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Hiya Cat, welcome to the garden of earthly delights! Yup, you can be vegetarian

and do a vegetarian diet. My husband person is an insulin dependant diabetic

and his A1C is a nice, healthy 6. We are lacto-ovo vegetarians (dairy and eggs

from organic farms), I'm just the opposite, hypoglycemic and will do the roller

coaster downhill if I put too many carbs in me. (Trust me, get your blood

glucose down to 24 and people kind of freak out. Sheesh!)


I use protein shakes because I had gastric bypass surgery and proteins don't

absorb as they wouild in a normal gut. So yes, bottom line, many diabetics live

a vegetarian life, but you and your doctor have to determine if it is best for

you. (My version of covering my legal a## since I am not a doctor and do not

play one on TV but used to play nursie and naughy patient with the husband but

that is probably TMI. )


Hope this helps, Jeanne in GA


Pondering Cat <pondering_cat wrote:

I just joined. I would like to develop a vegetarian lifestyle. I just

have a couple of problems so I hope to learn how to solve them on this group. I

am pre-diabetic and cannot have too many carbs in my diet. Also, I need to have

protein for a couple of reasons. One, it helps prevent spiking blood sugars.

Two, I had a spinal cord injury and I need the protein to help keep the muscles

that I currently have. I know that I can get protein from other sources and that

is why I joined the group. I look forward to learning from everyone.



Cat (short for Cathy/Catherine)


http://360./pondering_cat (AT) sbcglobal (DOT) net






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Hi Cathy, I glad you are here, I too have amny health concerns..You

will be able to put together a good and healthy .appetizing menu....

You will feel so much better, if not physically then certainly




Your new friend Cha

, Pondering Cat

<pondering_cat wrote:


> I just joined. I would like to develop a vegetarian lifestyle. I

just have a couple of problems so I hope to learn how to solve them

on this group. I am pre-diabetic and cannot have too many carbs in my

diet. Also, I need to have protein for a couple of reasons. One, it

helps prevent spiking blood sugars. Two, I had a spinal cord injury

and I need the protein to help keep the muscles that I currently

have. I know that I can get protein from other sources and that is

why I joined the group. I look forward to learning from everyone.



> *************************

> Cat (short for Cathy/Catherine)

> http://www.flickr.com/photos/pondering_cat/

> http://360./pondering_cat@...

> *************************






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Oh boy, are you in for a treat. You will love the files section and the

constant supply of recipies and ideas. This group is a daily feast of ideas

for the vegetarian.


Katie in Anchorage


" rooney.laura " <rooney.laura wrote:

Hi I too am new. I am a 8.5 year vegetarian who is always looking for

delicious new meals that are heavy on the easy but with a flair of

fancy. Thanks for what looks like such a great group!










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Thanks Jeanne, I hope I don't offend anyone here, but my doctor doesn't want me

to be a vegetarian. Also, because of my spinal cord injury, I get more pain if I

do not have enough protein, so I am not sure if I can make the transition, but

at the least, I am thinking this group will help me to reduce my meat

consumption quite a bit if not eliminate it all together.


I also use the protein shakes. I use the ones used for building muscle and not

for loosing weight. I was hoping that that would be a great way to eliminate

meat, but my Dr. doesn't like the idea. He said for others that would be fine,

but he is worried about my medical situation. Anyway, I am hoping that I learn

how to find protein in other foods other than meat. I get confused about it and

only know about beans and dairy.


treazure noname <treazured wrote:

Hiya Cat, welcome to the garden of earthly delights! Yup, you can be

vegetarian and do a vegetarian diet. My husband person is an insulin dependant

diabetic and his A1C is a nice, healthy 6. We are lacto-ovo vegetarians (dairy

and eggs from organic farms), I'm just the opposite, hypoglycemic and will do

the roller coaster downhill if I put too many carbs in me. (Trust me, get your

blood glucose down to 24 and people kind of freak out. Sheesh!)


I use protein shakes because I had gastric bypass surgery and proteins don't

absorb as they wouild in a normal gut. So yes, bottom line, many diabetics live

a vegetarian life, but you and your doctor have to determine if it is best for

you. (My version of covering my legal a## since I am not a doctor and do not

play one on TV but used to play nursie and naughy patient with the husband but

that is probably TMI. )


Hope this helps, Jeanne in GA



Cat (short for Cathy/Catherine)


http://360./pondering_cat (AT) sbcglobal (DOT) net







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Thank you Cha, I have found the recipes to be very interesting. I hope to print

them out and put them in a binder for my vegetarian recipes. Who knows, I might

even cover the binder to make it look as special to others as I know it is to

me. :)


Cha <cha712 wrote: Hi Cathy, I glad you are here, I too have amny

health concerns..You

will be able to put together a good and healthy .appetizing menu....

You will feel so much better, if not physically then certainly




Your new friend Cha



Cat (short for Cathy/Catherine)


http://360./pondering_cat (AT) sbcglobal (DOT) net







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Most doctors will panic at the thought of a patient eating any other way but

what is of conventional thought. That's because that's all they are taught. As

far as blood sugars go, choosing higher protein containing greens and beans is

helpful. The more fiber the better. I too have hypoglycemia and have to watch

my carb choices. I concentrate on sprouted grains, beans, nut butters, veggies

and fruits. Too many flour based products (even whole wheat and whole grain) do

me in and my sugar levels plummet! I also drink whey protein shakes when I feel

the need to boost my protein intake. Best of luck to you!




Pondering Cat <pondering_cat wrote:

Thanks Jeanne, I hope I don't offend anyone here, but my doctor doesn't want me

to be a vegetarian. Also, because of my spinal cord injury, I get more pain if I

do not have enough protein, so I am not sure if I can make the transition, but

at the least, I am thinking this group will help me to reduce my meat

consumption quite a bit if not eliminate it all together.


I also use the protein shakes. I use the ones used for building muscle and

not for loosing weight. I was hoping that that would be a great way to eliminate

meat, but my Dr. doesn't like the idea. He said for others that would be fine,

but he is worried about my medical situation. Anyway, I am hoping that I learn

how to find protein in other foods other than meat. I get confused about it and

only know about beans and dairy.


treazure noname <treazured wrote:

Hiya Cat, welcome to the garden of earthly delights! Yup, you can be

vegetarian and do a vegetarian diet. My husband person is an insulin dependant

diabetic and his A1C is a nice, healthy 6. We are lacto-ovo vegetarians (dairy

and eggs from organic farms), I'm just the opposite, hypoglycemic and will do

the roller coaster downhill if I put too many carbs in me. (Trust me, get your

blood glucose down to 24 and people kind of freak out. Sheesh!)


I use protein shakes because I had gastric bypass surgery and proteins don't

absorb as they wouild in a normal gut. So yes, bottom line, many diabetics live

a vegetarian life, but you and your doctor have to determine if it is best for

you. (My version of covering my legal a## since I am not a doctor and do not

play one on TV but used to play nursie and naughy patient with the husband but

that is probably TMI. )


Hope this helps, Jeanne in GA



Cat (short for Cathy/Catherine)


http://360./pondering_cat (AT) sbcglobal (DOT) net





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Hi Cat,


Your doctor may be concerned about your " muscle building " protein shakes because

of all

the chemical additives and sugar alcohols (ie: malitol) in them.


Try finding a powder with as few ingredients as possible. We have one in Canada


North Coast Naturals and it has very few ingredients. You can read more here:

http://www.pvldirect.com/. Surprisingly, it's cheaper than MuscleTech or any of


other ones that are marketed to body builders.


BTW, there is no real difference between the protein shakes for losing weight

and the

ones for building muscle. All protein builds muscle. Some have less protein than

others. Some have added fiber. Some have added healthy fats. My only advice to

you is

to read the labels and put the ones with words you do not recognize back on the


and skip anything that has a sugar or sugar substitute.


I'm not a nurse or dietician either, but I have a vegan dietician friend who has


me through my dietary choices, including cooking for an adult friend of mine


Juvenile Diabetes. Also, my husband is an ex-body-builder and he is always

telling me

about the body building myths... and I'm always telling him about all those


myths :)


Good luck!

Denise Gontard Cartwright



From : Pondering Cat[pondering_cat]

Sent : 11/20/2007 7:19:41 AM

To :

Cc :

Subject : RE: Re: New to the group



I also use the protein shakes. I use the ones used for building muscle and not


loosing weight. I was hoping that that would be a great way to eliminate meat,

but my

Dr. doesn't like the idea. He said for others that would be fine, but he is


about my medical situation. Anyway, I am hoping that I learn how to find protein


other foods other than meat. I get confused about it and only know about beans





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Hi Cat,


I too, drink protein shakes. I have searched a long time to find one that does

not have artificial sweeteners etc. and still tasted good. I finally found a

product called Whey Delicious. It is sweetened with stevia and the flavor is

not bad at all. I only drink the Chocolate. Give it a Google, and perhaps

order some and see what you think.




Denise Gontard Cartwright <dgontard wrote:

Hi Cat,


Your doctor may be concerned about your " muscle building " protein shakes

because of all

the chemical additives and sugar alcohols (ie: malitol) in them.


Try finding a powder with as few ingredients as possible. We have one in Canada


North Coast Naturals and it has very few ingredients. You can read more here:

http://www.pvldirect.com/. Surprisingly, it's cheaper than MuscleTech or any of


other ones that are marketed to body builders.


BTW, there is no real difference between the protein shakes for losing weight

and the

ones for building muscle. All protein builds muscle. Some have less protein


others. Some have added fiber. Some have added healthy fats. My only advice to

you is

to read the labels and put the ones with words you do not recognize back on the


and skip anything that has a sugar or sugar substitute.


I'm not a nurse or dietician either, but I have a vegan dietician friend who

has helped

me through my dietary choices, including cooking for an adult friend of mine


Juvenile Diabetes. Also, my husband is an ex-body-builder and he is always

telling me

about the body building myths... and I'm always telling him about all those


myths :)


Good luck!

Denise Gontard Cartwright



From : Pondering Cat[pondering_cat]

Sent : 11/20/2007 7:19:41 AM

To :

Cc :

Subject : RE: Re: New to the group



I also use the protein shakes. I use the ones used for building muscle and

not for

loosing weight. I was hoping that that would be a great way to eliminate meat,

but my

Dr. doesn't like the idea. He said for others that would be fine, but he is


about my medical situation. Anyway, I am hoping that I learn how to find

protein in

other foods other than meat. I get confused about it and only know about beans












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I get mine from GNC. I started using it when I started chemo and was

told that I needed to get a lot of protein in my body. :) I figured

using the protein powder and making shakes would be the easiest way to

do that especially on days when my stomach didn't want me to eat. :)


Now that I've graduated from chemo to radiation (after given a choice of

2 more chemo treatments or 4 - 4 1/2 weeks of radiation), I found out I

STILL need a lot of protein so will continue the protein mix. I call it

my protein cocktail. LOL


Happy Thanksgiving!



Pamela Brehm wrote:


> Hi Cat,


> I too, drink protein shakes. I have searched a long time to find one

> that does not have artificial sweeteners etc. and still tasted good. I

> finally found a product called Whey Delicious. It is sweetened with

> stevia and the flavor is not bad at all. I only drink the Chocolate.

> Give it a Google, and perhaps order some and see what you think.


> Pamela


> Denise Gontard Cartwright <dgontard

> <dgontard%40ripnet.com>> wrote: Hi Cat,


> Your doctor may be concerned about your " muscle building " protein

> shakes because of all

> the chemical additives and sugar alcohols (ie: malitol) in them.


> Try finding a powder with as few ingredients as possible. We have one

> in Canada called

> North Coast Naturals and it has very few ingredients. You can read

> more here:

> http://www.pvldirect.com/. <http://www.pvldirect.com/.> Surprisingly,

> it's cheaper than MuscleTech or any of those

> other ones that are marketed to body builders.


> BTW, there is no real difference between the protein shakes for losing

> weight and the

> ones for building muscle. All protein builds muscle. Some have less

> protein than

> others. Some have added fiber. Some have added healthy fats. My only

> advice to you is

> to read the labels and put the ones with words you do not recognize

> back on the shelf,

> and skip anything that has a sugar or sugar substitute.


> I'm not a nurse or dietician either, but I have a vegan dietician

> friend who has helped

> me through my dietary choices, including cooking for an adult friend

> of mine with

> Juvenile Diabetes. Also, my husband is an ex-body-builder and he is

> always telling me

> about the body building myths... and I'm always telling him about all

> those vegetarian

> myths :)


> Good luck!

> Denise Gontard Cartwright


> -----

> From : Pondering Cat[pondering_cat

> <pondering_cat%40sbcglobal.net>]

> Sent : 11/20/2007 7:19:41 AM

> To :

> <%40>

> Cc :

> Subject : RE: Re: New to the group

> <snip>


> I also use the protein shakes. I use the ones used for building muscle

> and not for

> loosing weight. I was hoping that that would be a great way to

> eliminate meat, but my

> Dr. doesn't like the idea. He said for others that would be fine, but

> he is worried

> about my medical situation. Anyway, I am hoping that I learn how to

> find protein in

> other foods other than meat. I get confused about it and only know

> about beans and

> dairy.


> </snip

> Be a better sports nut! Let your teams follow you with Mobile.

> Try it now.



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Thank you everyone who has responded on list and off list with suggestions. I

spilled coffee on my keyboard Tuesday and have been without a computer since

then. I was writing a note to this list as a matter of fact when I lost he

keyboard. Got a new one and am able to read and respond again.


My doctor isn't worried about the protein shakes. He is the one who

recommended them. He wants me to have plenty of protein. He doesn't want me to

eliminate meat because he is worried that I won't get complete proteins and will

miss some of the essential amino acids. He doesn't want me doing more harm than



My first goal is to become a vegetarian without harming my body. After I get

that down, I will try to figure out the organic thing. In our area, organics

cost quite a bit more than regular food. I try to buy the organic and free range

eggs when I can afford it, but since I am not working, money is tight and I have

to be careful how I spend it.


Pamela Brehm <revopal wrote:

Hi Cat,


I too, drink protein shakes. I have searched a long time to find one that does

not have artificial sweeteners etc. and still tasted good. I finally found a

product called Whey Delicious. It is sweetened with stevia and the flavor is not

bad at all. I only drink the Chocolate. Give it a Google, and perhaps order some

and see what you think.




Denise Gontard Cartwright wrote: Hi Cat,


Your doctor may be concerned about your " muscle building " protein shakes because

of all

the chemical additives and sugar alcohols (ie: malitol) in them.



Cat (short for Cathy/Catherine)


http://360./pondering_cat (AT) sbcglobal (DOT) net







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  • 7 months later...
Guest guest

Hi Greta,

I am so glad to say hello to a fellow UK resident and a fellow cat lover. I have

looked through the recipe files and they are such a wonderful resource.

Regards Fitzy  




greta <Greta.s


Saturday, 21 June, 2008 3:44:21 PM

New to the group




Good afternoon room,


I just wanted to pop in and say thank you for letting me join


I am Greta I live in the UK with Peter my husband of 33 years and our four

delightful cats, I am a mum of two and a grandmum too!

I have been veggie with strong vegan leanings for well over 40 years now.

I love to cook and hope that you will like some of the recipes I have

managed to collect,

they are from all over the world, but in particular I love Indian food, not

least because, being predominantly Hindu, vegetarianism is a way of life for


and they don't think we are 'crankie' not wanting a plate of non-veg food



Here is my first offering, hope you like it.









That's not dirt in my house. It's angel dust.



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welcome rose!

wishing you luck in your cancer battles



Rose Wilhelm Jun 27, 2008 4:47 PM New to the group









Hello everyone!


My name is Rose and I'm from Delaware. My oncologist put me on an alkalyzing/vegetarian diet a month ago. I've been doing fairly well keeping to it. I was allowed one portion of meat a week, but last week I had such horrible heartburn afterward I seriously thought about it and decided it was time to go completely meatless. I do know that I've been feeling much better on the veggie diet and my cancer markers have actually decreased and bloodwork looks better than it has for a long time! (Theory is that cancer can't grow in an alkaline environment, but flourishes in an acidic one. Major source of acid - meat!) I've enjoyed the foods I've been eating and have more energy than I have in years! Even my skin looks better. Problem is that NO ONE around me is vegetarian/vegan, so its hard to get support. My new hubby does try to eat what I have but still likes his meat. Its nice to find a group like this! I also have a softspot for animals, and had trouble eating meat when I thought about where it came from.

Anyway, I'm glad to be here and look forward to getting to know you!







“We now know that a neo-conservative is an arsonist who sets the house on fire and six years later boasts that no one can put it out.†- Bill Moyers

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Hi Rose!


It's amazing how much your health improves after you stop eating that stuff. I used to be a " threaten a bacon cheeseburger with a picture of a match " kinda gal and was voted least likely to ever go vegetarian, let alone vegan. I wonder how many people say " Oh, I could never do that! " and wind up doing it. Funny how life works. :)


On Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 4:47 PM, Rose Wilhelm <cracklin_rose74 wrote:







Hello everyone!


My name is Rose and I'm from Delaware. My oncologist put me on an alkalyzing/vegetarian diet a month ago. I've been doing fairly well keeping to it. I was allowed one portion of meat a week, but last week I had such horrible heartburn afterward I seriously thought about it and decided it was time to go completely meatless. I do know that I've been feeling much better on the veggie diet and my cancer markers have actually decreased and bloodwork looks better than it has for a long time! (Theory is that cancer can't grow in an alkaline environment, but flourishes in an acidic one. Major source of acid - meat!) I've enjoyed the foods I've been eating and have more energy than I have in years! Even my skin looks better. Problem is that NO ONE around me is vegetarian/vegan, so its hard to get support. My new hubby does try to eat what I have but still likes his meat. Its nice to find a group like this! I also have a softspot for animals, and had trouble eating meat when I thought about where it came from.

Anyway, I'm glad to be here and look forward to getting to know you!


Rose -- Email: bluerose156AIM: A Blue Rose 156 YM: blue_rose_156



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Thank you fraggle!


I've been battling for over 2 years now. If I had listened to my first doc, who

said I had 3 months to live back then, I wouldn't even be here right now. But

as I keep telling everyone, I'm just too darn hard-headed and stubborn to do

what people say (just ask my hubby ;), and that includes kicking the bucket! ;)




--- On Fri, 6/27/08, fraggle <EBbrewpunx wrote:


fraggle <EBbrewpunx

Re: New to the group


Friday, June 27, 2008, 9:03 PM


welcome rose!

wishing you luck in your cancer battles



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Hi Rose,

Hope you are feeling better and on the road to recovery.




Peter vv


Rose Wilhelm <cracklin_rose74 Sent: Friday, 27 June, 2008 9:47:12 PM New to the group







Hello everyone!


My name is Rose and I'm from Delaware. My oncologist put me on an alkalyzing/vegetari an diet a month ago. I've been doing fairly well keeping to it. I was allowed one portion of meat a week, but last week I had such horrible heartburn afterward I seriously thought about it and decided it was time to go completely meatless. I do know that I've been feeling much better on the veggie diet and my cancer markers have actually decreased and bloodwork looks better than it has for a long time! (Theory is that cancer can't grow in an alkaline environment, but flourishes in an acidic one. Major source of acid - meat!) I've enjoyed the foods I've been eating and have more energy than I have in years! Even my skin looks better. Problem is that NO ONE around me is vegetarian/vegan, so its hard to get support. My new hubby does try to eat what I have but still likes his meat. Its nice to

find a group like this! I also have a softspot for animals, and had trouble eating meat when I thought about where it came from.

Anyway, I'm glad to be here and look forward to getting to know you!



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Hello Rose and welcome :)Just thought of asking, have you considered trying alternative healing?Homeopathy, Reiki, Magnified Healing, Pyramidal Memory Transmutation, ...Might be some work for you :)Wishing You Blessings and speedy recovery,Beatriz--- On Fri, 6/27/08, Rose Wilhelm <cracklin_rose74 wrote:Rose Wilhelm <cracklin_rose74Re: New to the group Date: Friday, June 27, 2008, 5:06 PM


Thank you fraggle!


I've been battling for over 2 years now. If I had listened to my first doc, who said I had 3 months to live back then, I wouldn't even be here right now. But as I keep telling everyone, I'm just too darn hard-headed and stubborn to do what people say (just ask my hubby ;), and that includes kicking the bucket! ;)




--- On Fri, 6/27/08, fraggle <EBbrewpunx@earthlin k.net> wrote:


fraggle <EBbrewpunx@earthlin k.net>

Re: New to the group

@gro ups.com

Friday, June 27, 2008, 9:03 PM


welcome rose!

wishing you luck in your cancer battles



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Hi Beatriz! :-)

My mother's best friend is Reiki master and I have had several sessions with her. I have also had accupressure done (not accupuncture - couldn't get past all the needles! lol). I'm also going through experimental treatments through Hopkins. I think that its a combination of everything that has kept me alive. Three times they said things were going downhill and three times (this last time included) I've proven them wrong. I think I've become their poster child for the success of the experiments! My doctor has studied holistic therapies and truly believes that they help with the healing. He is also a vegan and endorses it very highly. As I said, I have seen such a difference since I went on this diet! Until now I have still been eating eggs and some milk (though I found that I love the taste of soy milk, esp the chocolate), but plan to "wean" myself off of them as well.

I have such a strong will to live. I finally found and married a good man and have a 3 year old son that I cannot leave behind! I plan on sticking around for a loooong time! :-D



--- On Fri, 6/27/08, Beatriz <searchingalight wrote:

Beatriz <searchingalightRe: New to the group Date: Friday, June 27, 2008, 9:28 PM







Hello Rose and welcome :)Just thought of asking, have you considered trying alternative healing?Homeopathy, Reiki, Magnified Healing, Pyramidal Memory Transmutation, ...Might be some work for you :)Wishing You Blessings and speedy recovery,Beatriz--- On Fri, 6/27/08, Rose Wilhelm <cracklin_rose74@ > wrote:

Rose Wilhelm <cracklin_rose74@ >Re: New to the group@gro ups.comFriday, June 27, 2008, 5:06 PM



Thank you fraggle!I've been battling for over 2 years now. If I had listened to my first doc, who said I had 3 months to live back then, I wouldn't even be here right now. But as I keep telling everyone, I'm just too darn hard-headed and stubborn to do what people say (just ask my hubby ;), and that includes kicking the bucket! ;)Rose--- On Fri, 6/27/08, fraggle <EBbrewpunx@earthlin k.net> wrote:fraggle <EBbrewpunx@earthlin k.net>Re: New to the group@gro ups.comFriday, June 27, 2008, 9:03 PMwelcome rose!wishing you luck in your cancer


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if i may ask, what sort of cancer is it?

Rose Wilhelm Jun 27, 2008 5:50 PM Re: New to the group









Hi Beatriz! :-)

My mother's best friend is Reiki master and I have had several sessions with her. I have also had accupressure done (not accupuncture - couldn't get past all the needles! lol). I'm also going through experimental treatments through Hopkins. I think that its a combination of everything that has kept me alive. Three times they said things were going downhill and three times (this last time included) I've proven them wrong. I think I've become their poster child for the success of the experiments! My doctor has studied holistic therapies and truly believes that they help with the healing. He is also a vegan and endorses it very highly. As I said, I have seen such a difference since I went on this diet! Until now I have still been eating eggs and some milk (though I found that I love the taste of soy milk, esp the chocolate), but plan to "wean" myself off of them as well.

I have such a strong will to live. I finally found and married a good man and have a 3 year old son that I cannot leave behind! I plan on sticking around for a loooong time! :-D



--- On Fri, 6/27/08, Beatriz <searchingalight > wrote:

Beatriz <searchingalight >Re: New to the group Date: Friday, June 27, 2008, 9:28 PM







Hello Rose and welcome :)Just thought of asking, have you considered trying alternative healing?Homeopathy, Reiki, Magnified Healing, Pyramidal Memory Transmutation, ...Might be some work for you :)Wishing You Blessings and speedy recovery,Beatriz--- On Fri, 6/27/08, Rose Wilhelm <cracklin_rose74@ > wrote:

Rose Wilhelm <cracklin_rose74@ >Re: New to the group@gro ups.comFriday, June 27, 2008, 5:06 PM



Thank you fraggle!I've been battling for over 2 years now. If I had listened to my first doc, who said I had 3 months to live back then, I wouldn't even be here right now. But as I keep telling everyone, I'm just too darn hard-headed and stubborn to do what people say (just ask my hubby ;), and that includes kicking the bucket! ;)Rose--- On Fri, 6/27/08, fraggle <EBbrewpunx@earthlin k.net> wrote:fraggle <EBbrewpunx@earthlin k.net>Re: New to the group@gro ups.comFriday, June 27, 2008, 9:03 PMwelcome rose!wishing you luck in your cancer battlescheersfraggle





“We now know that a neo-conservative is an arsonist who sets the house on fire and six years later boasts that no one can put it out.†- Bill Moyers

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--- On Fri, 6/27/08, fraggle <EBbrewpunx wrote:


fraggle <EBbrewpunx

Re: New to the group


Friday, June 27, 2008, 10:08 PM



if i may ask, what sort of cancer is it?

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wishing you a speedy and healthy recovery

glad to hear your diet is helping you a lot!


Rose Wilhelm Jun 27, 2008 6:10 PM Re: New to the group




leukemia --- On Fri, 6/27/08, fraggle <EBbrewpunx (AT) earthlink (DOT) net> wrote:fraggle <EBbrewpunx (AT) earthlink (DOT) net>Re: New to the group Date: Friday, June 27, 2008, 10:08 PMif i may ask, what sort of cancer is it?





“We now know that a neo-conservative is an arsonist who sets the house on fire and six years later boasts that no one can put it out.†- Bill Moyers

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How wonderful, Rose :) I'm so so happy for You :)God Bless You,Beatriz--- On Fri, 6/27/08, Rose Wilhelm <cracklin_rose74 wrote:Rose Wilhelm <cracklin_rose74Re: New to the group Date: Friday, June 27, 2008, 5:50 PM


Hi Beatriz! :-)

My mother's best friend is Reiki master and I have had several sessions with her. I have also had accupressure done (not accupuncture - couldn't get past all the needles! lol). I'm also going through experimental treatments through Hopkins. I think that its a combination of everything that has kept me alive. Three times they said things were going downhill and three times (this last time included) I've proven them wrong. I think I've become their poster child for the success of the experiments! My doctor has studied holistic therapies and truly believes that they help with the healing. He is also a vegan and endorses it very highly. As I said, I have seen such a difference since I went on this diet! Until now I have still been eating eggs and some milk (though I found that I love the taste of soy milk, esp the chocolate), but plan to "wean" myself off of them as well.

I have such a strong will to live. I finally found and married a good man and have a 3 year old son that I cannot leave behind! I plan on sticking around for a loooong time! :-D



--- On Fri, 6/27/08, Beatriz <searchingalight@ > wrote:

Beatriz <searchingalight@ >Re: New to the group@gro ups.comFriday, June 27, 2008, 9:28 PM







Hello Rose and welcome :)Just thought of asking, have you considered trying alternative healing?Homeopathy, Reiki, Magnified Healing, Pyramidal Memory Transmutation, ...Might be some work for you :)Wishing You Blessings and speedy recovery,Beatriz--- On Fri, 6/27/08, Rose Wilhelm <cracklin_rose74@ > wrote:

Rose Wilhelm <cracklin_rose74@ >Re: New to the group@gro ups.comFriday, June 27, 2008, 5:06 PM



Thank you fraggle!I've been battling for over 2 years now. If I had listened to my first doc, who said I had 3 months to live back then, I wouldn't even be here right now. But as I keep telling everyone, I'm just too darn hard-headed and stubborn to do what people say (just ask my hubby ;), and that includes kicking the bucket! ;)Rose--- On Fri, 6/27/08, fraggle <EBbrewpunx@earthlin k.net> wrote:fraggle <EBbrewpunx@earthlin k.net>Re: New to the group@gro ups.comFriday, June 27, 2008, 9:03 PMwelcome rose!wishing you luck in your cancer


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Hi Rose


I'm sorry you have problems, but glad to hear you are taking positive steps to recover :-) I think the 'cleaner' you can get your diet, the better, and as always I would recommend a multivitamin and mineral supplement. I don't know how you feel, but if you are up to it, they exercise is also very good. I have heard the theory about alkaline being more healthy than acid, and I believe if you eat a lot of vegetables, including green leafy ones, and leave out meat and dairy, you can change the balance.







Rose Wilhelm

Friday, June 27, 2008 9:47 PM

New to the group








Hello everyone!


My name is Rose and I'm from Delaware. My oncologist put me on an alkalyzing/vegetarian diet a month ago. I've been doing fairly well keeping to it. I was allowed one portion of meat a week, but last week I had such horrible heartburn afterward I seriously thought about it and decided it was time to go completely meatless. I do know that I've been feeling much better on the veggie diet and my cancer markers have actually decreased and bloodwork looks better than it has for a long time! (Theory is that cancer can't grow in an alkaline environment, but flourishes in an acidic one. Major source of acid - meat!) I've enjoyed the foods I've been eating and have more energy than I have in years! Even my skin looks better. Problem is that NO ONE around me is vegetarian/vegan, so its hard to get support. My new hubby does try to eat what I have but still likes his meat. Its nice to find a group like this! I also have a softspot for animals, and had trouble eating meat when I thought about where it came from.

Anyway, I'm glad to be here and look forward to getting to know you!



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Hi Rose


I remember reading about Dirk Benedict. He got cancer, and was told he had six months to live. He decided he wanted to see more of America and walked across it, living on beans. When he was next check there was no sign of cancer. There's always hope, and positive thought works miracles.






Rose Wilhelm

Friday, June 27, 2008 10:06 PM

Re: New to the group



Thank you fraggle!I've been battling for over 2 years now. If I had listened to my first doc, who said I had 3 months to live back then, I wouldn't even be here right now. But as I keep telling everyone, I'm just too darn hard-headed and stubborn to do what people say (just ask my hubby ;), and that includes kicking the bucket! ;)Rose--- On Fri, 6/27/08, fraggle <EBbrewpunx (AT) earthlink (DOT) net> wrote:fraggle <EBbrewpunx (AT) earthlink (DOT) net>Re: New to the group Date: Friday, June 27, 2008, 9:03 PMwelcome rose!wishing you luck in your cancer battlescheersfraggle

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Salsa? Baked potatoes with salsa on top is a good one, or with broccoli. Use

what he likes and make him a piece of non-veg food and you a second vegetable or

some brown rice.

We really love savory and strong flavors, so I may not be much help :(

Best wishes returning to the lifestyle.



" life's a garden, dig it! "


Sent from my iPhone


On Jun 28, 2008, at 11:39 AM, " Lisa " <lisalouhoo wrote:


Hello, I am Lisa, stay at home mother to five children. Before marriage

I ate a vegan diet. After marriage, for awhile, I managed vegetarian.

Now we are eating a very much omnivorous diet. I am wanting to move

back to a healthier diet for myself and family, with little to no meat.

My major obstacle: my husband likes very few vegetables. Carrots,

broccoli, corn, and mild tasting lettuce, and those are seriously the

only vegetables he will eat. He has such an aversion to peppers and

onions, that I do not even bring them into the house. This is the

reason why I have been eating meat, I find it too tiring and too

expensive to cook two meals.


So, how do you eat a vegetarian diet with few vegetables?


Thanks for any suggestions. I have enjoyed reading through the recent

comments, lots of good ideas and recipes.












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If you can, get outdoors on a nice sunny day in some nice scenery it will raise your spirits, and fresh air and gentle exercise are good for you.




Peter vv


Rose Wilhelm <cracklin_rose74 Sent: Friday, 27 June, 2008 10:50:56 PMRe: New to the group







Hi Beatriz! :-)

My mother's best friend is Reiki master and I have had several sessions with her. I have also had accupressure done (not accupuncture - couldn't get past all the needles! lol). I'm also going through experimental treatments through Hopkins. I think that its a combination of everything that has kept me alive. Three times they said things were going downhill and three times (this last time included) I've proven them wrong. I think I've become their poster child for the success of the experiments! My doctor has studied holistic therapies and truly believes that they help with the healing. He is also a vegan and endorses it very highly. As I said, I have seen such a difference since I went on this diet! Until now I have still been eating eggs and some milk (though I found that I love the taste of soy milk, esp the chocolate), but plan to "wean" myself off of them as well.

I have such a strong will to live. I finally found and married a good man and have a 3 year old son that I cannot leave behind! I plan on sticking around for a loooong time! :-D



--- On Fri, 6/27/08, Beatriz <searchingalight@ > wrote:

Beatriz <searchingalight@ >Re: New to the group@gro ups.comFriday, June 27, 2008, 9:28 PM







Hello Rose and welcome :)Just thought of asking, have you considered trying alternative healing?Homeopathy, Reiki, Magnified Healing, Pyramidal Memory Transmutation, ...Might be some work for you :)Wishing You Blessings and speedy recovery,Beatriz--- On Fri, 6/27/08, Rose Wilhelm <cracklin_rose74@ > wrote:

Rose Wilhelm <cracklin_rose74@ >Re: New to the group@gro ups.comFriday, June 27, 2008, 5:06 PM



Thank you fraggle!I've been battling for over 2 years now. If I had listened to my first doc, who said I had 3 months to live back then, I wouldn't even be here right now. But as I keep telling everyone, I'm just too darn hard-headed and stubborn to do what people say (just ask my hubby ;), and that includes kicking the bucket! ;)Rose--- On Fri, 6/27/08, fraggle <EBbrewpunx@earthlin k.net> wrote:fraggle <EBbrewpunx@earthlin k.net>Re: New to the group@gro ups.comFriday, June 27, 2008, 9:03

PMwelcome rose!wishing you luck in your cancer battlescheersfraggle

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