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Rodent infestation, ok to kill?

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Wow, this thread is still kicking. Thanks for the advice everyone. For the last couple of months it seems as if though the mice have left. Initially I was using traps, but after encountering a mouse squeaking for its life, that was more than enough for my heart to take. Finally, I did some cleaning, especially in the kitchen...so no more mice *knock on wood*.

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Some people posts here: If you kill a mosquito, it will be bad karma and will result in suffering.


So it´s up to you when you would like your suffering: If the mosquito bites you, you´ll suffer now, and if you kill it, you´ll suffer later.


The choice is yours...

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  • 2 months later...
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And if you see the mouse squeeking for its life in the brutal "Snap" trap, Buy a GAMO 220 .177 Pellet gun at 1000 feet per second. Finish it off, It does the job. You can get them at your local Sport Authority store for about $160


It has the power of a .22 Caliber Shot Gun, but its legal to shoot on your property as long as you dont kill any protected wildlife, which a mouse is not.

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every time we breath we inhale and send to their destruction hundreds of microscopic bacteria; not to mention the unforeseen destruction of worms and bugs which my automobile squishes during a rainstorm under my tires and on my windshield. am i acquiring all this negeative karma?

or by the Lord's mercy are these types of destruction forgiven? all men are forced to act according to the impulse born of the 3 modes of material nature (goodness, passion, ignorance)so chant the glories of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and do not fear...He shall remove all sinful activity !

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am i acquiring all this negeative karma? or by the Lord's mercy are these types of destruction forgiven?



According to the Gita we are subjected to all sinful reactions we perform regardless of whether we knowingly or unknowingly perform them. Every action itself is a source of bondage, regardless of how insignificant it may seem. Only by performing every action as an offering to God (yajnarthat - for the purpose of the divine) can the reaction be burnt up.


In our mind it may make us feel releaved to think that God is mysteriously forgiving us for all the sins we are committing, the fact is He probably isn't. It is more than likely that we will suffer our karma like all the other billions and billions of living entities that have existed in the past.


If we want proof to whether God has removed all these sinful reactions, just see if we are suffering any karmic reactions at present. If we experience a single reaction then it is clear we are not free from these sinful acts. Why should we believe God will remove our future karmic reactions when He is not removing our past karmic reactions (which we are suffering at present). Thus it is all hopeful thinking, but we can directly see it isn't true from the reactions we are presently suffering.

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your methods are cruel and against all that I believe.


Anyway, no matter what I do the mice get into my grain storage in my barn. one committed suicide the othe day by attempting to squeeze through a hole too small for it. That was my limit! I have come to an agreement with the mice. I now put a small amount of grain outside the container and they no longer get into it and mess up the feed. I wear a mask in my barn anyway so we are now all happy.


That is until....the snakes came out. The snakes are crawling around and I am sure feeding on the mice. There is nothing I can do about that as it is their nature. i have now seen two non-poisonous snakes and I swear they were smiling!!

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The "Final Solution"is to chant Hare Krishna constantly and by the mercy of the Holy Name all suffering beings-jivas-will be reconciled in the contradictions and dualities of material existance.

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  • 2 months later...

This is really weird!! There is an actual infestation of mice in my area now!! They are everywhere - go outside at night and kick around in the weeds etc and there are swarms of them. Everyone is complaining about them now and people who have never had them in their houses now do including me! I only saw three and located their point of entrance which was the dryer exhaust duct. I purchased a metal one and no more mice. But I am constantly watching for them now - it is horrible because we do have Hanta virus in my area.


There do not seem to be many snakes this year and I wonder if that is the cause of the problem with the mouse. The numbers of the little beast is like old testament swarm proportions!!! /images/graemlins/crazy.gif


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You asked a very interesting and thought-provoking question. I read the various responses to the question too. Spirituality and Krsna consciousness, as I view them collectively, transcends laws, rules, established beliefs, religious codes and belief system. As I say the aforesaid, I am prepared for the avalanche of waiting emails and postings from bhaktas, who would take exception to the view.


Only a careful examination of the issue will clarify the mystery and enigma that surround Bhakti Marga. One extreme of living is to be blase about what harm we do to our surroundings and others; but the other extreme is the fanatical obsession with rule books. Such an obsession will give rise to religions like Jainism that requires its members to wear masks and sweep the floors before the believers tread.


Oh yes, I agree that every living thing has an equal right to existence. After all, the soul that inhabits the body is the same soul in every body. However, where one's existence interferes with the harmonius living of another, the aggressor, if need be, has to be put down. The right of private defence has been accepted as a Dharma in the Smirities written by Yaknavalya, Manu and Parasara; and even in the Ithikas, this has been sanctioned.


Apart from the above, a logical analysis of the "ahimsa" principle will shed light on the point that I am belabouring: if 'ahimsa' extends to absolute non-killing, we should not be living --- as pointed out (again) by another devotee, even the steps that we take towards the altar necessitates in the death of million of lives on the ground beneath our feet, lives striving in our bodies! Each time we drink and eat prasadam, we are committing 'himsa'. Extending this further, we would find ourselves refusing to take anti-biotics to kill the virus that causes us an infection or disease.


In a word, it is all in keeping with sadana, bhakti and devotion to exterminate intruders into our homes and houses. (In point of fact, jivas that take births as roaches, insects and bugs are destined to have short life span to expiate their karmas).

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I agree with Chitta but if you still want to try a soft option

keep your place very clean

block up any holes

and spread WORMWOOD branches

and sprigs of BAY TREE here and there

in KTICHEN and Bathroom cupboards etc.



It works but I can't say I've tried it in a mouse plague.

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the other thing is to wait for the mouse to make a post

and then you just ban his or her IP.

It works quite well.


How do you know if its a mouse posting a message?

Well, thats easy - they're usually a bit cheesy, what to speak of holey.

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my house is very clean. I do not leave any foodstuffs sitting around and the kitchen is kept very clean. I cook for Krsna here!!


One of my sheds has been taken over by them and there are no food stuffs or cloth items in it - just tools!!


Unfortunately, we do not have any wormwood or bay trees here. Someone mentioned mothballs but that is too chemically for me to tolerate. Any other suggestions? I am considering a cat but with the amount of mice running around outside I would need a family of tigers!


Seriously, this whole area is over run suddenly. It is the weirdest thing. I think something happened to the snakes because there are usually more of them and they love the mice. We have never had this kind of problem.


Oh, and I just thought of something else...coyotes like the mice also but I have not seen nor heard very many at all this summer. I am afraid that the growth in this area is changing the eco-system somehow.


I just thought of yet another thing...we don't get a lot of rain here in the desert and the mice showed up the night after we had an all night down pour. That was about a week and a half ago. I wonder if their little burrows got flooded out and pushed them up.

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  • 7 months later...
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The presence of cats will drive the rats away.

Its not necessary that you have to use cats to eat the rats.

It depends on the way you train them from kittens.

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Jn Dasji, I really felt like crying reading the story about local dogs.

Human beings are really heartless creatures.

Let me tell you a small incident that happened to one of my friends family even tough it is out of context.


The family has 2 sons. And they traditionally worship snakes. and its amazing to observe that where ever they move, a snake always reports.


When they were in Pune ( India) they were visited by a cobra. And one of the family members killed the snake. Soon afterward, the first son got mentally sick.


And after long years in Pune, they moved to madras ( India) and in the new house they bought, there was another snake. This time the members were carefuls and did not harm the snake. The local neighbours say that, the snake has been living there for a long time.


The second son got married, and had a very successful business. The daughter in law did not believe in the snake stories, and when she had a duaghter, she wanted to get rid of the snake as it might hurt the baby. So when the parents were out of town, she arranged for the snake to be killed. Even the ghurka, who acted as a local watchman objected, saying that, the snake comes only in the night. But they did not listen and had it killed.

Believe me, the next week the second son ( I mean her husband) was run over by a truck.


I believe that there is some deep karmic meaning to all this.


Actually, the usual practice is, we put some neem leaves, when we see the snake, or burn a camphor ( off course at a safe distance) and pray to lord muruga, or perumal or garuda to take the snake away to safety.



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