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Yea! Lainey! Glad you are enjoying the L'equip. I use it often with

nuts. I haven't tried seeds but I'm sure it could handle them. It

makes super smooth cashew dips and gravies.


Even if the color changes on your green smoothie, it's still green if

it has greens in it. :)





rawfood , Barbara Elaine Ribordy

<elaineribordy wrote:


> Teresa,

> I use ice occassionally to make the green smoothies a bit cool.

The L'equip makes a smooth smoothie. :-) I have pureed apples,

cucumbers, kale, spinach, papaya, mangos, parsley, mustard

greens . . . . still experimenting. I have not tried nuts or seeds



> I also blend in wheatgrass in the smoothies. I have not seen any

discussions here of anyone using the entire wheatgrass, only juicing

it. Does anyone throw in the wheatgrass for their smoothies? Does

it work the same as just drinking the juice?


> My morning smoothie usually contains the following:

> green powder

> banana

> apple or apple juice

> kale

> parsley

> wheatgrass

> sometimes I throw in frozen blueberries, blackberries, or

raspberries (of course the smoothie is no longer green) :-)


> thanks,

> Lainey

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Welcome in. Please browse our recipe files, I'm sure you will find plenty of

recipes to try.

Meat takes a long time to digest, why don't you try going without it

completely and see if you feel better, so far you did discover you feel better

with stir fried veggies and rice. It's always best to check with your doctor to

make sure there isn't something going on that needs treated since we can't

really diagnose or give medical advice in here.

Enjoy the group,



joezpapaw wrote:

Hi, my name is John. I'm 48 and I'm in great shape, but I'm interested in

eating less meat because I find that when I eat meat at night I get indigestion.

However, when I eat stir-fry veggies & rice it has a healing effect on my

digestive system. Does anyone else notice this? Anyway, I joined this group to

find some good recipes and learn to combine ingredients for taste & nutrition.




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Hi John,


I've noticed the same thing about meat. My dd and I went 2 weeks w/ no

meat and I was amazed that all the abdominal pain I always had after

eating was suddenly gone!! I " fell of the wagon " for about a month,

but we're jumping right back on again. When started eating meat again

the pains came back and the weight I lost came back also, lol.

Obviously, I'm back to no meat at all again, I have so much more

energy when there's no meat in my system!


Anyhow, Welcome!





, joezpapaw wrote:


> Hi, my name is John. I'm 48 and I'm in great shape, but I'm

interested in eating less meat because I find that when I eat meat at

night I get indigestion. However, when I eat stir-fry veggies & rice

it has a healing effect on my digestive system. Does anyone else

notice this? Anyway, I joined this group to find some good recipes and

learn to combine ingredients for taste & nutrition.




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I agree with your niece. Less then 5% of GI's see anything in the intestine.

That is what my husbands GI told him. In fact my husband was the only patient

in his practice of over 15 years that he actually could see any damage. And he

turned my husband away because he was over weight and he did not believe a

celiac could be overweight. But I pushed for a biopsy to be done, and I was

right! Our GI appolgized and said he was glad he did it, because he had never

seen damage before.


I would defentaly say you are having problems. Some of my husbands and sons

symptoms were tummy aches, DH, Diahrea or constipation, Crankyness, fatigue. I

am sure there are more, but those are a few I can remember.




Scott Geiger

Sunday, May 07, 2006 4:45 PM






I'm Scott. I've been vegan for 8 years, and I believe I have a Wheat

and Soy allergy. I've been struggling with the doctors to determine

the cause of my problems.


About 8 weeks ago, after attending my son's 2nd birthday party, where

I ate a lot of white flour pizza with vegan cheese (Vegan Gourmet) to

be exact. I began sick with an terrible taste in my mouth and an

extremely foul smelling belch (hopefully nobody was eating while

reading this message.) I noticed some pain in my stomach that got

progressively worse. My stomach hurt for 2-3 more weeks, and I lost

about 15 lbs. I lost the weight because I just didn't want to eat and

experience more pain, even though I was definitely hungry.


I had a Cat Scan done (showed nothing major that could be causing my

stomach pain. My blood results looked fine (only questionable numbers

were my Eosinophil count (504), and Eosinophil % (12), but the doc

felt there was no reason for concern. I went to a GI doc, and he did

an Endoscopy. He didn't see anything, so no Biopsy was done. I have

a niece that has Celiac's, and she felt he made a mistake, because her

doc didn't see anything either, until he did a biopsy.


9 days ago, I had some pizza with Soy and Wheat, and within an hour, I

began to sneeze a lot, noticed my nose and throat filling up with

mucous. The next day, my stomach pains were back. I then gave up

Wheat and Soy again for another 5 days, and tried Soy only this time.

Within an hour, I was sneezing, albeit, a lot less this time. The

next day, I had mild stomach pains for a short time.


So, I'm back to avoiding Wheat & Soy Foods, and so far feel pretty

good. I'm hoping to get an official diagnosis soon, so I know exactly

what is wrong.


I'd like to share some recipes and hear what symptoms and issues

everyone else is having.








Our vegan and gluten free recipes are available in the archives for this

group or at the following URL (***Recipes Posted to VGF***):



Check out these affiliated vegan lists ~







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Hi Scott;


>I went to a GI doc, and he did an Endoscopy. He didn't see anything, so no

Biopsy was done. I have

>a niece that has Celiac's, and she felt he made a mistake, because her doc

didn't see anything either, until he did a biopsy.


Yah, exactly. I've heard that it still only occassional GI doc's who know

enough about celiac. Maybe finding one in your area that has successfully

dianosed celiac in other cases, would be a good idea.


Also, as an alternative, I've heard that the stool test is very reliable without

being invasive.




>So, I'm back to avoiding Wheat & Soy Foods, and so far feel pretty

>good. I'm hoping to get an official diagnosis soon, so I know exactly

>what is wrong.


Sounds like you are onto the right track for sure! :-) Congratulations!





>I'd like to share some recipes and hear what symptoms and issues

>everyone else is having.


Thanks for sharing! You are reminding me to wonder about the soy issue. I've

been avoiding wheat/gluten foods for years, but paid little attention to the

potential for soy to be a problem. I've tended to avoid soy generally anyway,

but that's pretty sketchy since when I do have some (like gf soy sauce or some

tofu in a stir fry) I'm wondering if it's causing me problems.


It's time for me to get serious about that...





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>Thanks for sharing! You are reminding me to wonder

>about the soy issue. I've been avoiding wheat/gluten

>foods for years, but paid little attention to the

>potential for soy to be a problem. I've tended to

>avoid soy generally anyway, but that's pretty sketchy

>since when I do have some (like gf soy sauce or some

>tofu in a stir fry) I'm wondering if it's causing me



Hi Deborah,


Even though I might have issues with Soy, I do not

believe most of the nonsense that is spewed about Soy.

My biggest problem with Soy, is that it's a refined

food and refined foods are not healthy. My wife eats

soy and doesn't have any problems with it, but she

doesn't eat a lot of it because she prefers to eat

only whole foods. She'd also avoid soy if she had

allergies, but those are the only two reasons she'd

avoid it.





--- Deborah Pageau <dpageau wrote:


> Hi Scott;


> >I went to a GI doc, and he did an Endoscopy. He

> didn't see anything, so no Biopsy was done. I have

> >a niece that has Celiac's, and she felt he made a

> mistake, because her doc didn't see anything either,

> until he did a biopsy.


> Yah, exactly. I've heard that it still only

> occassional GI doc's who know enough about celiac.

> Maybe finding one in your area that has successfully

> dianosed celiac in other cases, would be a good

> idea.


> Also, as an alternative, I've heard that the stool

> test is very reliable without being invasive.




> >So, I'm back to avoiding Wheat & Soy Foods, and so

> far feel pretty

> >good. I'm hoping to get an official diagnosis

> soon, so I know exactly

> >what is wrong.


> Sounds like you are onto the right track for sure!

> :-) Congratulations!





> >I'd like to share some recipes and hear what

> symptoms and issues

> >everyone else is having.


> Thanks for sharing! You are reminding me to wonder

> about the soy issue. I've been avoiding

> wheat/gluten foods for years, but paid little

> attention to the potential for soy to be a problem.

> I've tended to avoid soy generally anyway, but

> that's pretty sketchy since when I do have some

> (like gf soy sauce or some tofu in a stir fry) I'm

> wondering if it's causing me problems.


> It's time for me to get serious about that...


> Deborah


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]





Scott Geiger

Fax# - 610-934-5716

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Welcome Rhonda,

I too like to crochet. I am a piddler at it. Never do anything real

serious but like doing it. I am an organic gardener and daughter and

I are planting this week. I do have some herbs coming up on my


Glad that you stuck with it and that Donna helped. She is a

sweetheart. Lots of great people in this group. You will like being


Sending smiles and hugs your way

Deanna in Colorado


- In , " Rhonda Selby "

<earthmagic7 wrote:


> Hi everyone,


> I'm Rhonda and I live in Kalamazoo, MI.

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Hi Rhonda! Im Sarah, pretty much in the same position. Due to some health issues

I've been playing around with cutting out certain foods, etc. and find that I

feel SO much better if i dont eat red meat.

This is a really great, very welcoming group! I think you'll like it! The

recipes are great too!!!



Rhonda Selby <earthmagic7 wrote:

Hi everyone,


I'm Rhonda and I live in Kalamazoo, MI.


I had a tough time joining but Donna was patient and I'm in now. :-)


I'm not yet a vegetarian but I feel much better eating less or no red meat, so


here to collect recipes and learn what I can.


I like to cook, garden, crochet and tandem bike. I need a chauffeur for my bike

because I don't have any vision whatsoever. :-) That was part of my dilemma when


tried to join from the web...my speech software doesn't do graphics and it won't


what I need to put in the edit box to confirm who I am.


Not sure why I'm explaining, I guess 'cause it's really good to finally be on


list. :-)










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Welcome Heather, sounds like you joined for the same reason I did. I

love raw food and can do with out meat..but my husband is a meat and

potato man, so I ended up makeing two meals most of the time. But

lately I have been making one mix of a meal. He can have his meat

but his salads and veggies are my way...and he is almost getting use

to it :)

Mary in Michigan


> My name is Heather. I live in Ohio and I'm in my 30s. I've been an

> ovo-lacto vegetarian since sometime in my 20s. I never ate much

meat so

> I don't remember when it became " official. " My husband is most

> definately not a vegetarian. If he eats too many veggie meals in a row

> he starts to go into withdrawal. So I usually cook for myself. I'm

> looking forward to fiding new healthy vegetarian recipes!


> Heather


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  • 2 months later...

Welcome Susan,

So nice to have you with us. Are we a fun group or what? As you can

tell this group has great recipes to share. We also neve lack for

helpful info either..So you join in and share..

Smiles and hugs

Deanna , " junkette "

<junkette wrote:


> Hi everyone. I've been around a bit, getting a feel for the group,

(and what a group!) and thought it was time I introduced myself.


> I'm Susan, 34 years old, and married for 12 years to my high school

































-text portions of this message have been removed]


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Hi, Neighbor! (waving across the Ga/Tn fence)

Glad to have you with us. My husband and I are fairly new to the veggie

world and have not quite given up fish....yet.

This seems like a great group. Only problem, I have copied so many recipes,

my computer is running out of room. <g>

Anyway, welcome!






08/17/06 16:16:16




Hi everyone. I've been around a bit, getting a feel for the group, (and what

a group!) and thought it was time I introduced myself.


I'm Susan, 34 years old, and married for 12 years to my high school

sweetheart. We went veg together about 3 1/2 years ago. We are both in the

health care field (me-cytotechnologist, he--clinical pharmacist) or at least

for my part I should say I 'was' because I haven't been practicing for the

past 8 years, since we decided to leave the big city and move back home to

the country.


We don't have any kids yet, but we do have 3 cats (2 who spend their days

lazing on the deck, and 1 who spends her time prowling around in the pasture

behind our yard.) We also have 2 dogs (Max--lab mix and Macy--boxer mix) who

think they own the couch.


I plan to be active on the list, so I'm just going to jump right in and make

myself at home!


Susan in TN



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  • 4 weeks later...

Welcome, Carolyn.

Glad to have you with us.

I, also, have a fur baby with diabetes. And two shots a day. But, mine is

a 100 lb baby.

And this is my 3rd dog with diabetes related illness.

Well, we do what we have to do. They are family.








9/14/2006 6:35:57 PM




Just wanted to say a quick hello. I joined the list a few days ago but

haven't been online much due to work (boo) so now have about 150 emails to

catch up on, but I will get through them :-).


Anyway I am Carolyn from Liverpool England, strict vegetarian for about 15

years, aspiring to veganism, and I have tried it but fell back into

ovo-lacto after about three months of struggle. I am a moral vegetarian and

love all animals, and my bosses are two kitties - Ziggy a 17 year old

insulin dependent diabetic (if anyone had told me 10 years ago I would be

giving a cat twice daily insulin injections I would have laughed), and

Dusty, a 4 year old alien (but a very cute one) in feline clothing who

arrived as a completely feral stray kitten, my first experience of taming a

feral cat, took me almost three months but sooooooooooooooo worth it.


I look forward to being part of the group and chatting and sharing recipes

with other veggies, as sadly I know very few in " real life " .





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  • 2 months later...

Lucky Alford!




Tuesday, December 12, 2006 5:27 PM




Please tell us a little about yourself so we can know

you a bit better:


* your name or nickname ......... My name is Sharon

* where you live (continent, region or city, whatever)......... I live

in Queensland Australia

* your age group - teens, 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s,.............. in my



* Are you are vegetarian (or vegan), still working at it, or still

thinking about it? How long?...... My husband and I were vegetarian for

about 3 years a couple of years ago. We have been eating meat, but to be

honest, I want to be vegetarian again. I think it makes me enjoy food

and life more.

* Are you the only veggie or wannabe in your household? How many others?

My husband said he will go back to eating some vegetarian dishes again.

* Do you do the cooking or is it shared? I do the cooking.


WAIT! Anything else you would like to tell us? This is your Big

Chance!!! Goodness......I can say whatever I like??? That could be

dangerous lol lol. I have my slow cooker on right now cooking up black

beans. Yesterday I did some white beans. Tomorrow it will be soy beans.

I love tofu. Last night for dinner I had a tomato based tofu dinner,

with couscous (which I also love) and some sweet potato and pumpkin,

cabbage and green beans. It was delicious.


I'm married to Alfred. Daughter Elizabeth married and living a couple of

hours away by plane. 2 lovely, beautiful, delicious, yummy geogeous

grandkids lol lol...Liam and Baylee (girl). We just said good bye to

them after having them stay with us for 6 weeks...that's just the 2

grandkids. Handful but excellent. I live at the beach. I want to lose










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Hello Sharon and welcome to our group!

That's great that you're returning to vegetarianism and it sounds like your

husband is supportive of that. Sounds like you're already making some great

dishes but don't forget to check out our recipe files for more ideas!



AJ & SE COCKING <sharonec wrote:

Please tell us a little about yourself so we can know

you a bit better:


* your name or nickname ......... My name is Sharon

* where you live (continent, region or city, whatever)......... I live

in Queensland Australia

* your age group - teens, 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s,.............. in my



* Are you are vegetarian (or vegan), still working at it, or still

thinking about it? How long?...... My husband and I were vegetarian for

about 3 years a couple of years ago. We have been eating meat, but to be

honest, I want to be vegetarian again. I think it makes me enjoy food

and life more.

* Are you the only veggie or wannabe in your household? How many others?

My husband said he will go back to eating some vegetarian dishes again.

* Do you do the cooking or is it shared? I do the cooking.


WAIT! Anything else you would like to tell us? This is your Big

Chance!!! Goodness......I can say whatever I like??? That could be

dangerous lol lol. I have my slow cooker on right now cooking up black

beans. Yesterday I did some white beans. Tomorrow it will be soy beans.

I love tofu. Last night for dinner I had a tomato based tofu dinner,

with couscous (which I also love) and some sweet potato and pumpkin,

cabbage and green beans. It was delicious.


I'm married to Alfred. Daughter Elizabeth married and living a couple of

hours away by plane. 2 lovely, beautiful, delicious, yummy geogeous

grandkids lol lol...Liam and Baylee (girl). We just said good bye to

them after having them stay with us for 6 weeks...that's just the 2

grandkids. Handful but excellent. I live at the beach. I want to lose



















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Hi Steph and welcome to our group.


That cooking class sounds great, and please do share some of the recipes when

you can. We're always all looking for good lower cal meals to make! I'd love

to take a class like that. I really like cooking, most of the time, and like

experimenting with new dishes.


That's nice that you share the responsibility with your husband. I do most of

the cooking in our house but my partner helps prep and clean up, so that's just

as good!


We've been doing Weight Watchers to help us slim down and so far it seems to

be working ok.


Again welcome!



Steph <mrswalp29 wrote:

Hi my name is Steph I am 30 and live in South Burlington, Vermont. I

have been a vegetarian for three years. My husband and two boys ages 5 & 19 are

also Veggie but I have to admit my 10 year old still asks for meat so I don't

know if he has been sneaking it at school. In our home both my husband and I do

the cooking. I try to do most of it since he likes to sneak things in the recipe

like extra oil or cream and also when I cook I can modify things to lower

calories and fat. I have been going to a cooking class the last 6 weeks for

weight loss. Although I have not lost any weight, lol I have lots of new recipes

to share. Thanks so much for having me.


















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  • 2 months later...
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Welcome, Dot! Good for you for wanting to add more veggies into your diet.

They are such scrumptious things and so many ways of cooking them,

seasoning them, mixing them, that it could become a life-long hobby just

trying to keep up with new ideas :) And you never know, you might get to

love them best of all. (And, oh yeah, they are good for you too, they say :) )


> I am the only one in the household really interested so it will be tough but I

> think I can do it if I just keep trying. I need to do it for health AND

> also weight loss and that is pretty good motivation.


Well, there's more to improving health and losing weight than just adding

veggies to the diet, but it IS a good start - and we can help you I'm sure.

And you have great motivation for improving your health with your current



Now, tell you what: Have a look through our Files on the homepage and see

what kinds of Recipes there are there. Then, when you have had a little look,

ask anything you need to about making this great change.


Lovely to have you aboard. Post often, okay?


Best, Pat (Co-Owner of Group with Cindi)

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Hello and welcome Dot!


I think it's great you are looking for healthier recipes and ways to

incorporate more veggies into your diet! That can only be a good thing.

Vegetables are so abundant and versatile, you'll never get bored trying new

things, we promise! :-)


By knowing you want to eat healthier, you're already intelligent!! :-)


As Pat suggested, check out our recipes in our files for great ideas on new



Cindi, co-owner of group with Pat


William Wakley <halliesuz wrote:

Hi, I'm Dot and I am trying to learn how to at least get more veggies into

my way of cooking and eating. Don't know if I will ever make it to full

Vegetarian but I think any improvements I can make will be good for me. I

am the only one in the household really interested so it will be tough but I

think I can do it if I just keep trying. I need to do it for health AND

also weight loss and that is pretty good motivation.

I am 68 and a full time RVer..... currently our winters in AZ and summers

in CO or some other cool mountain state. This is a pretty good lifestyle

and we intend to keep it up as long as health allows and then we will park

the fifth wheel and stay put.

Thanks for allowing me to join your group.... I will contribute when I

learn enough to be intelligent about it :) Dot




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  • 1 month later...
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Hi Cindy -


We are lacto-ovo vegetarians - though would love to be vegan at some point.

We live in the U.S. but my husband is English. My daughter's new favorite dish

is baked beans on toast with scrambled eggs. I also have great recipes for

veggie shepard's pie and lasagna if you want I can send them across - they are

time consuming but when I make them I'll double the recipe and freeze one for

later. My kids (5 1/2 and 4 next month) love beans of any kind and will eat

chick peas (garbanzo beans) solo. My son also has to eat almost as soon as he

walks in the door or there is a major meltdown. I'll give him a yogurt or fruit

to buy some time or will quickly steam up some tofu and veg. Dinner's are often

whole wheat pasta w/ sauce, stir fries or salads.




Underwood-Fowler Cindy <CDUFOWLER wrote:


I just joined this group last week and thought I would post an intro. I

tried to answer the questions sent out with my welcome letter but the email

address didn't work? (parents or something

like that, I hope you know which I mean).


My name is Cindy and I'm 28. I live in England with my husband, 33

(henceforth known as DH) and son, 3 years (DS).


I have been vegetarian since the age of 13. I am also periodically vegan

because I have a skin condition which is made worse by dairy products -

although I find it hard to stay vegan when I am chief cook and bottle washer

dealing with the food for 3 people all of whom eat different things, and

usually end up going back to vegetarian since it's " easier " (yes I know this

is a pathetic excuse but I'm working on it!).

My husband is a dyed in the wool carnivore, and the day he goes veggie will

be the day I die from shock.


When our son was born we had to reach a compromise about his eating. I

agreed to let him have access to meat if his dad agreed not to force him to

eat it. Generally we do this by cooking extra of whatever DH is eating, just

in case DS wants some. Then when he's old enough to understand he can make

his own choice which way he wants to go. At the moment DS is not keen on

meat (yay!) and usually turns down whatever DH offers him (unless it is

sausages or fish fingers, which he loves).


But then he also turns down whatever veggie meal I offer him too (boo!). I

find that a lot of the things are too spicy, contain unusual ingredients he

doesn't like, or else they take too long to cook (I have a 30 minute window

between getting home and him needing to eat NOW! or he goes past it and is

too cranky to eat)


So unless DH is eating sausages or fish fingers, DS usually ends up eating

plain rice/potatoes/pasta (with no sauce), with plain boiled carrots/green

beans/zucchini/broccoli/sweetcorn/peas, or baked beans. He does like cheese

(as long as it isn't cooked or melted) plus yoghurts and fruit (bananas and

strawberries mainly). He HATES all ready-made veggie " fake meat " foods like

veggie burgers, veggie sausages (apart from the ones that taste like hot

dogs) and the like, and to be honest I don't want him to live on those

anyway as they're not a lot better health wise than fish fingers or sausages

(in fact other than those two he doesn't really like any other meat junk

food - burgers or chicken nuggets or whatever).


I'm not panicking too much about his nutrition yet. I'm of the opinion that

overall he eats OK, there are vitamins and minerals and protein and so on in

there, so he's not deficient (and I give him a multivitamin to make sure). I

know that at nursery he eats whatever they give him (because they all eat

the same thing and there is like a sibling rivalry thing going on there I

guess!), although this generally means meat since their veggie options are

all full of melted cheese which he hates. But I do want to offer him

something more interesting than " boiled veg and rice " that he tends to live

on. I'd also like to be able to give the school ideas for things to feed him

that aren't meat and aren't full of melted cheese, so he gets more choice

there. I need to find ideas for quick, easy and cheap vegetarian food that 3

year olds will eat. It's all very well promising to let him make his own

choice between meat or non meat, but if I can't ever find interesting veggie

things to offer him then he'll end up eating meat just because it was the

only thing that looked appealing!




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Welcome to the group!


One solution I've found is to put vegetables out on the dinner table ASAP, while

I'm still cooking dinner. It might be leftover steamed vegs from the night

before, or crudites with or without a dip. This has the double advantage of

keeping the kids from falling apart from hunger AND getting more veggies into

them when they're so hungry they'll eat anything.







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, Underwood-Fowler Cindy



> Hi,

> I just joined this group last week and thought I would post an intro. I

> tried to answer the questions sent out with my welcome letter but

the email

> address didn't work? (parents <parents or something

> like that, I hope you know which I mean).


Thanks for pointing this out. I just fixed it.



Moderator, VRGParents

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Hi Cindy and welcome,


Be sure to feed your family brown rice and whole wheat pasta. They are much

more nutritious than the " whites " .


Underwood-Fowler Cindy <CDUFOWLER wrote:


I just joined this group last week and thought I would post an intro. I

tried to answer the questions sent out with my welcome letter but the email

address didn't work? (parents <parents or something

like that, I hope you know which I mean).


My name is Cindy and I'm 28. I live in England with my husband, 33

(henceforth known as DH) and son, 3 years (DS).


I have been vegetarian since the age of 13. I am also periodically vegan

because I have a skin condition which is made worse by dairy products -

although I find it hard to stay vegan when I am chief cook and bottle washer

dealing with the food for 3 people all of whom eat different things, and

usually end up going back to vegetarian since it's " easier " (yes I know this

is a pathetic excuse but I'm working on it!).

My husband is a dyed in the wool carnivore, and the day he goes veggie will

be the day I die from shock.


When our son was born we had to reach a compromise about his eating. I

agreed to let him have access to meat if his dad agreed not to force him to

eat it. Generally we do this by cooking extra of whatever DH is eating, just

in case DS wants some. Then when he's old enough to understand he can make

his own choice which way he wants to go. At the moment DS is not keen on

meat (yay!) and usually turns down whatever DH offers him (unless it is

sausages or fish fingers, which he loves).


But then he also turns down whatever veggie meal I offer him too (boo!). I

find that a lot of the things are too spicy, contain unusual ingredients he

doesn't like, or else they take too long to cook (I have a 30 minute window

between getting home and him needing to eat NOW! or he goes past it and is

too cranky to eat)


So unless DH is eating sausages or fish fingers, DS usually ends up eating

plain rice/potatoes/pasta (with no sauce), with plain boiled carrots/green

beans/zucchini/broccoli/sweetcorn/peas, or baked beans. He does like cheese

(as long as it isn't cooked or melted) plus yoghurts and fruit (bananas and

strawberries mainly). He HATES all ready-made veggie " fake meat " foods like

veggie burgers, veggie sausages (apart from the ones that taste like hot

dogs) and the like, and to be honest I don't want him to live on those

anyway as they're not a lot better health wise than fish fingers or sausages

(in fact other than those two he doesn't really like any other meat junk

food - burgers or chicken nuggets or whatever).


I'm not panicking too much about his nutrition yet. I'm of the opinion that

overall he eats OK, there are vitamins and minerals and protein and so on in

there, so he's not deficient (and I give him a multivitamin to make sure). I

know that at nursery he eats whatever they give him (because they all eat

the same thing and there is like a sibling rivalry thing going on there I

guess!), although this generally means meat since their veggie options are

all full of melted cheese which he hates. But I do want to offer him

something more interesting than " boiled veg and rice " that he tends to live

on. I'd also like to be able to give the school ideas for things to feed him

that aren't meat and aren't full of melted cheese, so he gets more choice

there. I need to find ideas for quick, easy and cheap vegetarian food that 3

year olds will eat. It's all very well promising to let him make his own

choice between meat or non meat, but if I can't ever find interesting veggie

things to offer him then he'll end up eating meat just because it was the

only thing that looked appealing!




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Thanks for that. I have taken your advice although had to adapt it a little

- as they both claim brown pasta and rice are not fit for humans. LOL! So

I've been mixing a handful of cooked brown stuff in with the white stuff

just before dishing it up, and slowly increasing the proportion of brown...

Heh. Neither of them has died yet, or in fact even noticed. *rolls eyes* I

also switched to a type of white rice which is more chewy in texture to make

it easier to hide the brown stuff in with it!

LOL its not just kids who need nutrients to be " hidden " before they'll eat








Behalf Of robin koloms

01 May 2007 17:32


Re: Intro




Hi Cindy and welcome,


Be sure to feed your family brown rice and whole wheat pasta. They are much

more nutritious than the " whites " .









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Some og the whole wheat pastas are nasty (Annies, for example). The Bella Terra

(organic) whole wheats are very good.


Underwood-Fowler Cindy <CDUFOWLER wrote: Hi,

Thanks for that. I have taken your advice although had to adapt it a little

- as they both claim brown pasta and rice are not fit for humans. LOL! So

I've been mixing a handful of cooked brown stuff in with the white stuff

just before dishing it up, and slowly increasing the proportion of brown...

Heh. Neither of them has died yet, or in fact even noticed. *rolls eyes* I

also switched to a type of white rice which is more chewy in texture to make

it easier to hide the brown stuff in with it!

LOL its not just kids who need nutrients to be " hidden " before they'll eat








Behalf Of robin koloms

01 May 2007 17:32


Re: Intro


Hi Cindy and welcome,


Be sure to feed your family brown rice and whole wheat pasta. They are much

more nutritious than the " whites " .








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