmainarayans, then you shouldnt be making discussions at all. i know some people want to genuinly talk about this and have proper view. shame i cant say the same about all of you.

jai swaminarayan

jai shri krishna

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Hare Krishna,


What scripture predicts Shree Swaminarayan?


Does he believe he is Supreme Lord?


I think those who see Swminarayan as Supreme Lord are misguided, because he himself wanted his devotees to pray to Krishna - not him.



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Hare Krishna,


The problem is that sects develop and then they separate themselves. It is wrong when Gurus start to say they themselves are God. Srila Prabhupad always said he is not GOD he is a servant - in fact he said he is striving to become a servant of Krishna. That is why we pray to Krishna first and foremost. We only pray to Prabhupad as a Guru - that division is clear.


The problem is: did Sri Swaminarayan make it clear that he was NOT God - or did he make it vague - leading to the divisions in that particular movement.





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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

How can you comment on something you clearly know absolutely nothing about. I suggest you broaden your mind and actaully get your facts right befire making such outrageous comments.

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in rely to Swaminarayan is bogus:


How can you comment on something you clearly know absolutely nothing about. I suggest you broaden your mind and actaully get your facts right befire making such outrageous comments.



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Dear Vaishnavas,


I think we vaishnavas at first be united & respect each other sects rather than commenting on it.


I havent seen anywhere a swaminarayan devotee making negative comments on "Chaitanya".


So Same mannerism should be adopted by HKs also.


anyway i dont belong to swaminarayan or gaudiya sect. but i still respect both "Chaitanya" & "Swaminarayana" as incarnations of krishna. for me its no problem to accept them as krishna.


My Guru "Sri Vishnuswami" & "Sri Guru Daata Mahatma" has told to respect all "genuine" sects (paricularly vaishnava). I am following them from past 24 hours.


So i request HKs to not to bother about "Swaminarayana" or asking questions about swami's godliness ? i think even "Chaitanya" will not like it.


So Hks follow "Chaitanya" rather than doubting Swaminarayana.






/images/graemlins/smile.gif Om Namah Sivaya

/images/graemlins/smile.gif Om Namo Venkatesaya

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Dear Readers of all faiths,


If one is very keen on finding out what is thruth in one's religion one should follow it very strictly and then perform meditation on GOD. One inner enemies should first be gotten rid of, then and only then, one can perform the true sense of doing yog, i.e. worshiping of GOD, not for material gain. If for all those who want to find out more about Lord Swaminarayan should read Vachanamrutam. Reading makes a man wise for this world, but realizing the true essese of GOD is the wisest of all. If one who has a doubt about Swaminarayan should visit any Swaminaryan temple and pick up Vachanamrutam. Another logical reasoing is that there are many saints in our fellowship. Now true that many do not posess the 32 qualities of a true saint, but they have done something that most would not do. They have realized something greater then all of us. Now one should ask a true saint, what actions can I take towards GOD, instead of will I find a job in Six months etc. They the true saints will help you reach GOD.


Maharaj, teaches us that Welth and Women are the only two causes behind every action. If you disagree think it over before replying. Everyone tries to gain material things such as a new CAR, HOUSE, SOCIAL LIFE, BEAUTIFUL WOMEN, etc.. But no one says I want 15 minutes of complete peace of mind with no tension, no obigations that are lingering for that 15 min. Now if one wants to achive this state of being free from maya, surrender in the feet of the lord, and say with me.....


I will try to control my eyes, and only see holy things in life...


I will not try to eat food which is not clean and offered to GOD...


I will not try to contemplete on Women which does not belong to me and take that to my heart which inturn leads to the physical sinful deed.


One must take a step towards cleaing out their own inner enemies of lust, anger, etc.. before one can truly talk on a spritual level of the greatness of GOD.







Religion is very easy, its like the three monkeyes which we see all over the world...








So on..


So one must truly try to make them go towards god, instead of cutting others views on their relgion beliefs.


I might have said too much



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