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hi laura,

welcome. thanks for your intro and the links. i have

been looking for an online source for various


good to have you here,



--- morgaana wrote:

> Hi everyone!


> I just joined...my name is Laura.




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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

Hi Becky! I'm in a similar situation. I'm a 29 year old SAHM to my 14 month

old son Sterling. My husband is John and we live in Vancouver, WA, just over

the river from Portland, OR. My son and I are vegan, since 2003, husband is

not, working towards someday! So, I don't live close but we have some in

common! Welcome to the board!


veggiemamma <veggiemamma wrote:Hi! My name is Becky and I am a 26

year old Stay at home Mom to my 2

year old son. I am also married to Seih(Shy) We are all vegans. I

have been a vegetarian sence 1993 and vegan sence 1999.

We live in upstate New York. I am hopeing to meet some new people

here, maybe some New Yorkers!

I hope everyone is well and enjoyed their weekend!






For more information about vegetarianism, please visit the VRG website at

http://www.vrg.org and for materials especially useful for families go to

http://www.vrg.org/family.This is a discussion list and is not intended to

provide personal medical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a

qualified health professional.


edical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a qualified health









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Hello! My name is Jennifer Quinn and I am a 27 year old stay at home Mom to

my 7 1/2 month old son, Abacus. My husband's name is Randy and we live in

Philadelphia. I am currently starting a chapter of Holistic Moms Network

and I believe there are some starting in New York. You should check-out

www.holisticmoms.org, I think you will find some like-minded moms near you!



> " veggiemamma " <veggiemamma



> Intro

>Sun, 18 Apr 2004 22:49:05 -0000


>Hi! My name is Becky and I am a 26 year old Stay at home Mom to my 2

>year old son. I am also married to Seih(Shy) We are all vegans. I

>have been a vegetarian sence 1993 and vegan sence 1999.

>We live in upstate New York. I am hopeing to meet some new people

>here, maybe some New Yorkers!

>I hope everyone is well and enjoyed their weekend!






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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Welcome, Nancy!


Congratulations on your weightloss, your lifestyle, your daughter's marriage,

your health regime, your new empty-nester status - not necessarily in that

order. And oh yes, on your youth! ;=) This is all quite breathtaking. What a

wonderful adversement for the healthy lifestyle inspired by a vegetarian diet

(not sure how your daughter's marriage comes into this, but I'll work on it


). I'm so pleased for you. I'm sure you will have lots of tips to pass on to




Well, that said, welcome to the group!! I hope you enjoy it here - we are an

informal kinda lot - no standing on ceremony - and we like to chat about all

things to do with our vegetarian diet and lifestyle, which covers quite a bit

sometimes ;=) Please check out our Files section for recipes - even the ones

that contain prohibited foods for you might be adaptable? And we would like

to have some of your recipes too, of course.


For the record, I am Pat, co-moderator of this group (with Paula, from whom

you will hear later), and my dh and I have been veggie for around twenty

years or so. We travel quite a bit, so we find that tooooo strict a diet is one


fall off easily, but generally we are very careful at home with what we eat.

Most of the recipes I post to the list are vegan, usually specified in the

heading. Even those that are not (unless it calls for an omelet, maybe :=) like

one I posted this morning!) can usually be adapted. Here we have vegans,

ovo-lacto vegetarians, budding vegetarians, 'pesco- or pollo-vegetarians', and

also those who just enjoy good food.


so post often and have a good time!



Pat :=)

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Hi Carol.

Warm welcome to this list and to the vegetarian

lifestyle, too. That's really great. If I may ask, what

made you decide to go veg?

We have loads of really delicious tried and true

recipes stored in our files section that our generous

members have shared with us over the years. Feel

free to ask any questions you might have. The members

here are always quick to share info and give ideas. :)


~ PT ~


Reader's Digest interviewed Mel Gibson and asked

" Give me the headline you want to see on the biggest

paper in America the day after The Passion opens. " Ê

Gibson replied " War ends " .


, " I havent picked one yet " <

christykayk@c...> wrote:

> Hi

> I'm Carol. New to the list. Fairly new to vegetarianism. Only a few

> months into it. Seeing a big difference in energy and just plain

> feeling better quickly. Have a few recipes that I have kinda thrown

> together cause that is what I had and they work to share


> And, like everyone else, search the net and books for more things


> try and share the good ones.


> Carol

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lots of factors for going on veg - mainly is becoming convinced it is the way to

go when i started testing the waters and found out how much better i feel

without meat and dairy. also not radical about it but do haev a special love for

animals - especially my two-four-legged-kids, Hezekiah the cat and Jasper Joy

the dog. Hezekiah is 17 almost 18 and Jasper is 12. They are my wonderful



~ PT ~

Wednesday, May 05, 2004 5:13 PM

Re: Intro



Hi Carol.

Warm welcome to this list and to the vegetarian

lifestyle, too. That's really great. If I may ask, what

made you decide to go veg?

We have loads of really delicious tried and true

recipes stored in our files section that our generous

members have shared with us over the years. Feel

free to ask any questions you might have. The members

here are always quick to share info and give ideas. :)


~ PT ~


Reader's Digest interviewed Mel Gibson and asked

" Give me the headline you want to see on the biggest

paper in America the day after The Passion opens. " Ê

Gibson replied " War ends " .


, " I havent picked one yet " <

christykayk@c...> wrote:

> Hi

> I'm Carol. New to the list. Fairly new to vegetarianism. Only a few

> months into it. Seeing a big difference in energy and just plain

> feeling better quickly. Have a few recipes that I have kinda thrown

> together cause that is what I had and they work to share


> And, like everyone else, search the net and books for more things


> try and share the good ones.


> Carol



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That's cool... same here about not being " radical " ;

even though I do get pretty vocal about stuff with

my family members at times.

I know I feel better about myself knowing I don't

eat the animals that I love so much. I don't know

if animals can tell if you are a vegetarian, but they

sure do tend to like me... so maybe they sense a

gentleness; that or we just smell better. I am sure

vegetarianism wouldn't greatly impress mountain

lions or bears, so I am still careful out walking in the

woods. :)

Welcome to the list!


~ pt ~


Be kind and tender to the Frog,

And do not call him names,

As " Slimy skin, " or " Polly-wog, "

Or likewise " Ugly James, "

Or " Gap-a-grin, " or " Toad-gone-wrong, "

Or " Bill Bandy-knees " :

The Frog is justly sensitive

To epithets like these.

No animal will more repay

A treatment kind and fair;

At least so lonely people say

Who keep a frog (and, by the way,

They are extremely rare).

~ a poem by Hillare Belloc entitled 'The Frog'


, " Christy "



> lots of factors for going on veg - mainly is becoming convinced it

is the way to

go when i started testing the waters and found out how much better i


without meat and dairy. also not radical about it but do haev a

special love for

animals - especially my two-four-legged-kids, Hezekiah the cat and

Jasper Joy

the dog. Hezekiah is 17 almost 18 and Jasper is 12. They are my



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  • 6 months later...

I took a vacation to and thru Arizona in the late 70s.

I remember there being a lot of health food stores.

:^) We traveled with provisions from such, kept in a

cooler in the trunk.





I am a new member, Debra, from Tucson, Az.



" The cat did not respond. She did not believe in paraphrasing anybody. If

people pursued this same feline wisdom, there'd be a lot fewer

misunderstandings. "

From Kinky Friedman's

Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch






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  • 1 month later...

Hi Jeff! I find it fascinating how we can all come from such DIFFERENT paths,

and end up in the same places sometimes. I am transitioning (not there yet)

to a vegan diet for ethical/compassionate reasons, but from a Christian

viewpoint. There are also very strong health reasons I'm making the switch. Last

year, I received a VERY strong impression that I would not survive long if I

continued to abuse my body with SAD foods. It just came to me one day--and I


question my impressions when I receive them! I sympathize with you on the

peeing cat thing--our 15yo dog leaves us little " presents " , too! :) But we love

her! You're a single guy, and I'm a mom of eight, but we're both here in this

group to fellowship and learn, which is kind of neat. Welcome! Marilyn




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Hi Jeff,


Its good to meet you. I think we have quite a lot in common. I'm 23, vegan,

into PETA and also I'm pagan. I hesitate to call myself a wiccan or witch

because i'm pretty new to it all and still learning but have been very

interested in it for the past year. I must go now because i have loads to do

but i'm sure you'll enjoy it here. Loads of lovely people!


Take care,





~* Laura *~



Set your books free!


Still a Vegan Vixen!


Currently Reading: Another Weird Year 2005 and Teach Yourself Creative Writing -

Diane Doubtfire



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Hi Jeff - i just wanted to say I wish I could get my husband to watch Meet your

meat -

I have actually never seen it - i just can't bring myself to do it, but since i

am already

a vegan for ethical reasons - i guess i don't need more convincing ;) But I am


to a big time carnivore who is against PETA - thinks they are just a group of


and won't let me discuss anything that comes from PETA with him - dismisses it


propaganda. Maybe i can play it while he sleeps and some of it may sink in? ;)


That is too bad about your dad - i hope he is ok (and will consider giving up

meat to save

his heart???) I wonder what it will take for my parents to see how unhealthy the

way they

eat is!!! I try to show them the health facts about meat and dairy and they

listen, but

disregard it. I guess sometimes the stomach is more powerful than the mind

and heart.


Nice to meet you,



(26yo sahm in CA)


Mom to Gabrielle (5) & Faith (2)

Pro Life * Christian * Vegan


*~If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian. ~Paul


~*A vegetarian is a person who won't eat anything that can have children.

~David Brenner*~

**Until he extends his circle of compassion to include all living


***man will not himself find peace. . - Albert Schweitzer***





Jeff Combies

Friday, December 31, 2004 7:51 PM





I'd like to intruduce myself...

My name is Jeff, and I am 21 years old. I first went vegetarian on

7-25-04, and was vegan within 1 week of that. I saw PETA's " Meet your

Meat " , and that was the end of my medium-rare dead carcass dinners.

I have not deliberately eatten a piece of meat since that date (some

beans I had a resteraunt had pork and I didn't realize it untill I had

eaten several motuhfuls. It didn't stay down!)


For the year prior to that, I struggled with the idea of being

vegetarian. I'm a Wiccan Witch, my religion has a rule - " An it harm

none, do what ye will " (Do whatever you want, so long as you cause no

harm). Duh, stop killing animals! I don't know why it took me a year

to finally grasp that idea, but at least I got it.

I am still stunned by the garbage I used to eat.


I am vegan for ethical reasons. I do care about my body, but that's

not why I'm vegan.

LOL, my father, who nearly fell down laughing at me for being vegan

last I saw him, recently had a major heart attack. Yeah, so I'm the

crazy one, ok.


Well, thank you for inviting me to your group. As soon as I can, I'll

get that recipe for my vegan chocolate cheese cake that even had dairy

eaters doing that " oooh, it's Sooooo goooood " moan, LOL!


Blessed Be,

Merry Meet!







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  • 1 month later...

Mike.don't worry about the number...its a lifestyle not a cult. You're right

where you should be. If you never make it to 100% then that's what woks for

you! I tip my hat to anyone at 50%...you keep on trucking and life will hand

some good stuff back to you!









Michael [resolver33]

Saturday, February 05, 2005 2:37 PM


[Raw Food] intro






I guess I should have introduced myself before I started jumping

into the discussion. (manners! manners!) :)


I'm Mike. 25. Cleveland, OH. about 50% raw (weak, I know ;0)). I

just draw the line at my apartment door. Everything inside is raw,

everything outside is at least vegetarian (vegan most of the

time...)...that about sums it up. OH, I almost forgot, my

girlfriend and I just made our " pilgrimage " to Juliano's Raw

restaurant in Santa Monica, CA last fall. (!). I'm not into guru

worship or anything, but it's the only real raw restaurant I knew

about...though there is a little cafe out here in OH that I haven't

been to yet. Anyway, it was pretty good, but damn expensive. His

menu was interesting though. Literally about half of it was his

little philosophy on life, and there were lots of interesting little

tidbits on it. Does anyone use his RAW book? That was the first

one I bought, and now I have about 3 others that I work from. Does

anyone know much about Rainbow Green by Gabriel Cousens? Any

opinions on it? That's my newest book, and I'm not sure how I feel

about it yet. anyway...looking forward to sharing recipies...
















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Hi, Michael,

Welcome aboard. I went to a Gabriel Cousins seminar once and it was a little

too heady for me. I haven't read his book though. I'm fairly new also.

Bye for Now



Michael <resolver33 wrote:



I guess I should have introduced myself before I started jumping

into the discussion. (manners! manners!) :)


I'm Mike. 25. Cleveland, OH. about 50% raw (weak, I know ;0)). I

just draw the line at my apartment door. Everything inside is raw,

everything outside is at least vegetarian (vegan most of the

time...)...that about sums it up. OH, I almost forgot, my

girlfriend and I just made our " pilgrimage " to Juliano's Raw

restaurant in Santa Monica, CA last fall. (!). I'm not into guru

worship or anything, but it's the only real raw restaurant I knew

about...though there is a little cafe out here in OH that I haven't

been to yet. Anyway, it was pretty good, but damn expensive. His

menu was interesting though. Literally about half of it was his

little philosophy on life, and there were lots of interesting little

tidbits on it. Does anyone use his RAW book? That was the first

one I bought, and now I have about 3 others that I work from. Does

anyone know much about Rainbow Green by Gabriel Cousens? Any

opinions on it? That's my newest book, and I'm not sure how I feel

about it yet. anyway...looking forward to sharing recipies...














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Right on Steven..


Steven <rawfasting wrote:

Mike.don't worry about the number...its a lifestyle not a cult. You're right

where you should be. If you never make it to 100% then that's what woks for

you! I tip my hat to anyone at 50%...you keep on trucking and life will hand

some good stuff back to you!









Michael [resolver33]

Saturday, February 05, 2005 2:37 PM


[Raw Food] intro






I guess I should have introduced myself before I started jumping

into the discussion. (manners! manners!) :)


I'm Mike. 25. Cleveland, OH. about 50% raw (weak, I know ;0)). I

just draw the line at my apartment door. Everything inside is raw,

everything outside is at least vegetarian (vegan most of the

time...)...that about sums it up. OH, I almost forgot, my

girlfriend and I just made our " pilgrimage " to Juliano's Raw

restaurant in Santa Monica, CA last fall. (!). I'm not into guru

worship or anything, but it's the only real raw restaurant I knew

about...though there is a little cafe out here in OH that I haven't

been to yet. Anyway, it was pretty good, but damn expensive. His

menu was interesting though. Literally about half of it was his

little philosophy on life, and there were lots of interesting little

tidbits on it. Does anyone use his RAW book? That was the first

one I bought, and now I have about 3 others that I work from. Does

anyone know much about Rainbow Green by Gabriel Cousens? Any

opinions on it? That's my newest book, and I'm not sure how I feel

about it yet. anyway...looking forward to sharing recipies...
















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I use the term " high " raw and live foods. I find that I don't need to define the

percentage to others especially those who really don't understand.


gaynell andress <andressgaynell wrote:

Right on Steven..


Steven <rawfasting wrote:

Mike.don't worry about the number...its a lifestyle not a cult. You're right

where you should be. If you never make it to 100% then that's what woks foryou!

I tip my hat to anyone at 50%...you keep on trucking and life will hand

some good stuff back to you!





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In AA we say " trudge the road of happy destiny. "


rawfood , gaynell andress <andressgaynell>



> Right on Steven..


> Steven <rawfasting@e...> wrote:

....you keep on trucking and life will hand

> some good stuff back to you!




> Steven

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I have been trudging for many years and my hands are open for the good and it

just keeps coming



Froggy <seconaphim wrote:


In AA we say " trudge the road of happy destiny. "


rawfood , gaynell andress <andressgaynell>



> Right on Steven..


> Steven <rawfasting@e...> wrote:

....you keep on trucking and life will hand

> some good stuff back to you!




> Steven








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Hi Mike,


I have Juliano's book though I don't make anything out of it except for

the guacamole on p. 88 (I make it so often, I have the page number

committed to memory!) It is the most wonderful guac I've ever tried,

though next time I make it, I'm going to try it without the olive oil.

After all, avocados have plenty of fat in them already. I am reading

Joel Fuhrman's Eat to Live at the recommendation of someone on this

list (thanks to whomever that was...it's a great book...very

informative on why we should eat mostly fresh veggies and fruit).

Anyway, he advocates using little to no refined oils, even

cold-pressed, stating that we get enough healthy fat from vegetables,

avocados, nuts and seeds.




On Feb 5, 2005, at 1:36 PM, Michael wrote:

> ...Juliano's Raw....Does anyone use his RAW book?  That was the first

> one I bought, and now I have about 3 others that I work from. 



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Yeah, I think I've made that one a couple times. Have you tried

manitok wild yet? I just made " Nutty Dreams " ...OH my God! It's

amazing...actually I modified it a little bit because it wasn't thick

enough to roll into balls...the almond butter I used was a little

liquidy. I still ended up making it into a kind of pie cause it was

so sticky. But anyway, I highly recommend it...even though the

ingredients are a bit on the pricey side. I figure about $20-30 to

fill a 9-in pie plate. Also, his flaxseed crackers are great too.

Oh, and his meatloaf...and the cheeseburger....actually there are lots

of great tasting recipies in there. anyway...again I'd highly

recommend a lot of the recipies in that book. Any other good books

you know about?





rawfood , Kimberly Dawkins <kim.dawkins@c...> wrote:

> Hi Mike,


> I have Juliano's book though I don't make anything out of it except for

> the guacamole on p. 88 (I make it so often, I have the page number

> committed to memory!) It is the most wonderful guac I've ever tried,

> though next time I make it, I'm going to try it without the olive oil.

> After all, avocados have plenty of fat in them already. I am reading

> Joel Fuhrman's Eat to Live at the recommendation of someone on this

> list (thanks to whomever that was...it's a great book...very

> informative on why we should eat mostly fresh veggies and fruit).

> Anyway, he advocates using little to no refined oils, even

> cold-pressed, stating that we get enough healthy fat from vegetables,

> avocados, nuts and seeds.


> Kim


> On Feb 5, 2005, at 1:36 PM, Michael wrote:

> > ...Juliano's Raw....Does anyone use his RAW book? That was the first

> > one I bought, and now I have about 3 others that I work from.



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  • 6 months later...



I'm also new here --- who else is out there??


My husband and I are both vegetarians. I was raised this way, but Atif was raised by a meat-obsessed family and proclaimed at the tender age of 3 that he would no longer eat meat and fish. Growing up in an Arab country -- he was somewhat of a unique child for this -- but he is stubborn enough that now at age 32 -- he is still meat and fish free! :D


In any case -- we are both working full time and Atif's idea of cooking a meal is a peanut butter and jelly sandwhich! ;) So we are in great need of some fast and easy vegetarian recipes!! Anyone interested in some Middle Eastern recipes?? I'm full of them! ;) I'd love some great fast and easy Indian recipes if anyone has any. Is it possible for Indian food to be easy?? Atif and I are both huge fans of Indian foods!! What are your typical foods on a daily basis?? Our is mostly Middle Eastern dishes as this is what we are mostly used to ... but I'd love to hear what others from different ethnicities typically eat on a daily basis.





ossman <ossman wrote:


Hi there!


I am new to the group. Thanks for letting me join. I'm looking forward to some yummy recipes.


Hugs, JudyOH

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On 8/28/05, momcat2002 wrote:


> Hello, Everyone,



Hi Ilene! Great intro. :)


I've been lurking for quite a while and decided to finally introduce

> myself, since I feel that I already " know " so many of you!


> I've been vegetarian (pretty much vegan at home) for almost 20

> years.

> I am a militant AR activist (although I have mellowed out as I've

> grown older...grin!!). We currently live with 3 dogs and 3 inside

> cats

> (all rescued or strays) and care for a semi-feral cat colony of 6.



You have a big family. Any pictures?



> managed to catch and neuter all but one. We've made them their

> own " houses " for winter, very sturdy hard plastic totes w/ foam

> rubberinsulation. Food, water, shelter and catnip...ahhh, not too

> bad for ferals!



Not too shabby indeed. The shelters sound interesting. Do you have any hand

written plans or pictures of the homemade shelters. And if you don't mind

I'd be interested in about how much it costs. Feel free to email me offlist

if you'd rather inform me that way (if you decide to share that is).


I enjoy cooking, particularly ethnic foods. Hey, anyone have a

> *killer* recipe for Hot and Sour Soup?



Ethnic foods here too. Oh anyone, I'd welcome a hot and sour soup recipe as

well. Love the soups.


Do you have a particular ethnic food that you prefer over others?


I love all sorts of kitchen gadgets and treated myself to a Soy Toy

> soymilk machine earlier this year. I absolutely love it! I've come

> up with a couple of good soy ice cream recipes and am always on the

> lookout for creative ways to use soymilk...lots of it...grin! I

> suppose sometime I will try to learn about making tofu at home.

> Anyone out there with tips on that?



Is it pretty easy to use and does the soymilk taste better than store

bought? I'm sure in the long run it must save a load of money.

For a carton of soy milk it's nearly $4. Ooh but for the first time I've

discovered one of my stores carries a generic brand for half the cost.

Chocolate and vanilla. Haha, very happy. I'm going to get that from now on.


Although I am currently not in the workforce, I did spend almost 10

> years running a health food store.


> I will end by sharing a great recipe for artichoke dip. Most recipes

> focus on high-fat additives (lots of mayo or sour cream), but this

> one really cuts down the fat and calories! Can be made veggie or

> vegan.





> 1 13.5 oz can artichoke hearts, packed in brine (save brine)

> 3 slices light Italian or other white bread

> 4 T. reserved artichoke brine

> 1/4 C mayo (regular or vegan)

> 1/3 C Parmesan cheese, finely grated and firmly packed

> (regular or vegan; I use about 1/2 cup)


> non-stick cooking spray (or just oil the dish w/fingers)

> few drops of lemon juice


> Oven @ 350 degrees


> Lightly coat a 1 1/2 C. oven-safe dish with cooking spray.


> In blender, combine bread, artichokes, 4 T. brine, mayo and cheese.

> Puree about 1 minute to make a smooth paste. Add a bit more brine if

> too thick for blender. Spoon into prepared baking dish.


> Bake for 20-25 minutes. Allow to rest about 10 minutes before

> serving.


> I hope you enjoy this! Great for veggies or crackers.


> Ilene in SW Ohio



Thanks for the recipe and again for the excellent intro. Great to have you

participating and nice to meet you. :)


Shawn :)




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hi ilene,

thanks for the intro. it's nice to have you here. i

just posted a hot and sour soup recipe for you. i'll

look to see if i have some more and will post them as

i find them. it's one of my favorite soups too.





--- momcat2002 <irach wrote:


> Hello, Everyone,


> I've been lurking for quite a while and decided to

> finally introduce

> myself, since I feel that I already " know " so many

> of you!






Start your day with - make it your home page


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Welcome to the group!


> Just riniging in to let everyone know that I am pleased to be a part

> of this group. For some time I have been seeking other like minded

> folks to talk and share with.


Always pleased to have people interested in the vegetarian way. You'll find

lots of experienced vegetarians to help you if you need advice, and of course

there are good recipes in the Files section on our webpage.


>with 2 cocker spaniel babies Abby (5) and

> Cormel (1) who are not sure about being dogs.


Naturally an animal lover! my husband and I have two beagles and their cat

who thinks he's a dog.


Enjoy the list - we'll chat later.


Best, Pat

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