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Guru-Rahu Rendezvous

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Dear All,While it will take some time to recover from

the intense pain and shock in the aftermath of terror, let us try to get back

to astrology... our great pain reliever… and never mind if misbehaves and

never mind if messages get lost or delayed in transit!! Loss is in the air…

What are the results of Jup-Rahu

combination in a nativity?

As Jupiter gets ready to meet Rahu in Capricorn,

causing the infamous Guru-Chandaal yoga, with a debilitated guru this time, let

us ponder over the Jup-Rahu combination in the natal charts as well as in transit.

Let us see how this rendezvous, which takes place roughly every 15 years in the

skies, can be read for different nativities.

Jupiter, the traditional planet… and Rahu who

goes against tradition, do not bond well together. The native is said to disobey

his guru, or religious tradition or family tradition. He remains a sort of

rebel well past his teen years when some amount of rebellious thinking is

expected. He may tend to be greedy, selfish and self-centered. He may be prone

to act immorally and perform many misdeeds. However, with a good placement, in

an otherwise good chart, this combination can also give a truly original thinker

who is not overly shackled by conventional approach.

Is it that Rahu's venom when poured in Guru's

wisdom produces a 'chandaal', a crook or a cheat? Or else Guru's wisdom when

carefully blended with Rahu's unconventional ways gives rise to a fantastic

original thinker? Both ways it makes a heady mix, but how this mix will hit the

native, in its different proportions, we need to take a look.

Are the results as frightening as they are

made out to be? What would 'chandaal' mean in today's

parlance? How do we define such people, "hatke socte

hain" ya "ulta sochte hain"? Are the harmful affects mitigated when 5H and 9H are strong? Would Jupiter in nodal axis mean an untraditional approach to spirituality?

Does the combination play havoc in

dusthanas?When do we get the results of this conjunction?


I invite all learned members to share their

views and experiences about this combination its various important manifestations

in different houses and signs with examples.RegardsNeelam

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Dear Neelamji,


I give below an example of Guru Chandal yoga in the 6th house of the native. However Guru is in Karka its exalted zodiacal sign.


The native is Surgeon by profession and at present is heading one of the best and famous Hospital in Mumbai.


Birth date : 13th July 1943

Time of birth: 10.14pm (War Time 11.14pm)

Place of birth: Small village in North Gujarat Latitude 24.03 N

Longitude 73.04 E


d d trivedi--- On Sun, 11/30/08, neelam gupta <neelamgupta07 wrote:

neelam gupta <neelamgupta07 Guru-Rahu Rendezvous"" Sunday, November 30, 2008, 3:35 PM




Dear All,

While it will take some time to recover from the intense pain and shock in the aftermath of terror, let us try to get back to astrology... our great pain reliever… and never mind if misbehaves and never mind if messages get lost or delayed in transit!! Loss is in the air…

What are the results of Jup-Rahu combination in a nativity?

As Jupiter gets ready to meet Rahu in Capricorn, causing the infamous Guru-Chandaal yoga, with a debilitated guru this time, let us ponder over the Jup-Rahu combination in the natal charts as well as in transit. Let us see how this rendezvous, which takes place roughly every 15 years in the skies, can be read for different nativities.

Jupiter, the traditional planet… and Rahu who goes against tradition, do not bond well together. The native is said to disobey his guru, or religious tradition or family tradition. He remains a sort of rebel well past his teen years when some amount of rebellious thinking is expected. He may tend to be greedy, selfish and self-centered. He may be prone to act immorally and perform many misdeeds. However, with a good placement, in an otherwise good chart, this combination can also give a truly original thinker who is not overly shackled by conventional approach.

Is it that Rahu's venom when poured in Guru's wisdom produces a 'chandaal', a crook or a cheat? Or else Guru's wisdom when carefully blended with Rahu's unconventional ways gives rise to a fantastic original thinker? Both ways it makes a heady mix, but how this mix will hit the native, in its different proportions, we need to take a look. Are the results as frightening as they are made out to be? What would 'chandaal' mean in today's parlance? How do we define such people, "hatke socte hain" ya "ulta sochte hain"? Are the harmful affects mitigated when 5H and 9H are strong? Would Jupiter in nodal axis mean an untraditional approach to spirituality? Does the combination play havoc in

dusthanas?When do we get the results of this conjunction? I invite all learned members to share their views and experiences about this combination its various important manifestations in different houses and signs with examples.


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Dear Dushyant ji and group,What a beautiful

example of Guru-Rahu conjunction!! Thank you Dushyant ji.

Though it has already been

said that the native is a well known surgeon, but the chart also says it all. Just

from the D-1, a very strong, vargottam lagna, aspected by own lord Saturn and a

benefic venus. 6H having an exalted jup (2L/11L) with rahu fanning the desire

of being a doctor in the 6/12 axis of doctors, diseases and hospitals, 3L/10L

mars aspecting 6H and 10H from 3H showing surgery and LL Saturn from 4H all supporting

in this. A debilitated and afflicted moon in 10H also helps in this

achievement. From moon also, mars is very strong in 6H in aries, and Jupiter

exalts in 9H of bhagya. Leo rises in 10H from moon with benefic venus. Though

the native has yet to get the dashas of Rahu or Jupiter, it was mercury in own

5H with sun, in the stellar lordship of Jup and Saturn, that paved the way to

this career. Rahu is also in the nakshatra of mercury with sublord moon. Again

from dashanath mercury, jup-rahu in 2H, moon in scorpio in 6H and mars in 11H

in aries, all indicate a medical profession. He might be an orthopedic surgeon.


In order to understand

this yoga, we have to look at all levels. Physical, mental and spiritual. Physically

the yoga is excellent to give him a good profession. But the aspect of malefics

on the 6H with Jupiter in it and rahu conjunct, cannot be overlooked. What

about the mother? Children? Elder siblings? Maternal uncles? Any theft in his

house? Ketu dasa would've been eventful, both good and bad.

What about the mental

inclinations which can be attributed to Rahu-Jup conjunction. From moon, the

combination in 9H is aspected by rasheesh and 6L mars from 6H and 3L and 4L Saturn

from 7H. Is the native or his father a non-conformist? Has he adopted a

different religion, or a cult and has developed some different way of thinking

wrt to religion, specially after marriage. Is jup-rahu combination making him

spiritually inclined but in his own way. A debilitated moon with Jup-rahu in

cancer in 9H does show issues with religion and spirituality.

If you can look for these

answers may be we could better understand this conjunction. Jupiter is wisdom

which is being used for earning money (2L/11L) through 6H and Rahu is intelligence (in mercury's nakshatra). The 5/8 lordship of mercury in its dasha has made him a

surgeon, but what about the influence of secret lordship on wisdom lying in 6H?

Did he have secret affairs? Has he done any pioneering research in his line? In navamsh also both jup and

sat are in 8H.

I will appreciate comments

from learned members on this conjunction.RegardsNeelam

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Dear All,I am reminded of Charles Sobhraj, the celebrity killer, who also has a Jup-Rahu conjunction in cancer and is in the same age group as the earlier example. I am giving below his birth details:6.4.1944/11.32 hrs/Saigon

He was named " the Serpent " and " the Bikini killer " for his skills at deception and evasion. He allegedly committed at least 12 murders and was jailed in India from 1976 to 1997, but managed to live a life of leisure in prison. He retired as a celebrity in Paris, then unexpectedly returned to Nepal, where he was arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment on August 12, 2004. (Wikipedia)

It will be interesting to see how the two have taken different

directions in life? Both excellent, brilliant minds....one ethical and honorable and the other a criminal and a crook, one confined to hospitals and the

other to prisons. I invite learned members to give their opinions on the difference in manifestation of the yoga. RegardsNeelam2008/11/30 neelam gupta <neelamgupta07


Dear Dushyant ji and group,What a beautiful

example of Guru-Rahu conjunction!! Thank you Dushyant ji.

Though it has already been

said that the native is a well known surgeon, but the chart also says it all. Just

from the D-1, a very strong, vargottam lagna, aspected by own lord Saturn and a

benefic venus. 6H having an exalted jup (2L/11L) with rahu fanning the desire

of being a doctor in the 6/12 axis of doctors, diseases and hospitals, 3L/10L

mars aspecting 6H and 10H from 3H showing surgery and LL Saturn from 4H all supporting

in this. A debilitated and afflicted moon in 10H also helps in this

achievement. From moon also, mars is very strong in 6H in aries, and Jupiter

exalts in 9H of bhagya. Leo rises in 10H from moon with benefic venus. Though

the native has yet to get the dashas of Rahu or Jupiter, it was mercury in own

5H with sun, in the stellar lordship of Jup and Saturn, that paved the way to

this career. Rahu is also in the nakshatra of mercury with sublord moon. Again

from dashanath mercury, jup-rahu in 2H, moon in scorpio in 6H and mars in 11H

in aries, all indicate a medical profession. He might be an orthopedic surgeon.


In order to understand

this yoga, we have to look at all levels. Physical, mental and spiritual. Physically

the yoga is excellent to give him a good profession. But the aspect of malefics

on the 6H with Jupiter in it and rahu conjunct, cannot be overlooked. What

about the mother? Children? Elder siblings? Maternal uncles? Any theft in his

house? Ketu dasa would've been eventful, both good and bad.

What about the mental

inclinations which can be attributed to Rahu-Jup conjunction. From moon, the

combination in 9H is aspected by rasheesh and 6L mars from 6H and 3L and 4L Saturn

from 7H. Is the native or his father a non-conformist? Has he adopted a

different religion, or a cult and has developed some different way of thinking

wrt to religion, specially after marriage. Is jup-rahu combination making him

spiritually inclined but in his own way. A debilitated moon with Jup-rahu in

cancer in 9H does show issues with religion and spirituality.

If you can look for these

answers may be we could better understand this conjunction. Jupiter is wisdom

which is being used for earning money (2L/11L) through 6H and Rahu is intelligence (in mercury's nakshatra). The 5/8 lordship of mercury in its dasha has made him a

surgeon, but what about the influence of secret lordship on wisdom lying in 6H?

Did he have secret affairs? Has he done any pioneering research in his line? In navamsh also both jup and

sat are in 8H.

I will appreciate comments

from learned members on this conjunction.RegardsNeelam

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  Dear Neelamji,


  The information I have is as under.


  He is a General Surgeon. He had his own small nursing home and was attached to

hospitals. He started his career by working with senior doctors after passing

his MS in Surgery.

  In the year 1978-79 he set up his own nursing home.

  He got attachment to small hospital in 1986 and to big hospital in 2001.

  He came into limelight by becoming the head of the big hospital where he was

attached since 2001 in the year 2003.


  He is the eldest among three siblings. One younger brother and sister being

the youngest.


  He has two sons. Eldest is an Urologist and is practising in South. Younger

son stays with him and is MBA in finance working in a finance firm.


  Both his parents are alive and are 85 years old. Father is in good health

where as Mother is also well but keeps to house only.


  His maternal uncles were lawyers.


  Both the native and his father are religious. Father and his late grandfather

are highly religious. As regards him he is religious but not as much. However he

is not non-conformist.


  D. D. Trivedi


--- On Sun, 11/30/08, neelam gupta <neelamgupta07 wrote:


neelam gupta <neelamgupta07

Re: Guru-Rahu Rendezvous


Sunday, November 30, 2008, 7:30 PM








Dear Dushyant ji and group,



What a beautiful example of Guru-Rahu conjunction! ! Thank you Dushyant ji.

Though it has already been said that the native is a well known surgeon, but the

chart also says it all. Just from the D-1, a very strong, vargottam lagna,

aspected by own lord Saturn and a benefic venus. 6H having an exalted jup

(2L/11L) with rahu fanning the desire of being a doctor in the 6/12 axis of

doctors, diseases and hospitals, 3L/10L mars aspecting 6H and 10H from 3H

showing surgery and LL Saturn from 4H all supporting in this. A debilitated and

afflicted moon in 10H also helps in this achievement. From moon also, mars is

very strong in 6H in aries, and Jupiter exalts in 9H of bhagya. Leo rises in 10H

from moon with benefic venus. Though the native has yet to get the dashas of

Rahu or Jupiter, it was mercury in own 5H with sun, in the stellar lordship of

Jup and Saturn, that paved the way to this career. Rahu is also in the nakshatra

of mercury with sublord moon. Again from dashanath mercury, jup-rahu in 2H, moon

in scorpio in 6H and mars in

11H in aries, all indicate a medical profession. He might be an orthopedic


In order to understand this yoga, we have to look at all levels. Physical,

mental and spiritual. Physically the yoga is excellent to give him a good

profession. But the aspect of malefics on the 6H with Jupiter in it and rahu

conjunct, cannot be overlooked. What about the mother? Children? Elder siblings?

Maternal uncles? Any theft in his house? Ketu dasa would've been eventful, both

good and bad.

What about the mental inclinations which can be attributed to Rahu-Jup

conjunction. From moon, the combination in 9H is aspected by rasheesh and 6L

mars from 6H and 3L and 4L Saturn from 7H. Is the native or his father a

non-conformist? Has he adopted a different religion, or a cult and has developed

some different way of thinking wrt to religion, specially after marriage. Is

jup-rahu combination making him spiritually inclined but in his own way. A

debilitated moon with Jup-rahu in cancer in 9H does show issues with religion

and spirituality.

If you can look for these answers may be we could better understand this

conjunction. Jupiter is wisdom which is being used for earning money (2L/11L)

through 6H and Rahu is intelligence (in mercury's nakshatra). The 5/8 lordship

of mercury in its dasha has made him a surgeon, but what about the influence of

secret lordship on wisdom lying in 6H? Did he have secret affairs? Has he done

any pioneering research in his line? In navamsh also both jup and sat are in 8H.

I will appreciate comments from learned members on this conjunction.



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Dear Dushyant ji,Thanks for the feedback. Apparently, no peculiar manifestation of this yoga is visible in this chart. No yoga makes a complete person, yet each yoga does have a contribution to make.

Jup-rahu combination has been seen to give good material success and fame, specially if it is well aspected. Without being rigid, the probe is to see what happens to guru in this yoga. How this yoga affects the wisdom and other karkatwas of guru in the native.


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Dear Neelamji,


Pleased permit me to mail you, that Yogas are not refered to 'Gochar' movements. It is only refered to permute and combine postions of Planets in natal charts and in its divisions, to infer 'cumulative' effects. These yogas are not in contention when the two Planets or more in movement.

Pleae let me know your views. If your view differ from mine, I will be greatful if you can guide me to the locations in the authoratative books.

Thank you.


103, Black Tie Lane, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 27514, USA001-919-960-3833





neelam gupta <neelamgupta07 Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2008 10:55:04 AMRe: Re: Guru-Rahu Rendezvous


Dear Dushyant ji,Thanks for the feedback. Apparently, no peculiar manifestation of this yoga is visible in this chart. No yoga makes a complete person, yet each yoga does have a contribution to make.Jup-rahu combination has been seen to give good material success and fame, specially if it is well aspected. Without being rigid, the probe is to see what happens to guru in this yoga. How this yoga affects the wisdom and other karkatwas of guru in the native. RegardsNeelam

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Respected Pathi ji,

Thank you for clarifying. I understand what

you mean. Only when the transit conjunctions get fixed in natal charts they are

called yogas per se, but transit conjunctions are as important and do affect the

nativities when they appear/reappear in transits. The transit results are

mounted upon the natal positions and dashas in operation. Jup-rahu conjunction…

just happens to be called Guru-chandaal yoga and we wanted to look into the


Personally, I don't draw rigid boundaries

between the usage of planetary energies in natal charts, prashna and transit.

Whether we give it a name and call it a yoga or just plain conjunction, it

remains the same mixture in essence and will impact the native whenever and

wherever it appears. Basically it remains a play of planetary karkatwas in the environ

of a sign. Mars-moon is a dhanyoga and when this conjunction happens in transit in 2H of a native, it is likely to give him money.

We get to see this phenomenon working in

Bhav Siddhi in Gochar. When lagnesh and karyesh join in transit they cause the

bhav siddhi is what we all know. Isn't it based on the principle of conjunction

and aspects of natal lords in transit? Also, the results of dasha is also and governed by dashanath and antardashanath in transit. If someone is

undergoing the dasha of Jup-rahu, this conjunction would have a deeper meaning

depending upon the position of Jupiter and rahu in his chart.

This is not the traditional way of putting

it, but means all the same I think. Kindly guide us if you feel otherwise.


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With the technological advancement the world is shrinking but the distance between the hearts is getting more and more widened. People are getting selfish, self-centered, disrespectful, opportunists, jealous and lack tolerance. At such a junction where we are witness to a steady decline in ethical values, the transit of Jupiter into Capricorn on 9th of December, 2008 where it gets debilitated and will be in conjunction with Rahu, its going to act as a catalyst to this problem. Jupiter losses its strength to a great extend. Those of us, who are now aware of such happening, should join hands to work for the well being of the humanity and its

culture. Let’s devote some extra time in prayers and meditation. I trust these few lines will enlighten readers to think and work in a positive direction.

New Email names for you!

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Hurry before someone else does!

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a Lal Kitab Perspective

Dear Neelam ji,

Jupiter like a lion walks straight where as Rahu like

an elephant never walks straight. A person with this

combination will have a roller coaster life swinging

between a fate bright as gold [ Jupiter ] and dark as

smoke [ rahu ] . The resultant effect is that such a person,

if born in a royal family may be reduced to a life of a

poor; and some one born in a poor family can get rich.

If some one falls into bad days, then the bad period will

be over when he is blessed with a son.


If this combination is any where from 1st house to 6th

house then such a person will be a master of both the

worlds, mundane and spiritual; if this combination is

any where from 7th house to the 12th house then he will

be a worldly man, a man of the mundane world only.


Except when this combination is in the 2nd and the

12th house, this combination will adversely effect the

family so much that between the years 8th to 12th the

gold of the family will turn into copper; fate full of

stifling smoke and mishap; father might suffer from

asthma and partial paralysis between the ages 16 and

21. There could be incidents of theft in the age of 42,

or loss of business.


A person with this combination will see fall and rise

alternatively and so will be the personal income good

and bad alternatively.


Combination in different houses :


1st house : generous, large hearted whether rich or poor;

will never starve howsoever bad the fate might be.


2nd house : In this case the Rahu will be subservient

to Jupiter and will stop acting belligerent. Will do

good deeds, and help others. If the 8th house is occupied

by enemies of Jupiter then there could be problems or

delay in the birth of a male child.


3rd house : bold and shrewd. But this combination might

adversely affect the sister , bua [ father’s sister] and the

son till the age of 34.



4th house : Will give the effects of exalted moon.

The Jupiter may not be apparently advantageous ,

but will confer good effects secretly.


5th house : exalted position, leader, administrator.

But might delay the progeny.


7th house : will have a comfortable life in youth.

Either the father or the father-in-law will be alive.

In case both of them are alive then one of them will

suffer from asthma.


8th house : life will be dull, insipid, bad. Overcast

with the dark clouds of despair and misery.


12th house: skilful , intelligent, and wise but may

not gain much from his skills.


In the houses 6, 9, 10 , 11 these planets will have

individual effects and not as a combination.


S P Khurana









, "neelam gupta" <neelamgupta07 wrote:>> Dear All,> > While it will take some time to recover from the intense pain and shock in> the aftermath of terror, let us try to get back to astrology... our great> pain reliever� and never mind if misbehaves and never mind if messages> get lost or delayed in transit!! Loss is in the air�> > *What are the results of Jup-Rahu combination in a nativity?*> > As *Jupiter gets ready to meet Rahu in Capricorn, causing the infamous> Guru-Chandaal yoga, with a debilitated guru* this time, let us ponder over> the Jup-Rahu combination in the natal charts as well as in transit. Let us> see how this rendezvous, which takes place roughly every 15 years in the> skies, can be read for different nativities.> > Jupiter, the traditional planet� and Rahu who goes against tradition, do not> bond well together. The native is said to disobey his guru, or religious> tradition or family tradition. He remains a sort of rebel well past his teen> years when some amount of rebellious thinking is expected. He may tend to be> greedy, selfish and self-centered. He may be prone to act immorally and> perform many misdeeds. However, with a good placement, in an otherwise good> chart, this combination can also give a truly original thinker who is not> overly shackled by conventional approach.> > Is it that Rahu's venom when poured in Guru's wisdom produces a 'chandaal',> a crook or a cheat? Or else Guru's wisdom when carefully blended with Rahu's> unconventional ways gives rise to a fantastic original thinker? Both ways it> makes a heady mix, but how this mix will hit the native, in its different> proportions, we need to take a look.> Are the results as frightening as they are made out to be?> What would 'chandaal' mean in today's parlance?> How do we define such people, "hatke socte hain" ya "ulta sochte hain"?> Are the harmful affects mitigated when 5H and 9H are strong?> Would Jupiter in nodal axis mean an untraditional approach to spirituality?> Does the combination play havoc in dusthanas?> When do we get the results of this conjunction?> > *I invite all learned members to share their views and experiences about> this combination its various important manifestations in different houses> and signs with examples.*> > Regards> Neelam>

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Dear respectful Neelam ji,


Thanks for giving your valuable time. I am coming with details of the four Planets to be in transit in Capricorn in a day or two. You will see that all authors of authentic books, have dwelt with Natal and sub - charts of Birth charts in describing the 'Yoga' combinations, effect and results. This is sort of 'package' results. Though, these 'Yoga's are marked with decorated names, in result, the described effects varies and cannot be relayed upon to bestow the full weight of its 'description'. When we are discussing the transitory Planets, we do not relate the precipitated events to the positions stationed by each Planet in a Natal Chart, where as the 'transit results' are referred to Moon's position in the Natal Chart and the Planets transit in a house at the time of deducted results. With this it is clear it is the 'general inference' to result in the transition of Planets in

relation to the Moon's Position of individuals charts, and this cannot be claimed as 'Yoga' formations.


I could read many others say, that the cumulative effects could be 'generalized' while the planets are in transit, and 'specific' results on position of Planets could only be inferred for an individual in a Natal Chart. This "Gochar" results is general in nature and millions will have common results enlarged or contracted to the basic interpreted results in Natal charts of individual charts.


I only wanted to point out there is no inter-relationship between planets among themselves, like Thrikona positions, inter- aspects between planets, Bhava strengths, Cusp related gradation of effects,Yogas, and other important pointers for deduction in natal charts and their subsidiaries, like Navamsa and so on. However, these individual Planet's notified results will directly relate to Natal charts of person, who prefers to refer to 'Gochara' defined results for its modulations.




neelam gupta <neelamgupta07 Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2008 12:46:21 PMRe: Re: Guru-Rahu Rendezvous



Respected Pathi ji,

Thank you for clarifying. I understand what you mean. Only when the transit conjunctions get fixed in natal charts they are called yogas per se, but transit conjunctions are as important and do affect the nativities when they appear/reappear in transits. The transit results are mounted upon the natal positions and dashas in operation. Jup-rahu conjunction… just happens to be called Guru-chandaal yoga and we wanted to look into the results.

Personally, I don't draw rigid boundaries between the usage of planetary energies in natal charts, prashna and transit. Whether we give it a name and call it a yoga or just plain conjunction, it remains the same mixture in essence and will impact the native whenever and wherever it appears. Basically it remains a play of planetary karkatwas in the environ of a sign. Mars-moon is a dhanyoga and when this conjunction happens in transit in 2H of a native, it is likely to give him money.

We get to see this phenomenon working in Bhav Siddhi in Gochar. When lagnesh and karyesh join in transit they cause the bhav siddhi is what we all know. Isn't it based on the principle of conjunction and aspects of natal lords in transit? Also, the results of dasha is also and governed by dashanath and antardashanath in transit. If someone is undergoing the dasha of Jup-rahu, this conjunction would have a deeper meaning depending upon the position of Jupiter and rahu in his chart.

This is not the traditional way of putting it, but means all the same I think. Kindly guide us if you feel otherwise.


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scams will happen, some may be uncovered some later. Adharma will rule. The religious leaders will indulge in non-religious activities and Saturn will turn viscious due to absence of Jupiter's gaze.


Chiranjiv Mehta--- On Sun, 30/11/08, vishal sood <vishvcs wrote:

vishal sood <vishvcsRe: Guru-Rahu Rendezvous Date: Sunday, 30 November, 2008, 11:24 PM







With the technological advancement the world is shrinking but the distance between the hearts is getting more and more widened. People are getting selfish, self-centered, disrespectful, opportunists, jealous and lack tolerance. At such a junction where we are witness to a steady decline in ethical values, the transit of Jupiter into Capricorn on 9th of December, 2008 where it gets debilitated and will be in conjunction with Rahu, its going to act as a catalyst to this problem. Jupiter losses its strength to a great extend. Those of us, who are now aware of such happening, should join hands to work for the well being of the humanity and its culture. Let’s devote some extra time in prayers and meditation. I trust these few lines will enlighten readers to think and work in a positive direction.


New Email names for you! Get the Email name you've always wanted on the new @ymail and @rocketmail.Hurry before someone else does!


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Dear Neelam ji


well it is close to what u have said in general


and always specific situations and other influences onthis also matter and most importantly Dasa and Gochara at the time of the dasa itself and the resultant yoga coming into effect in a period or sub period of them.


it can also bring in researchscholars, polygots, people who change religion or ppl wh form a cult or move toacult be it shirdi sai babam ayappa, Amruthaanadamayi or sathy sai Baba, or Art of Living ravishaknar's fold


in th eMonolith religions christans have a lot of break way ones th RC apaprt rest is clusters of different goals attitudes protestants, pentacoastal, syrin, Ethiopian....


Islam from shia, sunni, ahmedi, kurds, pakhtoons and a many nmes we cant recall easily


all who form their own clubs.


an Guru the Liver karaka can cause trouble to liver be it from Alchol or brooding somone with low self esteem needs tepm props,


and Dusthanas do matter w.r.t the lordship.s of Guru



On 11/30/08, neelam gupta <neelamgupta07 wrote:







Dear All,

While it will take some time to recover from the intense pain and shock in the aftermath of terror, let us try to get back to astrology... our great pain reliever… and never mind if misbehaves and never mind if messages get lost or delayed in transit!! Loss is in the air…

What are the results of Jup-Rahu combination in a nativity?

As Jupiter gets ready to meet Rahu in Capricorn, causing the infamous Guru-Chandaal yoga, with a debilitated guru this time, let us ponder over the Jup-Rahu combination in the natal charts as well as in transit. Let us see how this rendezvous, which takes place roughly every 15 years in the skies, can be read for different nativities.

Jupiter, the traditional planet… and Rahu who goes against tradition, do not bond well together. The native is said to disobey his guru, or religious tradition or family tradition. He remains a sort of rebel well past his teen years when some amount of rebellious thinking is expected. He may tend to be greedy, selfish and self-centered. He may be prone to act immorally and perform many misdeeds. However, with a good placement, in an otherwise good chart, this combination can also give a truly original thinker who is not overly shackled by conventional approach.

Is it that Rahu's venom when poured in Guru's wisdom produces a 'chandaal', a crook or a cheat? Or else Guru's wisdom when carefully blended with Rahu's unconventional ways gives rise to a fantastic original thinker? Both ways it makes a heady mix, but how this mix will hit the native, in its different proportions, we need to take a look.

Are the results as frightening as they are made out to be? What would 'chandaal' mean in today's parlance? How do we define such people, " hatke socte hain " ya " ulta sochte hain " ?

Are the harmful affects mitigated when 5H and 9H are strong? Would Jupiter in nodal axis mean an untraditional approach to spirituality? Does the combination play havoc in dusthanas?

When do we get the results of this conjunction? I invite all learned members to share their views and experiences about this combination its various important manifestations in different houses and signs with examples.


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Dear Prashant ji and group,We do not find any actual reference on Guru Chandala Yoga, which means that it could be a later day nomenclature like KSY. However, that does not take away the results of this conjunction, good or bad, and it calls for our attention to study it in right perspective.

Mostly classics are silent about any yoga formation with Rahu or Ketu. They only talk about conjunction of Rahu or Ketu with different planets. In fact R/K are excluded from all Chandra/surya/lagna yogas.In some places we find reference to conjunction with Rahu. e.g a shloka in Jatak Parijat makes a pointed reference to a Jupiter with Rahu:

Jeeve rahuyute athava Sikhiyute Papakhshite NechehakritaWhen Jupiter in conjunction with Rahu or ketu is aspected by malefic planets, the person will do base acts. (trans. Subramaniyam Shastri)Nadi literature has maximum references on conjunction of Rahu-ketu with other planets, in natal charts as well as transits. Late Shri C.S. Patel has devoted 4 full chapters in on predicting through transit conjunctions in one of his works.

Taking the discussion further on your comments, here I am giving an important reference from DK Vol II, Part 1, page 124, Sh. 1091:Guru Rahu yuthe Kaale Rajamathya Janavadhi

Rajanya jana santhapobrhmanan mahadhhyam When Jupiter and Rahu are conjunct there will be replacement of rulers and ministers, distress in government, people and great fear to Brahmin community.

In India's chart, this conjunction is taking place in 9H, Jupiter being 8L and 11L.9H as only 20 sarvashtak points, though the transit is in Shubh rashi for the chart.

What do we see here? Communal clashes, religious outbursts, suppression of righteousness, and now law and order?RegardsNeelam

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Dear Mr. Dushyant ji,


The horoscope is a good one. Moon aspected by Mars in 3H , Saturn in

2H , Exalted Jupiter conjunct with Rahu in 6H. Technically all

malefics. Here Jupiter is stronger than Rahu hence, wisdom

predominates radical Rahu. With the given information, Ascendant

becomes Vargottam i.e. Aquarius Ascendant. To me he must be credited

with carrying out some complex operations successfully. Must have

peaked in Ketu dasha Aug 1977- Aug. 1984. 7HL Sun is Vargottam in 5H

with 5HL Mercury in Gemini would be interested to know his personal life

during Sun Mahadasha Aug. 2004-2010 { offline mail would do on this for

being a private matter/subject}.


With regards,



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Dear All,

We have had some views

on the Jup-rahu conjunction. Khuranaji presented the Lal Kitab perspective. We had one example from Dushyant ji to test some points, though the native has yet to get his Jup or Rahu dasha and face their music in reality.

Here I am giving some views from the researches carried out by Sh. K N Rao and his group.

If Rahu is conjunct a

malefic, it is bad, and if with two, it is worse and so on. But it is totally

otherwise when conjunct a benefic. When Rahu is conjunct Jupiter it will fall

in second category, specially in cases when Jupiter is also functional benefic.

The results of conjunction are

dependent on the lordship of Jupiter in the chart and the house where

conjunction occurs and will thus vary for each lagna. Association of a benefic

planet tones down the inauspiciousness of this yoga.Weak Jupiter conjoined

with Rahu and also afflicted by Saturn/mars, gives only daughters or more

daughters than sons. Strength of Jupiter needs to be carefully ascertained for

this result. Even if sons are born, they may not be ideal. Loss of progeny is also possible, if with other indications.

Would appreciate if we

can have more examples on the conjunction and its results.

Renu ji where is your data bank?


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Dear Prashant ji and group,//why else did his daughter make Urud a 2nd language displacing sanskrit in states like Karnataka, AP, Maharashtra just UP., Bihar WB have strong pouplation but still why displace sanskrit if it is not for love of theiur m tounge all the Gandhi tag is to cover it fortunatelt Mahatma allowed his name to be used rather abused//

Truly said.The Hinduism of today is a legacy of Nehruvian secularism which tried

to make it a dirty word. In his concept of composite nationalism,

Hinduism had to get overhauled by Islam and Christianity to rationalise

itself, instead of the other way round.He could not defeat Jinnah's political tactics and started a tirade against Hindus after Partition, to appease fanatical Muslims. Describing himself a " Hindu by accident " , he, in fact, hated Hinduism and the Hindus... like Jinnah himself. That is why, he had contempt for all his staunch Hindu colleagues like Dr Rajendra Prasad, Purushottam Das Tandon, even Sardar Patel and G.B. Pant and a host of others. After the death of Gandhiji and Patel, he tried to purge the Congress of all pro-Hindu elements.

Such a sorry state of affairs today is largely Nehru's gift to India.Now what is Nehru doing in this thread? Nehru also had his Jupiter in nodal axis with a KSY to accentuate it.

Besides other wild ways, he is known for his wild expressions against

Hinduism, the faith in which he was born.RegardsNeelam

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respected Neelam ji




Thanks for ur initiative's in educating us on guru chandala yoga and other various aspects of Hindu vedic astrology .


Tho Guruchandala yoga is a North indian term generaly and no texual support for the term we using ( i feel so and later spread to everywhere ) according to famous Bhava ,bhavesh and karaka methods of seeing the chart and seeing any effects mainly used in south ( also every where ) this yoga has to hav a gr8 effect .As guru denotes various things in his Karakatwa .


But the problem we face in astro is it deals with a whole life so when it can surface in individual native's life is a serious question and need to look as chart as a whole .secret crimes or sins to very very personal affairs we may not admit openly >it is like i got v v less marks in public exam but my father is so rich and he buy one seat in some profession college for me and i am a professional dgree holder after spending lot of money .Do u think i openly admit it ??or my family or relatives .so unlike olden days these astrologers also has so much limitations and less less chance of getting correct feed backs .

I rembr wat my guru said abt one old man ( who has this yoga ) whose life was always happy and succesful but in last stages of his life he got cheated by only one son who was very obedient always .


there is no question of rules propounded by rishies going wrong ,it may b our inability to see it in proper way or the feed back itself is wrong unless the data is wrong in some way .


hats off to u for ur hard efforts and pls keep it up tho u r busy other wise .


with deep regrds and respect

prashanth Nair


, "neelam gupta" <neelamgupta07 wrote:>> Dear All,> > We have had some views on the Jup-rahu conjunction. Khuranaji presented the> Lal Kitab perspective. We had one example from Dushyant ji to test some> points, though the native has yet to get his Jup or Rahu dasha and face> their music in reality.> > Here I am giving some views from the researches carried out by Sh. K N Rao> and his group.> > - If Rahu is conjunct a malefic, it is bad, and if with two, it is worse> and so on. But it is totally otherwise when conjunct a benefic. When Rahu is> conjunct Jupiter it will fall in second category, specially in cases when> Jupiter is also functional benefic.> - The results of conjunction are dependent on the lordship of Jupiter in> the chart and the house where conjunction occurs and will thus vary for each> lagna.> - Association of a benefic planet tones down the inauspiciousness of this> yoga.> - Weak Jupiter conjoined with Rahu and also afflicted by Saturn/mars,> gives only daughters or more daughters than sons. Strength of Jupiter needs> to be carefully ascertained for this result. Even if sons are born, they may> not be ideal. Loss of progeny is also possible, if with other indications.> > Would appreciate if we can have more examples on the conjunction and its> results.> Renu ji where is your data bank?> > Regards> Neelam>

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My views -

One may take it or leave it.

Rahu + Jupiter

Jupiter if strong will make Rahu turn benefic, but Jupiter if weak, will turn malefic itself due to conjunction with Rahu, and Rahu will remain malefic in his case.

The above would be as per natural characteristics, but obviously Lordships have a seperate role to play in various Lagnas, which results we need not take in above assessment, and which would remain to be studied further to jot down how Rahu or Jupiter will actually behave and effect what, in the natives Life .

Jup if weak and Lord of evil house would give worse evil results if accompanid with Rahu.

Jup if strong and Lord of benefic house may give superb results if accompanied with Rahu, and so will Rahu if in Kendra with this Jupiter.

Well thats over now,

Does somebody know that if Jupiter and Saturn in the Upachaya houses, for instance the 6th House, produces a excellent Raj Yoga regardless of the Lordships ?

Can some one shed some light on this ?




, "neelam gupta" <neelamgupta07 wrote:>> Dear All,> > We have had some views on the Jup-rahu conjunction. Khuranaji presented the> Lal Kitab perspective. We had one example from Dushyant ji to test some> points, though the native has yet to get his Jup or Rahu dasha and face> their music in reality.> > Here I am giving some views from the researches carried out by Sh. K N Rao> and his group.> > - If Rahu is conjunct a malefic, it is bad, and if with two, it is worse> and so on. But it is totally otherwise when conjunct a benefic. When Rahu is> conjunct Jupiter it will fall in second category, specially in cases when> Jupiter is also functional benefic.> - The results of conjunction are dependent on the lordship of Jupiter in> the chart and the house where conjunction occurs and will thus vary for each> lagna.> - Association of a benefic planet tones down the inauspiciousness of this> yoga.> - Weak Jupiter conjoined with Rahu and also afflicted by Saturn/mars,> gives only daughters or more daughters than sons. Strength of Jupiter needs> to be carefully ascertained for this result. Even if sons are born, they may> not be ideal. Loss of progeny is also possible, if with other indications.> > Would appreciate if we can have more examples on the conjunction and its> results.> Renu ji where is your data bank?> > Regards> Neelam>

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Dear Prashanth ji,


*//there is no question of rules propounded by rishies going wrong ,it may b

our inability to see it in proper way or the feed back itself is wrong

unless the data is wrong in some way.//


True. Even if the results look good and apparently combination seems

harmless, but the venom has to show at some stage. It could be in the dasha

and bhukti of Jup or rahu? or in dasha of associated planets. As you

suggest, sometimes the results are seen late in life like own progeny

poisoning your life.


Thanks for your views.





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Hare rama krishna


dear Neelam ji


here is one data

24th dec 1957 at 12 o clock midday delhi


see the chart ,He has rahu dasa which was golden ,and crossed jup dasa which he lost everything and still millions in debts and now i think sani dasa is going on .


He has all the traces of this chandala yoga ,which i always doubt it ( till he giv me his chart ) even will humiliate and make fun of any one even publlicly and more secretly .He many times even walked into my room where always pooja is done and it is mandir too with chappals and wearing a bermuda and like ,his mannerism u can judge he is making fun of u too .

Later i hav seen he was daily beaten even by His teenage son ( who has a wrestlers body ) and who now changed a lot after my continous efforts and he is now in australia studying with the help of his uncle's whom also consulted me abt senting him abroad for studies .he is very changed boy now and used to call me atleast once in a month .


pls see the chart,it is famous exmple of guru chandal yoga.


but many cases this yoga is more bad when the dasa of rahu is in life and Native's activate it by their actions as most of the time if jup is most benefic in chart rahu dasa will b most golden period and it will giv a false feeling that no one in world can stop me .


others who care for it it need not affect them ( tru good habbits and remedies and controling behaviour ) esp when this dasas r not operating in present life .

but we blv in continuity of birth's and the karma will not extinguish unless we do remedy by cancelling actions and remedial measures ( i am not asking to do poojas But charities and working for good causes )


regrds sunil nair

om shreem mahalaxmai namah .

, "neelam gupta" <neelamgupta07 wrote:>> Dear All,> > We have had some views on the Jup-rahu conjunction. Khuranaji presented the> Lal Kitab perspective. We had one example from Dushyant ji to test some> points, though the native has yet to get his Jup or Rahu dasha and face> their music in reality.> > Here I am giving some views from the researches carried out by Sh. K N Rao> and his group.> > - If Rahu is conjunct a malefic, it is bad, and if with two, it is worse> and so on. But it is totally otherwise when conjunct a benefic. When Rahu is> conjunct Jupiter it will fall in second category, specially in cases when> Jupiter is also functional benefic.> - The results of conjunction are dependent on the lordship of Jupiter in> the chart and the house where conjunction occurs and will thus vary for each> lagna.> - Association of a benefic planet tones down the inauspiciousness of this> yoga.> - Weak Jupiter conjoined with Rahu and also afflicted by Saturn/mars,> gives only daughters or more daughters than sons. Strength of Jupiter needs> to be carefully ascertained for this result. Even if sons are born, they may> not be ideal. Loss of progeny is also possible, if with other indications.> > Would appreciate if we can have more examples on the conjunction and its> results.> Renu ji where is your data bank?> > Regards> Neelam>

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I do not mean to intecept or interfere, s please do not mind my mail in between.

In Rahu mahadasha, the last antar which is of Mars, would cause all the damage normally, even if Rahu is very good or yogkaraka for the native, Rahu will extract its payment in this last period, when it must take away all what has been given materiastically to the native. Or else it will cause damage physically. All this irrespective of what Mars has to offer or any other matter.

Of course this is a general rule, how true it is , the other members who have been through the Rahu Mahadasha may be able to guide us better, to the truth.








, "neelam gupta" <neelamgupta07 wrote:>> Dear Prashanth ji,> > *//there is no question of rules propounded by rishies going wrong ,it may b> our inability to see it in proper way or the feed back itself is wrong> unless the data is wrong in some way.//> > True. Even if the results look good and apparently combination seems> harmless, but the venom has to show at some stage. It could be in the dasha> and bhukti of Jup or rahu? or in dasha of associated planets. As you> suggest, sometimes the results are seen late in life like own progeny> poisoning your life.> > Thanks for your views.> > Regards> Neelam> *>

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Dear Neelam ji,thanks for the inputs of KN RAO ji i had also covered most of them but not so LUCIDLY as this thoughand for the last point in it here is a example10/07/1922, 23.39.42 Nelamangala [bangalore dist] most s/w give u the cordinates

he has 2 sons and lost a daughter at her age of 40 due to cancerthe 2nd son has no natural children has adopted a girl1st son has 2 daughters had taken VRS when his 2 girls were still in college, highly selfis and insensitive to his needs and pushed his father in duress to sell the only house he had

as the father wanted to share his assets with all 3 children or their childrenthat is grandchildren equally even the adopted onethe 1st said why he is in USA the daughte'rs daughter is taken care of by him as his son in law re-married

so the 18-21 yrs of care is enough don't spare a pie for her etc I WANT ALL OF ITand after the father sold the house somehowd he got hold of all the deposits and got it transfered it in his name was safe in a nuteral agents house till then

the grief due to children is there here asthe 12 th house has Gulika too and if one has a aflicted 12th house 8th to 5th one can be deserted or uncared for or children in old age give them a torrid time instead of sheltering aged parents

the guru+sani+rahu exist in 7th as the last point of KN RAO JI saysbest wishesprashantOn Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 7:25 PM, neelam gupta <neelamgupta07 wrote:







Dear All,

We have had some views

on the Jup-rahu conjunction. Khuranaji presented the Lal Kitab perspective. We had one example from Dushyant ji to test some points, though the native has yet to get his Jup or Rahu dasha and face their music in reality.

Here I am giving some views from the researches carried out by Sh. K N Rao and his group.

If Rahu is conjunct a

malefic, it is bad, and if with two, it is worse and so on. But it is totally

otherwise when conjunct a benefic. When Rahu is conjunct Jupiter it will fall

in second category, specially in cases when Jupiter is also functional benefic.

The results of conjunction are

dependent on the lordship of Jupiter in the chart and the house where

conjunction occurs and will thus vary for each lagna. Association of a benefic

planet tones down the inauspiciousness of this yoga.Weak Jupiter conjoined

with Rahu and also afflicted by Saturn/mars, gives only daughters or more

daughters than sons. Strength of Jupiter needs to be carefully ascertained for

this result. Even if sons are born, they may not be ideal. Loss of progeny is also possible, if with other indications.

Would appreciate if we

can have more examples on the conjunction and its results.

Renu ji where is your data bank?


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While I agree the contention on Mars act under Rahu maha desa, I am pleased to

add the following for those interested:



MARS Mahadesa - RAHU sub Period :





In Addhyaya 21 - Mantreswara’s PHALA DEEPIKA

Means: During the sub- Period on Rahu in the Maha desa of Mars, the native will

face danger from weapon, fire, thieves, enemies and rulers, injury from poison,

diseases in the stomach. Eyes, the head, death of the preceptor and elders,

danger to one’s own life, or other trouble of great magnitude.

 RAHU Maha desa -MARS Bhukti





In Addhyaya 21 - Mantreswara’s PHALA DEEPIKA

Means : Danger from the Government, fire, thieves and weapons and one’s own

death through terrible disease, challenge to one’s position, heat and eye -

troubles will mark Mar’s Bukti in Rahu’s Maha desa.


According to “Jataka Desh Marga” the following is available.

When TRANSITING Mars crosses Natal RAHU (in Janma Pathrika) you may take part in

business or work connected with. You may show much keenness in sports. You may

have excess sex appetite. You may get help from co born and on that account life

will improve.

When TRANSITING Rahu crosses Natal MARS (in Janma Pathrika) you will indulge in

boxing etc. and you will also gain money on that account. At this time much

sensual instincts will be aroused. You will get much help and progress at this

time of transit.Pathi (2. Dec. 2008) USA








Bhaskar <rajiventerprises


Tuesday, December 2, 2008 10:31:52 AM

Re: Guru-Rahu Rendezvous




I do not mean to intecept or interfere, s please do not mind my mail in between.

In Rahu mahadasha, the last antar which is of Mars, would cause all the damage

normally, even if Rahu is very good or yogkaraka for the native, Rahu will

extract its payment in this last period, when it must take away all what has

been given materiastically to the native. Or else it will cause damage

physically. All this irrespective of what Mars has to offer or any other matter.

Of course this is a general rule, how true it is , the other members who have

been through the Rahu Mahadasha may be able to guide us better, to the truth.









ancient_indian_ astrology, " neelam gupta "

<neelamgupta07@ ...> wrote:


> Dear Prashanth ji,


> *//there is no question of rules propounded by rishies going wrong ,it may b

> our inability to see it in proper way or the feed back itself is wrong

> unless the data is wrong in some way.//


> True. Even if the results look good and apparently combination seems

> harmless, but the venom has to show at some stage. It could be in the dasha

> and bhukti of Jup or rahu? or in dasha of associated planets. As you

> suggest, sometimes the results are seen late in life like own progeny

> poisoning your life.


> Thanks for your views.


> Regards

> Neelam

> *


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Dear Neelam ji,I am grateful to you for opening this topic so i can learn. One of my friends has natal Jupiter conjunction. Her DOB are:FemaleMay, 9th, 1958, 15:08 44N23 27E50timezone GMT+2She has Virgo lagna and ruling Saturn Mahadasha.I posted her DOB, just in case we want to study the Jupiter Rahu conjunction in this case also.Warm regards,Liana

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