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Im sure speed is vegan- but probably not good for you, but hey, diets arent




" toni U " <minusthemeat

Tue, 14 Mar 2000 10:28:16 PST




> " toni U " <minusthemeat


> Hi Everyone


> I am wondering if any of you can give me some suggestions on a good vegan

> face lotion for dry skin.


> Also I am wanting to take a diet pill similar to thermo-lift but am wanting

> something that is vegan. Anyone know if Metobolic Thyrolean or Metabolife

> are vegan? Any suggestions on a vegan diet pill?


> Thank You


> Toni

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  • 5 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Hi John ! Welcome to the list and that.


> Where is Vaughan, the young charmer?


I've been neck deep in teaching these last few weeks plus I'm about to start

a new research project so I've been a bit busy (to say the least). Dunno

about the charmer bit, although I shall be passing your comments onto my

mates nonetheless ;)


> [Macs to Indonesia]


I'll happily hand over a tenner. Are you gonna be at the meal ? When was it

again Hayley ?




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'Allo John


How are you?


It's the one with lots to say here!!


I'd love to help - details of where to post a donation?


Are you joining us for our meal at Veg Veg on the 11/11?


Take Care











> (unknown)

>Wed, 25 Oct 2000 02:28:57 -0000


>oh gord, another listserv to follow...willI ever see daylight.


>Quick hello to all the vegans I met at Conway Hall and Freud's

>after from John with the Long Red Hair.


>Where is Vaughan, the young charmer?


>He has been very quiet these past few days.


>Request? Would anyone like to chip in to send a computer to

>Indonesia to help support this nascent Indonesia Vegan Society

>... I passed Karuna the details of this list and I see she posted.


>Very much a one woman affair out there but she is passionate

>and committed about it. [ If a little prone to TVP spam .. but then

>English is her second langauge and she has never visited here



>I can put together an old Macintosh for free good enough for

>writing and mailing but I cant afford the postage, it is may be

>UKP £ 30 or 40. [ She will have to find a monitor out there. ] And

>extra cash will go for useful extras, e.g. ink, disks, cables


>Anyone like to chip in to help spread the revolution? I reckon our

>little cash will go a long way in a developing nation. Everyone

>over here has heard the message... even if they dont listen.


>I have listened to her story and I think that she is genuine. She

>would also appreciate books, videos or leaflets. I have suggsted

>she tries and gets over here to do a placement with a UK group.


>http://www.i-v-s.org [ Apologies to Karuna because I did not ask

>before posting this ... blame me ]







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  • 3 weeks later...

Did you ever get any replies on this? If so, gain any info?



NormaJean Lee [njleeaz]

Monday, November 13, 2000 10:18 AM





I was wondering if anyone out there knows of an alternative to

gluco-chondroitin, which is a supplement taken to help with the rebuild of

tissue in joints. This products main ingredient is Gelatin. Any

suggestions would be helpful!


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please share/comment/inform and mostly enjoy this list

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  • 3 months later...

While working in a small cafe in Austin, TX I encountered lots of people on

meat only diets. They all claimed to feel great and said they lost lots of

weight. I told them that a low-fat vegetarian diet would be a better long

term choice but they said it would take too long for the weight loss. I

worked in a nursing home for a time too and it was filled with people who

ate mostly meat and sometimes potatoes or some fried veggies like okra.

There were a lot of elderly volunteers who ate more balanced diets filled

with fresh veggies and fruits. They were about the same age but were still

full of life at 85 plus. Working there definately encouraged me to become

vegetarian. Before that I didn't realise what a difference our diets can

make. I can only imagine what a long healthy life my daughter will live

since she'll be a vegetarian from the start.


By the way, I breastfeed but am having trouble pumping enough milk. I know

I'm making enough it just won't come out when I try to pump. Any



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On Mon, 26 Feb 2001, Susan M. Prepejchal wrote:


> Since at the time he was helping me pump water out of my flooded basement

> and I was dazed and exhausted, I did not even try to argue with him. I

> also didn't encourage him by asking any questions, but does this sound

> like one of those trendy high-protein diets? He mentioned a book called

> *Sugar Busters*. He seems to believe plant foods of all kinds are too

> high in sugars, which tax the immune system and cause diabetes. He also

> had some idea about cholesterol levels being meaningless, etc...


Yeah, that does sound like an Atkins/Zone-type high protein diet,

especially the part about cholesterol being meaningless. It's funny that

he mentioned Sugar Busters, which I've read -- while not overtly

vegetarian-friendly, it's actually a lot more moderate than the sort of

diet he's talking about. In Sugar Busters, sugars and *refined* grains

are discouraged, but vegetables and whole grains are not.


And yes, you can lose a lot of weight on a high-protein diet, but you

can't maintain that indefinitely. Years ago, my step-father followed a

similar sort of diet for over a year, eating almost nothing but meat, and

eventually had a breakdown of sorts. He went into what he describes as a

trance in the supermarket, filling his cart entirely with bread and eating

two whole loaves in the car in the parking lot. He thinks he temporarily

lost his mind there from deprivation.



Patricia Bullington-McGuire <patricia


The brilliant Cerebron, attacking the problem analytically, discovered

three distinct kinds of dragon: the mythical, the chimerical, and the

purely hypothetical. They were all, one might say, nonexistent, but each

nonexisted in an entirely different way ...

-- Stanislaw Lem, " Cyberiad "

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I don't mean that my husband is sickly, really, but he pops Tylenol almost

nightly, and is more prone to sniffles, sore throat and colds than the kids

and I are. He even had an ear infection this winter.


The high-protein/low carb diet really does work for a while, it's easier for

the stomach to digest one food type at a time, so everything is digested

much more efficiently. They will realize that this isn't the perfect answer

when they experience their first stroke... or just high blood pressure or

cholesterol. Or perhaps they won't, the doctor probably will commend them

for losing the weight and put them on medication for the other

" abnormalities " -- that have been caused by this diet.





> Susan M. Prepejchal [sprepejchal]

> Monday, February 26, 2001 12:30 PM


> (unknown)



> I found it interesting that a couple of you mentioned

> meat-eaters being

> sickly...I just got a long lecture from a neighbor who claims they eat

> nothing but meat and animal fat and a few whole milk products, small

> amounts of vegetables, no grain products... and never get

> sick. (I guess

> he isn't counting the stroke and hip fracture his wife had a couple of

> years ago). He thinks I'm too sickly (I've got two young

> kids who bring

> a good number of colds home from school)

> and should give up my vegetarian ways!!!


> Since at the time he was helping me pump water out of my

> flooded basement

> and I was dazed and exhausted, I did not even try to argue

> with him. I

> also didn't encourage him by asking any questions, but does this sound

> like one of those trendy high-protein diets? He mentioned a

> book called

> *Sugar Busters*. He seems to believe plant foods of all kinds are too

> high in sugars, which tax the immune system and cause

> diabetes. He also

> had some idea about cholesterol levels being meaningless, etc...


> Has anyone encountered this species of carnivore??? Susan

> ______________


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> For more information about vegetarianism, please visit the

> VRG website at http://www.vrg.org and for materials

> especially useful for families go to http://www.vrg.org/family.



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Susan wrote (in part)

> I also didn't encourage him by asking any questions, but does this sound

> like one of those trendy high-protein diets? He mentioned a book called

> *Sugar Busters*. He seems to believe plant foods of all kinds are too

> high in sugars, which tax the immune system and cause diabetes. He also

> had some idea about cholesterol levels being meaningless, etc...


> Has anyone encountered this species of carnivore???



I think I wrote this previously to the list, but I took my 1-month old

to a large playgroup that was in my friend's town (she spoke very highly

of it). We went around and bring up a question/concern for the group to

discuss and provide advice. I didn't really have any specific questions

at that time, but was curious if anyone in the group was vegetarian (I

currently do not have any vegetarian friends or family... it's quite

" lonely " sometimes). I posed the question to the group, and I couldn't

believe that I got the response that I did... " babies need different

nutrients than adults " " what's good for you is not necessarily good for

your baby " " you need to talk to a nutritionist " " what is your doctor

telling you? I can refer you to a different pediatrician " " your baby

will suffer because of your decision " . You would have thought that I

was planning to abuse my child!!! Needless to say, I was shunned by the

other mothers, and stopped going. I now have an amazingly healthy,

happy eight+ month old who LOVES tofu, veggies of all kinds, rice, etc.

He is the healthiest baby I know of all my friends' babies. (Funny,

though, that some of my friends are disgusted by the thought of pureed

meat, and ask me what I feed Ian).


As far as the plant foods being high in sugars... What on earth is this

guy reading? Sugars come from carbohydrates... I don't think many

veggies are very high in carbohydrates. Diets excessively high in carbs

cause elevated blood sugar and insulin resistance, as well as high

triglycerides. Also, high protein diets can lead to funky amino acid

imbalances and can tax the kidneys (hey, but I'm preaching to the

choir). And I don't even want to talk about cholesterol levels being

meaningless. I've seen far too many cardiac catheterizations to believe

that one. I'm sure if you put a carnivore in an interventional cardiac

unit, they'll change thier tune quickly. Many cardiac rehab patients I

work with come to me for vegetarian advice, since they've been scared

out of their britches...


Enough of that... Sorry you had to encounter such resistance.



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> By the way, I breastfeed but am having trouble pumping enough milk. I know

> I'm making enough it just won't come out when I try to pump. Any

> suggestions?


Ugh, this is always a problem for me. Drink LOTS, LOTS, LOTS of water!

Rule number one. It also may depend on the pump, or many other factors

(for example, I can never let down when pumping if I'm extremely tired

or if there's a lot on my mind). Try to relax, look at a photo of your

baby, listen to soothing music. Make sure you're in a warm room. I

know there are supplements out there that help people (e.g. fenugreek,

which I tried, but it seemed to irritate my son; some moms swear by

it). I don't have much other advice, but have much sympathy. I'm sure

others have much more to offer.


Just don't let it discourage you!


Good luck


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In a message dated 2/27/2001 9:16:28 AM Pacific Standard Time, sprepejchal writes:



Just out of curiosity, am I the only one here whose husband is also

vegetarian? OK, ok, so my home life is harmonious...it's just the rest

of the culture we're at odds with! Susan



Nope, my hubbie is a vegetarian too. We have a veggie household, I wouldn't have it any other way!!



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My husband is a vegetarian. So, you are not the only one!

Before he moved in with me, 10 yrs. ago, I told him that there were rules in

my house. No animal products or by-products at all. He told me that was a

small sacrifice to be with the person he loved. He ate flesh when we went

out, which was not often then, since he was out of work for a bit. After less

than 6 months, he gave up most animal products. Now, he only eats dairy and

eggs if cooked in bread or sweets outside of the house. Our 5 yr. old son is


My husband used to be a cook, so to learn how to eat vegan foods and widen

his diet Now he does 90% of the cooking.





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This neighbor who eats the meat-based diet has a wife who DID have a

stroke (and a broken hip-osteoporosis?) a couple of years ago. He told

me proudly that her cholesterol level was 300 then and that it didn't

mean a thing because tests showed that her arteries are perfectly clear.




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Gosh, what a hostile response you got from those mothers! I guess I

shouldn't be amazed though, because people in like-minded groups sure can

be nasty to anyone who is different...hey, I guess I can see why my son

is not anxious for his classmates to know he is vegetarian. At 8, he is

not old enough to feel being unique is prestigious. He just wants to fit



By the way, both my kids have been on a mostly vegan with occasional

dairy diet from birth and at 8 and 4 they are both quite healthy.


Incidently, I brought out our old copies of the Victor the Vegetarian

books last night to read to the kids. They hadn't heard them in a long

time and my son was so excited to hear a child in a book say he likes

tofu and soymilk that he jumped up, grabbed the book and said, " Tofu?

Soymilk? Let me see that! " He just had to see it in print with his own

eyes. Makes me realize what a vegetarian playmate would mean to him.

Wish I could help him! Susan



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At 11:29 AM 2/26/01 -0600, susan wrote:

>I just got a long lecture from a neighbor who claims they eat

>nothing but meat and animal fat and a few whole milk products, small

>amounts of vegetables, no grain products... and never get sick.



It's probably the protein diet.


>Since at the time he was helping me pump water out of my flooded basement

>and I was dazed and exhausted, I did not even try to argue with him. I

>also didn't encourage him by asking any questions, but does this sound

>like one of those trendy high-protein diets? He mentioned a book called

>*Sugar Busters*.



Yep. It's the high protein diet.


>He seems to believe plant foods of all kinds are too

>high in sugars, which tax the immune system and cause diabetes. He also

>had some idea about cholesterol levels being meaningless, etc...



Well, he's full of it. One of the men that dh works with is like

this. His kids are always sick, but they eat french fries, ketchup and

hamburger most of the time. Oh and lots of cheese. They have recurrent

ear infections, are almost always on antibiotics and one of them had his

adenoids and tonsils out. I've suggested they cut out dairy but they don't

know how their children would get calcium. Now, one of his children is

calcium deficient and he's making him drink a ton of cow milk. <sigh>





momma to Sarah Rose (May 9, 1995), Emily (April 8, 1998) and ? (March 22, 2001)

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At 06:32 PM 2/26/01 +0000, ginger wrote:


>By the way, I breastfeed but am having trouble pumping enough milk. I know

>I'm making enough it just won't come out when I try to pump. Any




You can take herbal supplements like fenugreek and blessed thistle to up

your production. Also, calming and relaxing music can help while

pumping. What kind of pump do you have? That can make a difference. Oh

and remember, that what you pump is not necessarily what milk you

have. Some people just can pump more than others.




momma to Sarah Rose (May 9, 1995), Emily (April 8, 1998) and ? (March 22, 2001)

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Susan- I have encountered that kind of carnivore- peolpe who are trying to

tell me that I'm not getting enough protein. The little I know about Sugar

busters and other high protein diets is that they believe one should cut out

all carbs and only eat protein (bacon, red meat, ick...). They say it's

healthier. The thing they don't talk about is that a high protein diet like

that makes your kidneys work too hard and can send your body into a state of

ketosis. One book I read called Protein Power claimed that you should have

70+ grams of protein per day! My doctor tells me as long as I'm between

35-45 grams I'm fine. Our bodies use plant proteins much more efficiently

than animal proteins and we don't need as much. I like it much better our



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NO, Susan, my husband is a vegetarian! When we got married, he was a meat

eater, but eventually did his own research and soul searching and became one

on his own! One Christmas he handed me an empty White Castle Hamburger box

and said, "That is my last piece of meat" - White Castle used to be his

favorite. I couldn't have been more proud! He's going on 4 years as a

veggie and is more militant than I am sometimes!

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My husband and I are both vegetarian as our our children Sam (6 in May)

and ALeksander (2 in April). I read Diet For A New America in December of

1993 and never ate meat again. My husband read it and was just about 2

weeks behind me. We are currently living in Norway where it is pretty

difficult and we are definately odd to people, but in AUgust we move to

Zurich, Switzerland and are thrilled because tofu and veggie burgers are

sold in the regular grocery stores there!




>Just out of curiosity, am I the only one here whose husband is also

>vegetarian? OK, ok, so my home life is harmonious...it's just the rest

>of the culture we're at odds with! Susan

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On Tue, 27 Feb 2001, Susan M. Prepejchal wrote:


> Just out of curiosity, am I the only one here whose husband is also

> vegetarian? OK, ok, so my home life is harmonious...it's just the rest

> of the culture we're at odds with! Susan


Nope, my husband and I are both vegans. He was definitely a meat-eater

when we first fell in love, but he was never hostile towards my diet or my

values and in fact went out of his way to make sure I was accomodated when

we went out to eat. (He got many bonus points for that. :) ) Shortly

after we got engaged, he realized one day that he hadn't eaten anything I

wouldn't eat for the last 3 days (unintentionally) and that he didn't feel

deprived, so he decided to see how long he could keep it up. It's been 3

years now and he has no intention of going back.



Patricia Bullington-McGuire <patricia


The brilliant Cerebron, attacking the problem analytically, discovered

three distinct kinds of dragon: the mythical, the chimerical, and the

purely hypothetical. They were all, one might say, nonexistent, but each

nonexisted in an entirely different way ...

-- Stanislaw Lem, " Cyberiad "

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There are two books: Victor the Vegetarian: Saving theLittle Lambs and

Victor's Picnic with the Vegetarian Animals, both by Radha Vignola. I am

pretty sure I ordered them through VRG. Susan



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Does anyone else have favorite vegetarian books, videos, etc... for

children? I haven't run across much beyond the Victor books and the

Simpsons episode... susan



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