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Manglik Dosha?

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Dear Rebecca,


Though it should have been clear to you by now that this fellow does not love you at all, still I would like to reiterate that.


As a learner of this divine science, I can tell you that it just takes a blink of an eye to look at someone's horoscope and say if the native is mangalik or not. And I don't know if you'll be glad or sad to know that you are mangalik.


However, having said so, I would sincerely like to advice you to think rationally about the whole affair and take a sensible decision. Your current time may force you back into reconciling things but I would strongly advice you against it.


It is very clear that the person wanted to exploit you emotionally and perhaps financially etc, cause there is no truth in the story he told you about the "definite breakup" of marriage of mangaliks.


Please please be sensible and don't get carried away by emotions. Its your whole life at stake :smash:


May God be with you always...

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