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St. Francis of Assisi



Anouk Sickler <zurumato

Nov 4, 2005 9:38 AM


Re: 800 members??




I thought it was cool that there was a saint just for

animals.. but i can't remember his name right now.




> Well, you know what they say... Once a catholic... :-) It was just too








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Spectacles, Testacles, Wallet and Watch.........................

Thats all I know of Catholics, that and their lack of a sense of rhythm....



The Valley Vegan.......Anouk Sickler <zurumato wrote:

I was brought with catholiscmand some things I can't get out of my head..I kinda thought it was cool that instead of Jesus, my family would pray to a bunch of other Womyn.if i remember correctly,our sacred lady of perpetual help.our lady of immaculate conceptionour lady of the highest grace and mercyour divine and sacred lady of miraclesour lady of the sacred heart of jesusthe males ones would be less praye on.st. vincent de paulst. francisco de assisst. andresI thought it was cool that there was a saint just for animals.. but i can't remember his name right now.> > Well, you know what they say... Once a catholic... :-) It was just too

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" Anouk Sickler " <zurumato


Friday, November 04, 2005 5:38 PM

Re: 800 members??



> I was brought with catholiscm

> and some things I can't get out of my head..


> I kinda thought it was cool that instead of Jesus,

> my family would pray to a bunch of other Womyn.


> if i remember correctly,

> our sacred lady of perpetual help.

> our lady of immaculate conception

> our lady of the highest grace and mercy

> our divine and sacred lady of miracles

> our lady of the sacred heart of jesus




> the males ones would be less praye on.

> st. vincent de paul

> st. francisco de assis

> st. andres


> I thought it was cool that there was a saint just for

> animals.. but i can't remember his name right now.



> >

> > Well, you know what they say... Once a catholic... :-) It was just too


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Hi Anouk


This may be a stupid question, but what does all this mean? I only got

recycling out of it and now feel terribly out of the loop.


> on that they can't argue, but still don't understand my being AP,

> uncircing, EC or selective vax, or the nudity issue, or my obssesive

> reciclying and couldn't understand why I would do with less of

> something or not need it at all.. ok Im rambling.


Sorry if I am being nosy.


Nikki :)

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Hi Anouk,




On the contrary... on those rare family visits, my kids are most

well manered and curiously inquisitive.. their health and non-violent

state of mind is my biggest proof that I must be doing something right.


I think that's the best proof for anyone at the end of the day :-)




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Im sorry, those are terms that

some hippy mommies use in another group that I belong to.


they are the granola type of mommies, who like to think of themselves

as political, radical etc.


uncircing means= leaving the baby intact, no circusicion, this is a

controversial topic, so I won't go into it much, but some mommies have

strong religious reasons for circumcision, others equate it with male

genital mutilation and are strongly oppose to it. Whenever the topic

is mention at my other group, there are strong feelings either way.


EC= elimination communication, some mommies feel that they want to

parent the AFrican way, so they put on a long t-shirt on the baby and

NO DIAPERS, basically it is better for the earth, but the main idea

for doing this is that the baby is aware of his/her bowel functions

everytime she poops or pees and therefore is potty trained earlier

with no " change " from diaper to underwear.

I tried this and it work, my baby was using the toilet by age 1 and

never used a diaper after that. (granted this works better on linolium



Selective Vax = choosing or having the right to choose which vaccines

your child will have. There was a study done on the high incidence of

autism for children born I think? 1997? and some other years, this

they believe was linked to the mercury (thimerosal) used as a

preservative in the vaccines. the mommies are against(or suspicious)to

, just nodding and listening to the doctors who want to give for

instance hepatitis b vaccine to a two year old, and the same dosages

that a four year old has is the same for a two month old etc. Also

mommies talk about the amount of unreported, undisclosed deaths due to



C0-sleeping= this means that you are rebelling against what is in all

those baby books which tell you that you should set up a nursery for

your baby, buy a million plastic (unnecesarry) things, that you think

that you need. Instead they sleep with the baby.

most of those mommies just bought a giant (cheap at ikea) king sized

bed and their whole families sleep together.

The idea is the opposite of what is thought, a far away in another

room baby will grow up to be independent. they believe this to be WROng!

a baby that sleeps right next to the mommy will always wake up less

and as an adult will feel more secure, because he/she got the security

when they needed it from the start.



nudity = most of the mommies in that group, believe that the body is

not a shameful thing and although modesty is practiced, we should not

tell children that their bodies are shamful. This hans't anything to

due with sexuallity, rather just making children comfortable and proud

of their bodies, like they do in europe with nudity, which is

healthier mentaly. Also calling body parts what they are by their

proper name, respecitely vagina and penus, their scientific name from

the start.



AP= attachment parenting, it just how it sounds, your baby is attached

to your body. You will see these mommies with their babies in slings

as a sort of extention, or baby wearing. they believe that this

creates a very secure child, will cry less and that babies just really

need the warmth that they felt in the womb. They eschew strollers just

like the women in Africa and find the plastic things alienating.

This worked for me until, I started getting backaques, then my dh took

over, then we finally bought a cheapo twenty dollar stroller.


there are many other topics..I could go on, ha ha.


I believe that each mommie/parent/person should do what is right for

them, what works for them. I have made my mistakes and I am still

learning. I have learn a lot from them, but I am also listening to my

inner voice.




_chat , " earthstrm " <nikkimack@m...> wrote:


> Hi Anouk


> This may be a stupid question, but what does all this mean? I only got

> recycling out of it and now feel terribly out of the loop.


> > on that they can't argue, but still don't understand my being AP,

> > uncircing, EC or selective vax, or the nudity issue,

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Hi Anouk


Thank you for the explanations! :)


> I believe that each mommie/parent/person should do what is right for

> them, what works for them. I have made my mistakes and I am still

> learning. I have learn a lot from them, but I am also listening to my

> inner voice.



Very well said! We all must find and walk our own path in life.



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I couldn't agree more too :-)



AlexOn 10/11/05, earthstrm <nikkimack wrote:


Hi Anouk


Thank you for the explanations! :)


> I believe that each mommie/parent/person should do what is right for

> them, what works for them. I have made my mistakes and I am still

> learning. I have learn a lot from them, but I am also listening to my

> inner voice.



Very well said! We all must find and walk our own path in life.



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