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In other words here is how it works=God---->manifeststs as Lord Nara and Narayana----->Manifestests into Swaminarayan.


Hope that Helps


Jai Radhe


Suren Where is 'Akshardham' mentioned in any bonafide scripture - please quote directly!

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Is this it? This is neither here or there. This does not justify anything. How do you know this is a reference to Lord Swaminarayan and not Lord Kalki when he descends in the Kali Yuga?


Please don't be decieved by speculative knowledge -in your heart of hearts you know Lord Krsna is Supreme so don't waste your valuable time!


didn't you read about how lord comes on to earth whenever he wishes.

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Please explain further and if you cannot quote from Bonafide scriptures then I'm sorry then 'You are the Weakest - Goodbye!'


With the best of intentions


Jai Shree Krsna

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Your scriptures are "bonafide" because you believe them to be so and no other reason. Whatever you don't believe is not bonafide. How convenient. Vyasa wrote that he was an incarnation of God. Suppose somebody else writes that as well will you take that as bonafide too? Suppose I say that the BG that Iskcon uses has not come through Suka therefore it is not bonafide because the Bonafide parampara comes through him, it all depends on what you believe.



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How can one write the biography of a child that has not been born yet? Therefore how can the scriptures sing the glory of saravopri bhagwan swaminarayan untill he incarnated on this Earth. You all talk about backing things using the scriptures, why dont you try and listen to a sadhu that lives a pure life? Seek him, meet him, associate with him and all your questions will dissolve away, as did mines.

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Let's put this useless bickering to an end now by bringing forth the wisdom of our most revered gurudeva A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.


Srila Prabhupada correctly observed in conclusion to an exchange of letters between Him and a Dr. J.F. Staal (from "the science of selfrealization" ,III. The Krishna Consciousness Movement is the genuine way), that quotation and counterquotation from the scriptures cannot bring any final solutions.


A nice analogy on the quotations-from-scriptures issue taken from the final letter:


"In a drugstore, there may be many medicines, and all may be genuine, but what is required is that an experienced physician prescribes medicine for a particular patient. We cannot say in this case,"this is also medicine, and this is also medicine". No. The medicine which is effective for a particular person is the medicine for him - phalena pariciyate."


So as their exchange of letters had the propensity of heading towards a loop of dry philosophy and mental speculation because of the false pride of Dr. J.F. Staal, Swami Prabhupada ended the correspondence on a "we put our philosophy into actual practice and the resultant effect is the proof" kinda tip. He invited Dr. J.F. Staal to come and visit one of His temples and experience it first hand.


Thus He concludes:


"In a court of justice two lawyers put forward their respective relevant arguments taken from the authorized law books to decide a point, but it is up to the judge to decide the case in favor of one of the litigants. When the opposing lawyers put forward their arguments, both of them are legal and bonafide, but the judgment is given as to which argument is applicable to the particular case.

Lord Caitanya gives His judgment on the authority of shastras that the chanting of the holy names of the Lord is the only means to elevate one to the transcendental platform, and actually we can see it is effective.

Each and every one of our students who has seriously taken to this process may be examined individually, and any impartial judge will find it easy to see that they have advanced in their transcendental realization further than any philosophers,religionists,yogis,karmis etc.

We have to accept everything favorable to the circumstances. Rejection of other methods in a particular circumstance does not mean that the rejected ones are not bonafide. But for the time being, taking into consideration the age,time, and object, methods are sometimes rejected even though bonafide. We have to test everything by its practical result. By such a test,in this age the constant chanting of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra undoubtedly proves very effective.


A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami"

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How can one write the biography of a child that has not been born yet? Therefore how can the scriptures sing the glory of saravopri bhagwan swaminarayan untill he incarnated on this Earth. You all talk about backing things using the scriptures, why dont you try and listen to a sadhu that lives a pure life? Seek him, meet him, associate with him and all your questions will dissolve away, as did mines.

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This is not really the case. These things may come into play as a medium of altered experience. What is interesting to think about is whether the ancients thought that these drugs thought that what they were seeing there was real or whether they used these altered experiences to influence what they thought the mind was. It is interesting in a lot of traditions people think the mind is the soul, and that there is something spiritual about the mind. Shankara however says The mind is made of food, meaning it is material.


Do some more research, maybe this is why Shankara says one should never undertake study of the scripture all by one's own self since one will only see what he wants to see and not what the scripture wants him to see.



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"y'all wastin your time arguing rather than devoting yourself to god. and that god is krisha, who is swaminarayan, who IS narnarayan who is ............."


The most sensible post I've read on this subject matter.

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You are wasting your time telling them they are wasting their time hehehe.. I am wasting my time telling you you are wasting your time telling them they are wasting their time

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I believe Lord Swaminarayan is incarnation of spreme personality of Godhead. He is pure incarnation of lord krishna with following resons.

1) He has followed complte tration of Vaishnavism with some change in adminisration accoring to time and place.

2) He foloed and eplaened vedas ,bhagavatam, gita etc in simle language in vachnamrita,shikahapatri, satsangi jivan, nishkulanand kavyam, bhaktchitamani and hari lilamrutam.

3) He adopted sevariti of Vallabhacharya and vishisthadut phyilosophy of Ramanujachrya.

4)He mention in each verses Lord Krishna in shikshapatri, showing that onw whom and lord krishna is not separate.If is humannbeing he will put his name as aGOd like many human acting like ia God.

5)If prabhupada did not mention Lord swaminaryan ,is does not mean he is not incarnation of God,it is not true , one need to read Lord Swaminarayan teaching and decide who is he oneself. If Guru do mistake doesnot necessary disiple do same.

With best regard Jai Swaminarayan, Jai shri Krishna and Ramchandra

June 02,2005 Chatur J.Babaria,MD

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I believe Lord Swaminarayan is incarnation of spreme personality of Godhead. He is pure incarnation of lord krishna with following resons.

1) He has followed complte tration of Vaishnavism with some change in adminisration accoring to time and place.

2) He foloed and eplaened vedas ,bhagavatam, gita etc in simle language in vachnamrita,shikahapatri, satsangi jivan, nishkulanand kavyam, bhaktchitamani and hari lilamrutam.

3) He adopted sevariti of Vallabhacharya and vishisthadut phyilosophy of Ramanujachrya.

4)He mention in each verses Lord Krishna in shikshapatri, showing that onw whom and lord krishna is not separate.If is humannbeing he will put his name as aGOd like many human acting like ia God.

5)If prabhupada did not mention Lord swaminaryan ,is does not mean he is not incarnation of God,it is not true , one need to read Lord Swaminarayan teaching and decide who is he oneself. If Guru do mistake doesnot necessary disiple do same.

With best regard Jai Swaminarayan, Jai shri Krishna and Ramchandra

June 02,2005 Chatur J.Babaria,MD EMAIL cbabaria@

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Lord Krishna clearly states in the Bhagavad-gita that we should always worship him in the form of Krishna. Not any other form.


So stop all the swaminarayan non-sense and just accept Lord krishna as the supreme and only worship him.


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there is not another form of krishna, only incarnations and that includes swaminarayan.


so we can worship any form so long it is incarnation of krishna or krishna himself

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Fools will make up their own beliefs.


Follow the BG as it is and don't concoct your own beliefs.


"Therefore, Arjuna, you should always think of Me in the form of Krsna and at the same time carry out your prescribed duty of fighting. With your activities dedicated to Me and your mind and intelligence fixed on Me, you will attain Me without doubt."

(Lord Krishna Bhagavad-gita 8.7)



The above verse clearly means worship Krishna in the form of Krishna only.


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If prabhupada did not mention Lord swaminaryan ,is does not mean he is not incarnation of God

•••i trust more in srila prabhupada than yourself. So do some effort and demonstrate your idea instead of attemtping to discredite our guru


one need to read Lord Swaminarayan teaching and decide who is he oneself

••i have read an i have decided... Prabhupada is right


If Guru do mistake doesnot necessary disiple do same.

••when the guru is right the disciple happily follows, if the guru is wrong.. he's no more a guru and he never was guru

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Some swaminarayan followers have all respects for Krishna, but some don't. They are the problem.


BAPS have no respect for Krishna. Why is Krishna's murti not in the center of BAPS temples. In the temples built by Swaminarayan himself, krishna's murti is in the center. The BAPS followers keep ignoring this very important piont.

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I thought very important was how they treated people, living a good life etc, You think Krsna is bothered if the murti is in the centre or not? Anyway scriptures teach Guru above god. So if he is Krsna it is ok and if he is not Krsna it is ok. As long as they are doing good, teaching people to do good what is the big deal??

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No excuses please. Do not not talk about good and bad. What is good for you may be bad for me, so don't prescribe to me YOUR medicine!!


Our conditioning to the body and Krsnas inferior energy is the 'dis-ease'. Devotional service to Krsna and Bhakti and the science of Self-Realisation is the prescribed medicine for this age. Read 'The Science of Self Realisation' -very important points are made about the human condition in this book.

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The following exerpts are take from the Bhagavad Gita As It Is. After reading this decide for yourself who Lord Krsna really is. Do you still wish to follow pseudo-religious and dogmatic, unauthorised, unbonafide, hyped-up God-men babble after reading these very poignant messages in the Gita?


Is not what Lord Krsna says in the Gita not conclusive enough for you?


Even after Him stating his own opinion of what pure devotees should be doing do you still have doubts?


Think about his message to you. These exerpts render Lord Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead.


Hope this helps you.


BG 3.30: Therefore, O Arjuna, surrendering all your works unto Me, with full knowledge of Me, without desires for profit, with no claims to proprietorship, and free from lethargy, fight.


BG 3.31: Those persons who execute their duties according to My injunctions and who follow this teaching faithfully, without envy, become free from the bondage of fruitive actions.


BG 3.32: But those who, out of envy, disregard these teachings and do not follow them are to be considered bereft of all knowledge, befooled, and ruined in their endeavors for perfection.


BG 4.10: Being freed from attachment, fear and anger, being fully absorbed in Me and taking refuge in Me, many, many persons in the past became purified by knowledge of Me — and thus they all attained transcendental love for Me.


BG 4.24: A person who is fully absorbed in Kṛṣṇa consciousness is sure to attain the spiritual kingdom because of his full contribution to spiritual activities, in which the consummation is absolute and that which is offered is of the same spiritual nature.


BG 5.29: A person in full consciousness of Me, knowing Me to be the ultimate beneficiary of all sacrifices and austerities, the Supreme Lord of all planets and demigods, and the benefactor and well-wisher of all living entities, attains peace from the pangs of material miseries.


BG 6.27: The yogī whose mind is fixed on Me verily attains the highest perfection of transcendental happiness. He is beyond the mode of passion, he realizes his qualitative identity with the Supreme, and thus he is freed from all reactions to past deeds.


BG 6.29: A true yogī observes Me in all beings and also sees every being in Me. Indeed, the self-realized person sees Me, the same Supreme Lord, everywhere.


BG 6.30: For one who sees Me everywhere and sees everything in Me, I am never lost, nor is he ever lost to Me.


BG 6.31: Such a yogī, who engages in the worshipful service of the Supersoul, knowing that I and the Supersoul are one, remains always in Me in all circumstances.


BG 6.47: And of all yogīs, the one with great faith who always abides in Me, thinks of Me within himself, and renders transcendental loving service to Me — he is the most intimately united with Me in yoga and is the highest of all. That is My opinion.


BG 7.14: This divine energy of Mine, consisting of the three modes of material nature, is difficult to overcome. But those who have surrendered unto Me can easily cross beyond it.


BG 7.15: Those miscreants who are grossly foolish, who are lowest among mankind, whose knowledge is stolen by illusion, and who partake of the atheistic nature of demons do not surrender unto Me.


BG 7.23: Men of small intelligence worship the demigods, and their fruits are limited and temporary. Those who worship the demigods go to the planets of the demigods, but My devotees ultimately reach My supreme planet.


BG 7.24: Unintelligent men, who do not know Me perfectly, think that I, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Kṛṣṇa, was impersonal before and have now assumed this personality. Due to their small knowledge, they do not know My higher nature, which is imperishable and supreme.


BG 7.25: I am never manifest to the foolish and unintelligent. For them I am covered by My internal potency, and therefore they do not know that I am unborn and infallible.


BG 7.26: O Arjuna, as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, I know everything that has happened in the past, all that is happening in the present, and all things that are yet to come. I also know all living entities; but Me no one knows.


BG 7.29: Intelligent persons who are endeavoring for liberation from old age and death take refuge in Me in devotional service. They are actually Brahman because they entirely know everything about transcendental activities.


BG 7.30: Those in full consciousness of Me, who know Me, the Supreme Lord, to be the governing principle of the material manifestation, of the demigods, and of all methods of sacrifice, can understand and know Me, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, even at the time of death.


BG 8.5: And whoever, at the end of his life, quits his body, remembering Me alone, at once attains My nature. Of this there is no doubt.


BG 8.6: Whatever state of being one remembers when he quits his body, O son of Kuntī, that state he will attain without fail.


BG 8.7: Therefore, Arjuna, you should always think of Me in the form of Kṛṣṇa and at the same time carry out your prescribed duty of fighting. With your activities dedicated to Me and your mind and intelligence fixed on Me, you will attain Me without doubt.


BG 8.8: He who meditates on Me as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, his mind constantly engaged in remembering Me, undeviated from the path, he, O Pārtha, is sure to reach Me.


BG 8.14: For one who always remembers Me without deviation, I am easy to obtain, O son of Pṛthā, because of his constant engagement in devotional service.


BG 8.15: After attaining Me, the great souls, who are yogīs in devotion, never return to this temporary world, which is full of miseries, because they have attained the highest perfection.


BG 8.16: From the highest planet in the material world down to the lowest, all are places of misery wherein repeated birth and death take place. But one who attains to My abode, O son of Kuntī, never takes birth again.


BG 9.11: Fools deride Me when I descend in the human form. They do not know My transcendental nature as the Supreme Lord of all that be.


BG 9.12: Those who are thus bewildered are attracted by demonic and atheistic views. In that deluded condition, their hopes for liberation, their fruitive activities, and their culture of knowledge are all defeated.


BG 9.13: O son of Pṛthā, those who are not deluded, the great souls, are under the protection of the divine nature. They are fully engaged in devotional service because they know Me as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, original and inexhaustible.


BG 9.14: Always chanting My glories, endeavoring with great determination, bowing down before Me, these great souls perpetually worship Me with devotion.


BG 9.19: O Arjuna, I give heat, and I withhold and send forth the rain. I am immortality, and I am also death personified. Both spirit and matter are in Me.


BG 9.26: If one offers Me with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, fruit or water, I will accept it.


BG 9.27: Whatever you do, whatever you eat, whatever you offer or give away, and whatever austerities you perform — do that, O son of Kuntī, as an offering to Me.


BG 9.28: In this way you will be freed from bondage to work and its auspicious and inauspicious results. With your mind fixed on Me in this principle of renunciation, you will be liberated and come to Me.


BG 9.29: I envy no one, nor am I partial to anyone. I am equal to all. But whoever renders service unto Me in devotion is a friend, is in Me, and I am also a friend to him.


BG 9.30: Even if one commits the most abominable action, if he is engaged in devotional service he is to be considered saintly because he is properly situated in his determination.


BG 9.31: He quickly becomes righteous and attains lasting peace. O son of Kuntī, declare it boldly that My devotee never perishes.


BG 9.32: O son of Pṛthā, those who take shelter in Me, though they be of lower birth — women, vaiśyas [merchants] and śūdras [workers] — can attain the supreme destination.


BG 9.33: How much more this is so of the righteous brāhmaṇas, the devotees and the saintly kings. Therefore, having come to this temporary, miserable world, engage in loving service unto Me.


BG 9.34: Engage your mind always in thinking of Me, become My devotee, offer obeisances to Me and worship Me. Being completely absorbed in Me, surely you will come to Me.


BG 10.3: He who knows Me as the unborn, as the beginningless, as the Supreme Lord of all the worlds — he only, undeluded among men, is freed from all sins.


BG 10.7: One who is factually convinced of this opulence and mystic power of Mine engages in unalloyed devotional service; of this there is no doubt.


BG 10.9: The thoughts of My pure devotees dwell in Me, their lives are fully devoted to My service, and they derive great satisfaction and bliss from always enlightening one another and conversing about Me.


BG 10.10: To those who are constantly devoted to serving Me with love, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me.


BG 10.11: To show them special mercy, I, dwelling in their hearts, destroy with the shining lamp of knowledge the darkness born of ignorance.


BG 10.42: But what need is there, Arjuna, for all this detailed knowledge? With a single fragment of Myself I pervade and support this entire universe.


BG 11.54: My dear Arjuna, only by undivided devotional service can I be understood as I am, standing before you, and can thus be seen directly. Only in this way can you enter into the mysteries of My understanding.


BG 11.55: My dear Arjuna, he who engages in My pure devotional service, free from the contaminations of fruitive activities and mental speculation, he who works for Me, who makes Me the supreme goal of his life, and who is friendly to every living being — he certainly comes to Me.


BG 12.6-7: But those who worship Me, giving up all their activities unto Me and being devoted to Me without deviation, engaged in devotional service and always meditating upon Me, having fixed their minds upon Me, O son of Pṛthā — for them I am the swift deliverer from the ocean of birth and death.


BG 12.8: Just fix your mind upon Me, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and engage all your intelligence in Me. Thus you will live in Me always, without a doubt.


BG 12.9: My dear Arjuna, O winner of wealth, if you cannot fix your mind upon Me without deviation, then follow the regulative principles of bhakti-yoga. In this way develop a desire to attain Me.


BG 12.15: He for whom no one is put into difficulty and who is not disturbed by anyone, who is equipoised in happiness and distress, fear and anxiety, is very dear to Me.


BG 12.16: My devotee who is not dependent on the ordinary course of activities, who is pure, expert, without cares, free from all pains, and not striving for some result, is very dear to Me.


BG 12.17: One who neither rejoices nor grieves, who neither laments nor desires, and who renounces both auspicious and inauspicious things — such a devotee is very dear to Me.


BG 12.18-19: One who is equal to friends and enemies, who is equipoised in honor and dishonor, heat and cold, happiness and distress, fame and infamy, who is always free from contaminating association, always silent and satisfied with anything, who doesn't care for any residence, who is fixed in knowledge and who is engaged in devotional service — such a person is very dear to Me.


BG 12.20: Those who follow this imperishable path of devotional service and who completely engage themselves with faith, making Me the supreme goal, are very, very dear to Me.


BG 15.16: There are two classes of beings, the fallible and the infallible. In the material world every living entity is fallible, and in the spiritual world every living entity is called infallible.


BG 15.17: Besides these two, there is the greatest living personality, the Supreme Soul, the imperishable Lord Himself, who has entered the three worlds and is maintaining them.


BG 15.18: Because I am transcendental, beyond both the fallible and the infallible, and because I am the greatest, I am celebrated both in the world and in the Vedas as that Supreme Person.


BG 15.19: Whoever knows Me as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, without doubting, is the knower of everything. He therefore engages himself in full devotional service to Me, O son of Bharata.


BG 15.20: This is the most confidential part of the Vedic scriptures, O sinless one, and it is disclosed now by Me. Whoever understands this will become wise, and his endeavors will know perfection.


BG 16.21: There are three gates leading to this hell — lust, anger and greed. Every sane man should give these up, for they lead to the degradation of the soul.


BG 16.22: The man who has escaped these three gates of hell, O son of Kuntī, performs acts conducive to self-realization and thus gradually attains the supreme destination.


BG 18.54: One who is thus transcendentally situated at once realizes the Supreme Brahman and becomes fully joyful. He never laments or desires to have anything. He is equally disposed toward every living entity. In that state he attains pure devotional service unto Me.


BG 18.55: One can understand Me as I am, as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, only by devotional service. And when one is in full consciousness of Me by such devotion, he can enter into the kingdom of God.


BG 18.56: Though engaged in all kinds of activities, My pure devotee, under My protection, reaches the eternal and imperishable abode by My grace.


BG 18.57: In all activities just depend upon Me and work always under My protection. In such devotional service, be fully conscious of Me.


BG 18.58: If you become conscious of Me, you will pass over all the obstacles of conditioned life by My grace. If, however, you do not work in such consciousness but act through false ego, not hearing Me, you will be lost.


BG 18.64: Because you are My very dear friend, I am speaking to you My supreme instruction, the most confidential knowledge of all. Hear this from Me, for it is for your benefit.


BG 18.65: Always think of Me, become My devotee, worship Me and offer your homage unto Me. Thus you will come to Me without fail. I promise you this because you are My very dear friend.


BG 18.66: Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reactions. Do not fear.


BG 18.67: This confidential knowledge may never be explained to those who are not austere, or devoted, or engaged in devotional service, nor to one who is envious of Me.


BG 18.68: For one who explains this supreme secret to the devotees, pure devotional service is guaranteed, and at the end he will come back to Me.


BG 18.69: There is no servant in this world more dear to Me than he, nor will there ever be one more dear.


BG 18.70: And I declare that he who studies this sacred conversation of ours worships Me by his intelligence.


BG 18.71: And one who listens with faith and without envy becomes free from sinful reactions and attains to the auspicious planets where the pious dwell.


Hare Krsna





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The message of the Bhagavad-gita is very clear. Worship only Krishna.


So stop all this swaminarayan non-sense.


Keep only Krishna in the temple and only worship him, that's his order.


The fools will waffle on and on and will ignore the authorized scriptures. Their abode will be in the animal kingdom in their next birth. So they may continue with the ignorance.


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