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Need help (about my husband and my family).Riaz jee and all respected guruji

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Hello guruji,


My date of birth is 28th August 1982 at Kishanganj bihar and time is 1:06 PM(Afternon) .my husband's dob is 9th Sep 1977 at Madhubani-Darbhanga(Bihar) time is 8.30 AM .we r facing too much of financial problems and now it is so that we are'nt able to survive.My husband was working in Software Industry as Engineer till 12 Dec 2008 but not yet and he is still looking for new job .please why is so and when will we see good days in our life please guruji help us we are in lot of trouble.my self is loosing hope and faith from life what to do no way in front of me needs help desperately

kind support.but guruji is'nt there any way out to over come this problem.as one astrologer back in Delhi told me to make my husband wear one Lapiz and Moti i did it with all finacial crunches.is it ok to wear those stones.also can you please do me a last favour telling me if i can get job and pull the situation little. we r presently in Delhi. is this place ok for us ?.my dob is 28th August 1982 at Kishanganj Bihar .plese help us guruji


Is my husband effected with Kaal-sarp dosh ?


Thanks in advance


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Dear Friend,


Both of you are effected from Kaal sarpa dosha.


You and your husband have Kaal Sarpa Dosha


What is KaalSarpa Yoga ?

When all the planets are hemmed between Rahu and Ketu i.e., the moon's north node and the moon's south node KaalSarpa Yoga is formed. Complete KaalSarpa yoga is formed only when half of the chart is unoccupied by planets. Even if one planet is outside the Rahu Ketu Axis there is no KaalSarpa Yoga.

The general impacts of KaalSarpa dosha are following :

1. Hurdles in every important and auspicious work.

2. Lesser Mental peace.

3. Low self-confidence.

4. Deterioration of health and reduces longevity.

5. Poverty and destruction of wealth.

6. Destruction of business and loss of job.

7. Anxiety and unnecessary Tensions.

8. Bad Relations with family members and friends.

9. Treachery from friends and colleagues.

10. Very less help from relatives and friends.

KaalSarpa Yoga is applicable In your chart.

In your Kundali, due to the presence of Rahu in the 8th house and Ketu in the 2th house, a situation of Karkotak KaalSarpa Yoga is being established. In this yog, one has to bear losses in business. There is always a danger of an accident, the person always fights on every matter and he has no control on his tonunge. There are dispute because of paternal property. This person often suffers from deathly pain and health related problems. He also gets insulted by woman several times in his life. Family condition remains unsatisfactory and he remains worried by the daily conflicts and nuisances in the house.

KalSarpa Yoga is an unfovrable yog. Sometimes, Kalsarp Yoga is seen at the first sight in this person's kundali, but if seen thoroughly then there is a breach of Kalsarp yog, which doesn't show any unfavorable effect, still all people affected by this Yoga should indulge in worshipping and should establish Kalsarp Yoga Shanti Yantra at home.

Calming of Kalsarpa Yoga and its Remedies

There are many remedies prescribed in Lal kitab to calm down Kalsarp yog. Those which show miraculous effects are as follows:

1-Donate fresh raddish.

2-Have meal sitting in the kitchen.

3-Clean your teeth with the urine of cow.

4-Observe 16 shraddh faithfully in bhadrapad.

5-Float one coconut in the sea.

6-Worship the symbolic silver cobra on the occasion of Nagpanchmi. Invite your ancestors. Pray to the cobra that your ancestors obtain the right path. Then float all the articles of worship along with the silver cobra in the river.

7-Place a silver Swastik at the entrance of you house.

8-If there are problems in your married life because of Kalsarp Yoga then remarry your wife.

9-Rahu is always hypnotized by Mantra, so give more importance to worship.

10-Keep barley grains by your side while sleeping in the night and feed them to birds at dawn.

11-Float more alive fishes than your age once or twice every year in the river.

12-Worship Lord Ganesha daily and chant the mantra 'Om Ganpatye Namh' regularly.

13-Worship Lord Ganesha every Wednesday and offer him the Laddos made ut of 'Bundy'. You must necessarily worship Lord Ganesha on the occasion of Ganeshchaturthi.

14-Touch the Pepal tree on Saturday and offer sweet water to it.

15-Install a pecock feathered fan in the bedroom.

16-Feed millet etc. daily to the birds.

17-Make a hole in the coconut and put black sesame, barley, sugar powder, deshi ghee and some dry fruits in and bury it under the soil where ants are. Do this experiment on Saturday.

18-Aspersoriumise one handful of green kidney bean with Rahu Mantra.Aspersoriumise one handful of green kidney bean with Rahu Mantra.

19-Wear snakeshaped silver ring in the middle finger after aspersoriuming it with mantra.




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Dear Friend,


You should wear a Moti in your left hand small finger in monday sunrise. size should be 2 karrat.

And one Ruby stone in your left hand ring finger, not everyone can wear the gemstone for planet sun. so you should test it before final wearing.


wear in gold or silver no problem but the stones should be good.


Moti: will give you lot of wealth and peace. very helpful in the matters of family especially husband.

Ruby: will give you name and fame, Success in everything. professional success, favours and good for property.


Ask your husband to remove the gemstones , you may take the moti of your husband and can wear.

Remove lapiz also.


Moti will not help much in the matters of money depts. after wearing moti your husband will have to bear heavy losses and debts.


You may tell your husband to wear only Yellowsapphire (Celone mines) 2 to 4 karrat in the right hand index finger on thursday 5:00pm.

Yellowsapphire should not be from Bangkok mines or heated one.... tell the shop guy that you will do the testing and will come to know whether it is original or not.

It should be Celone mines Yellowsapphire. and NOT Yellow topaz.



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hello guru ji,

thanx for ur quick response.


i just want to know my husband"s carrier.when he will get the good job?is any oppurtunities to get a job in government sector.like bank.we r living in delhi on rent.so i want to know when we have a own home.i have selected in sbi bank in delhi as a clerk.and currently preparing for bank PO.so guruji plz tell me when i get the same?plz reply quickly...




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There will be an addition to the family before june 2011 as per your chart. Jupiter and saturn are the lords of the progeny in 2 charts. So, make love on thursday and saturday to speed up the process.

Possibility of abroad travel is also evident from your husband's chart.

with regards

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Hello Riaz jee,


Could you please analysis my husband's birth chart again?




9th Sept 1977

Time:08:30 AM(Morning)

Place: Madhubani(Darbhanga)Bihar

Before my husband go for wearing Yellowsapphire just want to make sure is it right for my husband ?

Actualy other astrologer/ suggest that only Emarald can wear for whole life, that's why i am repetng the question again.

I am little bit confused about which gems benificial for him. Could you please throw some light on the results of its effects and the procedure to test it for Yellowsapphire .


How long he will wear Yellowsapphire ?




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Dear Friend,


First thing, many people will say manythings. do not get confused.

i know what you must be thinking right now.

But if your husband wear Emerald, he will face lot of problems. Especially Finance problems. it will increase the problems of repayment of debts and lot of sufferings..

Please do not ever think of asking your husband to wear Emerald.


Your husband should never wear Emerald gemstone..


Only use Yellowsapphire through out life.




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Hi Riaz jee,



Thanks for the analysis and advice. I will surely do it.


Could you pls also throw some lights on below point .

Which dasha is curently running in my husband chart?is any saade saati running.


Which Rashi he belongs and know about rashi lord?



Husband Details

9th Sept 1977



Time:08:30 AM(Morning)

Place: Madhubani(Darbhanga)Bihar






Rima Ranjan




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Hi grujee,


Thanks for the analysis and advice. I will surely do it.


Could you pls also throw some lights on below point .



Which dasha is curently running in my husband chart?is any saade saati running.


Which Rashi he belongs and know about rashi lord?



Husband Details

9th Sept 1977

Time:08:30 AM(Morning)

Place: Madhubani(Darbhanga)Bihar




Rima Ranjan

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Riaz ji and all the Gurus Pranam - Please help


Gem Stone & Suggestion

Pranam to all,


DOB - March, 9th, 1972

Time - 6.05 AM

Place - Hyderabad, AP India


Please suggest Gem stone(s).

Please suggest if Job or Business

If business, which business



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