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Thanks, I will try it.




"Thinking Time" <thinking.timeherbal remedies To: herbal remedies Subject: Re: Herbal Remedies - Re: TinnitusFri, 21 Apr 2006 11:09:29 +0100B complex is good for ears, I made a mistake, not E complex. You may clean yourself by drinking water, but you can also clean the air too, because...ears are connected not just to water, but also to air.

On 4/20/06, Margaret A. Lawrence <margaretlawrence2 wrote:





I drink enough water during the day, I could float a boat. I have had this condition since I was a teenager and I suppose I will have it until the day I die unless the Good Lord decides to take it away. I just wish I could stop the dizzy spells that come with it.

Margaret in Tx.




"gabriele" <gcliburn >herbal remedies

<herbal remedies >Re: Herbal Remedies - Re: Tinnitus

Wed, 19 Apr 2006 11:13:19 -0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)













thinking time x 2


i have heard that tinnitus can be caused by dehydration . the ear is one of the first placees the body takes fluids from .


you are supposed to drink your body';s weight in FL oz daily . so if you weigh 150 = 150 FL oz . if you weigh 200 = 200 fl oz .


thebook " your body's many cries for water " by bathmandelijsh [ something liek that ] will give you all kinds of info


gab in fl




















><< 07_header.gif >> ><< 07_footer.gif >> ><< imstp_heads_en.gif >>


>>>Version: 7.1.385 / Virus Database: 268.4.3/316 - Release 4/17/2006




Federal Law requires that we warn you of the following: 1. Natural methods can sometimes backfire. 2. If you are pregnant, consult your physician before using any natural remedy. 3. The Constitution guarantees you the right to be your own physician and toprescribe for your own health. We are not medical doctors although MDs are welcome to post here as long as they behave themselves. Any opinions put forth by the list members are exactly that, and any person following the advice of anyone posting here does so at their own risk. It is up to you to educate yourself. By accepting advice or products from list members, you are agreeing to be fully responsible for your own health, and hold the List Owner and members free of any liability. Dr. Ian ShillingtonDoctor of NaturopathyDr.IanShillington



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lol..in ozs..not lbs! sorry, i did not get specific...150 lbs..75 ozs of water..etc



herbal remedies [herbal remedies ] On Behalf Of Barb LeppkyThursday, April 20, 2006 4:19 PMherbal remedies Subject: Re: Herbal Remedies - Re: Tinnitus


Lets see now. A 150 lb. person would have to drink 75 lbs. of water. 1 gallon of water weighs 8 lbs. So, 75 lbs. of water is equal to 9.3 gallons of water. 1 gallon = 8 pints (16 cups). Therefore, 9.3 gallons is equal to 150 cups of water. Hmmmm, doesn't that sound a bit like drowning??????



J johns

herbal remedies

Wednesday, April 19, 2006 11:09 PM

Re: Herbal Remedies - Re: Tinnitus

I have always read to drink half you body weight inwater??--- gabriele <gcliburn wrote:> thinking time x 2 > > i have heard that tinnitus can be caused by> dehydration . the ear is one of> the first placees the body takes fluids from . > > you are supposed to drink your body';s weight in FL> oz daily . so if you> weigh 150 = 150 FL oz . if you weigh 200 = 200 fl> oz . > > thebook " your body's many cries for water " by> bathmandelijsh [ something> liek that ] will give you all kinds of info > > gab in fl > No virus found in this outgoingmessage.> > Version: 7.1.385 / Virus Database: 268.4.3/316 -> Release 4/17/2006>

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Have you tried lobelia in an ear? A thought. A few months ago I was rolling in the waves in Cancun, my ear got clogged and the only thing that I had was Lobelia tincture, I put a drop of it in my ear and it cleared it up. From the force of the waves it packed the wax in my ear. I dont know if it is the vinegar that is in the tincture or if it was the lobelia. It worked. GinaMelisa <On_A_Quest wrote: I have many memories from very early childhood that other than the fact that I can provide details no one would believe that I could remember that far back. however I don’t recall ringing. I don’t have ringing

now. I have trouble hearing in one ear but pass ear tests fine. silence, like in a room when everything is turned off, such as a blackout since usually there's something running - fridge, AC etc- for me it gets loud, like being in a cave by an ocean. I do not believe in past lives and wont go into my belief system as per code of conduct for the group but please don’t push this idea on me. it makes me uncomfortable and if you want to think that reflects on my psychological profile relating to this that’s your choice and opinion but it seems rather pompous to presume to know that much about someone over one small paragraph to think that travel or whatever would have so much effect on their ears mentally. I travel or did travel a lot and I never have problems except for when flying, same with swimming and I can assure you, I am a fish out of water. 2 really if you account for me being a Pisces but anyways its an ear problem, not a headcase

problem. I drink more than enough water, always have. I take vitamin e also. during childhood they tried everything under the sun to help chronic recurring ear infections. I got them from water, I got them from pressure (underwater, airplanes etc) I got them from headcolds- until I got older and the infections moved to my tonsils and then they moved again to sinuses as a teen and have stayed there since. still have a tendency towards ear infections but usually just have muffled hearing in the one ear and loud silence, no ringing. when I do get a ringing its only for a minute but I really don’t feel there's any relation to a deep rooted psychological or spiritual issue. this is a site for herbal remedies I thought- not metaphysics or psychology. thanks anyways for the thought but I'm here for herbal remedies, that’s all. melisaHave a Happy and Healthy Day, Gina Kopera

Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less.

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body weight in fluid ounces of water ...

its not really all that much if you are of average weight :


125 pounds equals 125 fluid ounces .


1 gallon equals 126 fluid ounces .. if you follow the recommended sugestion of 8 8 fl oz of water daily you come out to 64 fluid ounces . just double your intake . 8 12 oz glasses equal 96 fl oz .


it becomes a bit more of a daunting taks , if you weigh more that avarage or are a little more than overweighed like me . just remember this is water only , not tea , coffee , juice or anything else you might be ddrinking .


in order to really understand this concept , you ought to read the water book .



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lol- hun its body pounds to water ounces.... biiiiig difference. 150 pounds = 75 ounces water, not 75 pounds. I wonder if its even possible to drink half your weight in water. prolly would have to look in guinness book of recrds. hope that clears it up though



Barb Leppky

herbal remedies

Thursday, April 20, 2006 4:18 PM

Re: Herbal Remedies - Re: Tinnitus


Lets see now. A 150 lb. person would have to drink 75 lbs. of water. 1 gallon of water weighs 8 lbs. So, 75 lbs. of water is equal to 9.3 gallons of water. 1 gallon = 8 pints (16 cups). Therefore, 9.3 gallons is equal to 150 cups of water. Hmmmm, doesn't that sound a bit like drowning??????



J johns

herbal remedies

Wednesday, April 19, 2006 11:09 PM

Re: Herbal Remedies - Re: Tinnitus

I have always read to drink half you body weight inwater??--- gabriele <gcliburn wrote:> thinking time x 2 > > i have heard that tinnitus can be caused by> dehydration . the ear is one of> the first placees the body takes fluids from . > > you are supposed to drink your body';s weight in FL> oz daily . so if you> weigh 150 = 150 FL oz . if you weigh 200 = 200 fl> oz . > > thebook " your body's many cries for water " by> bathmandelijsh [ something> liek that ] will give you all kinds of info > > gab in fl > No virus found in this outgoingmessage.> > Version: 7.1.385 / Virus Database: 268.4.3/316 -> Release 4/17/2006>

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I'm not the one that suggested we drink half our body weight in lbs of water. If you check a little more closely you'll see it was J johns that suggested that in question form. I personally feel that the color of your pee is more useful as a guideline. If your pee is quite dark in color you need more water. Barb



Melisa Shannon

herbal remedies

Friday, April 21, 2006 11:47 PM

Re: Herbal Remedies - Re: Tinnitus



lol- hun its body pounds to water ounces.... biiiiig difference. 150 pounds = 75 ounces water, not 75 pounds. I wonder if its even possible to drink half your weight in water. prolly would have to look in guinness book of recrds. hope that clears it up though



Barb Leppky

herbal remedies

Thursday, April 20, 2006 4:18 PM

Re: Herbal Remedies - Re: Tinnitus


Lets see now. A 150 lb. person would have to drink 75 lbs. of water. 1 gallon of water weighs 8 lbs. So, 75 lbs. of water is equal to 9.3 gallons of water. 1 gallon = 8 pints (16 cups). Therefore, 9.3 gallons is equal to 150 cups of water. Hmmmm, doesn't that sound a bit like drowning??????



J johns

herbal remedies

Wednesday, April 19, 2006 11:09 PM

Re: Herbal Remedies - Re: Tinnitus

I have always read to drink half you body weight inwater??--- gabriele <gcliburn wrote:> thinking time x 2 > > i have heard that tinnitus can be caused by> dehydration . the ear is one of> the first placees the body takes fluids from . > > you are supposed to drink your body';s weight in FL> oz daily . so if you> weigh 150 = 150 FL oz . if you weigh 200 = 200 fl> oz . > > thebook " your body's many cries for water " by> bathmandelijsh [ something> liek that ] will give you all kinds of info > > gab in fl > No virus found in this outgoingmessage.> > Version: 7.1.385 / Virus Database: 268.4.3/316 -> Release 4/17/2006>

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colour of urine can be dark because its concentrated or it can be dark because you take b vitamins ...


they do change the urine colour






















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Hi Beth,


Regarding sleep of your patient, I assume you have checked he does not drink

coffee or tea after -at least- late afternoon? I remember a client that came

once for sleeping problems and me saying " I'm assuming that you odn;t drink any

coffee in the afternoon or evenig? " ... well, no! the client was drinking coffee

in the evening. SInce then, I've learned to phrase the question more openly!

Have you tried moxa for his shoulder pain?

Does your client hav eany emoitonal insights about his problem or himself? In

such cases as you describe, I am thinking " what can be the ADvantage of tinitus?

of not relaxing? or shoulder pain? " .


I am wondering if Shiatsu might work better for your patient? Because of the

hands on " therapeutical touch " ?


Let us know how you get on with him.






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When I have found sudden appearing symptoms, I look for events in that person's

life that might have triggered them. For example, a woman came into the school

clinic for a problem that was recurring but had a definite starting point. She

had taken a trip to an area one after a major flood (Red River) and had consumed

water that later made her sick. It is hard to get clean water when there is so

much flooding that it increases microbes present. I checked her abdomen for

reactive signs according to treatment strategies from Kiiko Matsumoto's work and

found them positive. We then treated points that released this and saw a change

in this persons health. In addition to asking your patient about this time

period, I would suggest you palpate the neck for pressure pain. If the neck

muscles are unable to be relaxed while lying down that should tell you there is

a problem. The internal pressure and tension can influence nerves that can

affect the head. Hope this all helps.





: sg1532: Fri,

28 Apr 2006 19:22:26 -0400tinnitusHi all,I have a patient I have

been treating for about 2 months who presents with high pitch ear ringing that

is constantly there all the time. It varies in intesity but is never quiet. It

has been occuring for the past 3 years and started very suddenly. The doctors

can not find anything wrong and nothing they have done has helped. His pulses

are typically booming and sometimes rapid also. The ringing is causing him to

not be able to fall asleep at night because it is so loud and annoying. He

also reports that some of the inability to fall asleep is that he is thinking

about 1000 things all the time and finds it hard to relax. He can not get to

sleep without taking tylenol pm and even then he only sleeps for 4-5 hours and

then wakes and can not fall back asleep. His face is very red all over all of

the time and his tongue is average pink with a whitish greenish slightly thick

coat color. Two weeks ago it presented as dry and peeled, last week it

presented as moist and not peeled. For 5E people i see red and some green,

hear clip/shout, and get a general sense of irritation/anger from him. He

reports feeling aggrivated very easily at dumb things and it is hard for him to

let go of the anger once the incident has past. Also he is having shoulder

pain whenever he raises his right arm to brush his teeth it is very sharp

stabbing and boring a 9.5 out of 10 on the pain scale and it does not have any

swelling/redness/hotnes to touch, it does not change with the weather. I have

coached him on drinking more water, trying to find what ways work for him to

relax, doing some deep breathing, soaking his feet in hot water 20 minutes

before bedtime,Like I said we have been working together for almost two months

and he reports not noticing any changes at in in ringing, sleep, anger/stress,

nor shoulder pain relief. I have worked on his CF of Wood, I have done

points around the ear (TE 17, 21, distal points TE 3) I have done auricular

treatments, and I am feeling lost because he is one of the first patietns that

have told me that they have honestly not noticed ANY change in ANYTHING (sleep,

shoulder, ears, a sense of calmness.. nothing) He has told me if nothing

changes in the next two visits that he thinks he can not be helped and will stop

treatment. I really do want to help this guy and if acupuncture is not the

best modality to help him (for whatever reason) I was wondering if anyone had

any ideas about other modalites western or eastern that have had success with

an ear ringing situation like this. Any thoughts would be appreciated,Thank

you,BethBeth GrubbLicensed

Acupuncturist410-591-2644SG1532[Non-text portions of

this message have been removed]Subscribe to the new FREE online journal for TCM

at Times http://www.chinesemedicinetimes.com Download the all

new TCM Forum Toolbar, click,

http://toolbar.thebizplace.com/LandingPage.aspx/CT145145To change your email

delivery settings, click,

and adjust

accordingly. Messages are the property of the author. Any duplication outside

the group requires prior permission from the author.Please consider the

environment and only print this message if absolutely necessary.


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Hi Beth,


You didn't mention how many months (years) patient has tinnitus, but I

consider this important to make a prevision of treatment sessions. My proportion

is 4 weekly sessions for each year of symptoms. see



Tinittus could be treated by many meridians (SI, B, KI, TH, GB, LV, LI, GV).

You coud palpate MU and/or Back Shu points to discover what meridians to treat

(look for pain in points). For treatment method you coud choose the one you like

more (shu/mo, distal proximal, five elements, ton/sed, etc...).


After needles withdrawal you must recheck shu/mo points to see if pain

disappeared. This is the signal of a good diagnostic.


Apparently your patient has a Liver Yang Rising (maybe the mother KI not

feeding LV) acting over fire element generating a Shen disturbance.


If this dx is confirmed you could use " four gates " to put your pt to sleep

(LV-3 with LI-4 bilaterally + B-18 & B-25).




Nilton Benfatti





Chinese Medicine

Friday, April 28, 2006 8:22 PM




Hi all,

I have a patient I have been treating for about 2 months who presents with

high pitch ear ringing that is constantly there all the time. It varies in

intesity but is never quiet. It has been occuring for the past 3 years and

started very suddenly. The doctors can not find anything wrong and nothing


have done has helped. His pulses are typically booming and sometimes rapid

also. The ringing is causing him to not be able to fall asleep at night

because it is so loud and annoying. He also reports that some of the

inability to

fall asleep is that he is thinking about 1000 things all the time and finds

it hard to relax. He can not get to sleep without taking tylenol pm and

even then he only sleeps for 4-5 hours and then wakes and can not fall back

asleep. His face is very red all over all of the time and his tongue is


pink with a whitish greenish slightly thick coat color. Two weeks ago it

presented as dry and peeled, last week it presented as moist and not peeled.

For 5E people i see red and some green, hear clip/shout, and get a general

sense of irritation/anger from him. He reports feeling aggrivated very

easily at

dumb things and it is hard for him to let go of the anger once the incident

has past. Also he is having shoulder pain whenever he raises his right arm

to brush his teeth it is very sharp stabbing and boring a 9.5 out of 10 on

the pain scale and it does not have any swelling/redness/hotnes to touch, it

does not change with the weather. I have coached him on drinking more water,

trying to find what ways work for him to relax, doing some deep breathing,

soaking his feet in hot water 20 minutes before bedtime,

Like I said we have been working together for almost two months and he

reports not noticing any changes at in in ringing, sleep, anger/stress, nor

shoulder pain relief. I have worked on his CF of Wood, I have done points


the ear (TE 17, 21, distal points TE 3) I have done auricular treatments, and

I am feeling lost because he is one of the first patietns that have told me

that they have honestly not noticed ANY change in ANYTHING (sleep, shoulder,

ears, a sense of calmness.. nothing) He has told me if nothing changes in

the next two visits that he thinks he can not be helped and will stop

treatment. I really do want to help this guy and if acupuncture is not the


modality to help him (for whatever reason) I was wondering if anyone had any

ideas about other modalites western or eastern that have had success with an


ringing situation like this. Any thoughts would be appreciated,

Thank you,



Beth Grubb

Licensed Acupuncturist






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Hi Beth - have you thought that maybe he has a Fire CF? Or if not that,

have you treated his Fire as a distressed Element? And have you checked

his back/referred him to a chiropractor to make sure his back is aligned?


Karen R. Adams

Lic Ac, Dipl Ac, BA(Hons), BS

Four Directions Healing Arts

112 Avenue A

Turners Falls, MA 01376







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Beth: I assume you have done AE. What about ID's or ED's. Sedating

wood/fire seems like a good idea, and my guess is you have done this.

The gates, as someone suggested - good idea. There should be some email

in the archives on tinnitus. The usual suspects - SI 19, GB2, TH 21.

There is also a Master Tung point on the inner thigh - I think 6 ACI

(see archive or someone help here). Anyway both were effective for a

patient I had with tinnitus - he was KI deficient but also had residual

heat from an antibiotic. Also reflief took a series of treatments -

twice a week is good. It sounds like this guy my not be so patient.

Also you can check Dr. Tan site for shoulder pain or go locally.


Another thing I heard was Ring Stop - homeopathic remedy found in health

food stores.


It is odd that he has found no relief with sedating or ear acupuncture.

Maybe it's just where he is in the healing process. I have not always

been able to help everyone - and then of course there are patients that

tell you the treatments changed their life. So, we remain in the

mystery. Do the research, do your best, then accept where he is with

this. Let him know you are there if he wants to continue, and that it

just may take a while.




sg1532 wrote:


>Hi all,

>I have a patient I have been treating for about 2 months who presents with

>high pitch ear ringing that is constantly there all the time. It varies in

>intesity but is never quiet. It has been occuring for the past 3 years and

>started very suddenly. The doctors can not find anything wrong and nothing


>have done has helped. His pulses are typically booming and sometimes rapid

>also. The ringing is causing him to not be able to fall asleep at night

>because it is so loud and annoying. He also reports that some of the

inability to

>fall asleep is that he is thinking about 1000 things all the time and finds

>it hard to relax. He can not get to sleep without taking tylenol pm and

>even then he only sleeps for 4-5 hours and then wakes and can not fall back

>asleep. His face is very red all over all of the time and his tongue is


>pink with a whitish greenish slightly thick coat color. Two weeks ago it

>presented as dry and peeled, last week it presented as moist and not peeled.

>For 5E people i see red and some green, hear clip/shout, and get a general

>sense of irritation/anger from him. He reports feeling aggrivated very easily


>dumb things and it is hard for him to let go of the anger once the incident

>has past. Also he is having shoulder pain whenever he raises his right arm

>to brush his teeth it is very sharp stabbing and boring a 9.5 out of 10 on

>the pain scale and it does not have any swelling/redness/hotnes to touch, it

>does not change with the weather. I have coached him on drinking more water,

>trying to find what ways work for him to relax, doing some deep breathing,

>soaking his feet in hot water 20 minutes before bedtime,

>Like I said we have been working together for almost two months and he

>reports not noticing any changes at in in ringing, sleep, anger/stress, nor

>shoulder pain relief. I have worked on his CF of Wood, I have done points


>the ear (TE 17, 21, distal points TE 3) I have done auricular treatments, and

>I am feeling lost because he is one of the first patietns that have told me

>that they have honestly not noticed ANY change in ANYTHING (sleep, shoulder,

>ears, a sense of calmness.. nothing) He has told me if nothing changes in

>the next two visits that he thinks he can not be helped and will stop

>treatment. I really do want to help this guy and if acupuncture is not the


>modality to help him (for whatever reason) I was wondering if anyone had any

>ideas about other modalites western or eastern that have had success with an


>ringing situation like this. Any thoughts would be appreciated,

>Thank you,



>Beth Grubb

>Licensed Acupuncturist







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Another strategy to consider is using jie geng as a guide herb, to direct the

action of your formula to the ear. For example, I had a patient with yin

vacuity and unrelenting tinnitus. I added Jie Geng to Liu Wei Di Huang Wan,

and it worked like a charm. Another helpful approach is to use CranioSacral

therapy to release the temporal bones.




Anne Crowley <blazing.valley wrote:

Beth: I assume you have done AE. What about ID's or ED's. Sedating

wood/fire seems like a good idea, and my guess is you have done this.

The gates, as someone suggested - good idea. There should be some email

in the archives on tinnitus. The usual suspects - SI 19, GB2, TH 21.

There is also a Master Tung point on the inner thigh - I think 6 ACI

(see archive or someone help here). Anyway both were effective for a

patient I had with tinnitus - he was KI deficient but also had residual

heat from an antibiotic. Also reflief took a series of treatments -

twice a week is good. It sounds like this guy my not be so patient.

Also you can check Dr. Tan site for shoulder pain or go locally.


Another thing I heard was Ring Stop - homeopathic remedy found in health

food stores.


It is odd that he has found no relief with sedating or ear acupuncture.

Maybe it's just where he is in the healing process. I have not always

been able to help everyone - and then of course there are patients that

tell you the treatments changed their life. So, we remain in the

mystery. Do the research, do your best, then accept where he is with

this. Let him know you are there if he wants to continue, and that it

just may take a while.




sg1532 wrote:


>Hi all,

>I have a patient I have been treating for about 2 months who presents with

>high pitch ear ringing that is constantly there all the time. It varies in

>intesity but is never quiet. It has been occuring for the past 3 years and

>started very suddenly. The doctors can not find anything wrong and nothing


>have done has helped. His pulses are typically booming and sometimes rapid

>also. The ringing is causing him to not be able to fall asleep at night

>because it is so loud and annoying. He also reports that some of the

inability to

>fall asleep is that he is thinking about 1000 things all the time and finds

>it hard to relax. He can not get to sleep without taking tylenol pm and

>even then he only sleeps for 4-5 hours and then wakes and can not fall back

>asleep. His face is very red all over all of the time and his tongue is


>pink with a whitish greenish slightly thick coat color. Two weeks ago it

>presented as dry and peeled, last week it presented as moist and not peeled.

>For 5E people i see red and some green, hear clip/shout, and get a general

>sense of irritation/anger from him. He reports feeling aggrivated very easily


>dumb things and it is hard for him to let go of the anger once the incident

>has past. Also he is having shoulder pain whenever he raises his right arm

>to brush his teeth it is very sharp stabbing and boring a 9.5 out of 10 on

>the pain scale and it does not have any swelling/redness/hotnes to touch, it

>does not change with the weather. I have coached him on drinking more water,

>trying to find what ways work for him to relax, doing some deep breathing,

>soaking his feet in hot water 20 minutes before bedtime,

>Like I said we have been working together for almost two months and he

>reports not noticing any changes at in in ringing, sleep, anger/stress, nor

>shoulder pain relief. I have worked on his CF of Wood, I have done points


>the ear (TE 17, 21, distal points TE 3) I have done auricular treatments, and

>I am feeling lost because he is one of the first patietns that have told me

>that they have honestly not noticed ANY change in ANYTHING (sleep, shoulder,

>ears, a sense of calmness.. nothing) He has told me if nothing changes in

>the next two visits that he thinks he can not be helped and will stop

>treatment. I really do want to help this guy and if acupuncture is not the


>modality to help him (for whatever reason) I was wondering if anyone had any

>ideas about other modalites western or eastern that have had success with an


>ringing situation like this. Any thoughts would be appreciated,

>Thank you,



>Beth Grubb

>Licensed Acupuncturist







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long dan xie gan tang




liu wei di huang tang



either one of these formulas should help to alleviate the symptoms.


I am unsure if you can obtain patents, or simply purchase the

indredients. but I would recommend a higher dosage for the first

two weeks due to the severity if the symptoms. Aproximatly 1.25 x

the normal dosage.


let me know if you need the formula






> >Hi all,

> >I have a patient I have been treating for about 2 months who

presents with

> >high pitch ear ringing that is constantly there all the time. It

varies in

> >intesity but is never quiet. It has been occuring for the past 3

years and

> >started very suddenly. The doctors can not find anything wrong

and nothing they

> >have done has helped. His pulses are typically booming and

sometimes rapid

> >also. The ringing is causing him to not be able to fall asleep

at night

> >because it is so loud and annoying. He also reports that some of

the inability to

> >fall asleep is that he is thinking about 1000 things all the

time and finds

> >it hard to relax. He can not get to sleep without taking

tylenol pm and

> >even then he only sleeps for 4-5 hours and then wakes and can

not fall back

> >asleep. His face is very red all over all of the time and his

tongue is average

> >pink with a whitish greenish slightly thick coat color. Two

weeks ago it

> >presented as dry and peeled, last week it presented as moist and

not peeled.

> >For 5E people i see red and some green, hear clip/shout, and get

a general

> >sense of irritation/anger from him. He reports feeling

aggrivated very easily at

> >dumb things and it is hard for him to let go of the anger once

the incident

> >has past. Also he is having shoulder pain whenever he raises

his right arm

> >to brush his teeth it is very sharp stabbing and boring a 9.5

out of 10 on

> >the pain scale and it does not have any swelling/redness/hotnes

to touch, it

> >does not change with the weather. I have coached him on drinking

more water,

> >trying to find what ways work for him to relax, doing some deep


> >soaking his feet in hot water 20 minutes before bedtime,

> >Like I said we have been working together for almost two months

and he

> >reports not noticing any changes at in in ringing, sleep,

anger/stress, nor

> >shoulder pain relief. I have worked on his CF of Wood, I have

done points around

> >the ear (TE 17, 21, distal points TE 3) I have done auricular

treatments, and

> >I am feeling lost because he is one of the first patietns that

have told me

> >that they have honestly not noticed ANY change in ANYTHING

(sleep, shoulder,

> >ears, a sense of calmness.. nothing) He has told me if nothing

changes in

> >the next two visits that he thinks he can not be helped and will


> >treatment. I really do want to help this guy and if acupuncture

is not the best

> >modality to help him (for whatever reason) I was wondering if

anyone had any

> >ideas about other modalites western or eastern that have had

success with an ear

> >ringing situation like this. Any thoughts would be appreciated,

> >Thank you,

> >Beth

> >

> >Beth Grubb

> >Licensed Acupuncturist

> >410-591-2644

> >SG1532

> >www.bethgrubb.com

> >

> >

> >

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Anne Crowley wrote:

> Beth: I assume you have done AE. What about ID's or ED's.


Hi Anne!


We didn't all go to the same school and/or belong to the same

associations. AE? ID's? ED's? Acronyms are confusing.





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Believe me, I can relate. I knew Beth went to TAI, so that's why I

talked in code, sorry. AE is clearing aggressive energy (Back Su

poiints, yin meridians). I know that must be buried in the archives

somewhere. It's a Worsley protcol. Also ID's is internal demons. This

should be done first if one determines possession. One of the big

qualifers is cloudiness (no shen) in the eyes, or any signs of

disconnection. I do it more often, such as when alot of things are

going out of whack at once. It is a huge earth treatment, stomach so I

also look to see if that fits with what is going on. ED's are external

demons, meaning the attack is from the outside, viral , climatic, even

an emotional energetic attack.


Several years ago our town in Southern Maryland was hit by an F5

tornado. My new office, was whipped around in the mess. Luckily it hit

on a Sunday evening so there was minimal loss of life. This was not

only wind whipping up the town but a huge cut of metal (loss and grief)

in the community. The Red Cross building behind mine was nothing but

boards. The staff was outside handing out water bottles to the

community (on Monday). Hundred year old trees were uprooted. You get

the picture.


I went to my practioner 2or 3 times in short periods after that (she is

one and a half hours from my house) I still felt like something was

off. I started treatments in the student clinic (also and hour plus

away) to help a student friend of mine get through school. In my first

treatment, the supervisor came in (a metal CF) and said, (to the

practioner) " ED's, she was attacked by an outside force. " The student

did the treatment, and I felt like a million dollars. Everything

shifted. It may have been a cumulative effect, but that treatment was



In the mystery,


Anne C.


petetheisen wrote:


>Anne Crowley wrote:



>>Beth: I assume you have done AE. What about ID's or ED's.




>Hi Anne!


>We didn't all go to the same school and/or belong to the same

>associations. AE? ID's? ED's? Acronyms are confusing.







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>Download the all new TCM Forum Toolbar, click,




and adjust





>Please consider the environment and only print this message if absolutely



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Master Tung has a protocol for Tinnitus which I have

used successful on many occassions, especially in

cases like your that present with a Liver excess

pattern type. Primary course of treatment focuses not

just on the Liver, but on the Kidney as well. One of

the key point used is Shen Guan (in the Tung system),

along with a few others. This will be used for

Tinnitus... then couple with a differet treatment

protocol, more on the muscular skeltal side, for the

shoulder pain. Suggest you take at look at his

writings for Tinnitus.


Good luck.


--- sg1532 wrote:


> Hi all,

> I have a patient I have been treating for about 2

> months who presents with

> high pitch ear ringing that is constantly there all

> the time. It varies in

> intesity but is never quiet. It has been occuring

> for the past 3 years and

> started very suddenly. The doctors can not find

> anything wrong and nothing they

> have done has helped. His pulses are typically

> booming and sometimes rapid

> also. The ringing is causing him to not be able to

> fall asleep at night

> because it is so loud and annoying. He also reports

> that some of the inability to

> fall asleep is that he is thinking about 1000 things

> all the time and finds

> it hard to relax. He can not get to sleep without

> taking tylenol pm and

> even then he only sleeps for 4-5 hours and then

> wakes and can not fall back

> asleep. His face is very red all over all of the

> time and his tongue is average

> pink with a whitish greenish slightly thick coat

> color. Two weeks ago it

> presented as dry and peeled, last week it presented

> as moist and not peeled.

> For 5E people i see red and some green, hear

> clip/shout, and get a general

> sense of irritation/anger from him. He reports

> feeling aggrivated very easily at

> dumb things and it is hard for him to let go of the

> anger once the incident

> has past. Also he is having shoulder pain

> whenever he raises his right arm

> to brush his teeth it is very sharp stabbing and

> boring a 9.5 out of 10 on

> the pain scale and it does not have any

> swelling/redness/hotnes to touch, it

> does not change with the weather. I have coached

> him on drinking more water,

> trying to find what ways work for him to relax,

> doing some deep breathing,

> soaking his feet in hot water 20 minutes before

> bedtime,

> Like I said we have been working together for almost

> two months and he

> reports not noticing any changes at in in ringing,

> sleep, anger/stress, nor

> shoulder pain relief. I have worked on his CF of

> Wood, I have done points around

> the ear (TE 17, 21, distal points TE 3) I have done

> auricular treatments, and

> I am feeling lost because he is one of the first

> patietns that have told me

> that they have honestly not noticed ANY change in

> ANYTHING (sleep, shoulder,

> ears, a sense of calmness.. nothing) He has told me

> if nothing changes in

> the next two visits that he thinks he can not be

> helped and will stop

> treatment. I really do want to help this guy and if

> acupuncture is not the best

> modality to help him (for whatever reason) I was

> wondering if anyone had any

> ideas about other modalites western or eastern that

> have had success with an ear

> ringing situation like this. Any thoughts would be

> appreciated,

> Thank you,

> Beth


> Beth Grubb

> Licensed Acupuncturist

> 410-591-2644

> SG1532

> www.bethgrubb.com



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]











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Anne Crowley wrote:

> AE is clearing aggressive energy

> ID's is internal demons.

> ED's are external demons


Hi Anne!


Thanks for the clarification. In the future, if you could spell out the

whole word or phrase the first time you use it in a post, and after the

first full spelling you could use code if you like. After saying this, I

might break the rule myself, if I do you can jump on me.







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  • 1 year later...

I have done some research myself. I would love it if some type of

effective treatment could be discovered.


I have a professional studio and I got Tinnitus from long monitoring

sessions while mixing(NOT loud mixing/music/concerts <SPL

55-65 dbA>). It is mild and really does not bother me. I also

had mercury amalgams until recently. I say this because I am not 100%

sure my tinnitus came from mixing. My mixing times are much shorter

time now(monitors are flat and can be harsh on the ears so its

important to know when to take breaks and stop). There have been times

where I thought it was all in my head. I also push myself too hard and

get burned out often(adrenal fatigue...). Niacin definitely does give

me relief after a intense session but its temporary.


I feel a relation between the Tinnitus and mixing time... Something

makes me feel like my Tinnitus came from something making me push

myself too hard rather than music. I do not think I have any

incredible hearing damage(if any really) because my studio is balanced

professionally and my mixes would start to translate out poorly based

on such damage. I am a sound fx producer/programmer and I still hear

small details as clear as ever.


When did your Tinnitus pop up?


robert-blau wrote:



....and another thing Can you stop the ringing in your ears with a pill? An HSI member named Richard – who has the ear-ringing condition known

as tinnitus – writes with a question about something he saw on

television. "The head man of the medical profession said that the government

scientists found a cure for this ringing in the ear and it could be as

simple as a pill. Has anybody heard of this and if so what web site can

one go to? I've tried everything I can think of with no luck." I doubt if government scientists have found a tinnitus "cure" –

treatments tend to be hit-or-miss because the origin of tinnitus varies

from patient to patient and is often a mystery. This problem was addressed by HSI Members Alert editor Alicia Potee in

the June 2007 issue. In her article, Alicia featured the benefits of

VitaEar, a nutritional formula developed by BioLogic Health Solutions of

Australia. Knowing that a tinnitus treatment would need to be

comprehensive, BioLogic researchers collected 10 vitamins and four

minerals that are essential for the health of your inner ear. Here's an excerpt from Alicia's article. "An arsenal of B-vitamins makes up the lion's share of the ingredient

list in VitaEar's formula, including a complex of B6, B12, thiamine,

niacin, folic acid, and pantothenic acid. Research conducted in the last

five years suggests that roughly a quarter of subjects who report

ringing in their ears are severely deficient in both thiamine (vitamin

B1) and B12. "This research confirms clinical findings that date even further back,

which suggest a direct link between B-vitamin therapy and overall

neurological (and consequently, auditory) health. In fact, without

adequate intake of this class of vitamins, the delicate nerves in your

ears simply can't get what they need for optimal function. "But that's not the only type of deficiency that could drastically

affect the clarity of your hearing. A diet poor in iron can also

contribute to lowered oxygen flow to your head and brain – meaning

that it could make the buzzing in your ears worse. That's why iron is

also included in VitaEar-along with three other minerals: magnesium,

manganese, and zinc. "Clinical studies have shown that supplementing with magnesium could

actually protect your inner ear from noise-related damage that can lead

to both reduced hearing and persistent ringing. Meanwhile, zinc and

manganese offer antioxidant support that helps to minimize free radical

damage to your ears' important signaling cells." HSI members can find Alicia's full report at this link: http://www.hsibaltimore.com/articles/hsi_2007dfggh/hsi_200706b.html VitaEar is available only from NorthStar Nutritionals – an HSI

affiliate. You can find more information about VitaEar at this link: http://www.isecureonline.com/Reports/650SEAR/E6EAJ2ZC Talk to your doctor before using VitaEar to address tinnitus. To Your Good Health, Jenny Thompson

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My mother-in-law also suffers from Tinnitus. I took a chance and

ordered a product called " Clear Tinnitus " that I found from

several sources on the internet for around $ 10.00 and it cleared

up her problems. Some health food places also carry it but more

expensive but it might be worth your while to try one first

from a health food store to see if it works for you before ordering a

lot of them from the internet.


oleander soup , neautika wrote:


> I have done some research myself. I would love it if some type of

> effective treatment could be discovered.


> I have a professional studio and I got Tinnitus from long monitoring

> sessions while mixing(*NOT* loud mixing/music/concerts <*SPL 55-65

> dbA*>). It is mild and really does not bother me. I also had mercury

> amalgams until recently. I say this because I am not 100% sure my

> tinnitus came from mixing. My mixing times are much shorter time

> now(monitors are flat and can be harsh on the ears so its important to

> know when to take breaks and stop). There have been times where I

> thought it was all in my head. I also push myself too hard and get

> burned out often(adrenal fatigue...). Niacin definitely does give me

> relief after a intense session but its temporary.


> I feel a relation between the Tinnitus and mixing time... Something

> makes me feel like my Tinnitus came from something making me push


> too hard rather than music. I do not think I have any incredible

> hearing damage(if any really) because my studio is balanced

> professionally and my mixes would start to translate out poorly

based on

> such damage. I am a sound fx producer/programmer and I still hear


> details as clear as ever.


> When did your Tinnitus pop up?


> robert-blau wrote:

> > [hsibaltimore.com]

> >

> > ...and another thing

> >

> > Can you stop the ringing in your ears with a pill?

> >

> > An HSI member named Richard -- who has the ear-ringing condition known

> > as tinnitus -- writes with a question about something he saw on

> > television.

> >

> > " The head man of the medical profession said that the government

> > scientists found a cure for this ringing in the ear and it could be as

> > simple as a pill. Has anybody heard of this and if so what web

site can

> > one go to? I've tried everything I can think of with no luck. "

> >

> > I doubt if government scientists have found a tinnitus " cure " --

> > treatments tend to be hit-or-miss because the origin of tinnitus


> > from patient to patient and is often a mystery.

> >

> > This problem was addressed by HSI Members Alert editor Alicia Potee in

> > the June 2007 issue. In her article, Alicia featured the benefits of

> > VitaEar, a nutritional formula developed by BioLogic Health

Solutions of

> > Australia. Knowing that a tinnitus treatment would need to be

> > comprehensive, BioLogic researchers collected 10 vitamins and four

> > minerals that are essential for the health of your inner ear.

> >

> > Here's an excerpt from Alicia's article.

> > " An arsenal of B-vitamins makes up the lion's share of the ingredient

> > list in VitaEar's formula, including a complex of B6, B12, thiamine,

> > niacin, folic acid, and pantothenic acid. Research conducted in

the last

> > five years suggests that roughly a quarter of subjects who report

> > ringing in their ears are severely deficient in both thiamine (vitamin

> > B1) and B12.

> >

> > " This research confirms clinical findings that date even further back,

> > which suggest a direct link between B-vitamin therapy and overall

> > neurological (and consequently, auditory) health. In fact, without

> > adequate intake of this class of vitamins, the delicate nerves in your

> > ears simply can't get what they need for optimal function.

> >

> > " But that's not the only type of deficiency that could drastically

> > affect the clarity of your hearing. A diet poor in iron can also

> > contribute to lowered oxygen flow to your head and brain -- meaning

> > that it could make the buzzing in your ears worse. That's why iron is

> > also included in VitaEar-along with three other minerals: magnesium,

> > manganese, and zinc.

> >

> > " Clinical studies have shown that supplementing with magnesium could

> > actually protect your inner ear from noise-related damage that can


> > to both reduced hearing and persistent ringing. Meanwhile, zinc and

> > manganese offer antioxidant support that helps to minimize free


> > damage to your ears' important signaling cells. "

> >

> > HSI members can find Alicia's full report at this link:

> > http://www.hsibaltimore.com/articles/hsi_2007dfggh/hsi_200706b.html

> >

> > VitaEar is available only from NorthStar Nutritionals -- an HSI

> > affiliate. You can find more information about VitaEar at this link:

> > http://www.isecureonline.com/Reports/650SEAR/E6EAJ2ZC

> >

> > Talk to your doctor before using VitaEar to address tinnitus.

> >

> > To Your Good Health,

> > Jenny Thompson

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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I don't have it myself, fortunately. (I've got my own problems). As well as

pursuing the link in the article, it might be worth looking it up at

altmedicine.about.com and at healthy.net.





oleander soup , neautika wrote:


> I have done some research myself. I would love it if some type of

> effective treatment could be discovered.


> I have a professional studio and I got Tinnitus from long monitoring

> sessions while mixing(*NOT* loud mixing/music/concerts <*SPL 55-65

> dbA*>). It is mild and really does not bother me. I also had mercury

> amalgams until recently. I say this because I am not 100% sure my

> tinnitus came from mixing. My mixing times are much shorter time

> now(monitors are flat and can be harsh on the ears so its important to

> know when to take breaks and stop). There have been times where I

> thought it was all in my head. I also push myself too hard and get

> burned out often(adrenal fatigue...). Niacin definitely does give me

> relief after a intense session but its temporary.


> I feel a relation between the Tinnitus and mixing time... Something

> makes me feel like my Tinnitus came from something making me push myself

> too hard rather than music. I do not think I have any incredible

> hearing damage(if any really) because my studio is balanced

> professionally and my mixes would start to translate out poorly based on

> such damage. I am a sound fx producer/programmer and I still hear small

> details as clear as ever.


> When did your Tinnitus pop up?


> robert-blau wrote:

> > [hsibaltimore.com]

> >

> > ...and another thing

> >

> > Can you stop the ringing in your ears with a pill?

> >

> > An HSI member named Richard -- who has the ear-ringing condition known

> > as tinnitus -- writes with a question about something he saw on

> > television.

> >

> > " The head man of the medical profession said that the government

> > scientists found a cure for this ringing in the ear and it could be as

> > simple as a pill. Has anybody heard of this and if so what web site can

> > one go to? I've tried everything I can think of with no luck. "

> >

> > I doubt if government scientists have found a tinnitus " cure " --

> > treatments tend to be hit-or-miss because the origin of tinnitus varies

> > from patient to patient and is often a mystery.

> >

> > This problem was addressed by HSI Members Alert editor Alicia Potee in

> > the June 2007 issue. In her article, Alicia featured the benefits of

> > VitaEar, a nutritional formula developed by BioLogic Health Solutions of

> > Australia. Knowing that a tinnitus treatment would need to be

> > comprehensive, BioLogic researchers collected 10 vitamins and four

> > minerals that are essential for the health of your inner ear.

> >

> > Here's an excerpt from Alicia's article.

> > " An arsenal of B-vitamins makes up the lion's share of the ingredient

> > list in VitaEar's formula, including a complex of B6, B12, thiamine,

> > niacin, folic acid, and pantothenic acid. Research conducted in the last

> > five years suggests that roughly a quarter of subjects who report

> > ringing in their ears are severely deficient in both thiamine (vitamin

> > B1) and B12.

> >

> > " This research confirms clinical findings that date even further back,

> > which suggest a direct link between B-vitamin therapy and overall

> > neurological (and consequently, auditory) health. In fact, without

> > adequate intake of this class of vitamins, the delicate nerves in your

> > ears simply can't get what they need for optimal function.

> >

> > " But that's not the only type of deficiency that could drastically

> > affect the clarity of your hearing. A diet poor in iron can also

> > contribute to lowered oxygen flow to your head and brain -- meaning

> > that it could make the buzzing in your ears worse. That's why iron is

> > also included in VitaEar-along with three other minerals: magnesium,

> > manganese, and zinc.

> >

> > " Clinical studies have shown that supplementing with magnesium could

> > actually protect your inner ear from noise-related damage that can lead

> > to both reduced hearing and persistent ringing. Meanwhile, zinc and

> > manganese offer antioxidant support that helps to minimize free radical

> > damage to your ears' important signaling cells. "

> >

> > HSI members can find Alicia's full report at this link:

> > http://www.hsibaltimore.com/articles/hsi_2007dfggh/hsi_200706b.html

> >

> > VitaEar is available only from NorthStar Nutritionals -- an HSI

> > affiliate. You can find more information about VitaEar at this link:

> > http://www.isecureonline.com/Reports/650SEAR/E6EAJ2ZC

> >

> > Talk to your doctor before using VitaEar to address tinnitus.

> >

> > To Your Good Health,

> > Jenny Thompson

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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I am not familiar with Tinnitus, other than the fact that I might have a mild case of it (is it me or the bugs singing in the woods at night??).I might have to to try a Tinnitus product or remedy someday. One of the best places I have found to look for just about anything is HerbsPro . I see they have several products for Tinnitus, including "Clear Tinnitus". What is impressive to me about the HerbsPro site, in addition to the huge selection from multiple sources, is that they have the formulas of the esteemed herbalist Dr. Christopher.Another option might be Native Remedies, where their Tinnitus product is called TinnaRexTonyoleander soup , "rb2717" <robert-blau wrote:>> > I don't have it myself, fortunately. (I've got my own problems). As well as pursuing the link in the article, it might be worth looking it up at altmedicine.about.com and at healthy.net.> > Best,> RB> > oleander soup , neautika@ wrote:> >> > I have done some research myself. I would love it if some type of > > effective treatment could be discovered.> > > > I have a professional studio and I got Tinnitus from long monitoring > > sessions while mixing(*NOT* loud mixing/music/concerts <*SPL 55-65 > > dbA*>). It is mild and really does not bother me. I also had mercury > > amalgams until recently. I say this because I am not 100% sure my > > tinnitus came from mixing. My mixing times are much shorter time > > now(monitors are flat and can be harsh on the ears so its important to > > know when to take breaks and stop). There have been times where I > > thought it was all in my head. I also push myself too hard and get > > burned out often(adrenal fatigue...). Niacin definitely does give me > > relief after a intense session but its temporary.> > > > I feel a relation between the Tinnitus and mixing time... Something > > makes me feel like my Tinnitus came from something making me push myself > > too hard rather than music. I do not think I have any incredible > > hearing damage(if any really) because my studio is balanced > > professionally and my mixes would start to translate out poorly based on > > such damage. I am a sound fx producer/programmer and I still hear small > > details as clear as ever.> > > > When did your Tinnitus pop up? > > > > robert-blau@ wrote:> > > [hsibaltimore.com]> > >> > > ...and another thing > > >> > > Can you stop the ringing in your ears with a pill? > > >> > > An HSI member named Richard -- who has the ear-ringing condition known> > > as tinnitus -- writes with a question about something he saw on> > > television. > > >> > > "The head man of the medical profession said that the government> > > scientists found a cure for this ringing in the ear and it could be as> > > simple as a pill. Has anybody heard of this and if so what web site can> > > one go to? I've tried everything I can think of with no luck." > > >> > > I doubt if government scientists have found a tinnitus "cure" --> > > treatments tend to be hit-or-miss because the origin of tinnitus varies> > > from patient to patient and is often a mystery. > > >> > > This problem was addressed by HSI Members Alert editor Alicia Potee in> > > the June 2007 issue. In her article, Alicia featured the benefits of> > > VitaEar, a nutritional formula developed by BioLogic Health Solutions of> > > Australia. Knowing that a tinnitus treatment would need to be> > > comprehensive, BioLogic researchers collected 10 vitamins and four> > > minerals that are essential for the health of your inner ear. > > >> > > Here's an excerpt from Alicia's article. > > > "An arsenal of B-vitamins makes up the lion's share of the ingredient> > > list in VitaEar's formula, including a complex of B6, B12, thiamine,> > > niacin, folic acid, and pantothenic acid. Research conducted in the last> > > five years suggests that roughly a quarter of subjects who report> > > ringing in their ears are severely deficient in both thiamine (vitamin> > > B1) and B12. > > >> > > "This research confirms clinical findings that date even further back,> > > which suggest a direct link between B-vitamin therapy and overall> > > neurological (and consequently, auditory) health. In fact, without> > > adequate intake of this class of vitamins, the delicate nerves in your> > > ears simply can't get what they need for optimal function. > > >> > > "But that's not the only type of deficiency that could drastically> > > affect the clarity of your hearing. A diet poor in iron can also> > > contribute to lowered oxygen flow to your head and brain -- meaning> > > that it could make the buzzing in your ears worse. That's why iron is> > > also included in VitaEar-along with three other minerals: magnesium,> > > manganese, and zinc. > > >> > > "Clinical studies have shown that supplementing with magnesium could> > > actually protect your inner ear from noise-related damage that can lead> > > to both reduced hearing and persistent ringing. Meanwhile, zinc and> > > manganese offer antioxidant support that helps to minimize free radical> > > damage to your ears' important signaling cells." > > >> > > HSI members can find Alicia's full report at this link: > > > http://www.hsibaltimore.com/articles/hsi_2007dfggh/hsi_200706b.html > > >> > > VitaEar is available only from NorthStar Nutritionals -- an HSI> > > affiliate. You can find more information about VitaEar at this link: > > > http://www.isecureonline.com/Reports/650SEAR/E6EAJ2ZC > > >> > > Talk to your doctor before using VitaEar to address tinnitus. > > >> > > To Your Good Health, > > > Jenny Thompson > > >> > >> > >> > > > > >

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Tinnitus and Ginkgo Biloba Edzard Ernst, M.D., Ph.D. University of Exeter, School of Postgraduate Medicine and Health Sciences Department of Complementary Medicine "Ginkgo Biloba for Tinnitus: A Review," Clin Otolaryngol 1999;24:164-167. # 32969 Online March 2000, Published in "Clinical Pearls 1999 with The Experts Speak" Kirk Hamilton: What is your educational background and current position? Edzard Ernst: My background is rather diverse. I studied psychology and medicine. I was trained as a physician and scientist. I have clinical experience in several areas, e.g.

rehabilitation, cardiovascular medicine, psychiatry and sports medicine. Finally, I have been educated in many complementary therapies. My present position is professor of complementary medicine and director of the Department of Complementary Medicine, School of Postgraduate Medicine and Health Science, University of Exeter. KH: Theoretically, how might gingko biloba benefit tinnitus? EE: If one views tinnitus as being caused partly by impaired microcirculation in the inner ear, the mechanism becomes understandable. Gingko has been shown to improve microcirculatory blood flow by acting on both the vasculature and the blood in a complexed fashion. The end result is an improvement of the circulation. This explanation would tie in with its positive effects in other circulatory disorders, e.g. peripheral vascular disease. KH: Can you briefly describe your literature review and the basic results? EE: We searched several databases and found 5 placebo-controlled RCTs. Most were methodologically flawed, 2 were negative, 3 were positive. We concluded that there is some evidence of efficacy, but collectively, the data are not fully convincing. Yet the evidence that does exist would warrant further rigorous trials. KH: What is the therapeutic dose range of ginkgo biloba extract that might be tried? EE: The dose depends on the strength and quality of the extract. About 120 to 200 mg per day of a high quality extract was used most frequently. KH: How does one pick out a quality ginkgo biloba substance and what is the percentage of compounds that are

needed for a high quality product? EE: It is difficult to predict what constitutes a high quality extract. The safest bet might be to buy extracts from well reputed manufacturers. In Europe, Schwabe and Lichtwer probably produce the best extracts of gingko. KH: Are there any side effects to ginkgo biloba? EE: Minor GI symptoms may occur, but generally speaking, the side effect rate is very low. The only serious adverse effects reported relate to bleeding. This can be explained through the anti-platelet effects of ginkgo (see above). Such events are almost certainly rare, but it might be wise to use ginkgo cautiously in conjunction with other platelet inhibitors, e.g.


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