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Soy Milk

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every soy milk I have ever bought has said " use within 7 days of

opening " ..........so does the almond milk........I am forever throwing

out what I didn't finish in a week!


Laurie wrote:


> IMHO, the best part about soy milk is it keeps so much longer than

> cow's milk. I had stopped drinking milk altogether because it was

> always going bad before I could drink it.


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I have Vanilla Sun Soy. It says it will stay fresh in the frig for up to 7-10


HAM AND EGGS - A day's work for a chicken, a lifetime commitment for a pig.




Wednesday, May 28, 2003 12:02 PM

Re: Re: soy milk





every soy milk I have ever bought has said " use within 7 days of

opening " ..........so does the almond milk........I am forever throwing

out what I didn't finish in a week!


Laurie wrote:


> IMHO, the best part about soy milk is it keeps so much longer than

> cow's milk. I had stopped drinking milk altogether because it was

> always going bad before I could drink it.






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when I did drink milk......I had 2% over ice. and yeah, most people

thought it was sick!!

Pacific Almond milk is kinda thin. Try that. It has a bit of a texture





Sherri wrote:


> - I actually drink skim milk over ice, which makes most people

> ill to even think about. LOL



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Me too. Soy milk also is easier on the sinuses, although to be truthful

we rarely use either milk or soymilk - I guess we just got outta the

habit ;=)


But I wanted to ask about your kitten - our cat loves tofu, but I

haven't tried him on soymilk - I wonder . . . He eats a carnivore's diet

(kibble only - he *hates* wet/canned catfood, regardless of brand). Have

you been able to put your kitten/cat on a veggie diet?


Best, Pat






* " He who is cruel to animals becomes hard also in his dealings with

men. We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals. " -

Immanuel Kant


* " I am in favour of animal rights as well as human rights. That is the

way of a whole human being. " - Abraham Lincoln


* " There are too many idiots in this world. And having said it, I have

the burden of proving it. "

- Franz Fanon


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*LOL* I don't want to seem to be picking an argument or criticizing or

anything, but why oh why is it that, apart from

conditioning/indoctrination, we feel we must drink milk at all -

including 'soy' milk??? There are other things to drink out there, such

as good clean water or mineral water, fruit juice of many kinds, herbal

teas, not to mention tea and coffee and beer and wine ;=) Although I

still call myself ovo-lacto vegetarian (cuz I can't quite call myself

vegan), I was ovo-lacto veg for ages and ages but *never* drank milk.

Used it in cooking? Yes, occasionally. But not as a beverage. Of course,

we don't use packaged breakfast cereal either, so don't 'need' it to

make that edible. But I know people who put apple juice on cereal anyway ;=)


To answer your query about soy milk being too rich, however *LOL* Can

you get the *lite* soymilk where you are? It's much less cloying - and

over ice it might just work. Otherwise, add filtered water to it to make

it less rich - find a ratio that works for you ;=)


I find it interesting - without meaning to denigrate anyone's attempts

at finding vegan substitutes for carnivore foods - that the Dairy

Industry still in effect 'regulates' what vegetarians and vegans think

we should consume and so 'alternative' culture provides non-dairy

versions of certain things - which often are found wanting.






> I " ve been drinking skim milk for most of my life, and when I tried to

> switch to soy milk I found it incredibly rich and thick - so much so

> that I couldn't stomach it. Any suggestions about how to get around

> this? Was it something you noticed when switching? Or maybe I'm just

> weird - I actually drink skim milk over ice, which makes most people ill

> to even think about. LOL








* " He who is cruel to animals becomes hard also in his dealings with

men. We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals. " -

Immanuel Kant


* " I am in favour of animal rights as well as human rights. That is the

way of a whole human being. " - Abraham Lincoln


* " There are too many idiots in this world. And having said it, I have

the burden of proving it. "

- Franz Fanon


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so, what do you suggest for cooking? certainly not coffee, tea, or



Of course, all of those *can* be used in cooking, but not in recipies

calling for milk.




On 29 May 2003 at 8:13, Sant & Brown wrote:


> I find it interesting - without meaning to denigrate anyone's attempts

> at finding vegan substitutes for carnivore foods - that the Dairy

> Industry still in effect 'regulates' what vegetarians and vegans think

> we should consume and so 'alternative' culture provides non-dairy

> versions of certain things - which often are found wanting.


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Milk can cause stuffy sinuses? I bet that's why I've always been so stuffy. I

always thought it was allergies to pollen and dust.


HAM AND EGGS - A day's work for a chicken, a lifetime commitment for a pig.


Sant & Brown


Thursday, May 29, 2003 6:42 AM

Re:soy milk



Me too. Soy milk also is easier on the sinuses, although to be truthful

we rarely use either milk or soymilk - I guess we just got outta the

habit ;=)


But I wanted to ask about your kitten - our cat loves tofu, but I

haven't tried him on soymilk - I wonder . . . He eats a carnivore's diet

(kibble only - he *hates* wet/canned catfood, regardless of brand). Have

you been able to put your kitten/cat on a veggie diet?


Best, Pat






* " He who is cruel to animals becomes hard also in his dealings with

men. We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals. " -

Immanuel Kant


* " I am in favour of animal rights as well as human rights. That is the

way of a whole human being. " - Abraham Lincoln


* " There are too many idiots in this world. And having said it, I have

the burden of proving it. "

- Franz Fanon





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My " allergies " to pollen, etc. all but went away when I stopped

consuming dairy..........I *rarely* have any problems with it.......I

sneeze only a few times a year......really!




On 29 May 2003 at 22:51, ~Janice Macak~ wrote:


> Milk can cause stuffy sinuses? I bet that's why I've always been so

> stuffy. I always thought it was allergies to pollen and dust. ~Janice~

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Sant & Brown <santbrown@l...> wrote:

> *LOL* I don't want to seem to be picking an argument or criticizing or

> anything, but why oh why is it that, apart from

> conditioning/indoctrination, we feel we must drink milk at all -

> including 'soy' milk??? There are other things to drink out there,


> as good clean water or mineral water, fruit juice of many kinds,


> teas, not to mention tea and coffee and beer and wine ;=)


I don't know about anyone else, but I drink milk because I love the

taste. *shrug* I'd rather have an ice cold glass of milk than just

about any other beverage I can think of. I don't drink coffee (hate the

taste) and rarely drink tea (even the " soothing " ones jazz me right up),

but steamed milk is my beverage of choice when I want something hot and

soothing. Again, this is simply because I love how it tastes,

especially with just a dash of almond syrup in it. I drink a lot of

water as well, and a couple of glasses of juice every day. I drink soft

drinks, but don't really drink alcoholic beverages, other than maybe 2

or 3 glasses of wine /year with dinner. When I run out of milk (often)

I really miss it.


As for why I've tried replacing it, it's simply because I've read

reports that indicate that it may not be the best thing out there for me

to drink. So, I don't want to miss the taste, but if I can have what I

crave while minimizing the health risks, then I'm all for trying.


> To answer your query about soy milk being too rich, however *LOL* Can

> you get the *lite* soymilk where you are?


I've never noticed it (and if I did I probably thought it meant calorie

reduced or something like that, not thinner), but I'm sure if it's out

there I can get it. That's one significant benefit of living in the NYC

metro area. :-) I'll check the aisles next time I'm shopping.


Thanks for the suggestions





If you think sex is a pain in the ass, try different position.







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Why milk? Same reason why soymilk, by cereal or glass, both are delicious.

Even my picky, picky children will happily consume a glass of frosty soymilk,

and they don't even drink milk by the glass. (One battle down, 9,999,999,999 to






Sant & Brown <santbrown wrote:

*LOL* I don't want to seem to be picking an argument or criticizing or

anything, but why oh why is it that, apart from

conditioning/indoctrination, we feel we must drink milk at all -

including 'soy' milk??? There are other things to drink out there, such

as good clean water or mineral water, fruit juice of many kinds, herbal

teas, not to mention tea and coffee and beer and wine ;=) Although I

still call myself ovo-lacto vegetarian (cuz I can't quite call myself

vegan), I was ovo-lacto veg for ages and ages but *never* drank milk.

Used it in cooking? Yes, occasionally. But not as a beverage. Of course,

we don't use packaged breakfast cereal either, so don't 'need' it to

make that edible. But I know people who put apple juice on cereal anyway ;=)


To answer your query about soy milk being too rich, however *LOL* Can

you get the *lite* soymilk where you are? It's much less cloying - and

over ice it might just work. Otherwise, add filtered water to it to make

it less rich - find a ratio that works for you ;=)


I find it interesting - without meaning to denigrate anyone's attempts

at finding vegan substitutes for carnivore foods - that the Dairy

Industry still in effect 'regulates' what vegetarians and vegans think

we should consume and so 'alternative' culture provides non-dairy

versions of certain things - which often are found wanting.






> I " ve been drinking skim milk for most of my life, and when I tried to

> switch to soy milk I found it incredibly rich and thick - so much so

> that I couldn't stomach it. Any suggestions about how to get around

> this? Was it something you noticed when switching? Or maybe I'm just

> weird - I actually drink skim milk over ice, which makes most people ill

> to even think about. LOL








* " He who is cruel to animals becomes hard also in his dealings with

men. We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals. " -

Immanuel Kant


* " I am in favour of animal rights as well as human rights. That is the

way of a whole human being. " - Abraham Lincoln


* " There are too many idiots in this world. And having said it, I have

the burden of proving it. "

- Franz Fanon






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I haven't had any dairy in a few days. Hopefully the stuffy nose will clear up.


HAM AND EGGS - A day's work for a chicken, a lifetime commitment for a pig.




Thursday, May 29, 2003 11:10 PM

Re: Re:soy milk



My " allergies " to pollen, etc. all but went away when I stopped

consuming dairy..........I *rarely* have any problems with it.......I

sneeze only a few times a year......really!




On 29 May 2003 at 22:51, ~Janice Macak~ wrote:


> Milk can cause stuffy sinuses? I bet that's why I've always been so

> stuffy. I always thought it was allergies to pollen and dust. ~Janice~



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No, if your kids are ADD you have more then that many battles to go.


HAM AND EGGS - A day's work for a chicken, a lifetime commitment for a pig.


Raven Peters


Friday, May 30, 2003 4:14 AM

Re: Re: Soy Milk



Why milk? Same reason why soymilk, by cereal or glass, both are delicious.

Even my picky, picky children will happily consume a glass of frosty soymilk,

and they don't even drink milk by the glass. (One battle down, 9,999,999,999 to






Sant & Brown <santbrown wrote:

*LOL* I don't want to seem to be picking an argument or criticizing or

anything, but why oh why is it that, apart from

conditioning/indoctrination, we feel we must drink milk at all -

including 'soy' milk??? There are other things to drink out there, such

as good clean water or mineral water, fruit juice of many kinds, herbal

teas, not to mention tea and coffee and beer and wine ;=) Although I

still call myself ovo-lacto vegetarian (cuz I can't quite call myself

vegan), I was ovo-lacto veg for ages and ages but *never* drank milk.

Used it in cooking? Yes, occasionally. But not as a beverage. Of course,

we don't use packaged breakfast cereal either, so don't 'need' it to

make that edible. But I know people who put apple juice on cereal anyway ;=)


To answer your query about soy milk being too rich, however *LOL* Can

you get the *lite* soymilk where you are? It's much less cloying - and

over ice it might just work. Otherwise, add filtered water to it to make

it less rich - find a ratio that works for you ;=)


I find it interesting - without meaning to denigrate anyone's attempts

at finding vegan substitutes for carnivore foods - that the Dairy

Industry still in effect 'regulates' what vegetarians and vegans think

we should consume and so 'alternative' culture provides non-dairy

versions of certain things - which often are found wanting.






> I " ve been drinking skim milk for most of my life, and when I tried to

> switch to soy milk I found it incredibly rich and thick - so much so

> that I couldn't stomach it. Any suggestions about how to get around

> this? Was it something you noticed when switching? Or maybe I'm just

> weird - I actually drink skim milk over ice, which makes most people ill

> to even think about. LOL








* " He who is cruel to animals becomes hard also in his dealings with

men. We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals. " -

Immanuel Kant


* " I am in favour of animal rights as well as human rights. That is the

way of a whole human being. " - Abraham Lincoln


* " There are too many idiots in this world. And having said it, I have

the burden of proving it. "

- Franz Fanon






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> so, what do you suggest for cooking? certainly not coffee, tea, or

> beer!


> Of course, all of those *can* be used in cooking, but not in recipies

> calling for milk.


Well, yes, of course soymilk in cooking ;=) - that's what I wrote:


> Used it in cooking? Yes, occasionally. But not as a beverage.


Sorry, I thought that was clear :=( Perhaps there is confusion here over

'drinking' milk - as a beverage, as a drink out of a mug or a glass - as

opposed to using it or its substitute soymilk in cooking? I meant what I

said, I was not really *not* trying to be difficult - nor was I asking

to be made ridiculous.


My point, if it has not been lost by now, is that soooo many people were

brought up to drink milk - real milk from cows or goats - way past the

time when they needed it for health. So you see grown-up people ordering

a sandwich, say, and a glass of milk in a cafe. (Fair enough if they

like it. It's probably better than most softdrinks.) The dairy lobby has

also encouraged us to put a lot of dairy in our day to day cooking - and

so in making a vegan recipe we substitute soy. If, however, you look

away from the North American diet to, say, the Asian diet - and there

are others, of course - you won't find a preponderance of milk dishes.

In some there is yoghurt, of course (many Indian meals contain yoghurt),

but there is generally less reliance on milk in other parts of the world.


As a corollary to this, I find myself that it is more enjoyable to look

for recipes *without* meat or meat substitutes and *without* dairy

substitutes than to adapt a recipe. I am a successful adapter, but it is

unnecessary. That way I never have to make the comparison between a

vegetarian or vegan meal and 'the real thing' - and my guests get to

enjoy the meals cooked in this household for what they are rather for

what they are not.


Btw, beer is *great* in chilli - but never milk, of course *LOL*










* " He who is cruel to animals becomes hard also in his dealings with

men. We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals. " -

Immanuel Kant


* " I am in favour of animal rights as well as human rights. That is the

way of a whole human being. " - Abraham Lincoln


* " There are too many idiots in this world. And having said it, I have

the burden of proving it. "

- Franz Fanon


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Yup, this is me, too [except, trying to minimize animal harm as

well, for me]. I have really enjoyed the Pacific brand Almond milk.

and since you already like almond syrup in your milk, it may seem

familiar to you [?].


On 30 May 2003 at 2:23, Sherri wrote:

> As for why I've tried replacing it, it's simply because I've read

> reports that indicate that it may not be the best thing out there for

> me to drink. So, I don't want to miss the taste, but if I can have

> what I crave while minimizing the health risks, then I'm all for

> trying.


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I always liked the taste of milk too. The reason I switched to skin milk is

because of all the calories in 2 %. I like the taste in the skim better though.

But I'm not going to drink it anymore. I just found a brand of soy milk called

Sun Soy. I like it. I think I'm going to try the chocolate today. It's got the

D2 vitamin in it to. I just checked.




Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves,

for they shall never cease to be amused.





Friday, May 30, 2003 11:28 AM

Re: Re: Soy milk



Yup, this is me, too [except, trying to minimize animal harm as

well, for me]. I have really enjoyed the Pacific brand Almond milk.

and since you already like almond syrup in your milk, it may seem

familiar to you [?].


On 30 May 2003 at 2:23, Sherri wrote:

> As for why I've tried replacing it, it's simply because I've read

> reports that indicate that it may not be the best thing out there for

> me to drink. So, I don't want to miss the taste, but if I can have

> what I crave while minimizing the health risks, then I'm all for

> trying.






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I drink it because water is not good on cereal :)





Sant & Brown <santbrown@l...> wrote:

> *LOL* I don't want to seem to be picking an argument or criticizing


> anything, but why oh why is it that, apart from

> conditioning/indoctrination, we feel we must drink milk at all -

> including 'soy' milk??? There are other things to drink out there,


> as good clean water or mineral water, fruit juice of many kinds,


> teas, not to mention tea and coffee and beer and wine ;=)

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Milk also thickens nasal secretions. I'm the opposite, so I drink it

when my allergies act up :)





, " ~Janice Macak~ "

<serenity1@m...> wrote:

> Milk can cause stuffy sinuses? I bet that's why I've always been

so stuffy. I always thought it was allergies to pollen and dust.

> ~Janice~

> HAM AND EGGS - A day's work for a chicken, a lifetime commitment

for a pig.

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> But I wanted to ask about your kitten - our cat loves tofu, but I

> haven't tried him on soymilk - I wonder . . . He eats a carnivore's

> diet (kibble only - he *hates* wet/canned catfood, regardless of

> brand). Have you been able to put your kitten/cat on a veggie diet?


Right now I have a mental image of two very-confused kittens staring

at a plate of creamed spinach :)


Actually, they get mostly kibble and water. Boris has a weight

problem, but I let Josie try a taste of things now and then. I wonder

if she'd like tofu.



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Laurie <laitaina wrote:


> But I wanted to ask about your kitten - our cat loves tofu, but I

> haven't tried him on soymilk - I wonder . . . He eats a carnivore's

> diet (kibble only - he *hates* wet/canned catfood, regardless of

> brand). Have you been able to put your kitten/cat on a veggie diet?


Right now I have a mental image of two very-confused kittens staring

at a plate of creamed spinach :)


Actually, they get mostly kibble and water. Boris has a weight

problem, but I let Josie try a taste of things now and then. I wonder

if she'd like tofu.




My very carnivorish 20lb mini-panther WILL westle me to the ground for a leaf of

fresh spinach. I am afraid to give him to much due to the oxylic (sp) acids in

it, but figure a leaf or two won't hurt.








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~Janice Macak~ <serenity1 wrote:

I haven't had any dairy in a few days. Hopefully the stuffy nose will clear up.


HAM AND EGGS - A day's work for a chicken, a lifetime commitment for a pig.




Thursday, May 29, 2003 11:10 PM

Re: Re:soy milk



My " allergies " to pollen, etc. all but went away when I stopped

consuming dairy..........I *rarely* have any problems with it.......I

sneeze only a few times a year......really!




On 29 May 2003 at 22:51, ~Janice Macak~ wrote:


> Milk can cause stuffy sinuses? I bet that's why I've always been so

> stuffy. I always thought it was allergies to pollen and dust. ~Janice~




I suffer from horrible allergies. Did a year of allergy shots to help. Four

shots a week and I am terrified of needles. It did help, somewhat. When they

did the test to find out what I am allergic to, it came up everything that

grows, pollinates, hangs out in moist environments, has furr, you know, life.

ACK! My doctor said get rid of cats, dogs, carpets, excess surfaces, anything

that attracts dust. (There's my big chance to get rid of the kids-but I let it

get away).


I have noticed that when I take away the dairy, the allergies lighten up. But

cheese is one of the few protein sources I can sneak in my children, I have to

drive an hour to find decent, affordable soymilk and I LIKE ICE CREAM!!!! Whine

whine whine


So I sniffle. <Sniff>








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I got some of the chocolate Sun Soy. It taste great!!




Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves,

for they shall never cease to be amused.



~Janice Macak~


Friday, May 30, 2003 12:29 PM

Re: Re: Soy milk



I always liked the taste of milk too. The reason I switched to skin milk is

because of all the calories in 2 %. I like the taste in the skim better though.

But I'm not going to drink it anymore. I just found a brand of soy milk called

Sun Soy. I like it. I think I'm going to try the chocolate today. It's got the

D2 vitamin in it to. I just checked.




Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves,

for they shall never cease to be amused.





Friday, May 30, 2003 11:28 AM

Re: Re: Soy milk



Yup, this is me, too [except, trying to minimize animal harm as

well, for me]. I have really enjoyed the Pacific brand Almond milk.

and since you already like almond syrup in your milk, it may seem

familiar to you [?].


On 30 May 2003 at 2:23, Sherri wrote:

> As for why I've tried replacing it, it's simply because I've read

> reports that indicate that it may not be the best thing out there for

> me to drink. So, I don't want to miss the taste, but if I can have

> what I crave while minimizing the health risks, then I'm all for

> trying.






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I drink it because it taste great. Especially the chocolate!!




Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves,

for they shall never cease to be amused.





Friday, May 30, 2003 1:52 PM

Re: Soy milk



I drink it because water is not good on cereal :)





Sant & Brown <santbrown@l...> wrote:

> *LOL* I don't want to seem to be picking an argument or criticizing


> anything, but why oh why is it that, apart from

> conditioning/indoctrination, we feel we must drink milk at all -

> including 'soy' milk??? There are other things to drink out there,


> as good clean water or mineral water, fruit juice of many kinds,


> teas, not to mention tea and coffee and beer and wine ;=)



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When I first read your post I thought you said 201 lb. mini panther!! LOL




Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves,

for they shall never cease to be amused.



Raven Peters


Friday, May 30, 2003 6:48 PM

Re: Re: soy milk





Laurie <laitaina wrote:


> But I wanted to ask about your kitten - our cat loves tofu, but I

> haven't tried him on soymilk - I wonder . . . He eats a carnivore's

> diet (kibble only - he *hates* wet/canned catfood, regardless of

> brand). Have you been able to put your kitten/cat on a veggie diet?


Right now I have a mental image of two very-confused kittens staring

at a plate of creamed spinach :)


Actually, they get mostly kibble and water. Boris has a weight

problem, but I let Josie try a taste of things now and then. I wonder

if she'd like tofu.




My very carnivorish 20lb mini-panther WILL westle me to the ground for a leaf of

fresh spinach. I am afraid to give him to much due to the oxylic (sp) acids in

it, but figure a leaf or two won't hurt.








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No- but I notice I did type westle... Some days I really need a warning

sticker. You know " Warning! Not operating at full capacity. Please treat

kindly and stuff with chocolate... "


The cat is really a mostly siamese beasty with delusions of grandeur. But quite

meaty-at least WE like to think so. Others look at him and make comments such

as " My, your pets don't starve, do they? " and then my 10 year old, round-ish

cattle dog waddles past. I know, I know, don't lecture. The way I look at it,

they were pound beasties. If it weren't for me, they'd ALL've been dead years

ago. So, poor quality pet food and overweight issues and all, they've had it

pretty darn good. Actually, only the dog is really overweight, and that is

because her arthritis makes it hard to exercise her properly. That's my story

and I'm sticking to it.


BTW- the cat loves bread. Go figure.


One another tangent- why, oh why don't my cute little emoticons show up in the

email I get back after my message goes out into the group? Do others see them?

I see them on my other groups? Is there an emoticon miser out there, stealing

my little smiley faces? If so, I want them back!


~Janice Macak~ <serenity1 wrote:

When I first read your post I thought you said 201 lb. mini panther!! LOL




Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves,

for they shall never cease to be amused.



Raven Peters


Friday, May 30, 2003 6:48 PM

Re: Re: soy milk





Laurie <laitaina wrote:


> But I wanted to ask about your kitten - our cat loves tofu, but I

> haven't tried him on soymilk - I wonder . . . He eats a carnivore's

> diet (kibble only - he *hates* wet/canned catfood, regardless of

> brand). Have you been able to put your kitten/cat on a veggie diet?


Right now I have a mental image of two very-confused kittens staring

at a plate of creamed spinach :)


Actually, they get mostly kibble and water. Boris has a weight

problem, but I let Josie try a taste of things now and then. I wonder

if she'd like tofu.




My very carnivorish 20lb mini-panther WILL westle me to the ground for a leaf of

fresh spinach. I am afraid to give him to much due to the oxylic (sp) acids in

it, but figure a leaf or two won't hurt.








Free online calendar with sync to Outlook.



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> I drink it because water is not good on cereal :)


*LOL* Right! Well, again, it's a matter of my being a poor communicator

- when I say 'drink' I mean, as I said, from a glass or a mug - pouring

it onto cereal or porridge would mean I would be *eating* it, as if it

were runny custard or something on pudding, you know? It kinda counts as

cooking without the heat! ;=)










* " He who is cruel to animals becomes hard also in his dealings with

men. We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals. " -

Immanuel Kant


* " I am in favour of animal rights as well as human rights. That is the

way of a whole human being. " - Abraham Lincoln


* " There are too many idiots in this world. And having said it, I have

the burden of proving it. "

- Franz Fanon


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