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CAN any ONE HELP ME, Strange Problem

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Sorry if I have asked some intimidating question!!! Please read completly

I am aged 34, still a bachelor, due to some strange and unknown reasons, I was not able to make a friendship with even a single girl( I can only speak breif related work just like official conversation), Some girls just loking at me comment like I am a Dog (due to the way I look). I swear untill today I never harmed any one and never turned to bad paths to get Pleasure.

And even my marraige has got delayed, in child hood (11 - 16) I had some psycological proble like extreme fear, Out of the body experinces, My education got struck and some how i got a degree. And afterwards i was wasted some years idle without doing any job and now I have a job but low salary.


I am fed up with my life, I 'm thinking to take the path of brahmacharya and I want to achieve Atma Gnana.


Just 6 or 7 years back one evening when i was just spending time with my friends in a playgroung, a dog suddenly came to my back and pissed on my upper back.

Even now a days even without harming any one in my office/near my house people just scold me,abuse me, pass bad comments on me.

Can any one PLEASE tell me what exactly is happening in my life. Whether god wants me to be Brahmachary I don't mind to dedicate my life towards the path of GOD. But How to KNOW what is happening WHich is right and which is wrong. I'm in search of a GURU for the path of Jnana, where to find him, how to reach him, CAN ANY one Please help me..

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dear srinivas,

There are several good yoga institutions around and you can definitely find a lot of peace there. You don't need to renounce the world. Start seriously with some sadhna and see where it takes you. You just need to spend thirty minutes everyday and you will see a big change. After this you may decide what to do with the rest of your life. Here are some pointers:

1. Ramakrishna mission

2. Divine life society

3. Bihar school of yoga

4. Art of living foundation

5. vipassana


Start with one which you find most suitable for you. You will see a big difference with a steady practice in 3 months.


With best wishes.

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Hello Shrinivas,


Sorry to be blunt. I am of the opinion that spiritual practice is not for those who

want to run away from world because things are not as per their wishes. You may

choose to take path of brahmacharya or sanyas but will soon run away from that

also as you are trying to run now. Arjuna wanted to do same thing, but Krishna made

him fight. Take to any spiritual practice that you enjoy doing without running away.

Accept the world as it is and that itself becomes spiritual practice. There is no need to

search for God or Guru. When you become worthy of being a disciple, God will send a Guru

for you. Till then take name of the Lord and be in the company of saints and devotees.










Sorry if I have asked some intimidating question!!! Please read completly

I am aged 34, still a bachelor, due to some strange and unknown reasons, I was not able to make a friendship with even a single girl( I can only speak breif related work just like official conversation), Some girls just loking at me comment like I am a Dog (due to the way I look). I swear untill today I never harmed any one and never turned to bad paths to get Pleasure.

And even my marraige has got delayed, in child hood (11 - 16) I had some psycological proble like extreme fear, Out of the body experinces, My education got struck and some how i got a degree. And afterwards i was wasted some years idle without doing any job and now I have a job but low salary.


I am fed up with my life, I 'm thinking to take the path of brahmacharya and I want to achieve Atma Gnana.


Just 6 or 7 years back one evening when i was just spending time with my friends in a playgroung, a dog suddenly came to my back and pissed on my upper back.

Even now a days even without harming any one in my office/near my house people just scold me,abuse me, pass bad comments on me.

Can any one PLEASE tell me what exactly is happening in my life. Whether god wants me to be Brahmachary I don't mind to dedicate my life towards the path of GOD. But How to KNOW what is happening WHich is right and which is wrong. I'm in search of a GURU for the path of Jnana, where to find him, how to reach him, CAN ANY one Please help me..

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Hi Srinivas


It only seems as if you are the one suffering, but YOU do not suffer.


The one who seems beset by the world is just an illusion. Srinivas is only an appearance in You. you imagine Yourself to be Srinivas because You imagine Yourself to be the thinker of thoughts.


You are not the thinker of thoughts, You are that in which thoughts, Srinivas, and the universe appear.

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  • 3 months later...


see you are not needed to take bhramacharya. you have your family, friends.

do not see all this in this way, this is the origin of all this, the 1st step to god. it is common human nature so how can you neglect it?

and it is not so that you can acchive atma gynan if you will be bhramachari.

no, it is not necessary. be aware when such feeling occur in you. just try to understand it. and it willl disapper.

the true meaning of TYAG is to understand it. if you understand it then it is very easy to leave.

see.... in the childhood we were playing with cap of pen, it has lot of value for us but now we understand it. and it becomes easy to leave...

so remove the thought to be bhramchari..................

jay maharaj

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  • 4 months later...

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