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How do we verify success in spiritual life?

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Sambya It Is Said That Guru Comes When Youre Ready For Him.

i heard Once Somebody Wrote A Book Hunting For A REal Guru In India And In The End He Said He Never Found Any Good Guru.its Because He Was Hunting For One.gurus Are Not Hunted.it Is Also Said There Are More Gurus Than Shishyas In This Yug.

Remember Dhruv Guru Narad Came To Him When He Went In Search Of God.

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my brother and friend, sant, is a self-realized pure devotee of God.



this is disgusting.

i dont fit in the qualities of a devotee.

sir stop it.

im not

but i will be one day hopefully.

if you realise what i do you wont call me one.

and stop defaming the devotees by calling me one.

my request.

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this is disgusting.

i dont fit in the qualities of a devotee.

sir stop it.

im not

but i will be one day hopefully.

if you realise what i do you wont call me one.

and stop defaming the devotees by calling me one.

my request.


so, sant, i will call you a marginal self-realized pure devotee of God. if this still disgusts you, i am just quoting what lord caitanya said to sanatana goswami. if you still wont accept it, then you probably have`nt been rewarded for the devotional work you`ve been doing 7 hundred plus replies ago.


oh well, we can not please everyone.

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if you still wont accept it, then you must have not been rewarded for the devotional work you`ve been doing 7 hundred plus replies ago.


whatever i am is due to gods grace.

i am sorry i know i should learn to grace what god has given me but you can call me marginal self realised and that but not a pure devotee.not now.

a bhakt is one who wants to serve the lord.thats it. when i truly get that realisation please then i wouldnt mind.after the 9 types of bhakti truly come to me due to lords grace then .

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whatever i am is due to gods grace.

i am sorry i know i should learn to grace what god has given me but you can call me marginal self realised and that but not a pure devotee.not now.

a bhakt is one who wants to serve the lord.thats it. when i truly get that realisation please then i wouldnt mind.after the 9 types of bhakti truly come to me due to lords grace then .


i probably won`t be there when you achieve that one. so, before i depart to dreamland without coming back, at least, you will remember me for calling you one once.

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`ll be 52 years old on november 3. life is short. the average life span of human beings is 65. there`s a difference of 13 years before i turn 65. what if along the way i won`t reach 65?


sir why are you so negative.

ldont talk or feel like taht .your not that old.

and since your under krishna you can live thousands of years more if youwant .im not joking.

may you live a long life sir.

jai radhe

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Melvin if you think Sant is a self-realised person, let me clear your doubt that he is not. You will only find such true souls in forests or solitudes carrying out their "sadhnas" in wilderness. Since you are old your body will not support rigourous yagic practices even if you decide to follow that way. So right now bhakti marg is best choice for you. Try chanting god's name all the time, even on your deathbed.

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sir why are you so negative.

ldont talk or feel like taht .your not that old.

and since your under krishna you can live thousands of years more if youwant .im not joking.

may you live a long life sir.

jai radhe


jai radhe, too.

the name reminds me of a very dear friend, dr jaya sri radhey.:)

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let me clear your doubt that he is not. You will only find such true souls in forests or solitudes carrying out their "sadhnas" in wilderness. Since you are old your body will not support rigourous yagic practices even if you decide to follow that way. So right now bhakti marg is best choice for you. Try chanting god's name all the time, even on your deathbed.



not neccessary.

im not saying this just like that but you have just thought bhakti to be something less than sadhana.

tell me what is sadhana.

is there a way of sadhana and how is it different from bhakti.

i heard of gyana,bhakti and krama marg what is this sadhana marg.tell me one place in the scriptures which mention such a marg.

yog means union not only doing asana.

vairaagya is the thing necessary.

whats the point of going to the forest leaving the city if the city is still in your mind.

as for great souls if they were intereted only in sadhana then how do we have knowledge about sprituality.

did adi shankaracharya all his life just stay in the forest.

he came back and guided people.

how about sril prabhupada.

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My spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada, cited this verse as the standard for measuring spiritual progress:

bhaktih paresanubhavo viraktir


anyatra caisa trika eka-kalah


prapadyamanasya yathasnatah syus


tustih pustih ksud-apayo 'nu-ghasam



Devotion, direct experience of the Supreme Lord, and detachment from other things -- these three occur simultaneously for one who has taken shelter of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, in the same way that pleasure, nourishment and relief from hunger come simultaneously and increasingly, with each bite, for a person engaged in eating. (SB 11.2.42)


Good one, Babhru-ji! Thanks!

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what if the shisya is already quite advanced ? but then again finding a guru is predestined and direct manifestation of god's will. so any well advanced shishya would never find a worthless guru . circumstances would automatically drw him to someone genuine and powerfull in spiritual world !


That is very true. Spiritually advanced people are rarely attracted to cheaters.

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I think sambya is right..


Bliss is the only measuring tool.


The sadhaka feels bilss even before the visions appear,thus it is understood he is advancing.Also humility goes hand in hand with this bliss.If someone calls the advancing devotee a pig,he hardly cares.If such a state comes,know that you are advancing.


The true gurudeva is immersed in bliss always.


The spiritual movements can never be success..not over a long time...Time introduces people to the movement..who don't even attain bhakti before the Gurudeva departs.


Althought these disciples are good at heart,they haven't realisd the truth.The movement inevitably fails.


Very good analysis.

Are religious institutions bound to fail after their founding guru departs? I think they are more likely to fail if the founder acharya does not create a clear succession plan, and a properly working administrative body before he departs.

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I think the beginning of success would come when we can thoroughly identify our own heart disease (lust, anger, greed propensities) and monitor its progress or improvement. One should come face to face with their own strain of weakness and tendency to fail.


Just hearing about it all the time in slokas and purports is kind of like seeing it on a chalkboard. Normally after all that illustration you want to go home, finish your studies and have a drink.


I think through dhyana we have a fighting chance. Too many preachers have discovered the ability to quote sastra forewards and back, only to have their hidden desires discover them. Why not let God reveal yourself to you?


(Oh OK, I looked something up before I wrote this :deal:)

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How do we verify success in spiritual life?


When is a disciple a success?

When is a guru a success?

When is a spiritual movement a success?

When is your spiritual life a success?

When is a particular spiritual practice a success?


It seems easy to cover up just about any failure with complex philosophical excuses. But will a child like person buy such explanations?


Does Krsna seem closer to you today than He was 5 or 15 years ago? Are you making progress? Are you less attached to material concepts and posessions? Do you treat others like they were really spirit souls, parts and parcels of Krsna?


I would like to hear your reflections in this area.



Those are good questions. It seems so much of the Vedic literature and Vedic process is filled with seeming contradictions that nothing is absolutely clear but no matter how often I try to divert myself from the harsh realities of material life with maya the only thing that I really find hopeful and satisfying is the that that there is a supreme Lord of the universe and there is a chance that someday I will live with Him and be free from the endless competition and lack of universal brotherhood in the material world.


There is so much beauty in the Vedas and I always have this special feeling in my heart for Prabhupada for endeavoring to bring this knowledge to the West but it is frustrating in some sense having some familiarity with this knowledge especially living in a country where the predominant religous sentiment is either towards atheism or the Abrahamic religions which are filled with sectarian conflict that reaches even into the geopolitical level.

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