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Retrograde Planets

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Dear Kumar ji


Many thanks for your clarifications.


regards / Prafulla Gang



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> pacificsiam

> Tue, 03 Jul 2007 07:58:32 -0000


> Re: Retrograde Planets


> Dear prafulla jI,

> The aspect is taken from the bhava itself ,as their is no retro

> motion ,you are walking ahead with your glance behind you.

> Rgds

> Kumar




> , Prafulla Gang

> <jyotish wrote:


>> Dear Kumar ji


>> Many thanks for your note.


>> This backward aspect from its place itself, or from its 12th sign?


>> regards / Prafulla Gang

>> http://www.prafulla.net


>> " The right to be heard does not automatically include the right to be

> taken seriously. "

>> ************************************************




>>> pacificsiam

>>> Mon, 2 Jul 2007 01:16:03 -0700 (PDT)


>>> Re: Retrograde Planets


>>> Dear Prafulla Ji,

>>> Well I dont know the which text but my guru used to

>>> tell me vakra planets are like you are walking forward

>>> but you are glancing behind thus the the drishti will

>>> be in reverse order 5/7/9.

>>> rgds

>>> kumar


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Dear Gopu ji,


> suppose the theory of number of days it was retrograde is applied,

> in this chart on Jan 20th mercury's retrogression goes

> of and from 11th it is 10days or 10years of

> retrogression and the first 10years of Mercury maha

> dasa may not give the desired results. can we apply

> this interpretation for retrogrades irrespective of

> whether it is benefic or malefic?



There is no authentic support from classics for such new born

theories. It is better for us keep quite and not to compete with the

sages in such matters. I always, as far as possible, go by the

reference, and when they are missing - who am I to mislead others? I

am a feeble brain, and even after having enough references I may

commit mistakes. In this situation how can I state things with out

even a proper reference?

Sorry I don't know, and i repeat, it is better to keep quite in such

matters. If you have some theory or belief regarding the same use it

yourself, and if some one else have some let them use it. Who are we

to conclude? They might be right, or may be wrong. Where the sages

kept the calm, some may speak a lot, some one may listen, some one

may not - who is right and wrong(!) who knows!


But sorry, it is not my domain - because I don't know. I will try to

study more about retrograde planets, but you see, I don't even know

much about planets itself, least to say about signs and house, and

the results of their placement in them. I don't know much even about

direct planets, least to say about the amsas they have. What I am

trying to do is to be sincere and collect, present, and study what

ever I can with my weak brain, which too may go right or wrong. I am

not a sage and I don't think I can be. So please don't expect answers

from me for every one of your doubts - because I don't have answers

to many of them. Let us search and seek, and share a pearl when we

find one, and let not mistake something else for a pearl. But you see

we are all feeble brains - and the mistakes may happen at any time.





, K Gopu

<kgopu_24 wrote:


> dear Sreenadhji,

> ur analysis of the chart is very good with ref from

> slokas. But the discussion on retrograde planets ur

> concluding that benefics will not harm. suppose the

> theory of number of days it was retrograde is applied,

> in this chart on Jan 20th mercury's retrogression goes

> of and from 11th it is 10days or 10years of

> retrogression and the first 10years of Mercury maha

> dasa may not give the desired results. can we apply

> this interpretation for retrogrades irrespective of

> whether it is benefic or malefic? Kindly clarify.


> regards,

> k.gopu










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dear sreenadhji,

I fully concur with ur replies, I raised this query

because this was the subject which was discussed in

this forum for the last few days. all of us are still

in the learning and sharing process. Ur reply reflects

ur modesty but for people like me ur knowledge is in

depth and looks like acquistion of the same is



good wishes,









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Dear Dr.Neelam Gupta Ji,

In my 1st mail itself,I provided the remedies he has to perform to nullify some of his past life Karmas.Anyhow after going through his chart and the informations, you gave,unless the Karma Karaka Shani (V) has to allow him to do the remedies,he can not do it.Eventhough Guru's Vakrattwa has almost nullified,ie., he is ready to give the fruits of the Past Karmas,the gentleman's Shani is Vakra and atleast 40 % of the total number of years ie., 129 years of Vakra Gati has to complete.At this junction,he has almost completed 40 % of Vakra Shani's period,now slowly he has to boost the native to start the remdies.So to get that readiness to perform the remedies, let him chant the Dwadashakshara Vishnu Mantra : OM NAMO BHAGAVATE VASUDEVAYA daily 108 times morning and evening time.Morning during Sun rise and in the evening during Sun set time.If he is not able to chant the Mantra in the evening,let him chant the Mantra 2 Malas in the morning time.Tulasi Mala is best used for this chanting.In addition to this,let him chant/listen to Shri Vishnu Sahsra Naama Stotra daily.

Now regarding the business matters,let us look at his 7th and 10th lord Guru.7th house is his Moola Trikona house and 10th house is his Swakshetra and so 7th house becomes more stronger than 10th house and hence the business connected with his wife will bring him success.Guru's sign lord is Chandra and is placed in Dhanu Rashi.Budha debilitated is placed in a Kendra from this Chandra,so his debilitation gets cancelled due to Guru's sign position.You can see a Parivarthana Yoga between Guru and Chandra.So Guru being 7th lord is more stronger and is placed in Ashlesha Nakshatra ruled by Budha.Also Budha in Meena Rashi is in Revathi Nakshatra ruled by Budha.This indicates he will be successful in Guru Dasa in business connected with his wife.

With Regards,

Ramadas Rao.



From: cyberart_infosDate: Tue, 3 Jul 2007 00:22:14 -0700RE: Re: Retrograde Planets




Dear Shri Raoji,


Many thanks once again for throwing light on this tricky combination. Will Guru's aspect on the Vakri Shani give some solace and bring him some peace of mind in Guru's dasha. Shani is also 9th lord sitting in 6H. He has a good life, children, money, wife, etc. but only his professional life has not bore fruits if seen independently. Will wife get to play a role in bringing him professional solace as guru is 7L and 10L. Already since 2004 he is totally involved in the business started by his wife. The native wants to set up his own successful enterprise as his previous one was not successful. Do you think he will get an opportunity to start something in Ju-Ju. Should he try or not try for an independent venture. Also if you could suggest any remedy/remedies to reduce the effects of previous karmas. Your analysis of situation in relation with past karmas has given a new perspective to the results of these planets. I shall be grateful if you kindly elaborate further on this. What is the contribution of debilitated mercury in this combination. Jupiter also aspects the LL mer in 10H.

Thnaks once again




HosabettuRamadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:



Dear Dr.Neelam Gupta Ji,Namaste.The gentleman's Guru dasa will be starting very soon and it should help him.Here the problem is Guru ( Vakra ) became direct at his 46th year and is ready to give beneficial results after performing some remedial measures.But now look at Shani,the Karma Karaka.Guru is the giver of results of one's Karma.So here Shani is Vakra for about 129 years and its half is 64 and half years.His present age is about 40 % of Vakra Shani's progressed years.So starting from this present age, there will be slow developments in his life because he has not started to experience the Past life Karmas and as the age advances towards 60 +,he will listen to the Gurus and will try to perform the remedies and happiness will slowly start in his life.Without performing the remedies,he will not improve in his life as his long awaiting past karmas debts are not worn out.I am still working on this theory.With Regards,Ramadas Rao.



From: cyberart_infos Date: Sun, 1 Jul 2007 03:18:16 -0700RE: Re: Retrograde Planets




Dear Shri Raoji,


Many thanks for your valuable commentry on the chart. I guess you are right about the karmic debts. This native is being thrown into situations for visiting places for tarpan. During the last year only he was made to visit Pushkar and Nasik both. Isn't that quite strange! He was chased by many pundits at pushkar for pitr pooja, but being a non believer, he never did it. After a few months he had to go to Nasik and visited Trimbakeshwar, where he did an exclusive Rudrabhishek, but didn't do pitr pooja. Do you think these visits were indicative of those karmic connections and he lost the chance to perform the pooja. Is there any other remedy for this problem. What will be his Guru MD like. Instead of improving, in 2002, he had to wind up a business of 16 years. although the business was not doing too well, but now its over. His wife is highly educated and into a business which is running extremely well. He is now involved in the same business. That way this person is quite well off. As expected Rahu-Mars dasha chhidr is not good and has given him health problems. Mars as 6L in 7H with marak 2L and aspecing marak 7L Jupiter in 2H is quite indicative of health problems. Please share your views on results of Jup MD, especially JU-Ju.

Regarding Saturn, he does not get along with his father and there is a clash of idealogies which is a life-long problem. If you see saturn has given 0 ashtakvarga points in cancer. therefore, last 2 and a half years of saturns stay in cancer were very troublesome for him. It was ashtak shani also for him. Do you think with shani's transit in Leo things could become better.

I shall be grateful if you please give me some more indepth into these areas.

Thank you very much

NeelamHosabettuRamadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:



Dear Dr.Neelam Gupta Ji,Namaste.In the horoscope you provided,Guru is Vakra in Karka Rashi.Karka Rashi is the Uccha Rashi for Guru,so as per Uttara Kalamrita,when a planet is in its Uccha Rashi but Vakra it gives the result as if it is debilitated.As this Guru (V) indicates deep rooted Karmic indication,till the age of 46 years his family life and profession will not be prospered or in other words, eventhough he works hard and shows his love and affection towards his wife,and children,he is not getting the same from them in the way he expects.Also eventhough he is a hard working native,he is not happy in his work as he is being neglected in his job.So mentally he is not happy.Just look at Patni Karaka Shukra is with Ketu,the Vairagya Karaka.This is another affliction to his family life.Now from 2002 onwards,there is some relief in his life but there is one more thing is that this Vakra Guru is with Mandi and this indicates that this gentleman is a rebirth to the same family to perform some remedies for the Brahman Shaap which his family might have got 2-3 generations before.A Brahmin boy in the family 2-3 generations before after the performing of Brahmopadesham,died of unnatural death ( might be drowned into water pond or river ? ) and no Kriya Karmas were performed at that time.So this gentleman is born again in the same family to perform the Kriya Karmas for the died person to give Mukti to that soul.Very soon Guru dasa is commencing and he will be forced to perform this remedy.Now regarding Shani (V),he is 8th and 9th lord placed in 6th.Here the long standing Karmic connection is with father which is not completed in this life and will be postponed to the next life ? You can see debilitated Rahu is coming nearer to Shani to swallow him and Shani going away with fear ( Vakra ).Here Rahu can be considered as some enemies trying to trouble his father and is trying to escape from trouble but this gentleman could not help him.Even in his career also,there are some problems from somebody and he has to pass such difficulties.The above interpretation is of mine and may be different from other scholars.With Regards,Ramadas Rao.



From: cyberart_infos Date: Sat, 30 Jun 2007 00:30:33 -0700RE: Re: Retrograde Planets




Dear Ramadas Raoji,

Thanks for giving us a time parameter for studying the retrogrades. A native has Gemini lagna with 7th and 10lord exalted and retrograde in 2nd house and 8th and ninth lord saturn retrogrades in 6th house. Jupiter becomes direct after 46 days of birth and saturn after 129 days. Does it mean that karmic debts regarding Jupiter will be over after 46 years whereas for saturn they might spill over to next life. The native has a debilitated lagna lord in 10th house with 3rd lord sun. Mars and moon in 7th house and venus is swagrahi in 12th house. Ra is with saturn in 6th house and ke with ven in 12th.

I would really appreciate if you could throw some light on the affects of these positions.

Also I seek comments from all other scholars on the combination. The native is highly qualified professional but is not satisfied with his progress in life. Though he is very well placed. His birth details are: DOB 3.4.56/TOB 11.30/POB Meerut

I will be grateful for all your expert comments.


Dr Neelam Gupta

Jyotish AcharyaHosabettuRamadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:



Dear Prafulla Ji,Regarding Vakra Shukra what you write will hold good.If Shukra is Vakra during birth time and it becomes direct after 25 days, that means the debts of past life connected with the lordship and Karakatta of Shukra will be almost complete and progress in such areas will improve after 25 years of age.Regarding Guru, what you wrote is not correct.Please try to apply these principles and see the results.With Regards,Ramadas Rao.



From: jyotish (AT) inbox (DOT) comDate: Thu, 28 Jun 2007 22:19:02 -0800RE: Re: Retrograde Planets



Dear Ramdas ji,So if planet is retro - for example venus is retro in someone's chart and it becomes direct at 25th year of progressed chart. Should we then - consider it direct for the purpose of natal chart analysis. and if so - should we stop considering its backward aspect (for its retrogression) from 25th year?Like wise - if a planet has become retrograde (for example guru) in 15th progressed year. So after 15th year, should we consider retro for natal chart purpose and aspects (as backward to 12th house).regards / Prafulla Ganghttp://www.prafulla.net"The right to be heard does not automatically include the right to be taken seriously."************************************************> > ramadasrao (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> Thu, 28 Jun 2007 20:37:07 +0000> > RE: Re: Retrograde Planets> > Dear Pandit Ji,> Yes, You are correct.The Vakra Grahas indicate strong left over Karmas> from past life which the native during his/her death might have thought> of.> For example, in my chart, Makara Lagna whose lord Shani is Vakra and is> placed in 9th house ie., in Kanya Rashi while its lord Budha is in 3rd> house in Meena Rashi with Guru and Surya.Eventhough I am quite qualified> person,from last 30 years, I am working in the same designation.My> friends got promotions and are in very good status.But my monetary> position is comparitively better than my friends.Almost most of my> earnings are being spent for the family and other close relatives.See> that Shani is also 2nd lord indicating family.Shani is also Karma Karaka.> Also I have worked on this matter.Just check the longitude of the Vakra> Graha and see when it becomes direct.Now calculate the number of days> from the day of birth till the Graha becomes direct.Now consider one day> as one year,so the number of days becomes number of years.For example in> my chart, Vakra Shani becomes direct after 81 days,so there will be some> long awaiting Karma from the previous life till I complete 81 years of> age.This means there are some obstacles in my progress in the life till I> complete 81 years of age, if I live up to that age.But I also found out> that after about 25% of this total years,some slight increase in my> progress in life as some of the debts have been repaid.I also observed> that after about 50% of the total years ie., around 1992, a steep> increase in my life's progress in all spheres of the life.> Now suppose if the person dies before the stipulated years shown by Vakra> Graha,then again that Karma will be postponed to the next life.> Ofcourse,I have taken a lot of pain in this work and I found some success> in this matter of Vakra Grahas.I also request other scholars in this list> to check the reality in my work and continue their efforts to get some> more deeper connections related to Vakra Grahas.> With Regards,> Ramadas Rao.> > > > From:> navagraha Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2007 13:02:09 -0400Re:> Re: Retrograde Planets> > > > > > Namaste,> > Isn't the entire horoscope a mirror onto unfinished karma? If there was> no unfinished karma, the native would have achieved moksha. Are you> suggesting that retro grahas show a very strong/adridha karma.> > ...> On 6/28/07, sunil nair <astro_tellerkerala (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:> > > > > > > Hare krishna,> dear krishnaji,> As far as retro planets are concerned i also support> the view of sri ramadasji ,some unfinished krama or desires from past> lives ,depending on karakatwas and placements and lordships.Along with> other textual references> mercury in her case is in exchange with jupiter and it becomes an> exchange of 5th and 11th lords,so i dont think bad for her .> rest u know as a scholar urself .This exchange other wise might giv her> good oral skills and may be quest for knowledge and may be various> educational pursuits .> Pls clarify ,also i invite scholarly comments from sri .sreenath and> others> regrds sunil nair> om shreem mahalaxmai namah.> , Krishnamurthy> Seetharama <krishna_1998 wrote:>> Dear Sreenadh, > > You said:> >> "Too many planets in retrograde may also indicate that the man> is not> dependable (this statement lacks textual support)"> > Well, my daughter> has three planets retrograde. She is about 17 > years now. And, I don't> see any problems with dependability so> far. I am just giving you a data> point.> > In any case, as three planets are retrograde in her chart, I>> always see it as a roadblock to analyse her chart myself as I > don't> understand the correct effect of a planet being> retrograde. Dr. Charak,> in his book, says that retrograde> planets cause health problems.> > Here> are the birth details:> > DOB: 11-Jan-1990> TOB: 20:35> POB: Bangalore> >> I would be interested to know how would be her Mercury MD,> Mercury being> one of the retrograde planets.> > I look forward to your comments, hoping> that you won't consider > my request as a chart reading request.> >> Regards,> Krishna>>> --- Sreenadh sreesog wrote:> > > Dear Kannan ji,> > Generally>> retrograde is considered as good. It is said in > > Phaladeepika that>> the planet in retrograde will give the > > result of > > exaltation. But>> there is a cute thing to note. As per texts> > like > > Saravali-> > *>> The planet in retrograde will give beneficial results all> > on a > >>> sudden ONLY IF it is a beneficial planet.> > * If the planet is a>> malefic, the person will suffer for> > long, and > > will have to>> undertake hard effort even for small benefits and > > the > > results>> would be usually delayed. But of course at the end of> > Dasa > > they>> will materialize.> > > > So in short, benefics in retrograde is good,>> and malefics in > > retrograde is bad.> > > > Thinking astronomically>> retrograde is just our assumption and> > it > > never happens. i.e the>> planet is always in direct motion but -> > > > * for outer planets since>> the angle covered by earth> > (compared to > > that planet) is more and>> we will feel that the planet is in > > retrograde.> > * For inner>> planets when the planet orbits sun (since the > > earth's > > orbit is>> bigger than their orbit) we will have the feeling> > that they > > are>> in retrograde.> > [Me not being a proper scholar, the above words may>> fail to > > reflect > > the actual meaning. A pictorial description is>> better to> > understand > > the same] > > > > In the ancient texts apart>> from occasional reference we don't > > find > > many slokas that are>> attributed to the discussion of> > retrograde > > motion. They some how>> seems to be satisfied with the general > > statement, retrograde is good>> for good planets and bad for > > bad. > > Slokas that describe the>> retrograde results of individual> > planets are > > neither available>> nor the earlier scholars seems to attribute> > too > > much special>> importance to it. > > But still 3 planets in retrograde generally>> indicate the> > presence of > > too much opposing conditions in the said>> mans life, which he> > would > > have to over come. But the same also>> indicate that at the end > > he will > > be rewarded with success, even>> though delayed. Too many> > planets in > > retrograde may also indicate>> that the man is not dependable> > (this > > statement lacks textual>> support) > > Love,> > Sreenadh> > > > --- In>> , "kankan_73" > > kankan_73@>> wrote: > > >> > > Dear Sreenadhji,> > > > > > I would like to know>> something about Retrograde Planets and> > their > > > effects in one's>> life.> > > Today, I have seen a chart in which 3 planets are > >>> retrograde. Is > > there > > > anything special in this. What they>> signify. Particularly> > what is > > the > > > result when Lagna Lord>> itself is retrograde. I have heard > > some > > > theories like>> Retrograde planets in exaltation acts like > > debilitated > > > and>> vise versa. Is there some thing more than this.> > > Kindly give your>> views. > > > > > > Thanks & regards,> > > Kannan> > >> > > > > > > > > >>> >________>> > Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! 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Dear Gopu Ji,

If Budha is Vakra and is malefic for the chart,such Budha Dasa till that period will be of evil but after that he may give reverse results and suppose if such Budha Vakra is benefic in nature,the results of such benefic Budha will be very slow and after that period,its benefic results will suddenly doubled.

With Regards,

Ramadas Rao.



From: kgopu_24Date: Tue, 3 Jul 2007 03:00:43 -0700Re: Re: Retrograde Planets




dear Sreenadhji,ur analysis of the chart is very good with ref fromslokas. But the discussion on retrograde planets urconcluding that benefics will not harm. suppose thetheory of number of days it was retrograde is applied,in this chart on Jan 20th mercury's retrogression goesof and from 11th it is 10days or 10years ofretrogression and the first 10years of Mercury mahadasa may not give the desired results. can we applythis interpretation for retrogrades irrespective ofwhether it is benefic or malefic? Kindly clarify.regards,k.gopu________Got a little couch potato? Check out fun summer activities for kids.http://search./search?fr=oni_on_mail & p=summer+activities+for+kids & cs=bz Change is good. See what’s different about Windows Live Hotmail. Check it out!

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Dear Ramdas ji


Another confusion. Should not we take natural benefic / malefic to consider

vakri planet's result (as most bhrigu nadi sutra does not talk of ascendant

driven functional role) for past life karmic debts etc?


regards / Prafulla Gang



" The right to be heard does not automatically include the right to be taken

seriously. "





> ramadasrao

> Tue, 3 Jul 2007 19:21:20 +0000


> RE: Re: Retrograde Planets


> Dear Gopu Ji,

> If Budha is Vakra and is malefic for the chart,such Budha Dasa till that

> period will be of evil but after that he may give reverse results and

> suppose if such Budha Vakra is benefic in nature,the results of such

> benefic Budha will be very slow and after that period,its benefic results

> will suddenly doubled.

> With Regards,

> Ramadas Rao.



> :

> kgopu_24: Tue, 3 Jul 2007 03:00:43 -0700Re:

> Re: Retrograde Planets





> dear Sreenadhji,ur analysis of the chart is very good with ref

> fromslokas. But the discussion on retrograde planets urconcluding that

> benefics will not harm. suppose thetheory of number of days it was

> retrograde is applied,in this chart on Jan 20th mercury's retrogression

> goesof and from 11th it is 10days or 10years ofretrogression and the

> first 10years of Mercury mahadasa may not give the desired results. can

> we applythis interpretation for retrogrades irrespective ofwhether it is

> benefic or malefic? Kindly



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Dear Prafulla Ji,

Now for example,for Karka Lagna, Budha becomes 3rd and 12th lord and hence he becomes a malefic for Karka Lagna.In such case, if Budha is Vakra and as we know Vakra means some kind of obstruction,we have to see in which area Budha is giving obstruction.Here, Budha is the lord of 3rd house indicating communication will be affected till he becomes direct after a certain period of time and also the native may have some health problems connected to central nervous system,ear/nose/throat etc.Also 3rd house indicates younger co-born.So in such cases,either there may be no younger co-born or if born will have some birth defects.These observations can be checked personally.Ofcourse all these informations are my research based,so I request to check the reality of this fact and can improve this theory.I also agree that our Maharshis have not given any such informations in any of the classics and as it is very secret to know about these things and was hidden.So it is our duty to give attention to such hidden matters and study them and try to do some research on such matters.

But some Scholars are against me as the Aham is not allowing them to try to check such kind of theories.You see, till now I dont have any website of my own and I thought I can use the Astrology groups like the present one which is meant to disperse our age old Divine science of Jyotish.But they are not interested to listen to me and in such case,I feel that I dont have to continue in this list.So I will not be available to this list.

I wish everybody best of luck with happy learning of Jyotish.

With Regards,

Ramadas Rao.



From: jyotishDate: Tue, 3 Jul 2007 19:29:25 -0800RE: Re: Retrograde Planets




Dear Ramdas jiAnother confusion. Should not we take natural benefic / malefic to consider vakri planet's result (as most bhrigu nadi sutra does not talk of ascendant driven functional role) for past life karmic debts etc?regards / Prafulla Ganghttp://www.prafulla.net"The right to be heard does not automatically include the right to be taken seriously."************************************************> > ramadasrao (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> Tue, 3 Jul 2007 19:21:20 +0000> > RE: Re: Retrograde Planets> > Dear Gopu Ji,> If Budha is Vakra and is malefic for the chart,such Budha Dasa till that> period will be of evil but after that he may give reverse results and> suppose if such Budha Vakra is benefic in nature,the results of such> benefic Budha will be very slow and after that period,its benefic results> will suddenly doubled.> With Regards,> Ramadas Rao.> > > From:> kgopu_24 (AT) (DOT) co.ukDate: Tue, 3 Jul 2007 03:00:43 -0700Re:> Re: Retrograde Planets> > > > > dear Sreenadhji,ur analysis of the chart is very good with ref> fromslokas. But the discussion on retrograde planets urconcluding that> benefics will not harm. suppose thetheory of number of days it was> retrograde is applied,in this chart on Jan 20th mercury's retrogression> goesof and from 11th it is 10days or 10years ofretrogression and the> first 10years of Mercury mahadasa may not give the desired results. can> we applythis interpretation for retrogrades irrespective ofwhether it is> benefic or malefic? Kindlyclarify.regards,k.gopu________Got> a little couch potato? Check out fun summer activities for> kids.http://search./search?fr=oni_on_mail & p=summer+activities+for+kids & cs=bz> > > ________> Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today it's FREE!> http://messenger.msn.click-url.com/go/onm00200471ave/direct/01/ Make every IM count. Download and join the i’m Initiative now. It’s free.   Make it count!

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Dear Ramdas ji


> Now for example,for Karka Lagna, Budha becomes 3rd and 12th lord and

> hence he becomes a malefic for Karka Lagna.In such case, if Budha is

> Vakra and as we know Vakra means some kind of obstruction,we have to see

> in which area Budha is giving obstruction.Here, Budha is the lord of 3rd

> house indicating communication will be affected till he becomes direct

> after a certain period of time and also the native may have some health

> problems connected to central nervous system,ear/nose/throat etc.Also 3rd

> house indicates younger co-born.So in such cases,either there may be no

> younger co-born or if born will have some birth defects.These

> observations can be checked personally.Ofcourse all these informations

> are my research based,so I request to check the reality of this fact and

> can improve this theory.


[Prafulla] Yes - I do understand the role of budha for the karka lagna, and

thanks for elaborated explanation. and I also do appreciate your personal

research. I will certainly explore these pointers.



>I also agree that our Maharshis have not given

> any such informations in any of the classics and as it is very secret to

> know about these things and was hidden.So it is our duty to give

> attention to such hidden matters and study them and try to do some

> research on such matters.


[Prafulla] appreciate your perspective and agree as well.


> But some Scholars are against me as the Aham is not allowing them to try

> to check such kind of theories.


[Prafulla] Well, any jyotish scholar obstructing research publishing is not

doing a good karma. As far as I look at jyotish, as ever evolving science; and

we must look at them with open mind. Best test of any theory (new or old) is in

its application in predictive jyotish. if it is working, we must pursue it

further and need not be dogged down by contradictions in shastras itself.


>You see, till now I dont have any website

> of my own and I thought I can use the Astrology groups like the present

> one which is meant to disperse our age old Divine science of Jyotish.But

> they are not interested to listen to me and in such case,I feel that I

> dont have to continue in this list.So I will not be available to this

> list.


[Prafulla] - Well, i have been thoroughly enjoying your notes and from my

perspective - questioning never meant to obstruct, but a way to clear my own

contradictions. In my humble view - you must continue on forums and share your

jyotish interpretations / research. and you need not worry about others'

objective of forum participation.



regards / Prafulla Gang



" The right to be heard does not automatically include the right to be taken

seriously. "






> : jyotish:

> Tue, 3 Jul 2007 19:29:25 -0800RE: Re:

> Retrograde Planets





> Dear Ramdas jiAnother confusion. Should not we take natural benefic /

> malefic to consider vakri planet's result (as most bhrigu nadi sutra does

> not talk of ascendant driven functional role) for past life karmic debts

> etc?regards / Prafulla Ganghttp://www.prafulla.net " The right to be heard

> does not automatically include the right to be taken

> seriously. " ************************************************>

> > ramadasrao Tue, 3

> Jul 2007 19:21:20 +0000> >

> RE: Re: Retrograde Planets> > Dear

> Gopu Ji,> If Budha is Vakra and is malefic for the chart,such Budha Dasa

> till that> period will be of evil but after that he may give reverse

> results and> suppose if such Budha Vakra is benefic in nature,the results

> of such> benefic Budha will be very slow and after that period,its

> benefic results> will suddenly doubled.> With Regards,> Ramadas Rao.> > >

> :>

> kgopu_24: Tue, 3 Jul 2007 03:00:43 -0700Re:>

> Re: Retrograde Planets> > > > > dear

> Sreenadhji,ur analysis of the chart is very good with ref> fromslokas.

> But the discussion on retrograde planets urconcluding that> benefics will

> not harm. suppose thetheory of number of days it was> retrograde is

> applied,in this chart on Jan 20th mercury's retrogression> goesof and

> from 11th it is 10days or 10years ofretrogression and the> first 10years

> of Mercury mahadasa may not give the desired results. can> we applythis

> interpretation for retrogrades irrespective ofwhether it is> benefic or

> malefic?



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  • 8 months later...
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Dear Sandeep Sahab the new Astrologer

of this Forum,


We welcome you to our Fold.

Great analysis done on retro planets by You.

But be kind enough to use

this prediction principles

for yourself.


Spare us.

We have not asked ANY prediCtions from You.






, " sandeep_khare2000 "

<sandeep_khare2000 wrote:



> Doesnt understand retrograde planets after spending 30 yrs in


> by Rsprected Shri Bashkar ji




> About Retro Planets –


> Rerto planets are not fully understood and classics doesn't say

much on

> it, there is lot of hype on retro planets by modern astrologers

too, so,

> it w'd be good to understand why retro plaents are supposed to be


> powerful, Pls. note that Parashara gives full 60 kala to Retro


> more kala means more power to function.


> See the shloka :


> !! ChestaBalino Vakraste Chotkat Falpradaye Grahaah !!


> That means - A retrograde planet scores more chesta bala


> strength).


> For the first time K.N Rao tried to notice the behavior of retros


> suggested that retro planets give result from the previous house of

> their placement, which needs to be further understood. In fact,


> planets appears to enter 2 times a sign thus they get 2 chances to

> fructify their good and bad results, So, if somebody comes under

> influence of retro planets he manifests abnormally good or bad.


> Now, Retro Sani's abnormal behavior : ( Bhaskar's Case who teaches

> astrology )


> 6'th house is a randhra, Bhrigusutra says " Alpgyatih " in verse


> while describing Sani in 6'th house that means little knowledge.,


> further says " AlpRajYogah " in verse 29 and in verse 30 he says –

> " BhangYogat Kevachit Saukhya Kevachit UdyogaBhangaha " .




> It's an exception to Vipreeta Raj Yoga formed by 8'th lord in 6'th

and a

> arishta as well, Jarak Bhjarna says about eating habbits - such a

> person may be a voracious eater if mercury dosn't reduces the

> jatharagni.




> Jatak Parijata says – Shatru Sthan gatoh NeechaGrihago Vakram Gato

> va Astgo


> AnekaratiJano BahuKschhat Tanuh

> Sasthadipo




> Means lots of enemies and wounds, Now why, Saturn rules west


> and a celestial servant, fills deep tamasik instincts in a person


> of that person makes enmity with people, LagnaChandra Prakash


> by Motilal Banarasidas says in it's page 85 that Vakri Sani makes a

> person anguished and publically humiliated even he has got sons,

> vehicles and servants.




> A K khurana in his book " The Power of planets " published by Rupa

in page

> 156 says Saturn in 6'th brings about an increase in problems


> humanity, all sorts of hardships and domestic discord, severe


> and tissue problem. A humdrum life and more bluster than


> Such a Sani is called Vishamsheelam leading to crookedness.




> BV Raman Says in the page 252 of his famous book " How to Judge a

> horoscope " If Jupitor is afflicted by Saturn or Rahu that leads to

> despondency, abnormal mental behavior, hardship and excitability.





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Dear Mr. Sandeep_Khare2000 ji,




For the first time K.N Rao tried to notice the behavior of retros and

suggested that retro planets give result from the previous house of

their placement, which needs to be further understood. In fact, retro

planets appears to enter 2 times a sign thus they get 2 chances to

fructify their good and bad results, So, if somebody comes under

influence of retro planets he manifests abnormally good or bad.




While you liberally quote from well known authors, probably you are not

aware that even Sri B.V.Raman did not know the behavior of a Retrograde

planets. Let me also tell your great SJC Guru whom you sing praises on

i.e. P.V.R. Narasimha's own Jyotish Gurudeva Mr. Sanjay Rath does not

know that about Retrograde planets behavior.


May be you only know the internet cut & paste - google astrology. Mr.

Sanjay Rath publicly acknowledged that his concepts on retrograde

planets are now getting clearer, when one my jyotish mentors and a great

man of his time, gave a lecture at age of 89+yrs with great difficulty.


However, Mr. Sanjay Rath did NOT write a single line of " tribute " when

that great expired either in their groups or website or books or public

expression. Such is the guru bhakti of SJC clan. Learn from everybody

then dump them along roadside.


Now coming to my Jyotish Guru, Sri K.N. Rao, he has mentioned about

Retrograde planets probably when you are in school, which you may not

be knowing it. It is not something that suddenly dawned on him because

of the man you are supporting. Get your facts correctly.


Coming to your points, if you were so knowledgeable, why were NOT

intelligent enough to read your own horoscope, rather go begging to

Bhaskar for a reading that too through a public forum ??


It has become fag of the day to do google astrology and then slander

people. So we are not reading much into your Copy & Paste material.


With regards,









> , " sandeep_khare2000 "

> sandeep_khare2000@ wrote:

> >

> >

> > Doesnt understand retrograde planets after spending 30 yrs in

> astrology

> > by Rsprected Shri Bashkar ji

> >

> >

> >

> > About Retro Planets –

> >

> > Rerto planets are not fully understood and classics doesn't say

> much on it, there is lot of hype on retro planets by modern


> too, so, it w'd be good to understand why retro plaents are supposed

to be

> more powerful, Pls. note that Parashara gives full 60 kala to


> Planets., more kala means more power to function.

> >

> > See the shloka :

> >

> > !! ChestaBalino Vakraste Chotkat Falpradaye Grahaah !!

> >

> > That means - A retrograde planet scores more chesta bala

> (functional

> > strength).

> >

> > For the first time K.N Rao tried to notice the behavior of retros

> and suggested that retro planets give result from the previous house


> > their placement, which needs to be further understood. In fact,

> retro planets appears to enter 2 times a sign thus they get 2

chances to

> > fructify their good and bad results, So, if somebody comes under

> > influence of retro planets he manifests abnormally good or bad.

> >

> > Now, Retro Sani's abnormal behavior : ( Bhaskar's Case who teaches

> > astrology )

> >

> > 6'th house is a randhra, Bhrigusutra says " Alpgyatih " in verse

> 27

> > while describing Sani in 6'th house that means little knowledge.,

> he

> > further says " AlpRajYogah " in verse 29 and in verse 30 he says –

> > " BhangYogat Kevachit Saukhya Kevachit UdyogaBhangaha " .

> >

> >

> >

> > It's an exception to Vipreeta Raj Yoga formed by 8'th lord in 6'th

> and a

> > arishta as well, Jarak Bhjarna says about eating habbits - such a

> > person may be a voracious eater if mercury dosn't reduces the

> > jatharagni.

> >

> > Jatak Parijata says – Shatru Sthan gatoh NeechaGrihago Vakram


> > va Astgo AnekaratiJano BahuKschhat Tanuh

> > Sasthadipo



> > Means lots of enemies and wounds, Now why, Saturn rules west


> > and a celestial servant, fills deep tamasik instincts in a person


> > of that person makes enmity with people, LagnaChandra Prakash

> published by Motilal Banarasidas says in it's page 85 that Vakri

Sani makes a

> > person anguished and publically humiliated even he has got sons,

> > vehicles and servants.

> >

> > A K khurana in his book " The Power of planets " published by Rupa

> in page 156 says Saturn in 6'th brings about an increase in problems

> affecting humanity, all sorts of hardships and domestic discord,


> illness and tissue problem. A humdrum life and more bluster than

> couracage. Such a Sani is called Vishamsheelam leading to




> > BV Raman Says in the page 252 of his famous book " How to Judge a

> > horoscope " If Jupitor is afflicted by Saturn or Rahu that leads to

> > despondency, abnormal mental behavior, hardship and excitability.

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