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Mystical experiences, Paraatman, talking with God, and Imagination...

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Bhakta Shakta

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Bhakta Shakta writes


How do I differentiate a so-called mystical-experience, the voice from inside (Paraatman), or talking with God from my imagination.

Especially when I lack the saucam (purity), specifically mental-purity

The mystical-experience that you speak of ‘is’ the differentiation itself.

Until you reach this first level of soul realization, you are helplessly in Maya. And although the ‘so-called’ mystical experiences that are available thru Maya are immense and wonderous, they are still just an illusion and you are still neglecting your soul nature; which has nothing to do with this material experience.

The only mental purity you need is just enough to humble yourself in front of a bonafied spiritual master.

Only Through such contact can the veil of Maya be lifted from your eyes. Until then your eyes are faulty and should not be fully trusted. And don’t judge the spiritual qualities of another lest you think they are also completely spiritualy blind(and dumb for that mater).

Please try to understand the so-called mystical-experience you speak of IS the experience of the soul. And when’ you’ gain this knowledge ‘you’ can ascertain the position of THE ALMIGHTY SRI KRISHNA (Paraatman) in relation to ’you’ (atman). Up to this point, everything ‘you’ are saying is from a theoretically positioned point of view. And your theories are a little bit non-submissive to the Divine(my theory). Tisk. tisk. If you do not form the required fine brain substance that is needed to engage in such a disciplined and fine pursuit as that of servitude of the servant of the Supreme, JUST ASK(or prey)to be put in-touch with your spiritual guide, everybody has one. Otherwise it is completely up to you whether or not you will gain this understanding. Until that time, could you refrain from any personal abstractions. They do not conform to the lateral placement of knowledge for all, or to put it in other words; is not of absolute origin and therefore does not pertain to ‘every-soul’ both here and in Heaven Good luck!!!


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Just to clarify :


I never said anywhere that emotions come from memory. And I don't know if you really understand what I mean by 'no memory'.


To add:


Feelings are just hormones running around in the body, which require that a person eats and drinks regularly. No food and water for 72 hours and there will be no feelings, not even a feeling of hunger. Because the hormone production would have stopped.


So they have got nothing to do with the soul, if there is one. it is purely a physical thing.



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janardana prabhu:

The mystical-experience that you speak of ‘is’ the differentiation itself.


Phenomenologically maybe, but not objectively.




The only mental purity you need is just enough to humble yourself in front of a bonafied spiritual master.

Only Through such contact can the veil of Maya be lifted from your eyes.



The veil of Maya is lifted when one surrenders to Krishna.




Please try to understand the so-called mystical-experience you speak of IS the experience of the soul.



I don't know about that. How do you?




If you do not form the required fine brain substance that is needed to engage in such a disciplined and fine pursuit as that of servitude of the servant of the Supreme, JUST ASK(or prey)to be put in-touch with your spiritual guide, everybody has one.



I drink 2 glasses of milk a day and haven't eaten meat for the last 15 years of my life. Is that how I build the fine brain substance?




JUST ASK(or prey)to be put in-touch with your spiritual guide, everybody has one.



By chanting the Holy Name one will be put in-touch with their guru.



Otherwise it is completely up to you whether or not you will gain this understanding.



It is not completely up to me whether or not I will gain this so-called 'understanding'. Krpa from sadhu or Bhagavan is necessary to get the ball rolling.



Until that time, could you refrain from any personal abstractions.



Don't take my words personally. I purposely take the contrapositive to learn better. I don't believe in sticking with the party-line and accepting everything 'as it is' without questioning. If I am unable to reconcile something with my logical principles then I reject it. Faith needs doubt. Doubt needs faith. That's why we are here, right?

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"No food and water for 72 hours and there will be no feelings, not even a feeling of hunger. Because the hormone production would have stopped."



If emotions are included in the word "feelings", then this statement is not true.


Even practically this is applied in medical procedures. For example, when there is some traumatic accident. If someone is burried under the rubble of a collapsed house for five days without food or water, when the rescue workers dig the person out, they do not inform him that his wife and children were found dead. They know the emotional response will affect his ability to recover, and therefore they avoid such information until the person is in a more stable condition.



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There are many who claim to be having near death experiences. These indicate that mind (or should I say soul?) keeps working even after brain has stopped working. As I read just a few days in a newspaper, many scientists have also started considering this possibility. But one thing I do not understand. Why is it that if I faint and then come back to consciousness, I do not remember anything about what I was feeling during the time I was unconscious. If it is possible to remember something on coming back to life after having been declared brain dead, then it should be possible to remember on coming back to consciousness after being unconscious for a short while.


One explanation could be that those who claimed to be having NDEs were lying. But I do not think that this is correct. Because, as I have mentioned above, many learned doctors have talked about this on the basis of the experiences of their patients. I do not think that these doctors are just cooking some stories. It can be said that the patients were making stories. But, it is also extremely unlikely that somebody would make such a story after such a big desease. I think that they do have such feelings (seeing light at the end of a tunnel etc.).


So, what could be the explanation?

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Dear Devotees,


Can we start by defining what exactly the imagination is?




An example of information in subconscious coming to conscious?



I think that seems correct.

Our subconscious fears or desires manifesting itself into our conscious stream of thoughts. I can't think of anything better.

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Imagination is the power/capacity of the brain to conjure up an image, real or unreal. You can imagine yourself being the President of the US, although you never were before. Of course, although the final image is unreal, for it to be recognized it should be made of elements that are already in memory.


That applies to all the 'visions' that some people claim to have, including NDEs.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Masters teaches that each soul is wearing several subtle bodies, and

that the path of self and God(KRISHNA) realization means (in meditation


one starts to shed or transcend all the bodies gradually till all that's

left is the naked soul, which then exclaims "I am That!I am That!"


This is similar to my experience except that in pure soul realization you must wait until the humilities of mind, intelligence, and ego, are restored to you by the grace of The almighty before any exclamation can be!

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"The physical body is made of "star stuff" (Dr. Carl Sagan), the

material of the physical plane.


The astral body is made of astral stuff, material from that realm.


The causal body is made of causal stuff, material from that realm.


The mental body is made of mental stuff, material from that realm.


The etheric body is made of etheric stuff, material from that realm.


The soul is pure spirit and is our true indentity, the spart of life"

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  • 4 years later...

I am open to a transcendental-substance's existence, but I am not sure to ascertain whether it is actually the experience of a transcendental-substance or the experience of my imagination!


In my circle of friends, there's this one guy who always complains I'm not very social with others. He kept saying that I always say bad things about my friends, sometimes commenting on them too hard.


So I ask "Is friend is someone who always say good things and not bad things? Is friend is someone who praise you but never scold you for anything?"


The difference between what you heard as your own imagination and voice of God is, God scolds when need and guide when you need it. Illusion of sensors will always praise you due to your own Ego or Scare you due to your own self-denial.


PS : Ever play Video games? With God by your side, you cannot get lose in what to do. :P

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