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I have a L'equip and a VitaMix (granted it's an older model) and,

except for this past week when I took the VitaMix to work so I could

fix my green smoothie for the Green Cleanse, it lives under the sink.

I got my L'equip for $70 including shipping on eBay. I love it! It

does everything I need it to and more. It's the only blender I've ever

had that I can run without the lid on and not anoint the kitchen with

the contents. If you have your heart set on a VitaMix, you could check

out eBay for some good prices but be sure to get one of the newer

ones. One of my gripes about mine is that it won't process small

amounts of nuts, etc. I'm sure they would have fixed that problem by

now. Maybe someone on here who has a new one can let us know.





rawfood , Jen Lynn <jenfly777 wrote:


> Tommie and Jennifer,


> Thanks for the advice...and laugh (..awesome workout chopping

things finely..) When I can save enough money, I think i'll buy the

Vitamix. I have a KitchenAid at the moment and its a very basic, non-

powerful blender to say the least!!

> LOL!

> Jen


> jerushy1944 <no_reply > wrote:

> Anything that turns at high enough revolutions to blend would be


> IMO. It wouldn't just be the motor, but the actual processing of the

> food that would make a lot of noise. A Cuisinart makes a lot of


> Guess you could use a knife to chop things finely but it would take


> long time and a lot of energy. If you could learn to be ambidextrous

> you would get an awesome workout!


> Tommie

> http://www.rawburchard.blogspot.com


> rawfood , " Jennifer " <simplify@> wrote:

> >

> > Hi Jen,

> >

> > Yes, the Vitamix IS loud. My husband and I wear hearing

> > protection (the kind that looks like earmuffs, but is used

> > by construction workers) whenever we run ours. We also keep

> > the doors and windows shut, so as not to disturb the

> > neighbors. ;-) It's worth it, though. The Vitamix is just

> > plain awesome!

> >

> >

> > Blessings,

> >

> > Jennifer

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Mine was a demo but was in new condition.


As for fixing smoothies in a food processor, you could probably do

small ones. You have to keep the liquid level low enough that it

doesn't leak out of the bowl. Maybe you could do one in batches?





rawfood , Barbara Elaine Ribordy

<elaineribordy wrote:


> Hello Tommie,


> I just checked ebay and there are currently no new L'equip

blenders for sale.


> I have one question for the group . . .

> I have spent some time looking at food processors and blenders.

Can a high end food processor create a smoothie similar to one made

in a blender? I have never owned a food processor, but since

beginning my journey into raw food eating, I am thinking that maybe

it is time. I have a very cheap blender, but so far it is capable of

blending up my green smoothies. I feel that I need to get some idea

of what I will need to buy for a replacement soon.


> Thanks for educating me on food processors and blenders.


> elaine


> jerushy1944 <no_reply > wrote:

> I have a L'equip and a VitaMix (granted it's an older model) and,

> except for this past week when I took the VitaMix to work so I


> fix my green smoothie for the Green Cleanse, it lives under the


> I got my L'equip for $70 including shipping on eBay. I love it! It

> does everything I need it to and more. It's the only blender I've


> had that I can run without the lid on and not anoint the kitchen


> the contents. If you have your heart set on a VitaMix, you could


> out eBay for some good prices but be sure to get one of the newer

> ones. One of my gripes about mine is that it won't process small

> amounts of nuts, etc. I'm sure they would have fixed that problem


> now. Maybe someone on here who has a new one can let us know.


> Tommie

> http://www.rawburchard.blogspot.com

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  • 1 month later...
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Hi Cyn! Glad to see you.. it's been ages LOL.





Tuesday, May 09, 2006 4:57 PM

New to the group



Hello all,

My name is Cyndi and I am very happy to be a part of this group. My

friend Linda told me that you are a very friendly group and share

great recipes! From what I have seen on the site, this is very true.




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Hiya Linda,


Nice to be here!






" Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of

life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet " .


- Albert Einstein





On Behalf Of Linda Hutchinson

Tuesday, May 09, 2006 6:37 PM


Re: New to the group




Hi Cyn! Glad to see you.. it's been ages LOL.












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  • 3 weeks later...
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Good morning, Mark! Yeah, we are the happenin' place. If you can sort

through everything and find what works for you, there is a lot of

information here.





rawfood , msquire98 <no_reply wrote:


> Hi everyone,


> Just re-discovered , and raw this group gets a lot of

> action. Glad to meet you all.


> Best,

> Mark Squire


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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi- What a great story about you life and dogs... what

an inspiration.! I hope you really enjoy this group!




--- shanshismoke <mebharris wrote:


> Hi all...I'm new to this group, but not to veganism.

> Started as a

> vegetarian 24 years ago and evolved into veganism

> about 9 years ago. I

> was very happy with that decision and have never

> looked back. I

> decided to join this group in the hopes that I can

> might find a place

> where I fit in. I became vegetarian for

> animal-rights reasons (I love

> animals...and not on my plate!) but have found it to

> be such a great

> health benefit, as well as environmentally friendly.



> I reside in the forest of the Sierra's in California

> with my vegan

> husband, Pat, and our vegetarian dog, Jasmine.

> (Yes...I get plenty of

> flack about that, but I did a lot of research before

> making that

> decision!) Jasmine is a 4-year-old Australian

> Shepherd who was raised

> vegetarian and she actually doesn't like meat. She

> has proven that

> time and time again as people have offered her meat

> items that she

> turns her nose away from. But she does love tofurky,

> cottage cheese,

> yogurt and avocados...and Agility. She is my third

> vegetarian dog. My

> other two lived to be very old and were healthy

> their entire lives. In

> fact, during their lives, people were amazed at

> their actual

> ages...including a couple of vets that I took them

> to. Each dog is a

> story of its own.


> So I am excited to see what this group has to offer,

> and what I can

> contribute from my knowledge banks and recipe books.

> I must say that

> before I became vegetarian so many years ago...I

> never enjoyed eating.

> But since I've been a vegan...I can't wait for my

> next meal. Eating

> vegan has become a joy.


> Peace to all,

> Meb Harris













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Hi, and welcome! The best thing about this group is that everyone gets

along....vegetarians, vegans, carnivores who are trying to eat less meat and who

are looking for alternative meals, etc.


I, too, went veg because of the animals and more and more I find myself leaning

toward vegan also. Hope you enjoy it here!





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Welcome, Jeanne!!! My felines, and I probably have more than you, delight

in melon, especially cantaloupe!!! And they love vegetables, but they also

get their meat and their kibble. If you really want some good things to

eat, just check out the file section of this group and click on recipes!!!

You will be in your glory!!!


Marilyn Daub


Vanceburg, KY

My Cats Knead Me!!


Jeanne NunyaNoname

Saturday, June 17, 2006 2:14 PM

New to the group



Hi there, my name is Jeanne and I've been a primary lacto-ovo veggie for

over 20 years. Sad to admit, but I have still not acquired an appreciation

for tofu or the trendy. Go figure. *grins*


Since all the kids have finally moved out, my husband of coming up on


years and I have had the freedom to eat vegan. We run a no kill cat


from our home and the cats (including four large dogs who don't realize


are dogs) all appreciate veggies. Oh, yes, before anyone fears that we are

stinting on their protein, they get kibble as well, but there isn't one of

the twenty four feline residents here that won't help himself or herself


our veg. (And melon....no melon is safe around here.)


Recently I discovered Paul Neuman's tender tiny baby greens for salads and

we go through a large container of them every week. Sam's Club carries


but the refrgerator life isn't quite as long as the generic iceberg


stuff. I cannot say enough good about those greens. (a favorite sandwich

here is a crossant, roasted corn kernels, pinto beans, the salad stuff,

alfalfa sprouts and a little dressing, cheese optional)


For me, the best thing about being a veg is the variety. How many kinds of

veggies, fruits and grains are there compared to meats,foul and fish?The

worst part about being a veg is when I have had to go into the hospital.

Personally I didn't see how difficult it would be to provide a veg meal,


it was. My last day in one hospital they FINALLY brought me food (3 days,


meals, not even oatmeal...idiots). Collard greens with ham, canned corn


butter, applesauce with sugar and something that was supposedly a tossed

salad. Seeing as I was in there due to complications to stomach surgery


was not to have hard to digest foods....


My favorite books are the old Diet for a Small Planet and the recipe book

that followed it. Perhaps we don't have to be as stringent about protein

complimentary as was first thought, but the books are excellent sources




I suspect if this avian flu becomes worse, or the mad cow disease spreads,

more people will start looking into vegetables for their food. Ever heard

of Mad Carrot Disease? Pinto bean flu?


I am looking forward to getting to know all here, and exploring new


and ideas. Thanks for letting me join! Jeanne



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Aloha Twylia !! Glad to hear you are challenging some old paradigms...green

smoothies make it easy to get lots of goodies , take your fave fruit add

greens, blend it up...enjoy !!


1/2 Galia or other melon, parsley / cellery / kale ( any green u like ) to

taste, 2-4 basil tops blend till smoooth...


Look forward to exchanging ideas and stories, yours, Rich

skidroadrider <skidroadrider wrote: Hi


My name is Twylia and I'm a new member! I have been trying to

incorporate more vegetarian meals into my meal plans for the last few

months but I have found it's a bit more challenging than it seems! It's

even more challenging when I don't particularly care for some



I'm ready to pick up the challenge again and am hoping to find

encouragement, support and advice in this forum!


Looking forward to meeting you all!












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  • 4 weeks later...
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Hi, welcome to the garden of earthly delights! I live in an Albany, but this one

is in Georgia. You will love the recipes you find here and be amazed at the

numbers of dishes you can make. If I wanted to, I could cook a different

evening meal every night for years and never duplicate it but we like our tried

and true favorites in this house, along with new things. (Like tofu, hated tofu

but the group found ways we'd eat it and gasp..like it.)


Welcome again, Jeanne in Georgia. Home of fire ants, really sweet tea, peanut

capitol of the world, pecan capitol of the world, Grits Festival, Vidalia

onions, copperheads, timber rattlers, Coral snakes, water moccasins.....




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Laurie, head for the main page at the groups and click on file and click on

recipes. You will have plenty to keep you out of mischief!!! giggle!!


Marilyn Daub


Vanceburg, KY

My Cats Knead Me!!


Laurie Holden

Monday, July 17, 2006 10:32 AM

New to the group





My name is Laurie. I'm from upstate NY near Albany. I am trying to eat in

a more healthy way, and thought that learning about vegetarian cooking was a

good place to start.


Thank you for sharing



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Hi Laurie...


I am just starting my quest for vegetarianism as well.....mostly for health

reasons...I need to lower my cholesterol and lose a few pounds...I live in

central NJ.....jill


Laurie Holden <iluvmlangels wrote:



My name is Laurie. I'm from upstate NY near Albany. I am trying to eat in a

more healthy way, and thought that learning about vegetarian cooking was a good

place to start.


Thank you for sharing



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  • 1 month later...

All those recipes get filed away into different catagories under files on the

home page for this group..........You'll enjoy browsing thru them... There are

lots of recipes that you will enjoy serving to your family.




Friday, August 25, 2006 10:40 AM

New to the group



Hello, I recently joined the group and have enjoyed finding the recipes

posted in messages. I would love to have recipes that are kid friendly

and/or that I can serve my husband who is not a vegetarian. Any

ideas? Mandy







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  • 5 weeks later...

Hi Cindee,

I was in the Peace Corps too, Sri Lanka 1987-89. We sure could have

used a cookbook like that. Our little library at the PC office had a

Ne York Times paperback cookbook. This was the recipe for pumpkin

pie: Take a 9 inch frozen pie crust. Add 1 can pumpkin pie filling.

We used to read it just for entertainment lol.

Welcome to the group. Do you cook with a lot of grains? I'd like to

increase my use of them but I have to learn how to cook small batches

as hubby doesn't like dinners that are too Twigs & Green Stuff.






, C Jackson <teachjack_20



> The one I wanted to add was about the cook books. I

> love cook books. I think I am over 200 last count.

> I went to this site and found a terrific list of

> " whole foods " substitutions and unfamiliar terms and

> ingredients. Just wade through what is offered and

> scroll down.

> http://www.realfoodliving.com/encourage.htm

> I was in the Peace Corps in Nicaragua in the early

> 1970's. One of the best things I learned was about a

> book from the Seventh Day Adventist who partnered with

> the volunteers. I have a copy and have used it often.

> Oats, Peas, Beans and Barley Cookbook: A Complete

> Vegetarian Cookbook Using Nature's Most Economical

> Foods (Paperback, 1980)

> Author: Edyth Young Cottrell


> thank you all for the posts and good reading.

> Cindee


> " There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the

mirror that reflects it. " Edith Wharton, Vesalius in Zante, American

author, 1862 - 1937







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, C Jackson <teachjack_20





> Christmas gifts. Thanks.

> I told so many of my family and friends about the lady

> whose mouse ordered her 25 pounds of lima beans

> instead of 2.5 pounds!!!




Welcome to the group, Cindee. I have to make a couple

corrections/clarifications on this point as that " lady "

is me. Problem is, I'm male! LOL. No problem, the

spelling of the name gets people all the time. But,

when it was chosen for me in the year of my birth, it

was in both baby books (i.e., male and female).


Also, though it would make for a good story for it to

be a mistake, the 25 lbs of lima beans were intentional.

By referring to it as a " mouseslip, " I only meant that

it was an impulse buy, made all the easier by the speed

and ease of internet shopping. It's probably a problem

for me. ;) And, this particular purchase also high-

lights my obsessive-compulsive " need " to stock up at

every opportunity.





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  • 3 months later...

Hi Suzanne ~

And welcome to our group! Sorry for the delay in welcoming you but I haven't

been feeling well.


Congrat on the weight loss during the holiday season! It's a tough time with

all the food pushers out there! :-)


Are you using any sort of eating guidelines or dieting program or just making

conscious choices for what's best for yourself and your family? My partner and

I are both doing Weight Watchers; it's really nice to have that support both

externally and in my home. I've lost 30 pounds since August with many more to

go myself. I probably won't get down as low as I'd like before we get me

pregnant (I hope anyways because that means it's taking a long time!), but my

doc wanted at least 20 shed so I've hit that and more!


Again, welcome to our group and make sure to check our files out, we have a

lot of supportive information and yummy recipes there.


Cindi, co-owner


mschana wrote:

Hi there!


My name is Suzanne, and I’m a 30-something SAHM to a preschooler. DH and I

have lived in San Diego for 9 years, and our 10th anniversary is coming up

in a few months. DH is an omnivore who eats only a little meat and does it

all outside the house. DD is being raised vegetarian. DH used to do most

of the cooking, but as his hours at work increased, I’ve been taking over

most of the cooking. He’s the one with the great culinary instincts and can

invent dishes; I have to go off recipes, but fortunately, I have a large

collection of veg*an cookbooks, and I’m getting a little better at adjusting



I became a vegetarian in the mid-1980s in the meat-packing Midwest – I’d

never met a vegetarian in my life, and the only ones I’d heard of were River

Phoenix and the McCartneys. :-) Although I often feel like a fish out of

water in California, I love that it’s so vegetarian-friendly (but compared

to the Midwest, what isn’t? *wink*).


Lastly, I’m here because I need support in losing weight. I’m about 80

pounds above a healthy weight for my height/frame. I weighed 290 at my

highest in 2000. After 2.5 years of hard work (exercising 1.5-2 hours a

day, eating well), I was down to 185 in 2003. Then TTC and pregnancy took a

toll – I ended up at 256 at 9½ months pregnant. I lost a bit when she was

born, of course, but my weight kept creeping up and up in the last 2.5

years. Last November, I hit 261 pounds – more than what I weighed 9½ months

pregnant! I got back on the exercise wagon in November, although I’ve been

slacking on exercise since mid-December, I’ve been eating very well in

general and lost 3 pounds in the last 7 weeks of 2006 – the best I’ve done

during the holiday season for sure. I’ve now lost 1 more pound since New

Year’s Eve, so I’m currently at 257. This month, I’m doing a 4-week-long

nutritional cleanse. Some things to eliminate have been a moot point (meat,

fish), others not too tough (dairy/eggs, since I gave them up in November),

and still others challenging to avoid (chocolate, sugar, flour). After the

cleanse is over, I plan to keep eating vegan but keep flour/sugar to an

infrequent treat rather than a daily thing.


I look forward to reading and participating!
















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  • 1 month later...

Hi Bonnie, This is definately the place to get the great recipies and the

lifestyle to clean out those arteries.


Katie in Alaska


Bonnie <mycamper wrote:

Hi. I'm Bonnie and I'm new to the group. I need to clean out the

arteries and fix some real food!! Looking forward to some great









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Welcome Bonnie,

You have certainly come the right place..Wait 'til you see the great

recipes in the files ..Also wonderful support here from all the nice


Smiles and hugs

Deanna in Colorado


, " Bonnie " <mycamper wrote:


> Hi. I'm Bonnie and I'm new to the group. I need to clean out the

> arteries and fix some real food!! Looking forward to some great

> recipes.


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  • 6 months later...

Good luck and great determination to change your life and health. I, too,became

vegetarian for my health. I am still alive, so I guess it is working.

My husband is a meat and potatoes man, too, but has come to love the variety and

tastes of vegetarian cooking. He happily eats what I fix for him, daily, but

during the day he goes for lunch and eats whatever.

Having a couple simple and quick to fix, but delicious dishes will help you.

From those you can broaden out, but always have something easy to make available

for when you feel weak and just need something to eat.



Anita <anita4wfb wrote: Hi,


I'm new to this group, I've tried several times to go vegetarian without any

lasting success.


I've always sympathized with the morality of it. Its just hard when you've

been raised to eat meat. Now that I'm 54 and have been diagnosed with type II

diabetes, I'm determined to get off the medicine and I know this is the best

way. To eat as vegan and organically as possible. That's my intention.


I was looking for a group, because I don't know anyone who's vegetarian, not

totally. My husband will never not eat meat, thankfully he works nights I work

days. I only cook for him a couple of times a week.


So far its working for me, I'm feeling better all ready. I should have done

this years ago.





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I would sugges going to the archives of the group and doing a search

for " diabetes " We have talked quite a bit about this in the past.





, Anita <anita4wfb wrote:


> Hi,


> I'm new to this group, I've tried several times to go vegetarian

without any lasting success.


> I've always sympathized with the morality of it. Its just hard

when you've been raised to eat meat. Now that I'm 54 and have been

diagnosed with type II diabetes, I'm determined to get off the

medicine and I know this is the best way. To eat as vegan and

organically as possible. That's my intention.


> I was looking for a group, because I don't know anyone who's

vegetarian, not totally. My husband will never not eat meat,

thankfully he works nights I work days. I only cook for him a couple

of times a week.


> So far its working for me, I'm feeling better all ready. I should

have done this years ago.


> Anita





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  • 1 month later...

> Thanks for letting me join. I have just become interested in raw


> in trying to control my Type 2 diabetes without drugs.

>> Thanks to everyone who has advice for me.


> Diana



Welcome! Diabetes, Type 2, is diet-caused. I was booted from the

diabetes for remarking that it is reversible. Crazy! Some

people are very attached to and protective of their illnesses. I have

seen radically bad type 2 diabetes respond in a matter of weeks! My

friend reversed her husband's in no time at all, using a lot of raw

foods and raw juices, plus some cooked vegan foods and some great

herbs that support the pancreas, etc. She also did some colon

cleansing, liver cleansing and kidney cleansing with him. I would say

his extremely high blood sugar readings were coming out pretty normal

within a month. You can do it! One of the very best overviews of this

entire lifestyle is called: Living Foods For Optimum Health by Brian

Clements. It is usually a lot cheaper used on www.half.com or

www.amazon.con. :-) Erica www.schoolofrawk.com

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From: boffidstDate: Wed, 24 Oct 2007 12:18:52 +0000 New to the group




Let me introduce myself....My name is Dawn and I live in Waldorf, MD. I have been about 75% raw for about 6 months and 100% raw for five days (smile). I am joining the group because I feel like I need to surround myself with like-minded individuals and also hoping to learn a thing or two while making new friends. Help yourself to FREE treats served up daily at the Messenger Café. Stop by today!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hi I too am new. I am a 8.5 year vegetarian who is always looking for

delicious new meals that are heavy on the easy but with a flair of

fancy. Thanks for what looks like such a great group!



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Hiya Cat, welcome to the garden of earthly delights! Yup, you can be vegetarian

and do a vegetarian diet. My husband person is an insulin dependant diabetic

and his A1C is a nice, healthy 6. We are lacto-ovo vegetarians (dairy and eggs

from organic farms), I'm just the opposite, hypoglycemic and will do the roller

coaster downhill if I put too many carbs in me. (Trust me, get your blood

glucose down to 24 and people kind of freak out. Sheesh!)


I use protein shakes because I had gastric bypass surgery and proteins don't

absorb as they wouild in a normal gut. So yes, bottom line, many diabetics live

a vegetarian life, but you and your doctor have to determine if it is best for

you. (My version of covering my legal a## since I am not a doctor and do not

play one on TV but used to play nursie and naughy patient with the husband but

that is probably TMI. )


Hope this helps, Jeanne in GA


Pondering Cat <pondering_cat wrote:

I just joined. I would like to develop a vegetarian lifestyle. I just

have a couple of problems so I hope to learn how to solve them on this group. I

am pre-diabetic and cannot have too many carbs in my diet. Also, I need to have

protein for a couple of reasons. One, it helps prevent spiking blood sugars.

Two, I had a spinal cord injury and I need the protein to help keep the muscles

that I currently have. I know that I can get protein from other sources and that

is why I joined the group. I look forward to learning from everyone.



Cat (short for Cathy/Catherine)


http://360./pondering_cat (AT) sbcglobal (DOT) net






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