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Hi, my name is Chila. Could you let me know more about your progress and what is

working for you in losing weight. I want to lose my extra unwanted kilos. It's

great to hear about your success.



Rhoda Jayne <Rhoda.Jayne wrote:

Hi, my name is Rhoda & I began changing my way of eating 2 weeks ago.


need to lose weight & decided to give up meat & dairy. I've bought 5

cookbooks, 3 vegan & 2 Moosewood vegetarian ones. I'm still reading &

shopping to stock my kitchen. So far I've lost 8 pounds & it hasn't been


A group of us have started our own " The biggest Loser " competition at work

& everyone is doing a different type plan. I think I've found the best

tasting one,lol! I'm on a mission to find tofutti products!


Rhoda Jayne



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Good day dear,

To loose weight, in the morning take 2 spoonful of honey in a half cup of luke

warm water and drink ------do it daily.

love , take care .





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  • 2 months later...

Welcome Karen!


I recently made the switch to the vegetarian lifestyle about a month

ago and I feel GREAT! I never realized the difference it would make. I

made the change for health reasons, but I have found it very easy. I

live with my SO who eats meat and he has been very helpful and

understanding. There are tons of great recipes on here and lots of

wonderful information. Congrats.



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Welcome to the garden of earthly delights! It's funny how once many carnivores

discover how much more variety there is as a veggie, they are hooked for life.

You'll love the group! Jeanne in GA


tifflawver <tifflawver wrote: Hi Everyone,


After a recent discussion on another group about eating as a

vegetarian, I decided to join this group to learn more about it. My

family does currently eat meat, but not very much, so it would be easy

to adjust to a vegetarian way of life..So, I am here to learn.












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Thanks Catherine,

I look forward to learning..I think it will be easy for me too.



Catherine <eraser426 wrote: Welcome



I recently made the switch to the vegetarian lifestyle about a month

ago and I feel GREAT! I never realized the difference it would make. I

made the change for health reasons, but I have found it very easy. I

live with my SO who eats meat and he has been very helpful and

understanding. There are tons of great recipes on here and lots of

wonderful information. Congrats.













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I am a new member here. I was raised a vegetarian and continue to be so

except during my college year through peer pressure I tasted meat which I

found quite distasteful. I do not wish to boast but I do have a good health

which perhaps may be due to my vegetarian habit. Though this group is not an

animal rights one, to me when I see people eating chicken or beef I think of

the animals killed and the pain and suffering they have. I also understand

that in order to put a pound of beef in your plate the resources needed far

exceed a pound of vegetables. I will continue with only vegetarian diet till

my end I sincerely hope.



Karen Lawver

Tuesday, November 06, 2007 7:48 AM

Re: Re: New to group



Thanks Catherine,

I look forward to learning..I think it will be easy for me too.



Catherine <eraser426 wrote:

Welcome Karen!


I recently made the switch to the vegetarian lifestyle about a month

ago and I feel GREAT! I never realized the difference it would make. I

made the change for health reasons, but I have found it very easy. I

live with my SO who eats meat and he has been very helpful and

understanding. There are tons of great recipes on here and lots of

wonderful information. Congrats.









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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Holly!


I became a vegetarian just over a month ago and I will tell you that I

feel great! I had been eating meat all my life so it was strange for

me at fist too. I live with someone who still eats meat, and that's

been difficult because I do all the cooking (I like to cook). It has

been a lot easier than I thought it would be though. I also started

for health reasons and I've lost weight already and I feel better

physically. I was really only tempted to eat meat once after I

stopped, I'm still eating things I enjoy so I've really not missed

meat. Good luck, it is so worth it.



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This group has been a blessing with all of its wonderfully, delicious recipes.

I had been vegetarian years ago and DH and I recently made the switch back. I

thought I would have to buy some more cookbooks . . . these great members pass

on so many tried and true recipes I have not needed a new cookbook! I have so

many in waiting to prepare with new ones coming in every day. So, please check

the recipe files and I know you will find some your DH will enjoy just as much

as a meat dish.




Holly DeVrou <devrouh wrote: Hello All!


My name is Holly and I am new to this group. I am in the process of

becoming a vegetarian for health and ethical reasons, after having

eaten meat for 21 years. I was hoping I could get support,

suggestions, and good food recipes that I can convince my fiance to

eat! Does anyone out there have suggestions for becoming a veggie

after having eaten meat all their life? I am committed but I also know

I will have some temptations :) Any advice would be wonderful! Thanks











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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...
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Hi, Lynda,


Welcome. This is my life. I was vegan when I met my husband, who will not

eat a vegetable under penalty of death. Therefore, I cook two meals. We go

to restaurants where we both have at least one choice and hopefully more.

(I am usually the limited one.) Once you get into the routine, it is second

nature. The turkey is in the oven, the tofu turkey is ready to go in the

oven. The potatoes are boiling in the pot. The turkey comes out to rest.

The tofu turkey goes in to brown. A green vegetable goes on to steam. A

turkey, a tofu turkey, a green vegetable and potatoes arrive on the table

together. In the beginning, it takes planning, but once you get the rhythm,

it all falls into place with a glitch every now and then.





On Behalf Of Lynda

Sunday, March 02, 2008 10:35 AM

New to group



Hi: I just joined the group. I've been eating a vegetarian diet for about

2 months now. I find

it easy enough for me, however, my husband is not vegetarian so I still

need to prepare

meals for him. I find that challenging - different meals for both of us.

Do any of you deal

with that as well.


I know there are all different types of vegetarians. I hope I don't offend

anyone by saying

that I'm still figuring out where I fit in this. I made the decision out

of compassion for

animals and for health reasons. However, I can't say that I'm " militant "

about my decision. If

there is no vegetarian choice, I will occasionally consume chicken or

fish. I know that to

some that means I'm not vegetarian at all, but it's the best I can do at

this point. I figure that

by eating vegetarian 90-95% of the time, I'm impacting the earth and it's

treatment of

animals to some extent. Maybe I'll move further into this with time. I'm

not sure.


Anyway, I've joined the group for ideas, recipes, advice, etc. Glad to be

here and I'm looking

forward to meeting you.










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I agree that you are making a difference by eating vegeatrian 90% of

the time, thats great! It does matter to do what you can, and you

have to do what is right for you. I also have a husband who is not

vegetarian although he says that he almost is that he rarely eats

meat. That is only because I do not cook it for him, he will eat it

out and about, though he very often makes vegetarian choices as well.

I guess I am lucky he eats what ever I give him and he likes it. My

advice is to try serving him many different vegetarian meals and find

some that he likes so you do not have to make so many double meals.

You can also serve him whatever you are eating plus a " side " of

whatever meat item he requires. For example last night we had

spagetti and I had mine with a boca patty topped with sauce while my

husband had some frozen meatballs he had bought as he occassionally

buys . Lots of good recipes here to try out, good luck!





, " Lynda " <ldtoner wrote:


> Hi: I just joined the group. I've been eating a vegetarian diet

for about 2 months now. I find

> it easy enough for me, however, my husband is not vegetarian so I

still need to prepare

> meals for him. I find that challenging - different meals for both

of us. Do any of you deal

> with that as well.


> I know there are all different types of vegetarians. I hope I

don't offend anyone by saying

> that I'm still figuring out where I fit in this. I made the

decision out of compassion for

> animals and for health reasons. However, I can't say that

I'm " militant " about my decision. If

> there is no vegetarian choice, I will occasionally consume chicken

or fish. I know that to

> some that means I'm not vegetarian at all, but it's the best I can

do at this point. I figure that

> by eating vegetarian 90-95% of the time, I'm impacting the earth

and it's treatment of

> animals to some extent. Maybe I'll move further into this with

time. I'm not sure.


> Anyway, I've joined the group for ideas, recipes, advice, etc.

Glad to be here and I'm looking

> forward to meeting you.


> Lynda


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Hi Lynda,


My situation is similar to Jo-Ann's. I was vegetarian when I met my husband

whose passion is power lifting. He thought he needed LOTS of meat. He

grew to like what I was eating better than his own meals. After 23 years

of marriage he is almost a vegetarian. He would be the first to admit that

people do not need all that meat. The key to getting a spouse to eat

vegetables is to only make enough for yourself. People want what they

can't have!



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Hi Lynda,


My husband is not a veggie. He likes the vegetarian casseroles I've

tried from this group (except when they are too twig and nut for him

LOL). He liked the chili relleno casserole a lot - the one with the

masa crust. We also have several standards that we do as blended

meals. When I make spaghetti, he likes the TVP in marinara sauce but

sometimes he has meatballs he adds to his dish. For stir fry I do

separate pots of noodles because he likes to put the meat in with his

noodles and have the stir-fried veggies as a side dish while I put the

veggies on top my noodles as my entree. He likes TVP tacos but for

burritos, he will usually cook some meat on the side. Sometimes on

the weekend he will do a roast or similar thing and that makes it easy

for him to have meat on the side during the rest of the week's meals.

Last week I made a big pot of chili and he just added meat to his



Sometimes I ask him to make a meat filling he would like and I make a

veggie filling and then we make piroshki to freeze and have on hand.


Last month he was on a chicken soup kick and would make 2 pots, a

veggie version for me right alongside his meat one. Cooking slightly

different versions of the same thing seems for us to be the easiest

way to have blended meals rather than cooking 2 whole separate meals.

Chopping veggies for soup or whatever, all it means is you have to

chop a little extra and spend a little time on a veggie broth.


Sit down together and make a short list of your favorite meals and

then see how you can split the cooking process to get a veggie version

and a meat version. As you start adding in new recipes from the group

you may find things you both like or more recipes that can be easily



Also, there's a folder called Menu Ideas in the recipe files. Great

ideas posted by members!


Don't worry about labels for this or that kind of vegetarian -- eat

healthy for you and the earth and you will make a difference. :)









, " Lynda " <ldtoner wrote:


> Hi: I just joined the group. I've been eating a vegetarian diet

for about 2 months now. I find

> it easy enough for me, however, my husband is not vegetarian so I

still need to prepare

> meals for him. I find that challenging - different meals for both

of us. Do any of you deal

> with that as well.


> I know there are all different types of vegetarians. I hope I don't

offend anyone by saying

> that I'm still figuring out where I fit in this. I made the

decision out of compassion for

> animals and for health reasons. However, I can't say that I'm

" militant " about my decision. If

> there is no vegetarian choice, I will occasionally consume chicken

or fish. I know that to

> some that means I'm not vegetarian at all, but it's the best I can

do at this point. I figure that

> by eating vegetarian 90-95% of the time, I'm impacting the earth and

it's treatment of

> animals to some extent. Maybe I'll move further into this with

time. I'm not sure.


> Anyway, I've joined the group for ideas, recipes, advice, etc. Glad

to be here and I'm looking

> forward to meeting you.


> Lynda


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Thank you, Diane, for your warm welcome and good

advice. Fortunately, my husband is very willing to

try new things so he is at least tasting the things I

make, and he doesn't mind eating a totally vegetarian

meal a couple times a week. That helps.


I haven't tried TVP yet. There are a lot of new

things for me to try, I'm learning. I've been on and

off-line all day today checking out recipes. Lots of

them look great. I'm making a grocery list now! :-)


Thanks again,



--- strayfeather1 <otherbox2001 wrote:


> Hi Lynda,


> My husband is not a veggie. He likes the vegetarian

> casseroles I've

> tried from this group (except when they are too twig

> and nut for him

> LOL). He liked the chili relleno casserole a lot -

> the one with the

> masa crust. We also have several standards that we

> do as blended

> meals. When I make spaghetti, he likes the TVP in

> marinara sauce but

> sometimes he has meatballs he adds to his dish. For

> stir fry I do

> separate pots of noodles because he likes to put the

> meat in with his

> noodles and have the stir-fried veggies as a side

> dish while I put the

> veggies on top my noodles as my entree. He likes

> TVP tacos but for

> burritos, he will usually cook some meat on the

> side. Sometimes on

> the weekend he will do a roast or similar thing and

> that makes it easy

> for him to have meat on the side during the rest of

> the week's meals.

> Last week I made a big pot of chili and he just

> added meat to his

> portions.


> Sometimes I ask him to make a meat filling he would

> like and I make a

> veggie filling and then we make piroshki to freeze

> and have on hand.


> Last month he was on a chicken soup kick and would

> make 2 pots, a

> veggie version for me right alongside his meat one.

> Cooking slightly

> different versions of the same thing seems for us to

> be the easiest

> way to have blended meals rather than cooking 2

> whole separate meals.

> Chopping veggies for soup or whatever, all it means

> is you have to

> chop a little extra and spend a little time on a

> veggie broth.


> Sit down together and make a short list of your

> favorite meals and

> then see how you can split the cooking process to

> get a veggie version

> and a meat version. As you start adding in new

> recipes from the group

> you may find things you both like or more recipes

> that can be easily

> blended.


> Also, there's a folder called Menu Ideas in the

> recipe files. Great

> ideas posted by members!


> Don't worry about labels for this or that kind of

> vegetarian -- eat

> healthy for you and the earth and you will make a

> difference. :)


> hth,

> Peace,

> Diane





> , " Lynda "

> <ldtoner wrote:

> >

> > Hi: I just joined the group. I've been eating a

> vegetarian diet

> for about 2 months now. I find

> > it easy enough for me, however, my husband is not

> vegetarian so I

> still need to prepare

> > meals for him. I find that challenging -

> different meals for both

> of us. Do any of you deal

> > with that as well.

> >

> > I know there are all different types of

> vegetarians. I hope I don't

> offend anyone by saying

> > that I'm still figuring out where I fit in this.

> I made the

> decision out of compassion for

> > animals and for health reasons. However, I can't

> say that I'm

> " militant " about my decision. If

> > there is no vegetarian choice, I will occasionally

> consume chicken

> or fish. I know that to

> > some that means I'm not vegetarian at all, but

> it's the best I can

> do at this point. I figure that

> > by eating vegetarian 90-95% of the time, I'm

> impacting the earth and

> it's treatment of

> > animals to some extent. Maybe I'll move further

> into this with

> time. I'm not sure.

> >

> > Anyway, I've joined the group for ideas, recipes,

> advice, etc. Glad

> to be here and I'm looking

> > forward to meeting you.

> >

> > Lynda

> >









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I made it clear to my husband that I will no longer purchase nor cook with

meat/animal products. I occasionally will use dairy, and just recently

purchased an egg replacer (haven't tried it yet).

He was open to trying it, and using soy crumbles to start him with was an

excellent idea, if I do say so myself :) I use them in pasta sauce and tacos or

mexican lasagne/taco pie. We have found that tofu is a good chicken replacer,

but only if cooked on the outsides and with a good sauce/seasoning.

I am sure you will find some great recipes for both of your tastes. Plus, your

husband can throw a piece of chicken on the grill and add it to pretty much

anything you are eating.

Eating out is the most difficult for me, as well. I am actually having the side

salad for my dinner with a side of veggies. Carrabbas has the best zucchini as

a side dish, and it is a nice sized portion with the salad.


Best of luck,


Lynda <ldtoner wrote: Hi: I just

joined the group. I've been eating a vegetarian diet for about 2 months now. I


it easy enough for me, however, my husband is not vegetarian so I still need to


meals for him. I find that challenging - different meals for both of us. Do

any of you deal

with that as well.


I know there are all different types of vegetarians. I hope I don't offend

anyone by saying

that I'm still figuring out where I fit in this. I made the decision out of

compassion for

animals and for health reasons. However, I can't say that I'm " militant " about

my decision. If

there is no vegetarian choice, I will occasionally consume chicken or fish. I

know that to

some that means I'm not vegetarian at all, but it's the best I can do at this

point. I figure that

by eating vegetarian 90-95% of the time, I'm impacting the earth and it's

treatment of

animals to some extent. Maybe I'll move further into this with time. I'm not



Anyway, I've joined the group for ideas, recipes, advice, etc. Glad to be here

and I'm looking

forward to meeting you.












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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Welcome! There are a TON of great recipes in the files:


I've only been here a couple of months and I'm STILL poking around

the recipes there! I'm transitioning myself as well.


I like to borrow cookbooks from the library first before I buy them,

often there aren't enough recipes in them that I like so it would be

a waste of money. I'm sure you can find a ton of recipes here to get

you started!


I hear about the protein issue as well, but as others have said here,

there's protein in a lot of foods. I've tried mycoprotein (quorn is

the brand name), it's in the frozen foods section, even in my regular

grocery store!, tofu (try baking it, or if you want buy it already

that way first, or freezing then defrosting gives it a more chewy

texture, I recently made " tofuna " out of it), tempeh is an acquired

taste for some, I like it. Quinoa (grain) has a lot of protein as

well as lentils (I like lentil burgers or loaf, also as sloppy joes

in a tomato sauce). And I just picked up some seitan today to try!



" wiccanbewitched " <wiccanbewitched wrote:

I was wondering if you had any suggestions for a " newbie " ; good

cookbooks, best way to make the transition, etc? My friends are all

telling me that I will get way to many carbs and not enough protein

so I would like to be able to respond to them in an educated manner.

Thanks in advance for your advice.

> Blessings,


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Hi and welcome!

I also have trouble getting protein as a vegetarian. I order some of my food

from veggiebrothers.com. It's an awesome site with " meat " dishes that taste just

like the real thing. they ship all over and it may be a good way to begin your






wiccanbewitched <wiccanbewitched


Wednesday, March 12, 2008 12:20:19 PM

new to group


Hi, I just came across this group last night while doing a

search. For

health and a few other reasons I would like to make the transition to a

vegetarian lifestyle. I was wondering if you had any suggestions for

a " newbie " ; good cookbooks, best way to make the transition, etc? My

friends are all telling me that I will get way to many carbs and not

enough protein so I would like to be able to respond to them in an

educated manner. Thanks in advance for your advice.














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Bless your heart, Kelly......you are some kind of momma to undertake

something else new in your life. You will be so happy that you did and

I congratulate being such a smart lady. I know you must be so busy.

Our files are loaded with good recipes. So you have come to the right

place. Take a deep breath.....and enjoy these baby and little child

years for they will be gone before you know it. My 7 babies are

42, 40, 34, 31, 24, 19, and 18. I love children....they are the most

honest among us. You are SO lucky! If I can help you in anyway...

be sure to email me privately....nancihank.


Oh, I also have 11 grandchildren....ages 20 years to 1 year with

two on the way.....the more the merrier!!

Nancy C.

East Texas



Hi there,

I am a new member. I am a mother to 4 children ages 5, 6 and 9 month

twins. My husband is a meat eater as I was until recently. I am not

vegan, but am cutting meat from my diet. I look forward to learning

and sharing great ideas and recipies with you!








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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi Sandy, I am in the UK too, in Liverpool, and you might think things were

a bit more “enlightened” here but not so, I am still the “token crank” at

work and know no other vegetarians perosnally , so I do empathise. I still

get the stupid comments that we have all heard 100 times “God made animals

to eat”, “if we didn’t breed cows to eat, they would not have a life, that

is what they are there for”, “tomatoes scream when they are eaten”, “animals

have no feelings” etc etc etc. The omnivores that say these things always

think they are being original, and amusing, but they are not.


I am sure you will find plenty of inspiration here, and although I live with

family, one is an omnivore, one a pescatarian, so I am the only strict

veggie, so I usually scale down recipes, or freeze part of them – or use the

leftovers as lunch at work the next day, add something new to it for the

next evening’s meal or whatever.


Two things I really really recommend from here are Yellow Submarine Soup and

Chef Elle’s Salsa soup, both absolutely amazing, and the recipes will be in

the files.









On Behalf Of Sandy MacDonald

05 April 2008 16:04


New to Group






I've joined up a few days ago and am very impressed with the recipes. I've

been a vegetarian for more than 12 years but I'm not much of a cook, mostly

because I live on my own and prefer to have some one to cook for. I'd love

to find recipes with quantities for one person as I really don't like

wasting food and always end up cooking far too much. I don't know many

vegetarians and it would be nice just to chat with someone and not have to

hear how good the bit of animal they had to eat last night was! I live in

the Western Isles of Scotland and and the attitude here to vegetarians is

still very ignorant as a whole. I've found it changing for the better over

the past five years but there's still plenty that can be done. Although I do

eat quite healthily there's still a lot I can do to improve my diet and I'm

really looking for some variety and worldwide recipes.



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Hi Sandy,


Where in the Western Isles are you? I've actually been to the Isles. :) I

went there in 2000. You are right that it wasn't very veg friendly but the

people were wonderful. When we were on Barra a really nice older gentleman

gave me, my husband, my mother and my aunt a private tour of Kismul castle

(just before the Scottish Heritage Society took it over). Afterwards we

asked him where we could get a good cup of tea and he said, " At my house! "

and he took us all home and made us tea and fed us cookies.


Jacqueline (from Nova Scotia, Canada)


On Sat, Apr 5, 2008 at 12:04 PM, Sandy MacDonald <smd301



> Hi,


> I've joined up a few days ago and am very impressed with the recipes. I've

> been a vegetarian for more than 12 years but I'm not much of a cook, mostly

> because I live on my own and prefer to have some one to cook for. I'd love

> to find recipes with quantities for one person as I really don't like

> wasting food and always end up cooking far too much. I don't know many

> vegetarians and it would be nice just to chat with someone and not have to

> hear how good the bit of animal they had to eat last night was! I live in

> the Western Isles of Scotland and and the attitude here to vegetarians is

> still very ignorant as a whole. I've found it changing for the better over

> the past five years but there's still plenty that can be done. Although I do

> eat quite healthily there's still a lot I can do to improve my diet and I'm

> really looking for some variety and worldwide recipes.


> Sandy.



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  • 3 months later...
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Welcome, Lise. There is another group of spicy vegetarian recipes also. I

see some of the same people there as are here. I will try to find the name of

it for you. I live in a multigenerational household and do some of the

cooking. My son-in-law is a vegan so I joined here to learn to cook things for

him. Now I have a nice collection of recipes we can ALL eat. His favorite is

the TOONA made from chick peas. I think the recipe is in the files here. YUM!



San Francisco, California







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  • 5 weeks later...

Hi Margaret,

Please enjoy the group and make sure to browse the recipe files.  We have tons

of good ones for you.





The place is really jumping to the Hiwatt amps,

'Til a 20-inch cymbal fell and cut the lamps,

In the blackout they dance right into the aisle,

And as the doors fly open even the promoter smiles.

SOURCE:  Long Live Rock - The Who


--- On Tue, 8/12/08, Margaret Thompson <btersweetsymph76 wrote:


Margaret Thompson <btersweetsymph76

new to group


Tuesday, August 12, 2008, 10:33 AM







Hi, I just joined this group and wanted to let everyone know that I'm new. I'm

32 y/o and I've been a vegetarian for about 17 years. I'm always looking for

appealing new recipes to try out and share ones I enjoy with others. Thanks!





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  • 1 year later...

Hi, I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm new to the group. My name is Justine

and I live in eastern NC. I have been vegetarian for 3 years and my son is also

vegetarian (he's 18 months old). I was excited to find this group as I am trying

to get myself and my family healthier by cooking more and learning more about

vegetarian nutrition!


I guess my first question is does anyone have any good recipe resources or

cookbooks that they use to make yummy food for their kids that they will

actually eat? Kids sure can be picky eaters, even though my son would eat

anything when it came to baby food. I have also just not been very adventurous

with cooking in the past. I'm not very good at it.


Thanks in advance for all of the support and information I'm sure I'll gain from

this group!


Justine :)

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Hi Justine and welcome! Kids go through many picky phases; how you handle them

determine whether or not they grow up to be picky eaters. It is so important

that you set a great example be eating a variety of healthy foods and encourage

your child to taste what you are eating.


Kids love to dip: fruit and yogurt, vegetables and whole grain crackers with

hummus; cooked whole wheat pasta and steamed vegetables with marinara sauce.

Make sure that he drinks water and doesn't get dehydrated. He won't starve, I










Justine <justineybean


Wed, October 21, 2009 8:02:00 AM

New to group



Hi, I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm new to the group. My name is Justine

and I live in eastern NC. I have been vegetarian for 3 years and my son is also

vegetarian (he's 18 months old). I was excited to find this group as I am trying

to get myself and my family healthier by cooking more and learning more about

vegetarian nutrition!


I guess my first question is does anyone have any good recipe resources or

cookbooks that they use to make yummy food for their kids that they will

actually eat? Kids sure can be picky eaters, even though my son would eat

anything when it came to baby food. I have also just not been very adventurous

with cooking in the past. I'm not very good at it.


Thanks in advance for all of the support and information I'm sure I'll gain from

this group!


Justine :)









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Welcome!! May I just say how happy I am at how much this group has grown since I

first joined about 1 year ago! It is a great feeling to know that we all are

out there in our communities making a small but noticable difference. Sorry it

has taken me a minute to reply to this post. My favorite cook books are any

written by Sarah Kramer and Isa Chandra Moskowitz. They both have great recipes

that are easy as well as delicious. There are many resources I take advantage

of on the web as well. They are VegWeb.com ; theppk.com ; govegan.net ;

vegetarian-fun.com ; VegNews.com and of course this group;)


As for picky eaters, just keep with it and make it an important value to try new

things, and things they think they don't like, often. I forget where I read it

but I read an interesting tid-bit of information that said we need to try

something at least 11 times before our brains can make a solid decision about

wether we like it or not.


Anyways welcome to the best group of people on the web! And good luck!






, " Justine " <justineybean wrote:


> Hi, I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm new to the group. My name is

Justine and I live in eastern NC. I have been vegetarian for 3 years and my son

is also vegetarian (he's 18 months old). I was excited to find this group as I

am trying to get myself and my family healthier by cooking more and learning

more about vegetarian nutrition!


> I guess my first question is does anyone have any good recipe resources or

cookbooks that they use to make yummy food for their kids that they will

actually eat? Kids sure can be picky eaters, even though my son would eat

anything when it came to baby food. I have also just not been very adventurous

with cooking in the past. I'm not very good at it.


> Thanks in advance for all of the support and information I'm sure I'll gain

from this group!


> Justine :)


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