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Excessive Intimate Impulses

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Guest recluse

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Guest recluse

I am sick of excessive sexual thoughts which come up to my mind during anytime of the day. I'm highly committed to my girlfriend and am about to marry her in a short time. Though, i haven't indulged into sexual activity with anyone else till now but i fear doing that coz sometimes i loose control completely over me. It feels as if being driven by some herculean force and i can't resist myself and i end up masturbating. I'm sick of this regular practice and now this is changing into a CHRONIC DEPRESSION which is eating me from inside and making me hate myself.

The guilt which i have in me is developing so much that i fear to face myself in mirror these days.


I would be thankful to any one who tells me a way out of my problem at the earliest.


Regards to everyone in the forum.

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Dear Recluse,


Masturbation, is normal in men. I am not going to talk in the religious point of view.


Well the fact that you seem to know, that masturbation is doing harm to you, that realization is very good.


So what can you do? Mantra....it takes time. I suggest talk to a psychologist or go to any counselor that provides counselling. You would surely feel better about yourself and know how to overcome it.


In the meantime try to have a look at this site.


How to Stop a Masturbation Addiction - wikiHow


Yes, I am sure, things are hard at first. With your determination, you can overcome it. Namaste.

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Guest recluse

Thanks all for replying but i know that something is wrong with me and i really am suffering from something which is hidden from my eyes. The ways suggested in wiki how is something which i have tried a lot of times and have failed fatally. I can't help myself in either of the ways and the maximum period when i didn't watch porn movies was some 28 days all together when i decided to change my habit but ultimately i found myself doing the same thing after a short while.


I'm sick of these thoughts now and they are really bothering me now and i really want to put an end to these before i get married or else i'll have to step aside from my marriage as i can't ruin my girlfriend's life as i don't have control over myself and may end up doing something wrong some day.

I need help at urgent.

Plz help me someone it's already been 2 years since i'm fighting with myself and now i have developed inferior feelings for myself.

I hope someone understands the agony i feel.


Thanks all in advance>>>>

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Thanks all for replying but i know that something is wrong with me and i really am suffering from something which is hidden from my eyes. The ways suggested in wiki how is something which i have tried a lot of times and have failed fatally. I can't help myself in either of the ways and the maximum period when i didn't watch porn movies was some 28 days all together when i decided to change my habit but ultimately i found myself doing the same thing after a short while.


I'm sick of these thoughts now and they are really bothering me now and i really want to put an end to these before i get married or else i'll have to step aside from my marriage as i can't ruin my girlfriend's life as i don't have control over myself and may end up doing something wrong some day.

I need help at urgent.

Plz help me someone it's already been 2 years since i'm fighting with myself and now i have developed inferior feelings for myself.

I hope someone understands the agony i feel.


Thanks all in advance>>>>


Dear Recluse,


Well that is why I said you have to go and see a psychologist. There are many therapy that can be prescribed according to your degree of problem. One of which is hypnotherapy. Please do not be shy when giving the details of your problem to the psychologist. Be 100% truthful. The more you tell the better the psychologist will understand. I suggest you go to a male psychologist, if it makes you feel more at ease. Remember your confidentiality is guaranteed when you seek the help of professionals.


Well, I am glad that you feel the need to change, and know the commitments that in a marriage.


Dhruv Ji had given a very good suggestion. You have to give it a try.


There are many things that are far more cruel and deemed enormously sinful than masturbation. Why do you have to feel bad about yourself when you know, that this addiction of yours is really curable? The fact that you realized masturbation is doing you more harm than good, itself is the first step that you had taken indirectly to cure yourself.



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This may sounds strange, but are you having any OTHER strange and dirty/evil thoughts? (Masturbation should not be considered as dirty or strange.)

Often times there are entities that may be attached to us to make us do and think things that may not be good for us.

In more serious spirit possession cases, such thoughts of sex are also accompanied by thoughts of killing pets, stealing, doing other unrighteous things. That say, a few years ago, you may not have thought to do.

If you have OTHER obsessive and BIZARRE seemingly evil thoughts, it may not be only psychological, but a spiritual issue as well that needs addressing.

Something to consider.

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Guest recluse

Thanks all for replying. I am very much in accordance with iloveamma's view but the only thing that not happens to me are the feelings of stealing, killing or any other bizarre thoughts. I'm only sick of sexual thoughts and gonzo behaviours of mine.

A small example is that if a women approaches me i first stare at her private parts although a battle starts in me and someone in me that i won't look at those but the latter wins resulting into making me do the evil.

I'm tired of fighting with myself and i very well know its not psychic coz psychic people are not guilty of their behaviour.

I really need someone to help me out of this situation, i love my girlfriend very much and i don't want to loose her.


Plz someone help me!


Thnanks to all

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I am very happy to hear that you are not suffering the other affflictions, because they are much more difficult to cure than what you are facing now!


It is commendable that you wish to change your thoughts and behaviors at all...as most people have no desire to. So, you should feel very good about yourself for this. Your girlfriend would think it is beautiful.


The thing that helps the most when battling the mind, I feel, is to simply PRAY. Since god is the driver of all of our thoughts, beings, and lives, the best one to help you get over this is GOD Himself/Herself.


Do you have a Guru? Are you initiated into a mantra? It is at these times, that you should immediately try to STOP the thought, and recite the mantra. If necessary, you need to try to pull yourself AWAY from the situation until you are able to control it. As in excuse yourself...wakl away and recite your mantra....until it passes...And therefore, try to avoid any such situations, where you may find yourself likely to have these thoughts.


Think of it..why do you think Swamis are separated from Women? Why do you think they are discouraged from speaking to a woman, or touching them? These sexual thoughts are huge for men, and must be tamed.


Ammachi teaches that if a Swami or someone initiated has a sexual/lustful thought, that they should fast the following day. Maybe you may want to consider this. Behaviuor often changes when you give yourself a small punishment. It often works.


Maybe it does not have to be fasting, but some kind of denial, which will make you want to change. And PRAY.


Meditation is also highly suggested.


Next time you pray or do a puja, when you bow, pray to God to ask you to remove it. And when those thoughts come, simply say, "This thought is not my True Self. It is illusionary. I surrender this to God. God, I surrender this to you, please take it."


These few things should help you to move to a new direction. Do not be so hard on yourself...IT IS NORMAL!!


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Guest recluse

Dear iloveamma,


Thankyou very much for replyin but i'm disappointed to tell you that i don't have a guru yet and can you explain me the benefits of having a guru and how can i find a guru also.

Further, the measures which you have mentioned have all been tested by me and i'm really helpless with these coz they prove effective for time but later the worst part of me wins.

I read in the bible that Good Lord Christ said whenever a human gets into an act of semen ejaculation he should just take a bath but lustful thoughts of other woman is the biggest sin. After reading this to punish myself i went to bath with the chilliest water i could find and bathed till i couldn't take it anymore. But after sometime i found out my body was used to this and the sufferings of mine couldn't be reduced anyhow.

The more i try to refrain from watching women the more they come closer to me and the more seductive they appear to me.

I'm wholesome sick and really need the best remedy to myself as to worst of my horror i would also like to notify that i had been to psychotic counsellings earlier and they have also failed for me. The only thing they do is ask to remove porn flicks out of my agenda and to find the reason of my behaviour.


But i know this is highly SUPERNATURAL!!!!!!!

So plz help me.


Thanks to all

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Guest love_alliance18

Hi recluse,


Check out this link : Salt water spiritual remedy


It might be of some help to you. Though, i'm not a very learned scholar but i believe this can help you to some extent. Also, the remedies suggested by iloveamma should be highly effective but i'm amazed to see those not working in your case.

My word for you : Don't torture yourself, just wait for self-realization and everything will be fine. God will help you.


Best Regards,


God Bless All!!


Om Namah Shivaya!!

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What a great link that is.. I am saving that...


If you are having that much problem with it, then I am going out on a limb to say that you have something attached to you pushing you into those thoughts. It is common.


The people who come to me, I simply tell them to take salt baths...it is better to immerse the whole body into the salt I feel...as it cleanses the physical body that is also being effected by such entities...

Chant the Gayatri mantra any sacred number of times...stay in the bath at least 20 minutes...while in the water...and then when releasing the water, command in the name of God (whoever your deity is) that you banish and bind all sexual thoughts and anything from within or without that is causing you to have these sexual thoughts never to return to you again until the sun turns to ice...and as the water drains...imagine it all going away from you...


This will help you a lot. A LOT.

Also get cloves and burn them in your house.

If you want more help with this, then please contact me in the PM..


But these are the two things I tell people to try first. When you burn the cloves, do it all over your house and command out any energies that are not in the highest vibration of light and love and God. Say I banish and bind you to exit my body and my house in the name of God (your diety) and never return again until the sun turns to ice.


You need to do these things, if the others are not working...okay?

PM me and let me know how it goes...

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Make sure you also get the head wet and release in your mind all negativity effecting your head..in this case the sexual thougths...imagine it going into the water and down the drain.

If you do not have a bath tub, I tell people to put the salt in the buckets and pour it over the head. I feel the whole body should be immersed...not just the feet!

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