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Prabhupada: “Sukadeva Gosvami continued speaking to Maharaja Parikshit: My dear King, the King of Konka, Venka and Kutaka whose name was Arhat, heard of the activities of Rishabhadeva and, imitating Rishabhadeva's principles, introduced a new system of religion. Taking advantage of Kali-yuga, the age of sinful activity, King Arhat, being bewildered, gave up the Vedic principles, which are free from risk, and concocted a new system of religion opposed to the Vedas. That was the beginning of the Jain dharma. Many other so-called religions followed this atheistic system”.


Prabhupada: “So anyway, here the point is that in any religion there is a conception of worshiping God or symbol of God. Even in Jain philosophy they also worship Mahavira. In Buddha philosophy they worship Lord Buddha. In India there is Jainism. That is almost like Buddhism. They have got also exactly the same process of worship. Temples they have got. Big, nice, costly temples they have got. And they come to see, visit the temple, offer their worshipful offerings, flowers, fruits, everything. Same thing.”


Prabhupada: “The Bhagavata, each line is full of philosophy, each line, practical philosophy. But there is acyuta-bhava, Krishna, Krishna consciousness. That is the beauty. Bhagavad-gita, it is full of philosophy, but there is Krishna in the center. This philosophy's not dry. Other philosophies, they're simply dry, because that is without Krishna. In the... You'll find Buddha philosophy or Mayavada philosophy or Jain philosophy, they're philosophy, but simply dry. There is no God consciousness. There is no Krishna consciousness.”


Prabhupada: “So take Caitanya Mahaprabhu's first mercy, and then preach Krishna consciousness. You'll be successful. It is not possible nowadays to imitate Rishabhadeva. Just like the Jains, they imitate that. What their imitation...? Not a single Jain up till now has become perfectly in the renounced order of life. So they say so. It was imitated by one king in the South India, and he is the originator, propounder of the Jainism. They say. But you cannot imitate Rishabhadeva. That is not possible in this age. Better try to follow the instruction of Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Krishna. Your life will be perfect.

Thank you very much. (end)”

Srimad-Bhagavatam 5.5.31 Vrindavana, November 18, 1976


Prabhupada: “The other day we saw that Susila Muni. Susila Munis, they are Jains. According to Jain philosophy, they should..., they do not use any vehicle from going this place to another place. They will go by walking. That is their principle. But we are not following that principle. We are preaching Krishna consciousness... Suppose if I have to come to your country, and if I say, "I will go by walking." (laughter) Then my life will be finished (laughter) before preaching. We are intelligent. Now we have got this aeroplane. Take advantage of and go in three hours to America, speedy. That is our policy.”


Prabhupada: “A sannyasi is supposed to walk. But if somebody criticizes, "Sir, why you are flying on airplane?" no, that is our not principle. The Jain sannyasis, they never use cars. Now they have begun. Because I am traveling all over the world, now the Jains, they are also. (laughter) But our philosophy is different. We are preaching Krishna consciousness. Suppose I have to preach Krishna consciousness in Europe or America. So because a sannyasi has to walk, therefore I shall walk throughout the whole life to go to America? This is foolishness. If I can go to America within fifteen hours for preaching facility, why shall not I use the aeroplane? Why shall I stick... It is called niyamagraha, "without any profit," to follow the regulative principle without any profit. No. If we get opportunity, preaching facilities for going on car, on airplane, using typewriter, dictaphone, microphone, we must use it. Because this is Krishna's property, it must be used for Krishna. This is our philosophy. This microphone is Krishna's. Isavasyam idam sarvam [iso mantra 1]. So when it is used for Krishna it is not material; it is spiritual.”



Prabhupada: “We are in such a position that in every step there is sinful activity, every step. This world is so made. Just like nonviolence. Nonviolence, the Buddhist philosophy, the Jain philosophy, they advocate nonviolence. But how one can be nonviolent? We are walking on the street, there are so many ants and small germs, they are being killed. We are breathing, so many animals are being killed. We are drinking water, so many animals are being killed. How it is possible to become nonviolence? It is not possible. Therefore in every step we have to act in Krishna consciousness, or God consciousness. Then there is indemnity from the sinful activities. That is recommended in the Bhagavad-gita, that yajnarthat karmano 'nyatra loko 'yam karma-bandhanah [bg. 3.9]. Unless you act in Krishna consciousness, or God consciousness, or as ordered by Krishna, or God, then you become bound up by the reaction.”


Giriraja: His father is associated with Bhogilal. He's a sharebroker but he's also a director in some of Bhogilal's company.

Prabhupada: That Jain?

Giriraja: Yes.

Prabhupada: Shah's are mostly Jain. Jains are useless.

Giriraja: Oh yes. The father is useless. Every few sentences the father would start to break in with some speculation and the son would say, "Please be quiet. I want to hear." (end)


Prabhupada: “While traveling in South India, through the provinces of Karnata, Konka, Venka and Kutaka, Lord Rishabhadeva arrived in the neighborhood of Kutakacala. Suddenly there was a forest fire that burned the forest and Lord Rishabhadeva's body to ashes. The pastimes of Lord Rishabhadeva as a liberated soul were known by the King of Konka, Venka and Kutaka. This King's name was Arhat. He later became captivated by the illusory energy, and in this condition he set forth the basic principles of Jainism. Lord Rishabhadeva set forth the principles of religion that can free one from material bondage, and He put an end to all kinds of atheistic activities. On this earth, the place known as Bharata-varsha was a very pious land because the Supreme Lord appeared there when He wanted to incarnate.”


Prabhupada: Yes. Lord Buddha was patronized by the then emperor, Ashoka. And anything patronized by the state, it becomes very popular. Yad yad acarati sreshthah lokas tad anuvartate [bg. 3.21]. So Lord Buddha converted Ashoka, Emperor Ashoka, to this religion. Therefore whole India became Buddhist. And later on, when Buddhism was driven out of India, the Jainism and similar other religious principles became visible. Ahimsa paramo dharmah. Lord Buddha... Ahimsa paramo dharmah is also Vedic religion, but they stressed especially on ahimsa.



Prabhupada: That is good. The so-called religious books, they're presenting—all bogus hodge-podge. (laughter) Humbug imagination, that's all. There is no fact. Just like Ramakrishna Mission. What religion they have got? Anyone? This religion, that religion, Jainism, Sikhism, this "ism," no nothing. Simply bogus propaganda.


“King Vishnuvardhana converted from Jainism to Vaishnavism, as taught by Sri Ramanuja, around the time when Ramanuja publicly defeated the Jain texts.”



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:) http://leagueofdevotees.blogspot.com/

Once when Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati was opening a new center in a house that had been given for the use of the Gaudiya Mission, a ghostly incident occurred.




He was staying in a room on the second floor. One brahmacari was in attendance, reading Srimad Bhagavatam while he worked at his desk. That brahmacari suddenly saw a bone‑hand float in through the window. He cried out and fainted. When Srila Bhaktisiddhanta inquired the cause for his alarm, the brahmacari told what he'd seen, but Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati didn't seem to take it as very important. He told the brahmacari to chant Hare Krishna, not cry unin‑ telligibly.




Thereafter the hand again appeared and floated into the room as if to grasp the neck of Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati. This time the brahmacari chanted Hare Krishna and then fainted. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati revived the brahmacari, saying, "Don't faint. Chant and read Srimad Bhaga‑ vatam." When the hand came again, the brahmacari did just that. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta saw the hand and chanted, "Haribol!", and the hand disappeared. He then said to the brahmacari, "No need to worry, that ghost is now delivered."






In Vrndavana, one baba was visiting from Bengal. He was staying at one guest house (the owner of this guest house told this story). So that baba, not knowing Vrndavana too well, inquired directions from the guest house owner how to visit one temple and return. The proprietor gave him directions, but with the warning to stay off the sidestreets in a certain district he'd have to pass through.




So that baba went on his tour, and when returning, he passed by those small, narrow side roads. From down one he heard the sweet sound of kirtan. He thought, "There is a festival of Harer Nama! It sounds ecstatic. Let me see this. After all, this is Krishna's own holy dhama ‑ what can be the harm in passing this way?"




So he went down that street, and soon came upon a group of men and women chanting the Hare Krishna mantra to khol and karatalas. They all looked like pukka Vaishnavas. The baba happily joined in the kirtana. After some time they offered him a place to sit for honoring prasad, but he told that he had to return. So they rolled prasad into a bananna leave and gave him.




He arrived at the guest house in ecstacy. "It was wonderful!" he began telling that proprietor. "I went down your forbidden narrow street on my way back here, and saw the most wonderful harer nama kirtan festival. And just see ‑ they've given nice prasad!" He unrolled the leave ‑ there was only hunks of raw meat inside.



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I don't belive in any Ghost theory here only thing is possible that Baba did not take prasada when offered,that is against the rule in general.When there is a name of God chanted around like Hare Krishna no way Ghost or any black magic can appear around that area.


there was only hunks of raw meat inside
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I don't belive in any Ghost theory here only thing is possible that Baba did not take prasada when offered,that is against the rule in general.When there is a name of God chanted around like Hare Krishna no way Ghost or any black magic can appear around that area.


Where do you guys get these rules from?


1) What about Casper, the friendly ghost? If he cannot appear in the "area" too, then that is simply not fair. Corrupt individuals are allowed to enter the "area" and even become Gurus, but Casper cannot enter the area, simply because he is a ghost. Isn't that bad?


2) In a more general case, why is that shallow people, megalomaniacs, pedophiles, etc., can enter the area, but ghosts cannot? What makes the ghosts any worse than these people?



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I use simple rule and logic.evil cannot play any tricks in a place where God name is chanted,thats it kaisersoseji.It is our confidence which counts while chanting shri Hari naam,if no confidence we have while laying ourselves to his holy feet its of no use and even a small aunt can frighten us forget ghost!


Where do you guys get these rules from?
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Originally posted by: Kaisersose

2) In a more general case, why is that shallow people, megalomaniacs, pedophiles, etc., can enter the area, but ghosts cannot? What makes the ghosts any worse than these people?




I often wonder that, why people of such traits get involved in religious and spiritual activities? It is saddening to see, read and hear bad reports about people like that in the mass-media, it tarnishes the image of Hinduism. Like Hindustani Ji stated, I do believe any negativity cannot be present when god's name is being chanted. Then again I wonder, what if the chanter him/her self is personifcation of all evil and continues to fool gullible people, why they are still existing? It is just the question that ran through my mind when I read the post. Namaste.

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I am not sure I would call Jains 'atheists'. They are more or less monists, believing in the existence of the spiritual element (soul) and liberation (attaining divine consciousness) as the ultimate goal.


Are meat eating and war mongering 'theists' of this world better than Jains? Not at all. Krsna does not punish anyone for not believing in a personal God. You are punished for you deeds (karma), not for your doubts.

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I use simple rule and logic.evil cannot play any tricks in a place where God name is chanted,thats it kaisersoseji.It is our confidence which counts while chanting shri Hari naam,if no confidence we have while laying ourselves to his holy feet its of no use and even a small aunt can frighten us forget ghost!

There seems to be no logical reason to assume that ghosts don’t exist. If you believe in the existence of material (human) consciousness, as well as in non-material – or spiritual consciousness, then why can’t different forms of consciousness exist in between, which are neither strictly material nor purely spiritual? Moreover, our own conscious position appears to be evolving within just such a continuum. Perhaps one day we’ll all see ghosts.. :)

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i myself is born in a jain family.jains dont belive in any one behind creation.they say it happened by chance.thay dont belive in any bhagavan.thay say any mortal human can become god.they say in this yuga no one can get liberation.according to them lord Krishna is suffering in hell.reason because he dances with so many girls in rasa dance,he was responsible for the mahabharat war etc.they say Brahma,vishnu,siva,all demigods are subbordinate to their tirthankaras. lord Krishna and Rama were just ordinary people with some powers according to them.many many more thing which are totally atheistic and against the vedas.

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I never said that ! Thing is I have no fear of Ghost to be frank coz I have confidence in what I am doing,if you meet me someday and tell me to visit any place where Ghose suppose to live,I am ready to spend night in that place without any fear.People fear of going to Samshana but in my opinion I found that place with lot of peace and I see no reason why one should afraid of going there (even in night time).That is the only place where me,you and all members of this forum will visit one day and rest there for ever!Why to afraid of our own house buddy?


There seems to be no logical reason to assume that ghosts don’t exist.
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Where do you guys get these rules from?


1) What about Casper, the friendly ghost? If he cannot appear in the "area" too, then that is simply not fair. Corrupt individuals are allowed to enter the "area" and even become Gurus, but Casper cannot enter the area, simply because he is a ghost. Isn't that bad?


2) In a more general case, why is that shallow people, megalomaniacs, pedophiles, etc., can enter the area, but ghosts cannot? What makes the ghosts any worse than these people?




Casper isn't real perhaps?


Ghosts operate on a subtle plain(sp?), and not a gross material plain. I guess that would be the answer.


What is this 'cheers'? Are you drinking?

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i myself is born in a jain family.jains dont belive in any one behind creation.they say it happened by chance.thay dont belive in any bhagavan.thay say any mortal human can become god.they say in this yuga no one can get liberation.according to them lord Krishna is suffering in hell.reason because he dances with so many girls in rasa dance,he was responsible for the mahabharat war etc.they say Brahma,vishnu,siva,all demigods are subbordinate to their tirthankaras. lord Krishna and Rama were just ordinary people with some powers according to them.many many more thing which are totally atheistic and against the vedas.


How depressing. Jainism just sounds like one big bring-down. I like potatoes, dammit.

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