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Peak Oil Crisis Challenged.

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i would guess the space shuttle uses a bit o fuel

but still nuthin compared to how much we use toolin around in our metal boxes... rvijay07 Dec 2, 2004 1:32 PM Re: Peak Oil Crisis Challenged. Maintenance, future planning was never really cherished by the majority. Rather than focusing on the oil crisis and alternatives, major Govts. are spending more on Space exploration that uses up a lot of Gas.VijayTo send an email to -






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Don't know, but it seems unlikely. Consider all the cooled water

that has to be constantly circulated around the tanks in a nuclear

power plant. Think you could haul all that around in your car and

still fit yourself in? Not to mention the power required to run the

pumps and cool the water would take away from the power to the drive




, " Anna Blaine " <anna333@e...>


> I realize I may be opening up HUGE can of worms here, but could

there be such thing as a nuclear powered car?



> Love,

> Anna

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Hi Vijay / Fraggle


Y'know, I'm reading this whole conversation on whether we've got enough oil

or not, and from my point of view, we're missing the most important thing...

the more oil we use, the more we're destroying the planet with noxious

gasses - if we have enough oil to last more than 50 years, chances are if we

carry on the way we're going, we'll run out of people before we run out of

oil, so it seems a little academic.




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> I realize I may be opening up HUGE can of worms here, but could

> there be such thing as a nuclear powered car?


OK - I have to say, having been very close to getting caught in a car park

fire a few years ago, and hearing the explosions of petrol tanks as the fire

spread - the thought of a nuclear powered car is just too frightening to

think of... a small car park fire could destroy an entire city!


And even if there wer some fool-proof way to make sure that didn't happen,

think of the problem of disposing of the used fuel rods and other wonderful

nuclear waste!




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, " Peter " <metalscarab@b...> wrote:

> Hi Vijay / Fraggle


> Y'know, I'm reading this whole conversation on whether we've got enough oil

> or not, and from my point of view, we're missing the most important thing...

> the more oil we use, the more we're destroying the planet with noxious

> gasses - if we have enough oil to last more than 50 years, chances are if we

> carry on the way we're going, we'll run out of people before we run out of

> oil, so it seems a little academic.


> BB

> Peter



Excellent thinking. Thanks for this reminder. This side was forgotten.



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, " Peter " <metalscarab@b...> wrote:

> Hi Vijay / Fraggle


> Y'know, I'm reading this whole conversation on whether we've got enough oil

> or not, and from my point of view, we're missing the most important thing...

> the more oil we use, the more we're destroying the planet with noxious

> gasses -



Here is another article, FT diesel refining produces a lot more gases than

regular diesel:





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, " Craig Dearth " <cd39@e...> wrote:

> if we converted all Gasoline and diesel engines to bio fuel

> we would need another 2 planets to grow all that is needed in order to

> maintain current demands

> just a thought


> Craig



Are there any sites or references to these figures that you mentioned ?


Moreover, we had steam engiens and horse drawn carriages before. No harm in

returning to those. These can offer atleast a partial solution. Comments welcome

in this regard.



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can't find my source will keep looking

thought I read it on the Green peace web site or maybe environmental defence

anyway from memory

the amount of land it takes to grow enough canola to make vegetable oil

to run a car for 1 year is about 10 acres

now I am not sure if they take into account the recycling of used cooking oil in the figures

but the study showed that a complete conversion to Bio fuel would probably cause the removal of all remaining forests

so although I firmly believe we should recycle all cooking oil by turning it into bio fuel

I don't think complete conversion is a good idea

anyway great debate


rvijay07 [rvijay07]Friday, December 03, 2004 5:07 PM Subject: Re: Peak Oil Crisis Challenged. , "Craig Dearth" <cd39@e...> wrote:> if we converted all Gasoline and diesel engines to bio fuel> we would need another 2 planets to grow all that is needed in order to> maintain current demands> just a thought> > CraigAre there any sites or references to these figures that you mentioned ?Moreover, we had steam engiens and horse drawn carriages before. No harm in returning to those. These can offer atleast a partial solution. Comments welcome in this regard.Vijay To send an email to -

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Hi Fraggle


> where's peter?

> he ususally has a ton to say


I'm still around... just pretty busy at the moment... I'm also not greatly knowledgable on the whole oil thing... just that it's not particularly good for the environment, and the quicker we get alternatives into affordable places the better.


Personally, I'm all for solar power for things like cars, and wind and water power for most electricity and other uses. I don't think nuclear helps anything at all as you have just as many problems!




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, " Craig Dearth " <cd39@e...> wrote:

> Vijay,

> can't find my source will keep looking



I would really appreciate if someone can look for this info. on efficiency of

production/use of alternative fuels.


Here is Vegan factor. Someone I know well told me that if oil runs out, a lot

of people are very lazy and will not care to grow stuff. Just take a gun go for

walk and shoot anything that flies or walks other than human and cook and eat,

if oil runs out that is what many will do he said.


These may not be the majority but will still constitute a large number.



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theynuse biodeisel on vehicles in berkeley next door

while ethanol is better then oil, i have certain...misgivings..aboutit rvijay07 Dec 2, 2004 4:50 PM Re: Peak Oil Crisis Challenged. Ethanol/Biodiesel seems to be a good solution that is already being worked upon. This is compatible with old equipment.There are biodiesel buses in my part of town in fact. Here is a reference in this regard:http://thesoydailyclub.com/BiodieselBiobased/CargillEthanol05142004.aspTo send an email to -






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i'm never gonna be able to finish checkin my e-mails here..ack



ok..ethanol was psuhed by the big agricorps ..

you get ethanol from corn..

while its renewable, we;d be replacing oil, which is a limited resource, polluting, and environmentally destructive(to drill for, refine, and use)

with corn..

which is grown on huge monoculture farms, which uses up oceans of precious water, is doused with pesticides, fungicides and herbicides, and needs to be harvested ..soooo yer almost back to square one, as you are going to need lotsa energy to be able to produce the ethanol to begin with...

thats the misgivings i have

fraggle rvijay07 Dec 3, 2004 1:14 PM Re: Peak Oil Crisis Challenged. , fraggle <EBbrewpunx@e...> wrote:>What are your misgivings on Ethanol ?Thanks.VijayTo send an email to -






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, fraggle <EBbrewpunx@e...> wrote:



In regards to your ethanol response. WOuldn't having more Vegetation in the form

of Corn help the environment. These plants will absorb the CO2.



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no necessarily since you release the CO2 right back as soon as you harvest/produce ethanol

and corn is such a resource intensive crop...


there just ain't no easy answers is there!?

hahahahahha rvijay07 Dec 3, 2004 1:22 PM Re: Peak Oil Crisis Challenged. , fraggle <EBbrewpunx@e...> wrote:>In regards to your ethanol response. WOuldn't having more Vegetation in the form of Corn help the environment. These plants will absorb the CO2.VijayTo send an email to -






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> Here is Vegan factor. Someone I know well told me that if oil runs out, a

lot of people are very lazy and will not care to

> grow stuff. Just take a gun go for walk and shoot anything that flies or

walks other than human and cook and eat, if oil runs

> out that is what many will do he said.


That's not as bad as it sounds... if these people aren't eating vegetables

they'll be dead fairly quickly!!!




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Any web-sites in regards to Corn being an intensive crop would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


It doesn't seem that intensive as corn is freely traded in the Futures market,

corn syrup is very popular and there are several products with corn.



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shoot wot?


wot are you gonna shoot in a city? besides people?

who's gonna make the ammo? how is it going to be shipped?

the person who made that remark me thinks needs to think about it a tad deeper..

rvijay07 Dec 3, 2004 1:08 PM Re: Peak Oil Crisis Challenged. , "Craig Dearth" <cd39@e...> wrote:> Vijay,> can't find my source will keep lookingI would really appreciate if someone can look for this info. on efficiency of production/use of alternative fuels.Here is Vegan factor. Someone I know well told me that if oil runs out, a lot of people are very lazy and will not care to grow stuff. Just take a gun go for walk and shoot anything that flies or walks other than human and cook and eat, if oil runs out that is what many will do he said.These may not be the majority but will still constitute a large number.Vijay To send an email to -






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well..hopefully someone else can supply a website..i'm at work

and i can promise you, corn is one of the most intensive crops to grow....it uses hordes of fertilizer, water, pesticides, etc..

not to mention those miles of monocultures .....you've basically got a one species prarrie that stretches across states rvijay07 Dec 3, 2004 1:36 PM Re: Peak Oil Crisis Challenged. Any web-sites in regards to Corn being an intensive crop would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.It doesn't seem that intensive as corn is freely traded in the Futures market, corn syrup is very popular and there are several products with corn.VijayTo send an email to -






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, fraggle <EBbrewpunx@e...> wrote:



Remember before oil, there were steam engines and steam ships. We can go back to

them atleast partially. Things like these can be used to make/ship ammo.


Also, hunting seems to be the first human profession. Sadly, one can easily look

back for very early reference, use crude tools and proceed.



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