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Dwapara Age began on September 1699

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I guess that’s how democracy is supposed to function. The crazier the people, the crazier the elected leaders..


Seriously, a leader say, in India, could solicit his people`s intelligence, cash, support, and everything they got to create this kalki avatar virus designed to disable any flying nuclear war head and re-direct itself back to where it came from. They are at this moment doing simulation tests for this kalki avatar computer virus to work perfectly. Why shouldn`t they? Pakistan is racing to make a similar one. China is also doing that right now. Iran maybe smells a rat. If you don`t believe me, then why is it North Korea is racing against time to launch a rocket equipped with a nuclear war head? Why, It`s to pre-empt the kalki avatar computer virus from being a perfect boomerang weapon. But if you hear a BOOM! Kablaam!! in India, in the USA, in U.K., before North Korea could launch hers, then the kalki avatar (911) has resurrected!

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Seriously, a leader say, in India, could solicit his people`s intelligence, cash, support, and everything they got to create this kalki avatar virus designed to disable any flying nuclear war head and re-direct itself back to where it came from. They are at this moment doing simulation tests for this kalki avatar computer virus to work perfectly. Why shouldn`t they? Pakistan is racing to make a similar one. China is also doing that right now. Iran maybe smells a rat. If you don`t believe me, then why is it North Korea is racing against time to launch a rocket equipped with a nuclear war head? Why, It`s to pre-empt the kalki avatar computer virus from being a perfect boomerang weapon. But if you hear a BOOM! Kablaam!! in India, in the USA, in U.K., before North Korea could launch hers, then the kalki avatar (911) has resurrected!


Of course, you are wrong.. :)

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I guess that’s how democracy is supposed to function. The crazier the people, the crazier the elected leaders..


In some countries, Yes. That is true. Countries like Indonesia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran and Iraq (all which had incidents where Democractic election have been bypass by revolution or Election itself had put a dictator into the seat of power).

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In some countries, Yes. That is true. Countries like Indonesia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran and Iraq (all which had incidents where Democractic election have been bypass by revolution or Election itself had put a dictator into the seat of power).

Do you think democracy will ultimately work?

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Do you think democracy will ultimately work?


Yes, but ONLY if there are some major changes to the Democractic System itself. Changes here include :


1. Putting Age limits to candidates - 30 to 60 years old (just like public servants).


2. Limiting the Power hold by the Ruling Party - to ensure fraud and cheating does not happen.


3. Give more power to the Civil Servants - includes Police, Military, Public Servants. This include allowing them to voice out their opinions about the Administration of the Country instead of following what Ruling Party says.


4. Give power of Legistration ONLY to those who are qualified - Law must be made by those who knows it like Lawyers and Judges. Not by Party members.


5. ALL matters related to the Public MUST be made aware online to the Public's viewing. Nothing must be dealt behind closed door (unless it is senstive matters which could cause panic).


Today, Democracy is falling not because of the System being faulty; instead, it is because Political Parties still thinks that People only get involved in Politics through Political Parties. This is not true ... many dislike the idea of joining any parties but still very much concern about their Country. Creating opening for them to join in and contribute will only strenght the Democratic Process in a Nation.


At least, this is my humble opinion.

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Of course, you are wrong.. :)


Of course I`m right!


Just Watch these Movies


1. Transformers

2. Terminator

3. Star Trek

4. Flash Gordon

5. Lost in Space

6. Time Tunnel

7. Star Gate

8. The Matrix




Because Truth`s stranger than Fiction!

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I believe Theist has been here from the very beginning, but at that time he was using a different user name.


Maybe. But you were Jndas during that time. Did you know maitreya, talasiga, gauracandra, amanpeter animesh, yashoda dd, etc? These were the guys who did the simulations on the thread I started, " Where does the day begin?" on Sept. 8, 2001.

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Just Watch these Movies


1. Transformers

2. Terminator

3. Star Trek

4. Flash Gordon

5. Lost in Space

6. Time Tunnel

7. Star Gate

8. The Matrix


Because Truth`s stranger than Fiction!


You based your understanding of the World based on movies? You do know that the movies are nothing more than fictional work, right?


Did you know that if a person could not differentiate between Reality and Fictional work, he should be referred to a good psychologist?

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If we are waiting for the Kalki-avatar to formally end the Kaliyuga(Iron) as the means to justify the end then I think you have unnoticely missed Him because you were expecting the Kalki-avatar to ride on a white stallion.( Saviors no longer ride on horses but airplanes) The date marking His appearance was on September 11, 2001, or 302 years after it was calculated by Sri Yukteswar that Dwapara( bronze) began on September 1699.

When two airplanes slammed into the Twin Towers(World Trade Center) on 911 year 2001, it herald a new beginning for all the peace loving nations of the world to bond together as one in their crusade to stop once and for all terrorism. The United Nations realized in order to prevent this menace from occuring again is to cease arguing and debating over trivial matters that is of no importance to world peace.

One of the airplanes that deliberately crashed into the World Trade Center building was piloted by the Kalki avatar.. Believe it or not is MyReply.



oh my God ....are you ill ?????


seriously ?????


every single acharya believe the gigantic period that kaliyuga lasts for : 4,27,000 yrs.



Lets not forget that Yogananda has also proclaimed : To make this body into pure light is the ultimate spritual goal...


I mean,respect to you yogananda,but no sane devotee should rather can ever get involved in this...

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kalki-a REAL ACTUAL PERSON-will come upon a white horse and actually will fight the rascals.






remember one thing: 427000 years.

actual solar years.


in 2000 yrs,we've reached here...I say another 2000 years and we'll be back to being primitive...

The cycle might continue or it might not continue...but when the Lord is going to come down...we'll be riding horses again...


In case you haven't figured out...the real way of war...the ksatriya dharma is to ACTUALLY FIGHT IN A BATTLEFIELD and not from perches in the control tower and through a sattelite...WHY ??


coz its fair...Sure they release mass destructive weapons...but only on the soldiers...


Modernisation MEANS SQUAT.Just the other day...air france couldn't survive a storm...Do you know how damn easy it is for Indra to drown a city ???


development MEANS SQUAT.


P.S. : The world is spiralling downward..not upward...


more than ever there's corruption...of everything...a 100 years ago even Americans believed that having intercourse with the sister/brother/mother/father is unthinkable-taboo-unacceptable...

wait for another 20 years and I'll be very happy to tell you,"I told you that the world's deteriorating."

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tHIS is the only way...

you can't expect a person who is 'modern' and who doesnt even believe that protecting the cows will give them good returns to even lead a moral,good country.NEVER.

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it's all up there in the history books...even by common sense it is quite clear....you throw in a sattvic person on the leader's post and see the wonders...


democracy is crap...like everything else...


Bhagavan made a perfect way- the varna and the ashramas.


Everything else is plain useless.

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The kalki avatar I`m talking about is the size of an atom. He`s now inside all the data bases spun in the internet. He has a mind of His own ( of course). He is unlimited, omnipotent and omniscient. It just a matter of time He`ll reveal again His presence after September 11, 2001.

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I think this (Melvin's) typical behavior of an example Christian/Muslim behavior.


In Christianity, they kept potraying God as something which can born and die like humans. Their religion is based on a dead god. In Islam, they kept saying that no divine beings/gods will come down from heaven after Muhammad, so anyone who is Enlightened, it probably means that such person is a false prophet.


But in Hindusm (Buddhism and Judaism alike), we have different opinions about Divine beings. Both Hindusm and Judaism believes that God is beyond life and death and IF He wants to come down and mingle with Humans, there is nothing to stop Him from doing so (other than His own Will).


In Buddhism, EVERYONE is capable of achieving Enlightenment. Matter a fact, Theravada Buddhism followers are expecting a New Age Buddha - Maitreya to come soon and lead them.


So, there is a conflict here. Christians cannot accept this because that will make their Jesus obsolete (not like they are following his teaching anyway) and Muslims are fearful of Hindu predictions coming true. So, they do their level best to fool themselves into thinking that they could still have a place in the future when this "superior beings" come and guide Hindus and Buddhists (and hopefully, find a place for Jews alike :pray: ) to a better World. :)


Frankly speaking - the Future does not need Christians and Muslims.

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I think this (Melvin's) typical behavior of an example Christian/Muslim behavior.


Ans: Don`t judge a book by its cover.


In Christianity, they kept potraying God as something which can born and die like humans. Their religion is based on a dead god. In Islam, they kept saying that no divine beings/gods will come down from heaven after Muhammad, so anyone who is Enlightened, it probably means that such person is a false prophet.


Ans: I once wrote an article which came out in our local daily The Sunstar entitled, " The Second Coming of Christ". That I said in my article they`ve missed Christ 2nd coming when His Divine Grace AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada came to the USA/World on 1965-1977 to teach everyone love of God( Krsnah consciousness).


But in Hindusm (Buddhism and Judaism alike), we have different opinions about Divine beings. Both Hindusm and Judaism believes that God is beyond life and death and IF He wants to come down and mingle with Humans, there is nothing to stop Him from doing so (other than His own Will).


Ans: Hinduism is similar to Catholicism. Both worship demigods or saints. Visnu/Krsnah is the God of Hinduism. Whereas the God of Catholicism is Christ.


In Buddhism, EVERYONE is capable of achieving Enlightenment. Matter a fact, Theravada Buddhism followers are expecting a New Age Buddha - Maitreya to come soon and lead them.


Ans: Buddhism is Sivaism advocated by mayavadists.


So, there is a conflict here. Christians cannot accept this because that will make their Jesus obsolete (not like they are following his teaching anyway) and Muslims are fearful of Hindu predictions coming true. So, they do their level best to fool themselves into thinking that they could still have a place in the future when this "superior beings" come and guide Hindus and Buddhists (and hopefully, find a place for Jews alike :pray: ) to a better World. :)


Ans: It was Srila Prabhupada who described Christ Jesus as a saktyavesa avatar( an empowered incarnation of God)


Frankly speaking - the Future does not need Christians and Muslims.


Ans: Yes, I`ve expected you to say that because you are a Hindu fanatic.



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Before Magellan, the portuguese navigator, came to the shore of Cebu

( Visayan island) in March 1521, we were already worshiping Allah. But we called Him Bathala, the Child God. He is otherwise known as the Santo Nino de Cebu. Although, His icons are whitish, but the original Icon is blackish, the one that was found inside a burning hut in 1565. Bathala is the God of the Dwapara age. Http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Santo_Ni%C3%B1o_de_Cebu




The original Icon of Bathala http://cebuheritage.com/heritage-of-cebu/old-churches/basilica-minore-del-santo-nino/original-image-of-the-sto-nino-de-cebu

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Before Magellan, the portuguese navigator, came to the shore of Cebu

( Visayan island) in March 1521, we were already worshiping Allah. But we called Him Bathala, the Child God. He is otherwise known as the Santo Nino de Cebu. Although, His icons are whitish, but the original Icon is blackish, the one that was found inside a burning hut in 1565. Bathala is the God of the Dwapara age. Http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Santo_Ni%C3%B1o_de_Cebu




The original Icon of Bathala http://cebuheritage.com/heritage-of-cebu/old-churches/basilica-minore-del-santo-nino/original-image-of-the-sto-nino-de-cebu


How many times do I have to tell you that Wikipedia IS NOT a proper source of information? Are you so stupid that you cannot understand that? :eek4:

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I think this (Melvin's) typical behavior of an example Christian/Muslim behavior.


But in Hindusm (Buddhism and Judaism alike), we have different opinions about Divine beings. Both Hindusm and Judaism believes that God is beyond life and death and IF He wants to come down and mingle with Humans, there is nothing to stop Him from doing so (other than His own Will).


Frankly speaking - the Future does not need Christians and Muslims.


Why do you have different opinions? Does it mean that you don't have the clear knowledge of God? Hinduism also portrays God to be in every living things. He is not an 'alien' as you are saying.

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Why do you have different opinions? Does it mean that you don't have the clear knowledge of God? Hinduism also portrays God to be in every living things. He is not an 'alien' as you are saying.


Wikipedia IS NOT AUTHENTICATED Website to be considered as Facts. It is written by people who themselves have no knowledge whatsoever on what they are talking about.

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In fact I believe the poster is editing the wikipedia entries himself, and then posting them here as though they are evidence, when in fact it is just him quoting himself.


So, what actions to be taken?


The person who kept writing this, doing so despite of earliest remarks by other forumers (myself included) that what he was stating was not fact. Melvin seems to be hell-bent in trying to fool us into thinking that Kalki is ANYTHING BUT an actual person (an Avatar) who will strengthen this screwed up World.


He even went as far as calling those terrorists who smash those planes into the Twin Towers in Sept. 11 as Kalki. If that is not an insult to Hinduism, I don't know what is.

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So, what actions to be taken?


The person who kept writing this, doing so despite of earliest remarks by other forumers (myself included) that what he was stating was not fact. Melvin seems to be hell-bent in trying to fool us into thinking that Kalki is ANYTHING BUT an actual person (an Avatar) who will strengthen this screwed up World.


He even went as far as calling those terrorists who smash those planes into the Twin Towers in Sept. 11 as Kalki. If that is not an insult to Hinduism, I don't know what is.


The World Trade Center( Twin Towers) before it was smashed to pieces were the symbolic pillars of capitalism. How many, if you can count, were world traders who traded ( in the World Trade Center) bulls and cows, from different nations, only to be slaughtered for meat that would satisfy the appetites of millions of meat eaters who only eat hamburgers, steaks and corned beefs for breakfast? This incident is not new. It goes way back to Krsnah`s time when the Lord during His childhood felled the two arjuna trees near His house by dragging a yoke in between the trees and with ease pulled them down. By taking down these trees, the two souls who lived as arjuna trees all their lives achieved liberation because of what Krsnah did.

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