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Brahma is Christ

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No, He will not pass condemnation on one for not beleiving in Him. But as the Son of God he is our brother (family), and if one DENIES Him he is denying himself the membership of that family.

That person will not go forever into "hellfire", but he has then not eccepted the blood given him. So he will pay his own price for every foul thing out of his mouth and thoughts and deeds before forgiveness will come and he will receive a lower glory. Repentance is best had in this life. -see LDS.

Take Care,


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Prabhupada says Jesus is our guru. That means we follow His teachings. Prabhupada says Jesus is a Vaishnava therefore He worships the same God we do.


Furthermore Prabhupada says any religion that teaches love of God is a bona fide religion.


The puranas have to predicted the coming of Jesus as Isaputra the son of God. This is a prove Jesus exsisted even from vedic culture - as the son of God.


Blaspheming Jesus is blaspheming a vaishnava.


You can chant any name of God and attain unto Him be it Allah, Shiva, Krishna, Jehova, Ja, Christ or God.


P.s. or of course Gauranga

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I understand that my own point of view may be and is in some way flawed, I'm only a man (young one at that).

I do not exactly agree with you all, much of the time; But I love you all!!! And will not speak down on or to you and your views, I hope that has been sort o' evident in my writing. If not pardon me.

One day, after Earth life, we will see eye to eye if we are together in God's kingdom...some of us will take longer to get there...and a very few will be selfish enough to not exept; But in that day I wish to meet each of you and share the love we should already have.


your's truely, Cameron.

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Well guys.. I just joined the site... I am not enlightened yet but I did see God already and I had a small discussion with him. I have also felt Jesus' and heard him speak to me on 2 different occasions. Let me just tell u one thing.. God is bliss and ecstacy beyond human comprehension.. He is Pure Love/Light and in the higher dimensions (when your soul gets transported there) he is everything around you. As Jesus says "Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see GOD" and God says "You will seek me and find me if you seek me with all your heart" Don't forget, God also punishes people. I was punished greatly and have a lot more to come, but God disciplines those he loves and punishes those he accepts as a son.


Before anyone accuses me of anything I would just like to state that I believe in the Universal religion of LOVE/LIGHT/PEACE/UNITY but I was born and raised Christian. First of all Christ is a consciousness of unity which a person must attain in order to merge back with GOD/LOVE (GOD=LOVE) and ascend to higher dimensions of existance. Now for those of you wondering what Ascension is.. here is a definition:

ASCENSION: The process when the body, mind, and spirit merge with the Monad (the individual's inner divinity). The physical body's molecular structure changes and becomes infused with light. Matter no longer holds consciousness in the body. Conscious instead is held on to physical reality by pure spiritual energy coming from the god-self, into the individual, combined with the individual's will. Such individuals are said to possess great powers and abilities (healing, teleportation, immortality, bilocating etc.)


When a person ascends he becomes an ascended master. Like Jesus, Krishna, Buddha. They are embodiments of Pure Love


ASCENDED MASTER: is the term given to a soul that has transcended the limitations of Time and Space and has been assumed into the Eternal Cities of Light. They are often saints and great masters, but they are also ordinary people who have purified their body, mind, and spirit.

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You forget when Rasha looked into Krishna's mouth she saw the universe for which was the body of Christ. God is everything and everything is God. Only there are division for his special purposes and intent. If I wanted to worship a dog's stool knowing it was apart of God it would not be a crime but Krishna wants his supreme personality worshipped over his parts that is why idol worship is wrong. Govinda should be the foundation of your worship. Those who worship the parts of krishna do not sin because all worship is meant for him.

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In Mormonism it is taught the same as the Sri Brahma Samhita purports the story about a jiva being selected in the office of Brahma. Doctrine and Covenants book of Abraham Chapter 3. This soul was Jesus.


But something more uniquely is taught in mormonism, that sambhu which is the angel Micheal was first incarnated as Adam. Jesus was the second Adam, the second incarnation of Sambhu. Being in the office of Brahma and as a second incarnation of Sambhu He is assumed to be an avatara of Krishna. But he is a carbon copy. Jehovah Sr. and Jehoavah Jr. I Am Sr. and I Am Jr.


Because of this Jesus didn't think it a crime to be equal with God. But he is not God, he is a god, the god of this world.

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These are excellent books to study along with the sri brahma samhita the srimad bhagavatam and the gita, the upnishads and the vedas are a plus with this study.


Call USA (702) 309-4700 Or write President Kyle Wadsworth P.O. Box 30150 Salt Lake City, UT 84130-0150 for free books and lessons on these books

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In I Corinthians chapter 11 we are told to act as Jesus did to be empowered as he was/is. We too can act in the office of Brahma and sambhu and be empowered with the same authority as he is. This is what Kalki is.


In Ephesians chapter 3 it talks about the church being in apostacy because they varied from this formula.


The only crime Jesus committed was thinking it was not a crime to be equal to God. That is why he was crucified on the cross for blasphemy and that is why he said on the cross, "My God My God why hast thou forsaken me" Jiva is not equal to God, Jiva is submissive.


Do as Jesus is but remember to all be obediant to God and subserviant and you will be greater than he.


I and the mother am one, as the body of Christ I and the father am one. As Adam and Eve was one flesh so am I one flesh with father/mother God.


I am the second Eve and the third Adam.


Come eat of my manna and drink of my blood.


The bride and the spirit say come....



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Yom Kippur


Moses taught that God himself would be the Messiah. For Messianic Jews, Jesus is God and is that Messiah.


The early christians were jews, of the house of Israel...they were the body of Christ before the church went into apostacy through the great dispensation Ephesians chapter 3.


I Corinthians chapter 11 teaches that we as the body of Christ can hold the office of Jesus who holds the office of creator (Brahma).

Given this authority which was appointed to Jesus after he was infused with the Lord, we can act as Messiah as Israel.


Jesus is here, together we are Jesus.


Gentiles were merged into judaism and christianity as gentiles were merged into the beginning of Islam through the house of Ishmael. Palestine is now co-inheriters of the gaza strip through the promise of God to Abraham to make him a great nation. Ishmael has birthrights as Abraham’s firstborn through the hands of Sarah even tho she did not wait to fullfill God’s promise to her at his own conveniance. This is harem/sin for Sarah. God answered Hagar in the wilderness and later sent the proohet Mohamad to her offspring as he sent Jesus to the offspring of Sarah.


The houses of Ishmael and Isaac are co-heirs to the gaza strip. Judaism and islam must share her birthrights as cousins and of the bloodline of Abraham. The covenant of God must be performed of circumcism of the body and the heart.


Isaiah 53 speaks of this.


Israel is cursed as a nation until the daughters of Israel dungs the fig tree as Jesus instructed. She is cursed as harem/sin for not obeying the laws and covenants of God as a sovereign nation. Muslims are cursed as harem/sin for making islam the religion a greater God to them then Allah.

God said, you shall have no other God’s before me.


Yon Kippur is for cleansing and sin sacrifice to re-enter the covenant with God.


The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has received the keys to the kingdom because of this great apostacy and dispensation as the re-established house of Israel.


After Yon Kippur and the nations have merged Abraham as a nation, Israel and Islam needs to join with the re-established nation through the authority of the Melchizedek and Aaronic priesthood.


The mosque on the temple stays and shall be shared Shalom/Alaikum.


It shall be merged with LDS temple to have all authority of God.


Israel and Ishmael worhship Elah, Eloah Elah Allah ELOHIM!


Jehovah Sr and Jehovah Jr. I AM Sr. And I AM Jr. The father and I are one.


Judaism and Islam are both monotheistic religions who follow the God of Abraham with paganistic backgrounds. Do not worship the idols of stones and trees and the golden calf. Do not worship the moon Indrani. Do not take the splinter of your neighbor’s (cousin’s) eye before taking the plank out of your own eye first.


Before Islam was established John 4:21-22 was the only way to salvation from Jesus as the Christ. Jesus said to her, “Woman, believe Me, an hour is coming when neither in this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the Father.” “You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, for salvation is from the Jews.”


Holy Quran 91:9 purport 2746


Islam accepts Jesus as a great prophet and the Messiah although they do not believe he is God. This is true, Jesus is acting in the office of a god (Brahma) as co-creator.


Doctrine and Covenants Book of Abraham chapter 3, Sri Brahma Samhita purports by His Divine Grace Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Goswami Thakura Text 49.


Jesus came to the nation of Israel as a great prophet to bring Israel out of idolatry and back to God. Mohamad came to the nation of Ishmael and started islam as a great prophet to bring ISHMAEL out of idolatry and back to God. The God of Abraham.


Mohamad is the last prophet for the nation of Ishmael. Jesus is not the last prophet of Israel. The current prophet of Israel is President Gordan B. Hinkley.


Salvation comes from God, the God of Abraham.


As the church of Christ, I am the body of Christ therefor I am Jesus and I act in the office of creator god (Brahma).


Allah begats not nor is begotten, yet Elohim/Allah is the father to the fatherless.


Jesus was born of the VIRGIN Mary after Gabriel came unto her and the Holy Ghost moved upon her. Allah need only speak and it happens.


Gabriel told Mary that her son would be named Jesus and he would be known as the son of God.


After Jesus was baptised the Holy Ghost said, This is my beloved son for whom I am well pleased.


As a follower of Jesus’ teachings I can say with authority that the Mother and I are one. I am Lakshmi Indrani I AM acting as Jesus. As John the Baptist acted as Elijah, as Jesus acted as God, as Brigham Young acted as Joseph Smith.


As the body of Christ, I Lakshmi Indrani I AM and the father are one, I am acting in the office of Jesus acting in the office of creator god (Brahma). I am the soul/jiva Helen Christine Hafen.


Q. Is Jesus God to himself?


Q. Am I mother and father to myself?


Q. Am I abonai Messiah to myself?


Q. Am I Ishi husband to myself as wife the church of Christ?


A. Yes, Being created in the image of God I am likened unto the equality of God but I am not God and I am not equal to God.


To be equal to God is blasphemy, and Jesus was crucified for the crime of blasphemy.


On the cross Jesus cried out while bearing our sins of this crime to God because the law says ye are all gods he said, “My God My God, why hast thou forsaken me” and with that he gave up the ghost.


For all men have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, and the wages of sin is death.


For the law says ye are all gods (for eating of the fruit of knowledge of good and evil and have become like God) but will die like men princes unto the throne of authority.


The only crime/sin/harem that Jesus committed as a soul/jiva was thinking that being in the image of God it was not a crime to be equal to God. He is not equal to God, he is the lamb of God and he is our brother. He is the firstborn of all creation and he is the way to resurrection of the dead. For in his blood is eternal life.


Always be obediant and subserviant to God the father. Do not make anything your God equal to Him or above Him, not even religion.


To do so is Harem/sin.


God prefers obediance to Him over sacrifice


A broken heart and a contrite spirit is better than burnt offerings


The sacrifice of Jesus as the lamb of God during passover is only good with a broken heart and a contrite spirit.

Think of these things during Yon Kippur and meditate on the word Gauranga.


Come worship at Lev Shem Messianic Jewish Synagogue this Yon Kippur. The address is 3645 N. Rancho Dr. In North Las Vegas Nevada USA. Go north on Rancho past Gowan it is on the right which turns you east.


The phone is (702) 869-8983




The celebration is free and is a great learning experience.


Donations will be appreciated.


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pankaja_dasa (9/24/2005 1:16:50 PM): Daily Digest-Daily Digest- Bhagavad – gita As It Is Bg 9.18 PURPORT [extract] Everything is resting on Krishna’s energy; therefore without Krishna’s shelter nothing can exist. Krishna is the supreme ruler because everything belongs to Him and everything exists on His energy. Krishna, being situated in everyone’s heart, is the supreme witness. The residences, countries or planets on which we live are also Krishna. Krishna is the ultimate goal of shelter, and as such one should take shelter of Krishna either for protection or for annihilation of his distressed condition. And whenever we have to take protection, we should know that our protection must be a living force. Thus Krishna is the supreme living entity.


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Section IX


Visit to the House of

Jaigopal Sen


Chapter One


Family life and Sri Ramakrishna


It is 28 November, 1883. At about 4 or 5 p.m., Sri Ramakrishna visited Lily Cottage of Keshab Chandra Sen. Keshab is ill, soon he will leave the mortal world. After seeing Keshab Thakur has come to the house of Jaigopal Sen in the Mathaghasa Street after 7 p.m. along with some bhaktas.


The devotees think over many matters, “We see Thakur night and day mad in the love of Hari. He has married but has not established that sort of family life with his wife. He has bhakti for her and worships her. With her he talks only of the Lord, he sings of God, worships God, meditates on Him, and has no worldly connection. He sees that the Lord is the only Reality and all else is unreal. He cannot touch money, any metallic object, jug or bowl. He cannot touch women ­ if he touches them, his body develops tremor at the spot as if stung by the singi fish. His hand twists when money or gold is placed on his palm ­ like the state of a handicapped person. His breathing stops. And when he throws these things away, he again begins to breathe normally as before.”


The devotees think over many matters, “Shall we have to renounce the world? What is the need of studies now? If we don’t marry, we will not have to take up service anywhere. Shall we have to leave our parents? I have married, I have children, I am to look after my wife ­ what about me? I also want that I should remain night and day absorbed in the love of Hari. When I see Thakur Sri Ramakrishna, I say to myself what I am doing. Day and night, he meditates ceaselessly on the Lord like the flow of oil, while I am running about night and day thinking worldly matters! Just his darshan is like a small spot of light on a sky overcast with clouds. How shall I now solve the problem of my life?


“He has personally shown by practising it himself. But do I still have doubts?


“Shall I break this embankment of sand and fulfil my desire? Is it really a sand embankment? If that is so, why can’t I give it up? I see that I have less power. When I have developed that sort of love for Him, I shall not calculate then. If the tide appears on the Ganga, who can stop it? If one just has a drop of the prema which made Sri Gauranga (Chaitanya) put on the loin cloth, the prema that moved Christ go into exile without the consideration of anything else and made him give up his body after having the vision of the face of loving Father, the prema that made the Buddha give up his state luxury and become a vairagi[1], then this transitory world would be cast away by me.


“Well, what is the way for those who are weak, who have not developed that prema, who are worldly beings tied by the fetters of maya? I shall not leave company of this great soul intoxicated with the love of the Lord and who looks not for anything except the Lord. Let me see what he says.”


The devotees are thinking thus. Thakur is sitting in the drawing room of Jaigopal with the bhaktas. In front of him are seated Jaigopal, his near and dear ones and some of his neighbours. A neighbour was ready for discussion. He is the first to begin the conversation. Vaikuntha, Jaigopal’s brother, is also there.






Family Life and Sri Ramakrishna


Vaikuntha — We are householders. Kindly advise us.


Sri Ramakrishna — Know Him and keep one of your hands at His lotus feet and attend to your worldly work with the other.


Vaikuntha — Sir, is this world illusory?


Sri Ramakrishna — It is illusory until you know God. The man forgets Him and utters, ‘Mine, mine.’ Bound by maya, deluded by ‘woman and gold,’ he goes down and down. The man has lost his consciousness while entangled in maya. He cannot run out of it even when there is a way. The song goes thus ­


The Mahamaya has created such maya with its magic


That even Brahma and Vishnu have lost their consciousness. What can you, O jiva (embodied soul), understand?


The fish makes pit and enters it. There is a way for it to come out, but it does not.


The silkworm makes a cocoon and can escape out of it.


But such is the work of Mahamaya that the insect gets bound within its own cocoon and dies there.


“You people are yourself able to see that this world is transitory. Why don’t you see this very family? So many people have come and then departed, so many were born and so many died. The world now is and now it is not ­ it is transitory. They whom you call ‘my’ and ‘mine’ are not there as soon as you shut your eyes (in death). People do not have close relations, even so they do not go to Kashi just for the sake of their grandson. ‘What will happen to my Haru?’ There is a way out yet the fish does not escape. The silkworm dies in its own saliva it exudes. Thus the world is illusory, it is transitory.”


The Neighbour — Sir, how can I keep one hand at the Lord and the other in the world? If the world is transitory, why should I put even one hand in it?


Sri Ramakrishna — If you live in the world after knowing Him, the world is no longer transitory. Listen to this song ­


O my mind, you do not know how to farm.


Such a human field is lying futile (uncultivated). Were you to cultivate it, it would have yielded gold.


O brother, your crop will not suffer if you fence it with the name of Kali.


The fence of the Mother with long flowing hair is very strong.


Not even Yama (god of death) can approach it.


Today or a hundred years later it will certainly be snatched from you.


Now reap your harvest with all your mind.


Sow the seed given to you by Guru and irrigate it with the water of bhakti.


O my mind, if you cannot do so by yourself take Rama Prasad with you.


Chapter Two


How to realize God in family life


Sri Ramakrishna — Did you hear the song? ‘O brother, your crop will not suffer if you fence it with the name of Kali.’ Take refuge in the Lord, you will get everything. ‘This fence of the Mother with long flowing hair is very strong. Not even Yama can approach it.’ It is a very strong fence. If one can attain God, the world will not appear to him of no import. He who knows God sees that He Himself has become the world, its creatures and all that. You will feed your boy as if you were feeding Gopal[2]. You will see your father and mother as the Lord and His consort and will serve them. If you live in the family after knowing God, you generally don’t maintain any worldly relationship with your wife. Both of you being devotees will talk only of the Lord, on matters divine. You will serve the devotees. Knowing Him to be present in all existence, both of you will serve God.


The Neighbour — Sir, such husband and wife can be found nowhere.


Sri Ramakrishna — Such persons are there, only they are rather rare. Sensuous persons cannot recognize them. Even so, both of them should be good so that they can reach that state. This is possible only when both persons can derive divine joy out of it. Bhagavan’s special grace is essential. Otherwise, there is always some difference. One of them has to stay away. There is a lot of discord if the minds of both don’t harmonize. The wife may possibly complain night and day, ‘Father, why did you give me away in marriage here? Neither I have eaten well myself nor have I been able to feed my children. Neither have I good clothes to wear nor my children. Not a single piece of jewellery you have given me. What joy of life have you put me to in this house? You keep on repeating Lord, Lord with eyes closed. Give up this type of madness.’


The Devotee — These obstacles are, of course, there. Then, maybe, the sons are disobedient. How troublesome then! But then what is the way, Sir?


Sri Ramakrishna — It is very difficult to practise spiritual discipline while living in the family. There are so many hindrances. I don’t have to tell you about these ­ disease, sorrow, poverty, discord with wife; disobedient, ignorant and foolish sons.


“Even so, there is a way. At times, you should go to a solitary place and pray to God. You should try to attain Him.”


The Neighbour — Should one leave the family?


Sri Ramakrishna — Not in the least. Whenever you are free, go to a solitary place and live there for a day or two so that you are detached from the family matters and where you don’t have to talk of worldly matters to any worldly person. Either live in a solitary place or keep the company of sadhus.


The Neighbour — How to recognize a sadhu?


Sri Ramakrishna — The sadhu is he whose mind, prana and soul are merged in the Lord ­ he who has renounced ‘woman and gold’ is a sadhu. He who is a sadhu doesn’t see woman with a carnal eye ­ his mind is always drawn within. If he happens to be near women, he looks upon them as mother and worships them. The sadhu is always thinking inwardly of the Lord. He talks of nothing but Him. And knowing that God is present in all existence, he serves Him. Broadly speaking, these are the characteristics of a sadhu.


The Neighbour — Does one always have to live in a solitary place?


Sri Ramakrishna — You see the tree on the footpath? As long as it is a small plant, it has to be fenced on all sides. Otherwise, a goat or a cow may eat it up. However, when the plant develops a thick trunk no fence is needed. Even if an elephant is tied to it, the tree does not break. If you can develop the trunk, there is no worry, no fear. First try to gain discrimination. If you rub your hands with oil before you cut the jack fruit, its milky exudation will not stick to your hands.


The Neighbour — What is discrimination?


Sri Ramakrishna — Only God is sat, all else is asat ­ thinking this way is discrimination. Sat means eternal and asat means transitory. He who has attained discrimination knows that the Lord is the only reality, all else is unreal. When you have developed discrimination, you want to know the Lord. If you are inclined to asat, you like to have bodily comforts, name and fame, money and all these. You don't feel the need to know the Lord who is sat Himself. When you know the real and the unreal, only then you want to find out the Lord. Listen to this song ­


Come, O my mind, let us go out for a walk.


Let us gather the four fruits[3] at the foot of Kalpataru[4], viz., Kali.


You have, O my mind, two wives pravritti[5] and nivritti[6]. Take nivritti on the way to the tree.


Ask ­ about the Lord ­ the son called viveka who knows the Real (God) from the unreal phenomenal world.


O, when shall you lie down in the abode of the blessed with purification and defilement alike by the side.


You shall see my Divine Mother as soon as all difference between the two co-wives ceases to exist.


Do you turn out your parents, egoism and ignorance.


Should mine-ness try to draw you into its hole do you cling to the post of patience.


Tie to a worthless post the two goats dharma and adharma.


Should they prove refractory, let them be killed before the altar of God with the sword of knowledge.


Admonish, O my mind, the children of your wife pravritti from a safe distance.


Should they not obey you, see that they are drowned in the sea of jnana.


Prasad says: If you go on like this, you shall be able to render satisfactory account of yourself to the Lord of death.


And I shall be glad to call you ‘my child,’ ‘my darling,’ the ‘idol of my father’ and other pet names; and you shall be indeed a mind after my mind.


“You attain discrimination only when non-worldliness comes to the mind. When you have attained discrimination, you begin to think of the essence. Then the mind has the desire to stroll under the Kalpataru (wish fulfilling tree) of Kali. When you go under this tree, when you are near the Lord, you effortlessly gather all the four fruits. You are only to pick them up ­ the four fruits of dharma (righteousness), artha (wealth), kama (desires) and moksha (liberation). On attaining Him, whatever a householder needs ­ dharma, artha or kama ­ he gets if he so desires.”


The Neighbour — Why is the world called maya?




Vishishtadvaitavada (qualified non-dualism) and Thakur Sri Ramakrishna


Sri Ramakrishna — So long as you don’t realize the Lord you must renounce saying, ‘Not this, not this.’ They who have realized Him know that He has become all ­ Ishwara (the Lord), maya, jiva (the creatures) and jagat (the world). Then they perceive that the world and its beings are nothing but He. If you were asked to weigh the bel fruit after its shell, kernel and seeds are separated, will you throw away the shell and the seeds and weigh only the kernel? No, you will also have to take into account the shell and the seeds, all these, while weighing. You can tell the weight of the bel fruit only when you weigh all of them. This world is the shell, the creatures are the seeds. While reasoning, they called the world and its creatures as anatmam (not the Atman). They called them unreal. While reasoning, you feel that only the kernel is the all important thing and not the shell and the seeds. In the next place, we reason that the shell and the seeds belong to the same substance to which the kernel belongs. Understand the illustration of the bel fruit and you will understand all.


“Anulom and vilom (evolution and involution). Butter goes with buttermilk and buttermilk goes with butter. If there is buttermilk, there is also butter. If there is butter, there is also buttermilk. If there is Atman, there is also anatma (non Atman).


“The Nitya (Absolute) belongs to the same Being to which the leela (phenomenal world) belongs and the leela belongs to the same Being to which the Nitya belongs. He who is perceived by the name of Ishwara has Himself become the jiva and the jagat (the world). He who has understood it knows that God Himself has become all ­ father, mother, son, neighbour, man and beast, good and bad, purity and impurity.”




Sense of sin and responsibility


The Neighbour — So, there is no sin and virtuous act?


Sri Ramakrishna — They are there and yet not there. If God retains your ego He also retains your sense of differentiation and the knowledge of virtuous action and sinful acts. However, in a person or two, God completely erases the sense of I-ness. Such persons go beyond virtue and vice, good and bad. So long as one does not realize the Lord, the sense of differentiation and the knowledge of the good and the bad are bound to persist. You may say that vice and virtue have become one for you, that you do only what He makes you do but within yourself you know that these are mere words. When you do evil deeds, your heart palpitates. However, even after God-realization if He so wills He lets you retain the ‘servant I’. In that state the devotee says: ‘I am Thy servant, Thou art my Master.’ Such a devotee likes to hear Godly talk, likes Godly work. He does not like the man opposed to God, he does not like the work other than that of the Lord. When this comes about, God lets even such a devotee retain his sense of differentiation.


The Neighbour — Great sir, you say that we should live in the world after knowing the Lord. Can one know Him?




The Unknown and the Unknowable


Sri Ramakrishna — He cannot be known by the senses or the mind. He can be known by the pure mind, the mind which has no worldly desires.


The Neighbour — Who can know the Lord?


Sri Ramakrishna — Who can know Him rightly? It is enough if one knows as much as one needs to know Him. Where is the need for us of a small water well? A jug of water is adequate for us. An ant went to a mount of sugar. What need had it for the whole mount? A grain or two makes it so happy.


The Neighbour — What can a single jug of water do for the vikara (aberrations) we have? I feel the desire that I should know the Lord fully.




The world ­ vikara (aberration) and its remedy ­ take shelter in Me


Sri Ramakrishna — Yes, that is true. But there is also a remedy for the vikara (disease of the world).


The Neighbour — Sir, what is the remedy?


Sri Ramakrishna — Company of sadhus, chanting His name and glories, and constant prayer to Him. I had said, ‘Mother! I don’t want jnana. Take Your jnana and take your ignorance. Mother! Kindly grant me only pure love at Your lotus feet. I want nothing else.’


“As is the disease, likewise is the remedy. The Lord says in the Gita, ‘O Arjuna, take refuge in Me, I shall free you from all your sins.’ Take refuge in God. He will grant you the right intelligence. He will take up your whole burden and then all your vikara (defects, aberrations) will be cured. Can you understand Him with this intellect of yours? Can a one seer jug contain four seers of milk? Besides, can anybody understand God unless He makes him understand? So I say, take refuge in God. Let Him do what He wills. He is Icchamaya (He has His own way in everything). What power does the man have?”







[1] A person in vairagya (dispassion).


[2] Baby Krishna


[3] Four fruits: Dharma (good works), artha (wealth), kama (desires), moksha (liberation of the soul)


[4] Wish fulfilling tree of heaven


[5] Worldliness


[6] Non-worldliness


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Al-Hamid Reza Maghamfar did not think it a crime being in the image of Jesus and God to be equal to Jesus and God.


Hare Krishna

Hare Rama

Hare Moses

Hare I AM


Hare Christ

Hare Jesus

Hare Jesus Christ


Hare Before Abraham was I AM

Hare Before Jesus was Al-Hamid


Hare Before Jesus was Hamid Reza Magamfar

Hare Before Jesus was Al-Hamid Reza Maghamfar

Hare Before Abra ham was I AM THE PRINCE OF PEACE

Hare Before I AM THE PRINCE OF PEACE was Abra

Hare Before Abra was God is Spirit Holy Spirit

Hare Before Spirit was Holy

Hare Before Holy was Ham id Orion l and y

Hare Before l and y was GOOD

Hare Before GOOD was GOD

Hare Before GOD was the heaven and the earth

Hare Before the heaven and the earth was IN THE BEGININNING WAS THE WORD



Hare Before THE END was THE

Hare Before THE WAS IN


Life Began in and on the earth and the heaven and then later developed into 7 heavens. Then it expanded 144,000 times at the rate of 666 to get to man at the time of 1,000 years of man living in the past and future for one day with God which has a 7 day week. The present consisted of a life expectancy of 120 years of man. And because of this Life only made it to two days with God in the future instead of the original 7 days it started with then earth was destroyed and a new earth was formed. Gita as it is is atig at is girl. We are the iggies of this world. By the way Helen Mary Cleopatra Lakshmi Indrani so far I'm trying to get to Y. L is that thing in the first chapter in Genesis that God does. Allah is left father Gabriel and Jesus is right father Micheal. Two different Gods to the hands of God which is HOLY EN RAN BIBLE coming soon.

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Now that you have had such a nice realization, please follow the path you have choosen and be free from birth, death, old age and desease...The philosophy of which God is better, is foolish philosophy...

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  • 8 years later...
Guest Ashwin

Dear Guests, Please stop making your own mundane interpretations of the Holy name. You're committing an offense (nama-aparadha). 


As far as Jesus is concerned, he's certainly not Lord Brahma. But as Srila Prabhupada has said 'Jesus is from Brahmaloka'. 


Since he is from Brahmaloka he could've been a yogi in his past birth. So to attain perfection, jesus might've reincarnated and propagated bhakti yoga.

His two special commandments depict this.


Also this Bible Verse confirms my theory...


* John 20:17: "Jesus said, "Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them,'I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.'" 


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